(* Copyright (c) Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll and Ivan Raikov. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following acknowledgement: This product includes software developed by Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll. 4. The name of Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. *) (* structure IntArray = struct open Array type array = int array type vector = int vector type elem = int structure Vector = struct open Vector type vector = int Vector.vector type elem = int end fun map f a = tabulate(length a, fn x => (f (sub(a,x)))) fun mapi f a = tabulate(length a, fn x => (f (x,sub(a,x)))) fun map2 f a b = tabulate(length a, fn x => (f(sub(a,x),sub(b,x)))) end *) signature MONO_VECTOR = sig type vector type elem val maxLen : int val fromList : elem list -> vector val tabulate : (int * (int -> elem)) -> vector val length : vector -> int val sub : (vector * int) -> elem val extract : (vector * int * int option) -> vector val concat : vector list -> vector val mapi : ((int * elem) -> elem) -> (vector * int * int option) -> vector val map : (elem -> elem) -> vector -> vector val appi : ((int * elem) -> unit) -> (vector * int * int option) -> unit val app : (elem -> unit) -> vector -> unit val foldli : ((int * elem * 'a) -> 'a) -> 'a -> (vector * int * int option) -> 'a val foldri : ((int * elem * 'a) -> 'a) -> 'a -> (vector * int * int option) -> 'a val foldl : ((elem * 'a) -> 'a) -> 'a -> vector -> 'a val foldr : ((elem * 'a) -> 'a) -> 'a -> vector -> 'a end structure Loop = struct fun all (a, b, f) = if a > b then true else if f a then all (a+1, b, f) else false fun any (a, b, f) = if a > b then false else if f a then true else any (a+1, b, f) fun find (a, b, f) = if a > b then NONE else (let val v1 = f a in case v1 of SOME _ => v1 | NONE => (let val v2 = f b in case v2 of SOME _ => v2 | NONE => find (a+1, b-1, f) end) end) fun app (a, b, f) = if a < b then (f a; app (a+1, b, f)) else () fun app2 (a1, b1, a2, b2, f) = if ((a1 < b1) andalso (a2 < b2)) then (f (a1, a2); app2 (a1+1, b1, a2+1, b2, f)) else () fun app' (a, b, d, f) = if a < b then (f a; app' (a+d, b, d, f)) else () fun appi' (a, b, d, f) = if a < b then (f a; appi' (a+d, b, d, f)) else () fun foldi (a, b, f, init) = if a < b then foldi (a+1, b, f, f (a, init)) else init end (* INDEX -Signature- Indices are a enumerable finite set of data with an order and a map to a continous nonnegative interval of integers. In the sample implementation, Index, each index is a list of integers, [i1,...,in] and each set of indices is defined by a shape, which has the same shape of an index but with each integer incremented by one shape = [k1,...,kn] 0 <= i1 < k1 type storage = RowMajor | ColumnMajor order : storage Identifies: 1) the underlying algorithms for this structure 2) the most significant index 3) the index that varies more slowly 4) the total order RowMajor means that first index is most significant and varies more slowly, while ColumnMajor means that last index is the most significant and varies more slowly. For instance RowMajor => [0,0]<[0,1]<[1,0]<[1,1] (C, C++, Pascal) ColumnMajor => [0,0]>[1,0]>[0,1]>[1,1] (Fortran, Matlab) last shape first shape Returns the last/first index that belongs to the set defined by 'shape'. inBounds shape index Checkes whether 'index' belongs to the set defined by 'shape'. toInt shape index As we said, indices can be sorted and mapped to a finite set of integers. 'toInt' obtaines the integer number that corresponds to a certain index. indexer shape It is equivalent to the partial evaluation 'toInt shape' but optimized for 'shape'. next shape index prev shape index next' shape index prev' shape index Obtain the following or previous index to the one we supply. next and prev return an object of type 'index option' so that if there is no such following/previous, the output is NONE. On the other hand, next'/prev' raise an exception when the output is not well defined and their output is always of type index. next/prev/next'/prev' raise an exception if 'index' does not belong to the set of 'shape'. all shape f any shape f app shape f Iterates 'f' over every index of the set defined by 'shape'. 