#| Copyright (c) 2014 Richard van Roy Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Parts of this file are ported to Chicken Scheme from Chipmunk2D's cpVect.h (c) 2007 - Scott Lembcke and Howling Moon Software. |# (module 2d-primitives * (import chicken scheme foreign) (use data-structures srfi-1 srfi-4) #> #include #include "triangulate.h" <# ;;------------------------------------------------------- ;; Float ;;------------------------------------------------------- ;; Returns the floating-point remainder of numer/denom (rounded towards zero). (define fmod (foreign-lambda float "fmod" float float)) ;; Clamp a floating-point number to a minimum and a maximum value. (define (clamp f mmin mmax) (min (max f mmin) mmax)) ;; Square a number. (define (sqr x) (* x x)) ;; Minimum representable floating-point number. (define float-min (foreign-value "DBL_MIN" float)) (define infinity (foreign-value "INFINITY" float)) ;;------------------------------------------------------- ;; Constants ;;------------------------------------------------------- (define epsilon 1e-6) (define pi (acos -1.0)) (define pi/2 (/ pi 2.0)) (define 2pi (* 2.0 pi)) (define -pi (- pi)) (define 360/2pi (/ 360.0 2pi)) (define 2pi/360 (/ 2pi 360.0)) ;;------------------------------------------------------- ;; Angle ;;------------------------------------------------------- (define (radian->degree v) (* v (/ 180 pi))) (define (degree->radian v) (* v (/ pi 180))) (define (flip-radian-h angle) (let ((v (angle->vect angle))) (vect->angle (vect:create (vect:x v) (- (vect:y v)))))) (define (flip-radian-v angle) (let ((v (angle->vect angle))) (vect->angle (vect:create (- (vect:x v)) (vect:y v))))) (define (flip-degree-h angle) (radian->degree (flip-radian-h (degree->radian angle)))) (define (flip-degree-v angle) (radian->degree (flip-radian-v (degree->radian angle)))) ;;------------------------------------------------------- ;; Vectors ;;------------------------------------------------------- ;; Returs a new vector (define (vect:create x y) (f32vector x y)) (define (vect? obj) (and (f32vector? obj) (= (f32vector-length obj) 2))) (define (vect:x v) (f32vector-ref v 0)) (define (vect:y v) (f32vector-ref v 1)) ;; Constant for the zero vector. (define (zero-vect) (vect:create 0 0)) ;; Check if two vectors are equal. (define (vect=? a b #!optional (epsilon .001)) (and (< (abs (- (vect:x a) (vect:x b))) epsilon) (< (abs (- (vect:x a) (vect:y b))) epsilon))) ;; Add two vectors. (define (vect+ a b) (vect:create (+ (vect:x a) (vect:x b)) (+ (vect:y a) (vect:y b)))) ;; Subtract two vectors or negate a vector. (define (vect- a #!optional b) (if b (vect:create (- (vect:x a) (vect:x b)) (- (vect:y a) (vect:y b))) (vect:create (- (vect:x a)) (- (vect:y a))))) ;; Scalar multiplication. (define (vect* v s) (vect:create (* (vect:x v) s) (* (vect:y v) s))) ;; Vector dot product. (define (vect:dot a b) (+ (* (vect:x a) (vect:x b)) (* (vect:y a) (vect:y b)))) ;; 2D vector cross product analog. ;; The cross product of 2D vectors results in a 3D vector with only a z component. ;; This function returns the magnitude of the z value. (define (vect:cross a b) (- (* (vect:x a) (vect:y b)) (* (vect:y a) (vect:x b)))) ;; Returns a perpendicular vector. (90 degree rotation) (define (vect:perp v) (vect:create (- (vect:y v)) (vect:x v))) ;; Returns a perpendicular vector. (-90 degree rotation) (define (vect:vperp v) (vect:create (vect:y v) (- (vect:x v)))) ;; Returns the vector projection of /a/ onto /b/. (define (vect:project a b) (vect* a (/ (vect:dot a b) (vect:dot b b)))) ;; Returns the unit length vector for the given angle (in radians). (define (angle->vect a) (vect:create (cos a) (sin a))) ;; Returns the angular direction v is pointing in (in radians). (define (vect->angle v) (atan (vect:y v) (vect:x v))) ;; Uses complex number multiplication to rotate /a/ by /b/. Scaling will occur if /a/ is not a unit vector. (define (vect:rotate a b) (vect:create (+ (* (vect:x a) (vect:x b)) (* (vect:y a) (vect:y b))) (- (* (vect:x a) (vect:y b) (vect:y a) (vect:x b))))) ;; Inverse of vect:rotate (define (vect:unrotate a b) (vect:create (+ (* (vect:x a) (vect:x b)) (* (vect:y a) (vect:y b))) (- (* (vect:y a) (vect:x b) (vect:x a) (vect:y b))))) ;; Returns the squared length of v. Faster than cpvlength() when you only need to compare lengths. (define (vect:length-squared v) (vect:dot v v)) ;; Returns the length of v. (define (vect:length v) (sqrt (vect:dot v v))) ;; Linearly interpolate between /a/ and /b/. (define (vect:lerp v1 v2 t) (vect+ (vect* v1 (- 1.0 t)) (vect* v2 t))) ;; Returns a normalized copy of v. (define (vect:normalize v) (vect* v (/ 1.0 (+ (vect:length v) float-min)))) ;; Clamp v to length len. (define (vect:clamp v len) (if (> (vect:dot v v) (sqr len)) (vect* (vect:normalize v) len) v)) ;; Linearly interpolate between v1 towards v2 by distance d. (define (vect:lerp-const v1 v2 dist) (vect+ v1 (vect+ (vect:clamp v2 v1) dist))) ;; Returns the distance between v1 and v2. (define (vect:dist v1 v2) (vect:length (vect- v1 v2))) ;; Returns the squared distance between v1 and v2. Faster than cpvdist() when you only need to compare distances. (define (vect:dist-squared v1 v2) (vect:length-squared (vect- v1 v2))) ;; Returns true if the distance between v1 and v2 is less than dist. (define (vect:near? a b dist) (< (vect:dist-squared a b) (sqr dist))) ;; Spherical linearly interpolate between /a/ and /b/. (define (vect:spherical-lerp a b t) (let* ((dot (vect:dot (vect:normalize a) (vect:normalize b))) (omega (clamp dot -1.0 1.0))) (if (< omega 0.001) (vect:lerp a b t) (let ((denom (/ 1.0 (sin omega)))) (vect+ (vect* a (* (sin (* (- 1.0 t) omega)) denom)) (vect* b (* (sin (* (* t omega) denom))))))))) ;; Spherical linearly interpolate between /a/ towards /b/ by no more than angle /angle/ in radians. (define (vect:spherical-lerp-const a b angle) (let* ((dot (vect:dot (vect:normalize a) (vect:normalize b))) (omega (clamp dot -1.0 1.0))) (vect:spherical-lerp a b (/ (min angle omega) omega)))) ;;------------------------------------------------------- ;; Coords ;;------------------------------------------------------- (define (coord:create x y) (s32vector x y)) (define (coord:x c) (s32vector-ref c 0)) (define (coord:y c) (s32vector-ref c 1)) ;; Constant for the zero coord. (define (zero-coord) (coord:create 0 0)) ;; Check if two coords are equal. (define (coord=? a b #!optional (epsilon .001)) (and (< (abs (- (coord:x a) (coord:x b))) epsilon) (< (abs (- (coord:x a) (coord:y b))) epsilon))) ;; Add two coords. (define (coord+ a b) (coord:create (+ (coord:x a) (coord:x b)) (+ (coord:y a) (coord:y b)))) ;; Subtract two coords or negate a coord. (define (coord- a #!optional b) (if b (coord:create (- (coord:x a) (coord:x b)) (- (coord:y a) (coord:y b))) (coord:create (- (coord:x a)) (- (coord:y a))))) ;;------------------------------------------------------- ;; Bounding Boxes ;;------------------------------------------------------- ;; Returs