functor FTEventQueue (val h: real) = struct structure TEventPriority = struct type priority = int fun compare (x,y) = (y,x) type item = int * RTensor.tensor list val priority : item -> int = #1 end structure PQ = LeftPriorityQFn (TEventPriority) (* Given a delay (positive real number), compute the priority given a time step *) fun delayPriority (delay) = Real.round (Real./ (delay, h)) val empty = PQ.empty fun addEvent ((delay, elem), pq) = let val prio = delayPriority delay in PQ.insert ((prio, elem), pq) end fun nextEvent (f, dflt, pq) = case pq of NONE => (dflt, pq) | SOME ((prio, v), pq') => (f (prio, v), pq') fun nextEvent' (p, f, dflt, pq) = case pq of NONE => (dflt, pq) | SOME ((prio, v), pq') => (if p (prio, v) then (f (prio, v), pq') else (dflt, pq)) fun nextUntil (t, f, pq) = let val prio = delayPriority t val _ = print ("nextUntil: prio = " ^ (Int.toString prio) ^ "\n") fun recur (lst, pq) = let val (e, pq') = nextEvent' ((fn (prio',_) => prio' <= prio), (fn (prio,v) => SOME (prio,v)), NONE, pq) in case e of SOME x => recur (x::lst, pq') | NONE => (f lst, pq') end in recur ([], pq) end end functor TEventQueue (structure P : PRIORITY type value val value : P.item -> value) = struct structure PQ = LeftPriorityQFn (P) type priority = P.priority type value = value val empty = PQ.empty val numItems = PQ.numItems val isEmpty = PQ.isEmpty val merge = PQ.merge fun addEvent (item, pq) = PQ.insert (item, pq) fun nextEvent (f, dflt, pq) = case pq of NONE => (dflt, pq) | SOME (v, pq') => (f (P.priority v, value v), pq') fun nextEvent' (p, f, dflt, pq) = case pq of NONE => (dflt, pq) | SOME (v, pq') => (if p (P.priority v, value v) then (f (P.priority v, value v), pq') else (dflt, pq)) fun nextUntil (f, t, pq) = let val prio = t fun recur (lst, pq) = let val (e, pq') = nextEvent' ((fn (p,v) => case (p, prio) of LESS => true | EQUAL => true | GREATER => false), (fn (item) => SOME item), NONE, pq) in case e of SOME x => recur (x::lst, pq') | NONE => (f lst, pq') end in recur ([], pq) end fun app f pq = case pq of NONE => () | SOME (item, pq') => (f (P.priority item, value item); app f pq') fun foldl f pq init = case pq of NONE => init | SOME (item, pq') => foldl f pq' (f (P.priority item, value item, init)) end