'all' stops when 'f' first returns false, 'any' stops when 'f' first returns true and 'app' does not stop and discards the output of 'f'. compare(a,b) Returns LESS/GREATER/EQUAL according to the total order which is defined in the set of all indices. <,>,eq,<=,>=,<> Reduced comparisons which are defined in terms of 'compare'. +,- Index addition and subtraction incr,decr Index increment and decrement by a constant validShape t validIndex t Checks whether 't' conforms a valid shape or index. *) signature INDEX = sig type t type indexer = t -> int datatype storage = RowMajor | ColumnMajor exception Index exception Shape val order : storage val toInt : t -> t -> int val length : t -> int val first : t -> t val last : t -> t val next : t -> t -> t option val prev : t -> t -> t option val next' : t -> t -> t val prev' : t -> t -> t val indexer : t -> (t -> int) val inBounds : t -> t -> bool val compare : t * t -> order val < : t * t -> bool val > : t * t -> bool val eq : t * t -> bool val <= : t * t -> bool val >= : t * t -> bool val <> : t * t -> bool val - : t * t -> t val + : t * t -> t val validShape : t -> bool val validIndex : t -> bool val all : t -> (t -> bool) -> bool val any : t -> (t -> bool) -> bool val app : t -> (t -> unit) -> unit end structure Index : INDEX = struct type t = int list type indexer = t -> int datatype storage = RowMajor | ColumnMajor exception Index exception Shape val order = ColumnMajor fun validShape shape = List.all (fn x => x > 0) shape fun validIndex index = List.all (fn x => x >= 0) index fun toInt shape index = let fun loop ([], [], accum, p) = accum | loop ([], _, _, _) = raise Index | loop (_, [], _, _) = raise Index | loop (i::ri, l::rl, accum, p) = if (i >= 0) andalso (i < l) then loop (ri, rl, i * p + accum, p * l) else raise Index in loop (index, shape, 0, 1) end (* ----- CACHED LINEAR INDEXER ----- An indexer is a function that takes a list of indices, validates it and produces a nonnegative integer number. In short, the indexer is the mapper from indices to element positions in arrays. 'indexer' builds such a mapper by optimizing the most common cases, which are 1d and 2d tensors. *) local fun doindexer [] _ = raise Shape | doindexer [a] [dx] = let fun f [x] = if (x > 0) andalso (x < a) then x else raise Index | f _ = raise Index in f end | doindexer [a,b] [dx, dy] = let fun f [x,y] = if ((x >= 0) andalso (x < a) andalso (y >= 0) andalso (y < b)) then x + dy * y else raise Index | f _ = raise Index in f end | doindexer [a,b,c] [dx,dy,dz] = let fun f [x,y,z] = if ((x >= 0) andalso (x < a) andalso (y >= 0) andalso (y < b) andalso (z >= 0) andalso (z < c)) then x + dy * y + dz * z else raise Index | f _ = raise Index in f end | doindexer shape memo = let fun f [] [] accum [] = accum | f (fact::rf) (ndx::ri) accum (dim::rd) = (if (ndx >= 0) andalso (ndx < dim) then f rf ri (accum + ndx * fact) rd else raise Index) | f _ [] _ _ = raise Index | f [] _ _ _ = raise Index | f _ _ _ [] = raise Index in f shape memo 0 end in fun indexer shape = let fun memoize accum [] = [] | memoize accum (dim::rd) = accum :: (memoize (dim * accum) rd) in if validShape shape then doindexer shape (memoize 1 shape) else raise Shape end end fun length shape = let fun prod (a,b) = if b < 0 then raise Shape else a * b in foldl prod 1 shape end fun first shape = map (fn x => 0) shape fun last [] = [] | last (size :: rest) = size - 1 :: last rest fun next' [] [] = raise Subscript | next' _ [] = raise Index | next' [] _ = raise Index | next' (dimension::restd) (index::resti) = if (index + 1) < dimension then (index + 1) :: resti else 0 :: (next' restd resti) fun prev' [] [] = raise Subscript | prev' _ [] = raise Index | prev' [] _ = raise Index | prev' (dimension::restd) (index::resti) = if (index > 0) then (index - 1) :: resti else (dimension - 1) :: (prev' restd resti) fun next shape index = (SOME (next' shape index)) handle Subscript => NONE fun prev shape index = (SOME (prev' shape index)) handle Subscript => NONE fun inBounds shape index = ListPair.all (fn (x,y) => (x >= 0) andalso (x < y)) (index, shape) fun compare ([],[]) = EQUAL | compare (_, []) = raise Index | compare ([],_) = raise Index | compare (a::ra, b::rb) = case Int.compare (a,b) of EQUAL => compare (ra,rb) | LESS => LESS | GREATER => GREATER local fun iterator a inner = let fun loop accum f = let fun innerloop i = if i < a then if inner (i::accum) f then innerloop (i+1) else false else true in innerloop 0 end in loop end fun build_iterator [a] = let fun loop accum f = let fun innerloop i = if i < a then if f (i::accum) then innerloop (i+1) else false else true in innerloop 0 end in loop end | build_iterator (a::rest) = iterator a (build_iterator rest) | build_iterator [] = raise Shape in fun all shape = build_iterator shape [] end local fun iterator a inner = let fun loop accum f = let fun innerloop i = if i < a then if inner (i::accum) f then true else innerloop (i+1) else false in innerloop 0 end in loop end fun build_iterator [a] = let fun loop accum f = let fun innerloop i = if i < a then if f (i::accum) then true else innerloop (i+1) else false in innerloop 0 end in loop end | build_iterator (a::rest) = iterator a (build_iterator rest) | build_iterator [] = raise Shape in fun any shape = build_iterator shape [] end local fun iterator a inner = let fun loop accum f = let fun innerloop i = case i < a of true => (inner (i::accum) f; innerloop (i+1)) | false => () in innerloop 0 end in loop end fun build_iterator [a] = let fun loop accum f = let fun innerloop i = case i < a of true => (f (i::accum); innerloop (i+1)) | false => () in innerloop 0 end in loop end | build_iterator (a::rest) = iterator a (build_iterator rest) | build_iterator [] = raise Shape in fun app shape = build_iterator shape [] end fun a < b = compare(a,b) = LESS fun a > b = compare(a,b) = GREATER fun eq (a, b) = compare(a,b) = EQUAL fun a <> b = not (a = b) fun a <= b = not (a > b) fun a >= b = not (a < b) fun a - b = ListPair.map Int.