a new bounding box. (define (rect:create l r b t) (f32vector l r b t)) ;; Can also be a line. (define (rect? obj) (and (f32vector? obj) (= (f32vector-length obj) 4))) (define (rect:l rect) (f32vector-ref rect 0)) (define (rect:r rect) (f32vector-ref rect 1)) (define (rect:b rect) (f32vector-ref rect 2)) (define (rect:t rect) (f32vector-ref rect 3)) ;; Constructs a /rect/ for a circle with the given position and radius. (define (rect:for-circle p r) (rect:create (- (vect:x p) r) (+ (vect:x p) r) (- (vect:y p) r) (+ (vect:y p) r))) ;; Returns true if /a/ and /b/ intersect. (define (rect:intersects? a b) (and (<= (rect:l a) (rect:r b)) (<= (rect:l b) (rect:r a)) (<= (rect:b a) (rect:t b)) (<= (rect:b b) (rect:t a)))) ;; Returns true if /other/ lies completely within /rect/. (define (rect:contains? rect other) (and (<= (rect:l rect) (rect:l other)) (>= (rect:r rect) (rect:r other)) (<= (rect:b rect) (rect:b other)) (>= (rect:t rect) (rect:t other)))) ;; Returns true if /rect/ contains /v/. (define (rect:constains-vect? rect v) (and (<= (rect:l rect) (vect:x v)) (>= (rect:r rect) (vect:x v)) (<= (rect:b rect) (vect:y v)) (>= (rect:t rect) (vect:y v)))) ;; Returns a bounding box that holds both bounding boxes. (define (rect:merge a b) (rect:create (min (rect:l a) (rect:l b)) (max (rect:r a) (rect:r b)) (min (rect:b a) (rect:b b)) (max (rect:t a) (rect:t b)))) ;; Returns a bounding box that holds both /rect/ and /v/. (define (rect:expand rect v) (rect:create (min (rect:l rect) (vect:x v)) (min (rect:r rect) (vect:x v)) (max (rect:b rect) (vect:y v)) (max (rect:t rect) (vect:y v)))) ;; Returns the center of a bounding box. (define (rect:center rect) (vect:lerp (vect:create (rect:l rect) (rect:b rect)) (vect:create (rect:r rect) (rect:t rect)) 0.5)) ;; Returns the area of the bounding box. (define (rect:area rect) (* (- (rect:r rect) (rect:l rect)) (- (rect:t rect) (rect:b rect)))) ;; Merges /a/ and /b/ and returns the area of the merged bounding box. (define (rect:merged-area a b) (* (- (max (rect:r a) (rect:r b)) (min (rect:l a) (rect:l b))) (- (max (rect:t a) (rect:t b)) (min (rect:b a) (rect:b b))))) ;; Returns the fraction along the segment query the bounding box is hit. Returns /infinity/ if it doesn't hit. (define (rect:segment-query rect a b) (let* ((idx (/ 1 (- (vect:x b) (vect:x a)))) (tx1 (if (= (rect:l rect) (vect:x a)) (- infinity) (* (- (rect:l rect) (vect:x a)) idx))) (tx2 (if (= (rect:r rect) (vect:x a)) (- infinity) (* (- (rect:r rect) (vect:x a)) idx))) (txmin (min tx1 tx2)) (txmax (max tx1 tx2)) ;; (idy (/ 1 (- (vect:y b) (vect:y a)))) (ty1 (if (= (rect:b rect) (vect:y a)) (- infinity) (* (- (rect:b rect) (vect:y a)) idy))) (ty2 (if (= (rect:t rect) (vect:y a)) (- infinity) (* (- (rect:t rect) (vect:y a)) idy))) (tymin (min ty1 ty2)) (tymax (max ty1 ty2))) (if (and (<= tymin txmax) (<= txmin tymax)) (let ((mmin (max txmin tymin)) (mmax (min txmax tymax))) (if (and (<= 0.0 mmax) (<= mmin 1.0)) (max mmin 0.0) infinity)) infinity))) ;; Return true if the bounding box intersects the line segment with ends /a/ and /b/. (define (rect:intersects-segment? rect a b) (not (= (rect:segment-query rect a b) infinity))) (define (rect:clamp-vect rect v) (vect:create (clamp (vect:x v) (rect:l rect) (rect:r rect)) (clamp (vect:y v) (rect:b rect) (rect:t rect)))) ;; Substracts a vector from a rectangle. (define (rect- rect vect) (rect:create (- (rect:l rect) (vect:x vect)) (- (rect:r rect) (vect:x vect)) (- (rect:b rect) (vect:y