- (a,b) fun a + b = ListPair.map Int.+ (a,b) fun decr n a = List.map (fn (x) => Int.-(x,n)) a fun incr n a = List.map (fn (x) => Int.+(x,n)) a end signature RANGE = sig structure Index : INDEX type index = Index.t type t exception Range val fromto : index -> index * index -> t val fromto' : index -> index * index -> t val upto : index -> index -> t val below : index -> index -> t val first : t -> index val last : t -> index val length : t -> int val shapes : t -> index list val inRange : t -> index -> bool val next : t -> index -> index option val prev : t -> index -> index option val ranges : index -> ((index * index) list) -> t val iteri : (index -> bool) -> t -> bool val iteri2 : (index * index -> bool) -> (t * t) -> bool val iteri_range : (index * index -> bool) -> t -> bool val iteri2_range : (((index * index) * (index * index)) -> bool) -> (t * t) -> bool val foldi_range : (((index * index) * 'a) -> 'a) -> 'a -> t -> 'a end structure Range : RANGE = struct structure Index = Index type index = Index.t datatype t = RangeEmpty | RangeIn of index * index * index | RangeSet of index * ((index * index) list) exception Range local fun next'' [] [] [] = raise Range | next'' [] _ _ = raise Index.Index | next'' _ [] _ = raise Index.Index | next'' _ _ [] = raise Index.Index | next'' (low::rl) (up::ru) (index::ri) = if index < up then index + 1 :: ri else low :: (next'' rl ru ri) fun prev'' [] [] [] = raise Range | prev'' [] _ _ = raise Index.Index | prev'' _ [] _ = raise Index.Index | prev'' _ _ [] = raise Index.Index | prev'' (low::rl) (up::ru) (index::ri) = if index > low then index - 1 :: ri else up :: (prev'' rl ru ri) (* Builds the simple loop for i := first to last if not (g (i::ndx)) then break endfor; *) fun simple_loop (first : int) (last : int) = let fun loop (ndx : index) (g: index -> bool) = let fun innerloop i = if i > last then true else if g (i::ndx) then innerloop (i+1) else false in innerloop first end in loop end (* Builds the nested loop for i := first to last if not (f (i:ndx) g) then break endfor *) fun nested_loop f (first : int) (last : int) = let fun loop (ndx: index) (g: index -> bool) = let fun innerloop i = (if i > last then true else if (f (i::ndx) g) then innerloop (i+1) else false) in innerloop first end in loop end fun build_iterator ([a] : index) ([b] : index) = simple_loop a b | build_iterator (a::ra) (b::rb) = nested_loop (build_iterator ra rb) a b | build_iterator [] _ = raise Range | build_iterator _ [] = raise Range fun simple_loop2 (first : int) (last : int) (first' : int) (last' : int) = let fun loop (ndx : index) (ndx' : index) (g: index * index -> bool) = let fun innerloop (i,j) = if i > last andalso j > last' then true else if g (i::ndx,j::ndx') then innerloop (i+1,j+1) else false in innerloop (first,first') end in loop end fun nested_loop2 f (first : int) (last : int) (first' : int) (last' : int) = let fun loop (ndx: index) (ndx': index) (g: index * index -> bool) = let fun innerloop (i,j) = (if i > last andalso j > last' then true else if (f (i::ndx) (j::ndx') g) then innerloop (i+1,j+1) else false) in innerloop (first,first') end in loop end fun build_iterator2 ([a] : index) ([b] : index) ([a'] : index) ([b'] : index) = simple_loop2 a b a' b' | build_iterator2 (a::ra) (b::rb) (a'::ra') (b'::rb') = nested_loop2 (build_iterator2 ra rb ra' rb') a b a' b' | build_iterator2 _ _ _ [] = raise Range | build_iterator2 _ _ [] _ = raise Range | build_iterator2 _ [] _ _ = raise Range | build_iterator2 [] _ _ _ = raise Range fun simple_range_loop (first : int) (last : int) (ndx: index) (f: (index * index) -> bool) = f ((first::ndx,last::ndx)) fun nested_range_loop (g: index -> ((index * index) -> bool) -> bool) (first : int) (last : int) = let fun loop (ndx: index) (f: (index * index) -> bool) = let fun innerloop i = (if i > last then true else if (g (i::ndx) f) then innerloop (i+1) else false) in innerloop first end in loop end fun build_range_iterator ([a] : index) ([b] : index) = simple_range_loop a b | build_range_iterator (a::ra) (b::rb) = nested_range_loop (build_range_iterator ra rb) a b | build_range_iterator [] _ = raise Range | build_range_iterator _ [] = raise Range fun simple_range_loop2 (first : int) (last : int) (first' : int) (last' : int) (ndx: index) (ndx': index) (f: ((index * index) * (index * index)) -> bool) = f ((first::ndx,last::ndx),(first'::ndx',last'::ndx')) fun nested_range_loop2 f (first : int) (last : int) (first' : int) (last' : int) = let fun loop (ndx: index) (ndx': index) (g: ((index * index) * (index * index)) -> bool) = let fun innerloop (i,j) = (if i > last andalso j > last' then true else if (f (i::ndx) (j::ndx') g) then innerloop (i+1,j+1) else false) in innerloop (first,first') end in loop end fun build_range_iterator2 ([a] : index) ([b] : index) ([a'] : index) ([b'] : index) = simple_range_loop2 a b a' b' | build_range_iterator2 (a::ra) (b::rb) (a'::ra') (b'::rb') = nested_range_loop2 (build_range_iterator2 ra rb ra' rb') a b a' b' | build_range_iterator2 _ _ _ [] = raise Range | build_range_iterator2 _ _ [] _ = raise Range | build_range_iterator2 _ [] _ _ = raise Range | build_range_iterator2 [] _ _ _ = raise Range fun simple_range_fold (first : int) (last : int) (ndx: index) (f: ((index * index) * 'a) -> 'a) (init: 'a) = f ((first::ndx,last::ndx),init) fun nested_range_fold (g: index -> (((index * index) * 'a) -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a) (first : int) (last : int) = let fun loop (ndx: index) (f: ((index * index) * 'a) -> 'a) (init: 'a) = let fun innerloop i init = (if i > last then init else innerloop (i+1) (g (i::ndx) f init)) in innerloop first init end in loop end fun build_range_fold ([a] : index) ([b] : index) = simple_range_fold a b | build_range_fold (a::ra) (b::rb) = nested_range_fold (build_range_fold ra rb) a b | build_range_fold [] _ = raise Range | build_range_fold _ [] = raise Range in (* ----- CONSTRUCTORS ----- *) fun fromto shape (lo, up) = if (Index.validShape shape) andalso (Index.validIndex lo) andalso (Index.validIndex up) andalso (Index.inBounds shape lo) andalso (Index.inBounds shape up) andalso Index.<= (lo,up) then let val shape' = ListPair.map (fn (x,y) => y-x+1) (lo,up) in RangeIn(shape,lo,up) end else RangeEmpty fun fromto' shape (lo, up) = fromto shape (lo, (Index.prev' shape up)) fun upto shape index = fromto shape (Index.first index, index) fun below shape index = fromto' shape (Index.first index, index) fun range_append ((lo,up),((lo',up')::ranges)) = if Index.< (up,lo') then ((lo,up)::(lo',up')::ranges) else (if Index.> (up,up') then (lo',up')::(range_append ((lo,up),ranges)) else (if Index.> (lo,lo') then ((lo',up')::ranges) else ((lo,up')::ranges) )) | range_append ((lo,up),[]) = [(lo,up)] fun ranges' shape ((lo, up) :: rest) = (if (Index.validShape shape) andalso (Index.validIndex lo) andalso (Index.validIndex up) andalso (Index.inBounds shape lo) andalso (Index.inBounds shape up) andalso Index.< (lo,up) then range_append ((lo,up), (ranges' shape rest)) else (ranges' shape rest)) | ranges' shape ([]) = [] fun ranges shape xs = let val set = ranges' shape xs in case set of [] => RangeEmpty | [(lo,up)] => let val shape' = ListPair.map (fn (x,y) => y-x+1) (lo,up) in RangeIn (shape,lo,up) end | _ => let val shapes = List.map (fn (lo,up) => (ListPair.map (fn (x,y) => y-x+1) (lo,up))) set val shape' = List.foldl (fn(s,ax) => (ListPair.map (fn (x,y) => x+y) (s, ax))) (hd shapes) (tl shapes) in RangeSet (shape,set) end end fun length RangeEmpty = 0 | length (RangeIn(shape,lo,up)) = let fun diff (x,y) = (y-x+1) in Index.length (ListPair.map diff (lo,up)) end | length (RangeSet(shape,set)) = let fun diff (x,y) = (y-x+1) in foldl (fn ((lo,up),ax) => (Index.length (ListPair.map diff (lo,up))) + ax) 0 set end fun shapes RangeEmpty = [] | shapes (RangeIn(shape,lo,up)) = let fun diff (x,y) = (y-x+1) in [ListPair.map diff (lo,up)] end | shapes (RangeSet(shape,set)) = let fun diff (x,y) = (y-x+1) in List.map (fn (lo,up) => ListPair.map diff (lo,up)) set end fun first RangeEmpty = raise Range | first (RangeIn(shape,lo,up)) = lo | first (RangeSet(shape,(lo,up)::_)) = lo | first (RangeSet(shape,[])) = raise Range fun last RangeEmpty = raise Range | last (RangeIn(shape,lo,up)) = up | last (RangeSet(shape,set)) = let val (lo,up) = List.last set in up end (* ----- PREDICATES & OPERATIONS ----- *) fun inRange RangeEmpty _ = false | inRange (RangeIn(shape,lo,up)) ndx = (ListPair.all (op <=) (lo,ndx)) andalso (ListPair.all (op <=) (ndx,up)) | inRange (RangeSet(shape,set)) ndx = List.exists (fn ((lo,up)) => (ListPair.all (op <=) (lo,ndx)) andalso (ListPair.all (op <=) (ndx,up))) set fun next RangeEmpty _ = NONE | next (RangeIn(shape,lo,up)) index = (SOME (next'' lo up index) handle Range => NONE) | next (RangeSet(shape,set)) index = let val m = List.find (fn ((lo,up)) => (Index.<=(lo,index)) andalso (Index.<=(index,up))) set in case m of NONE => NONE | SOME (lo,up) => (SOME (next'' lo up index) handle Range => NONE) end fun prev RangeEmpty _ = NONE | prev (RangeIn(shape,lo,up)) index = (SOME (prev'' lo up index) handle Range => NONE) | prev (RangeSet(shape,set)) index = let val m = List.find (fn ((lo,up)) => (Index.<=(lo,index)) andalso (Index.<=(index,up))) set in case m of NONE => NONE | SOME (lo,up) => (SOME (prev'' lo up index) handle Range => NONE) end fun next' RangeEmpty _ = raise Range | next' (RangeIn(shape,lo,up)) index = next'' lo up index | next' (RangeSet(shape,set)) index = let val m = List.find (fn ((lo,up)) => (Index.