vect)) (- (rect:t rect) (vect:y vect)))) ;; Adds a vector to a rectangle. (define (rect+ rect vect) (rect:create (+ (rect:l rect) (vect:x vect)) (+ (rect:r rect) (vect:x vect)) (+ (rect:b rect) (vect:y vect)) (+ (rect:t rect) (vect:y vect)))) (define (rect:size rect) (vect:create (abs (- (rect:l rect) (rect:r rect))) (abs (- (rect:b rect) (rect:t rect))))) ;;------------------------------------------------------- ;; Lines ;;------------------------------------------------------- ;; Makes a line from two vectors (define (line:create a b) (f32vector (vect:x a) (vect:y a) (vect:x b) (vect:y b))) ;; Can also be a rect. (define (line? obj) (and (f32vector? obj) (= (f32vector-length obj) 4))) ;;------------------------------------------------------- ;; Polygon ;;------------------------------------------------------- ;; Creates a new polygon from a list of vectors. (define-syntax polygon:create (syntax-rules () ((_ vects) (list->f32vector (append-map f32vector->list vects))))) ;; Converts a polygon to a list of vertices. (define (polygon->vects polygon) (%f32vector-part polygon 2)) ;; Triangulates the given polygon and returns an array of vectors. (define (polygon:triangulate polygon) (let* ((return-size (- (* (f32vector-length polygon) 3) 12)) (res (make-f32vector return-size))) ((foreign-lambda* void ((f32vector polygon) (f32vector res) (integer polygonSize) (integer returnSize)) " std::vector vec; vec.resize(polygonSize/2); memcpy(vec.data(), polygon, sizeof(Vector)*(polygonSize/2)); std::vector tmp = triangulate(vec); memcpy(res, tmp.data(), returnSize*sizeof(Vector));") polygon res (f32vector-length polygon) return-size) res)) ;; Same as polygon-triangulate but returns a list of triangles. (define (polygon:triangulate->triangles polygon) (%f32vector-part (polygon:triangulate polygon) 6)) ;; Return #t if the given polygon is convex. (define (polygon-convex? polygon) ((foreign-lambda* bool ((f32vector polygon) (unsigned-integer length)) " C_return( isConvex((Vector*)polygon, length) );") polygon (f32vector-length polygon))) (define (%sort-vects vects) (sort vects (lambda (a b) (or (< (vect:x a) (vect:x b)) (= (vect:x a) (vect:y b)))))) (define (%cross o a b) (- (* (- (vect:x a) (vect:x o)) (- (vect:y b) (vect:y o))) (* (- (vect:y a) (vect:y o)) (- (vect:x b) (vect:x o))))) ;; Returns the convex hull of a group of vertices in clockwise order. (define (convex-hull vects) (let* ((sorted (%sort-vects vects)) (lower (list)) (upper (list))) (if (<= (length vects) 1) vects (begin (map (lambda (v) (let loop () (when (and (>= (length lower) 2) (<= (%cross (cadr lower) (car lower) v) 0)) (set! lower (cdr lower)) (loop))) (set! lower (cons v lower))) vects) (map (lambda (v) (let loop () (when (and (>= (length upper) 2) (<= (%cross (cadr upper) (car upper) v) 0)) (set! upper (cdr upper)) (loop))) (set! upper (cons v upper))) (reverse vects)) (reverse (append (cdr lower) (cdr upper))))))) ;; Converts any polygon to a convex polygon. (define (polygon:convex-hull vects) (convex-hull (polygon->vects vects))) ;;------------------------------------------------------- ;; Colour ;;------------------------------------------------------- ;; Creates a new RGB colour (define (rgb:create r g b #!optional (a 1.0)) (f32vector r g b a)) (define (rgb:r rgb) (f32vector-ref rgb 0)) (define (rgb:g rgb) (f32vector-ref rgb 1)) (define (rgb:b rgb) (f32vector-ref rgb 2)) (define (rgb:a rgb) (f32vector-ref rgb 3)) (define (rgb->hsv rgb) (let* ((r (rgb:r rgb)) (g (rgb:g rgb)) (b (rgb:b rgb)) (a (rgb:a rgb)) (mmin (min r g b)) (mmax (max r g b)) (c (- mmax mmin))) (if (not (= c 0.0)) (let* ((v mmax) (s (/ c v))) (cond ((= mmax r) (hsv:create (%wrap-degree (* (fmod (/ (- g b) c) 6.0) 60.0)) s v a)) ((= mmax g) (hsv:create (%wrap-degree (* (+ (/ (- b r) c) 2.0) 60.0)) s v a)) (else (hsv:create (%wrap-degree (* (+ (/ (- r g) c) 4.0) 60.0)) s v a)))) (hsv:create 0 0 0 a)))) ;; Creates a new HSV colour (define (hsv:create h s v #!optional (a 1.0)) (f32vector h s v a)) (define (hsv:h hsv) (f32vector-ref hsv 0)) (define (hsv:s hsv) (f32vector-ref hsv 1)) (define (hsv:v hsv) (f32vector-ref hsv 2)) (define (hsv:a hsv) (f32vector-ref hsv 3)) (define (hsv->rgb hsv) (let* ((h (hsv:h hsv)) (s (hsv:s hsv)) (v (hsv:v hsv)) (a (hsv:a hsv)) (c (* v s)) (m (- v c)) (x (* c (- 1.0 (abs (- (fmod (/ h 60.0) 2) 1))))) (m (- v c))) (cond ((and (>= h 0.0) (< h 60.0)) (rgb:create (+ c m) (+ x m) m a)) ((and (>= h 60.0) (< h 120.0)) (rgb:create (+ x m) (+ c m) m a)) ((and (>= h 120.0) (< h 180.0)) (rgb:create m (+ c m) (+ x m) a)) ((and (>= h 180.0) (< h 240.0)) (rgb:create m (+ x m) (+ c m) a)) ((and (>= h 240.0) (< h 300.0)) (rgb:create (+ x m) m (+ c m) a)) ((and (>= h 300.0) (< h 360.0)) (rgb:create (+ c m) m (+ x m) a)) (else (rgb:create m m m a))))) ;;------------------------------------------------------- ;; Bezier ;;------------------------------------------------------- ;; Creates a new bezier curve with a minimum of two ;; control-points. (define (bezier:create #!rest control-points) (when (< (length control-points) 2) (error "must have more than two control-points.")) (apply list control-points)) (define (%subdivide points k) (if (<= k 0) points (let loop ((left (list)) (right (list)) (step 1) (points points)) (if (< step (length points)) (loop (cons (car points) left) (cons (list-ref points (- (length points) step)) right) (+ step 1) (let loop ((r (list)) (p points) (i 0)) (if (< i (- (length points) step)) (loop (cons (vect* (vect+ (car points) (cadr points)) .5) r) (cdr p) (+ i 1)) (reverse r)))) (let ((left (%subdivide (reverse (cons (car points) left)) (- k 1))) (right (%subdivide (reverse (cons (car points) right)) (- k 1)))) (append left (cdr (reverse right)))))))) (define (%forward-difference points) (if (or (null? points) (null? (cdr points))) (list) (cons (vect- (cadr points) (car points)) (%forward-difference (cdr points))))) ;; Return the point of a bezier at position n, where ;; 0.0 is the start of the curve and 1.0 is the end. (define (bezier:ref bezier n) (when (or (< n 0) (> n 1)) (error "n must be between 0 and 1.")) (let ((l (length bezier))) (let loop ((points bezier) (step 1)) (if (< step l) (loop (let loop ((i 0) (r (list)) (bezier points)) (if (< i (- l step)) (loop (+ i 1) (cons (vect+ (vect* (car bezier) (- 1 n)) (vect* (cadr bezier) n)) r) (cdr bezier)) (reverse r))) (+ step 1)) (car (reverse points)))))) ;; Returns a list of points that make of a bezier curve. ;; A higher /accuracy/ results in a higher resolution ;; (more points). (define (bezier->vects bezier accuracy) (%subdivide bezier accuracy)) ;;------------------------------------------------------- ;; % ;;------------------------------------------------------- (define (%wrap-degree v) (if (negative? v) (+ 360 v) v)) (define (%f32vector-part v size) (assert (zero? (modulo (f32vector-length v) size))) (let loop ((r (list)) (n (f32vector-length v))) (if (= n 0) r (loop (cons (subf32vector v (- n size) n) r) (- n size))))) )