<=(lo,index)) andalso (Index.<=(index,up))) set val (lo,up) = valOf m in next'' lo up index end fun prev' RangeEmpty _ = raise Range | prev' (RangeIn(shape,lo,up)) index = prev'' lo up index | prev' (RangeSet(shape,set)) index = let val m = List.find (fn ((lo,up)) => (Index.<=(lo,index)) andalso (Index.<=(index,up))) set val (lo,up) = valOf m in prev'' lo up index end (* ----- ITERATION ----- *) (* Builds an iterator that applies 'f' sequentially to all the indices in the range, *) fun iteri f RangeEmpty = f [] | iteri (f: index -> bool) (RangeIn(shape,lo: index,up: index)) = (case Index.order of Index.RowMajor => ((build_iterator lo up) [] f) | Index.ColumnMajor => ((build_iterator (List.rev lo) (List.rev up)) [] f)) | iteri (f: index -> bool) (RangeSet(shape,set)) = (case Index.order of Index.RowMajor => (List.all (fn (lo,up) => ((build_iterator lo up) [] f)) set) | Index.ColumnMajor => (List.all (fn (lo,up) => ((build_iterator (List.rev lo) (List.rev up)) [] f)) set)) (* Builds an interator that applies 'f' sequentially to all the indices of the two ranges, *) fun iteri2 f (RangeEmpty,RangeEmpty) = f ([],[]) | iteri2 (f: index * index -> bool) (RangeIn(shape,lo: index,up: index),RangeIn(shape',lo': index,up': index)) = (case Index.order of Index.RowMajor => ((build_iterator2 lo up lo' up') [] [] f ) | Index.ColumnMajor => ((build_iterator2 (List.rev lo) (List.rev up) (List.rev lo') (List.rev up')) [] [] f )) | iteri2 (f: index * index -> bool) (RangeSet(shape,set),RangeSet(shape',set')) = (case Index.order of Index.RowMajor => (ListPair.all (fn ((lo,up),(lo',up')) => (build_iterator2 lo up lo' up') [] [] f) (set,set') ) | Index.ColumnMajor => (ListPair.all (fn ((lo,up),(lo',up')) => (build_iterator2 (List.rev lo) (List.rev up) (List.rev lo') (List.rev up')) [] [] f) (set,set') )) | iteri2 f (_,_) = raise Range (* Builds an iterator that applies 'f' sequentially to all the ranges of contiguous indices (i,j) *) fun iteri_range f RangeEmpty = f ([],[]) | iteri_range (f: index * index -> bool) (RangeIn(shape,lo: index,up: index)) = (case Index.order of Index.RowMajor => ((build_range_iterator lo up) [] f) | Index.ColumnMajor => ((build_range_iterator (List.rev lo) (List.rev up)) [] f)) | iteri_range (f: index * index -> bool) (RangeSet(shape,set)) = (case Index.order of Index.RowMajor => (List.all (fn (lo,up) => ((build_range_iterator lo up) [] f)) set) | Index.ColumnMajor => (List.all (fn (lo,up) => ((build_range_iterator (List.rev lo) (List.rev up)) [] f)) set)) (* Builds an interator that applies 'f' sequentially to all the contiguous indices of the two ranges, *) fun iteri2_range f (RangeEmpty,RangeEmpty) = f (([],[]),([],[])) | iteri2_range (f: ((index * index) * (index * index)) -> bool) (RangeIn(shape,lo: index,up: index),RangeIn(shape',lo': index,up': index)) = (case Index.order of Index.RowMajor => ((build_range_iterator2 lo up lo' up') [] [] f ) | Index.ColumnMajor => ((build_range_iterator2 (List.rev lo) (List.rev up) (List.rev lo') (List.rev up')) [] [] f )) | iteri2_range (f: ((index * index) * (index * index)) -> bool) (RangeSet(shape,set),RangeSet(shape',set')) = (case Index.order of Index.RowMajor => (ListPair.all (fn ((lo,up),(lo',up')) => (build_range_iterator2 lo up lo' up') [] [] f) (set,set') ) | Index.ColumnMajor => (ListPair.all (fn ((lo,up),(lo',up')) => (build_range_iterator2 (List.rev lo) (List.rev up) (List.rev lo') (List.rev up')) [] [] f) (set,set') )) | iteri2_range f (_,_) = raise Range (* Builds an iterator that applies 'f' sequentially to all the ranges of contiguous indices (i,j) *) fun foldi_range f init RangeEmpty = init | foldi_range (f: ((index * index) * 'a -> 'a)) init (RangeIn(shape,lo: index,up: index)) = (case Index.order of Index.RowMajor => ((build_range_fold lo up) [] f init) | Index.ColumnMajor => ((build_range_fold (List.rev lo) (List.rev up)) [] f init)) | foldi_range (f: ((index * index) * 'a -> 'a)) init (RangeSet(shape,set)) = (case Index.order of Index.RowMajor => (List.foldl (fn ((lo,up),init) => ((build_range_fold lo up) [] f init)) init set) | Index.ColumnMajor => (List.foldl (fn ((lo,up),init) => ((build_range_fold (List.rev lo) (List.rev up)) [] f init)) init set)) end end (* TENSOR - Signature - Polymorphic tensors of any type. With 'tensor' we denote a (mutable) array of any rank, with as many indices as one wishes, and that may be traversed (map, fold, etc) according to any of those indices. type 'a tensor Polymorphic tensor whose elements are all of type 'a. val storage = RowMajor | ColumnMajor RowMajor = data is stored in consecutive cells, last index varying fastest (C,C++,Pascal) ColumnMajor = data is stored in consecutive cells, first index varying fastest (Fortran,Matlab) new ([i1,...,in],init) Build a new tensor with n indices, each of sizes i1...in, filled with 'init'. fromArray (shape,data) fromList (shape,data) Use 'data' to fill a tensor of that shape. An exception is raised if 'data' is too large or too small to properly fill the vector. Later use of a 'data' array is disregarded -- one must think that the tensor now owns the array. length tensor rank tensor shape tensor Return the number of elements, the number of indices and the shape (size of each index) of the tensor. toArray tensor Return the data of the tensor in the form of an array. Mutation of this array may lead to unexpected behavior. sub (tensor,[i1,...,in]) update (tensor,[i1,...,in],new_value) Access the element that is indexed by the numbers [i1,..,in] app f a appi f a The same as 'map' and 'mapi' but the function 'f' outputs nothing and no new array is produced, i.e. one only seeks the side effect that 'f' may produce. map2 operation a b Apply function 'f' to pairs of elements of 'a' and 'b' and build a new tensor with the output. Both operands must have the same shape or an exception is raised. The procedure is sequential, as specified by 'storage'. foldl operation a n Fold-left the elements of tensor 'a' along the n-th index. all test a any test a Folded boolean tests on the elements of the tensor. insert a b index Inserts b into a starting at the given index a and b must be of the same rank, with b smaller than a cat a b int Concatenates a and b along the given axis *) signature TENSOR = sig structure Array : ARRAY structure Index : INDEX type index = Index.t type 'a tensor val new : index * 'a -> 'a tensor val tabulate : index * (index -> 'a) -> 'a tensor val length : 'a tensor -> int val rank : 'a tensor -> int val shape : 'a tensor -> (index) val reshape : index -> 'a tensor -> 'a tensor val fromList : index * 'a list -> 'a tensor val fromArray : index * 'a array -> 'a tensor val toArray : 'a tensor -> 'a array val sub : 'a tensor * index -> 'a val update : 'a tensor * index * 'a -> unit val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a tensor -> 'b tensor val map2 : ('a * 'b -> 'c) -> 'a tensor -> 'b tensor -> 'c tensor val app : ('a -> unit) -> 'a tensor -> unit val appi : (index * 'a -> unit) -> 'a tensor -> unit val foldl : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a tensor -> 'b val foldln : ('c * 'a -> 'c) -> 'c -> 'a tensor -> int -> 'c tensor val all : ('a -> bool) -> 'a tensor -> bool val any : ('a -> bool) -> 'a tensor -> bool val insert : 'a tensor * 'a tensor * index -> bool val cat : 'a tensor * 'a tensor * int -> 'a tensor val prepad : 'a tensor * int * 'a * int -> 'a tensor val postpad : 'a tensor * int * 'a * int -> 'a tensor end signature TENSOR_SLICE = sig structure Tensor : TENSOR structure Range : RANGE type index = Tensor.Index.t type range = Range.t type 'a tensor = 'a Tensor.tensor type 'a slice val fromto : index * index * 'a tensor -> 'a slice val fromto' : index * index * 'a tensor -> 'a slice val slice : ((index * index) list) * 'a tensor -> 'a slice val length : 'a slice -> int val base : 'a slice -> 'a tensor val shapes : 'a slice -> index list val range : 'a slice -> (range) val app : ('a -> unit) -> 'a slice -> unit val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a slice -> 'b tensor val map2 : ('a * 'b -> 'c) -> 'a slice -> 'b slice -> 'c tensor val foldl : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a slice -> 'b end structure Tensor : TENSOR = struct structure Array = Array structure Index = Index type index = Index.t type 'a tensor = {shape : index, indexer : Index.indexer, data : 'a array} exception Shape exception Match exception Index local (*----- LOCALS -----*) fun make' (shape, data) = {shape = shape, indexer = Index.indexer shape, data = data} fun toInt {shape, indexer, data} index = indexer index fun array_map f a = let fun apply index = f(Array.sub(a,index)) in Array.tabulate(Array.length a, apply) end fun splitList (l as (a::rest), place) = let fun loop (left,here,right) 0 = (List.rev left,here,right) | loop (_,_,[]) place = raise Index | loop (left,here,a::right) place = loop (here::left,a,right) (place-1) in if place <= 0 then loop ([],a,rest) (List.length rest - place) else loop ([],a,rest) (place - 1) end | splitList ([], _) = ([],0,[]) in (*----- STRUCTURAL OPERATIONS & QUERIES ------*) fun new (shape, init) = if not (Index.validShape shape) then raise Shape else let val length = Index.length shape in {shape = shape, indexer = Index.indexer shape, data = Array.array(length,init)} end fun toArray {shape, indexer, data} = data fun length {shape, indexer, data} = Array.length data fun shape {shape, indexer, data} = shape fun rank t = List.length (shape t) fun reshape new_shape tensor = if Index.validShape new_shape then case (Index.length new_shape) = length tensor of true => make'(new_shape, toArray tensor) | false => raise Match else raise Shape fun fromArray (s, a) = case Index.validShape s andalso ((Index.length s) = (Array.length a)) of true => make'(s, a) | false => raise Shape fun fromList (s, a) = fromArray (s, Array.fromList a) fun tabulate (shape,f) = if Index.validShape shape then let val last = Index.last shape val length = Index.length shape val c = Array.array(length, f last) fun dotable (c, indices, i) = (Array.update(c, i, f indices); case i of 0 => c | i => dotable(c, Index.prev' shape indices, i-1)) in make'(shape,dotable(c, Index.prev' shape last, length-1)) end else raise Shape fun insert (x: 'a tensor, y: 'a tensor, i) = let val xshape = (#shape x) val yshape = (#shape y) val xdata = (#data x) val ydata = (#data y) in if not (rank x = rank y) then raise Shape else (let val yr = Range.fromto yshape (Index.first yshape, Index.last yshape) val xr = Range.fromto xshape (i, Index.+ (i, Index.last yshape)) in Range.iteri2_range (fn ((xi,xi'),(yi,yi')) => let val yn0 = Index.toInt yshape yi val yn1 = Index.toInt yshape yi' val len = yn1-yn0+1 val ysl = ArraySlice.slice (ydata, yn0, SOME len) in (ArraySlice.copy {src=ysl,dst=xdata,di=(Index.toInt xshape xi)}; true) end) (xr,yr) end) end fun cat (x: 'a tensor, y: 'a tensor, dim) = (let val xshape = (#shape x) val yshape = (#shape y) val xdata = (#data x) val ydata = (#data y) in if not (rank x < rank y) then raise Shape else let val (_,newshape) = ListPair.foldr (fn (x,y,(i,ax)) => if (dim = i) then (i-1,(x+y) :: ax) else if not (x=y) then raise Shape else (i-1,x :: ax)) ((rank x)-1,[]) (xshape, yshape) val newlength = Index.length newshape val newdata = Array.array(newlength,Array.sub(xdata,0)) in Array.copy {src=xdata,dst=newdata,di=0}; Array.copy {src=ydata,dst=newdata,di=(Index.length xshape)}; {shape = newshape, indexer = Index.indexer newshape, data = newdata} end end) fun prepad (x: 'a tensor, len, c, dim) = (let val xshape = (#shape x) val xdata = (#data x) in if (rank x) <= dim then raise Shape else let val (_,newshape) = List.foldr (fn (x,(i,ax)) => if (dim = i) then (i-1,len :: ax) else (i-1,x :: ax)) ((rank x)-1,[]) xshape in cat (new (newshape, c), x, dim) end end) fun postpad (x: 'a tensor, len, c, dim) = (let val xshape = (#shape x) val xdata = (#data x) in if (rank x) <= dim then raise Shape else let val (_,newshape) = List.foldr (fn (x,(i,ax)) => if (dim = i) then (i-1,len :: ax) else (i-1,x :: ax)) ((rank x)-1,[]) xshape in cat (x, new (newshape, c), dim) end end) (*----- ELEMENTWISE OPERATIONS -----*) fun sub (t, index) = Array.sub(#data t, toInt t index) fun update (t, index, value) = Array.update(toArray t, toInt t index, value) fun map f {shape, indexer, data} = {shape = shape, indexer = indexer, data = array_map f data} fun map2 f t1 t2= let val {shape, indexer, data} = t1 val {shape=shape2, indexer=indexer2, data=data2} = t2 fun apply i = f (Array.sub(data,i), Array.sub(data2,i)) val len = Array.length data in if Index.eq(shape, shape2) then {shape = shape, indexer = indexer, data = Array.tabulate(len, apply)} else raise Match end fun appi f tensor = let val shape = shape tensor val next = Index.next shape in (Array.foldl (fn (v,i) => (f (i,v); valOf (next i))) (Index.first shape) (toArray tensor); ()) end fun app f tensor = Array.app f (toArray tensor) fun all f tensor = let val a = toArray tensor in Loop.all(0, length tensor - 1, fn i => f (Array.sub(a, i))) end fun any f tensor = let val a = toArray tensor in Loop.any(0, length tensor - 1, fn i => f (Array.sub(a, i))) end fun foldl f init tensor = Array.foldl f init (toArray tensor) fun foldln f init {shape, indexer, data=a} index = let val (head,lk,tail) = splitList(shape, index) val li = Index.length head val lj = Index.length tail val c = Array.array(li * lj,init) fun loopi (0, _, _) = () | loopi (i, ia, ic) = (Array.update(c, ic, f(Array.sub(c,ic), Array.sub(a,ia))); loopi (i-1, ia+1, ic+1)) fun loopk (0, ia, _) = ia | loopk (k, ia, ic) = (loopi (li, ia, ic); loopk (k-1, ia+li, ic)) fun loopj (0, _, _) = () | loopj (j, ia, ic) = loopj (j-1, loopk(lk,ia,ic), ic+li) in loopj (lj, 0, 0); make'(head @ tail, c) end end end (* Tensor *) structure TensorSlice : TENSOR_SLICE = struct structure Tensor = Tensor structure Index = Tensor.Index structure Range = Range type index = Tensor.Index.t type range = Range.t type 'a tensor = 'a Tensor.tensor type 'a slice = {range : range, shapes: index list, tensor : 'a tensor} fun fromto (lo,up,tensor) = let val r = Range.fromto (Tensor.shape tensor) (lo,up) in {range=r, shapes=(Range.shapes r), tensor=tensor} end fun fromto' (lo,up,tensor) = let val r = Range.fromto' (Tensor.shape tensor) (lo,up) in {range=r, shapes=(Range.shapes r), tensor=tensor} end fun slice (rs,tensor) = let val r = (Range.ranges (Tensor.shape tensor) rs) in {range=r, shapes=(Range.shapes r), tensor=tensor} end fun length ({range, shapes, tensor}) = Range.length range fun base ({range, shapes, tensor}) = tensor fun shapes ({range, shapes, tensor}) = shapes fun range ({range, shapes, tensor}) = range fun map f slice = let val te = base slice val ra = range slice val len = length slice val fndx = Range.first ra val arr = Array.array (length slice, f (Tensor.sub (te,fndx))) val i = ref 0 in Range.iteri (fn (ndx) => let val v = f (Tensor.sub (te,ndx)) in (Array.update (arr, !i, v); i := (!i + 1); true) end) ra; Tensor.fromArray ([1,len], arr) end fun app f (slice: 'a slice) = let val te = base slice val ra = range slice val fndx = Range.first ra in Range.iteri (fn (ndx) => (f (Tensor.sub (te,ndx)); true)) ra; () end fun map2 f (sl1: 'a slice) (sl2: 'b slice) = let val _ = if not ((shapes sl1) = (shapes sl2)) then raise Index.Shape else () val te1 = base sl1 val te2 = base sl2 val ra1 = range sl1 val ra2 = range sl2 val len = length sl1 val fndx1 = Range.first ra1 val fndx2 = Range.first ra2 val arr = Array.array (length(sl1), f (Tensor.sub(te1,fndx1),Tensor.sub(te2,fndx2))) val i = ref 0 in Range.iteri2 (fn (ndx,ndx') => let val v = f (Tensor.sub (te1,ndx),Tensor.sub (te2,ndx')) in (Array.update (arr, !i, v); i := (!i + 1); true) end) (ra1,ra2); Tensor.fromArray ([1,len], arr) end fun foldl f init (slice: 'a slice) = let val te = base slice val sh = Tensor.shape te val arr = Tensor.toArray te val ra = range slice in Range.foldi_range (fn ((i,j),ax) => Loop.foldi (Index.toInt sh i, (Index.toInt sh j)+1, fn (n,ax) => f (Array.sub (arr,n),ax), ax)) init ra end end (* MONO_TENSOR - signature - Monomorphic tensor of arbitrary data (not only numbers). Operations should be provided to run the data in several ways, according to one index. type tensor The type of the tensor itself type elem The type of every element val storage = RowMajor | ColumnMajor RowMajor = data is stored in consecutive cells, last index varying fastest (C,C++,Pascal) ColumnMajor = data is stored in consecutive cells, first index varying fastest (Fortran,Matlab) new ([i1,...,in],init) Build a new tensor with n indices, each of sizes i1...in, filled with 'init'. fromArray (shape,data) fromList (shape,data) Use 'data' to fill a tensor of that shape. An exception is raised if 'data' is too large or too small to properly fill the vector. Later use of a 'data' array is disregarded -- one must think that the tensor now owns the array. length tensor rank tensor shape tensor Return the number of elements, the number of indices and the shape (size of each index) of the tensor. toArray tensor Return the data of the tensor in the form of an array. Mutation of this array may lead to unexpected behavior. The data in the array is stored according to `storage'. sub (tensor,[i1,...,in]) update (tensor,[i1,...,in],new_value) Access the element that is indexed by the numbers [i1,..,in] map f a mapi f a Produce a new array by mapping the function sequentially as specified by 'storage', to each element of tensor 'a'. In 'mapi' the function receives a (indices,value) tuple, while in 'map' it only receives the value. app f a appi f a The same as 'map' and 'mapi' but the function 'f' outputs nothing and no new array is produced, i.e. one only seeks the side effect that 'f' may produce. map2 operation a b Apply function 'f' to pairs of elements of 'a' and 'b' and build a new tensor with the output. Both operands must have the same shape or an exception is raised. The procedure is sequential, as specified by 'storage'. foldl operation a n Fold-left the elements of tensor 'a' along the n-th index. all test a any test a Folded boolean tests on the elements of the tensor. map', map2', foldl' Polymorphic versions of map, map2, foldl. *) signature MONO_TENSOR = sig structure Array : MONO_ARRAY structure Index : INDEX type index = Index.t type elem type tensor type t = tensor val new : index * elem -> tensor val tabulate : index * (index -> elem) -> tensor val length : tensor -> int val rank : tensor -> int val shape : tensor -> (index) val reshape : index -> tensor -> tensor val fromList : index * elem list -> tensor val fromArray : index * Array.array -> tensor val toArray : tensor -> Array.array val sub : tensor * index -> elem val update : tensor * index * elem -> unit val map : (elem -> elem) -> tensor -> tensor val map2 : (elem * elem -> elem) -> tensor -> tensor -> tensor val app : (elem -> unit) -> tensor -> unit val appi : (index * elem -> unit) -> tensor -> unit val foldl : (elem * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> tensor -> 'a val foldln : (elem * elem -> elem) -> elem -> tensor -> int -> tensor val all : (elem -> bool) -> tensor -> bool val any : (elem -> bool) -> tensor -> bool val map' : (elem -> 'a) -> tensor -> 'a Tensor.tensor val map2' : (elem * elem -> 'a) -> tensor -> tensor -> 'a Tensor.tensor val foldl' : ('a * elem -> 'a) -> 'a -> tensor -> int -> 'a Tensor.tensor end signature MONO_TENSOR_SLICE = sig structure Tensor : MONO_TENSOR structure Range : RANGE type index = Tensor.Index.t type range = Range.t type tensor = Tensor.tensor type slice type elem val fromto : index * index * tensor -> slice val slice : ((index * index) list) * tensor -> slice val length : slice -> int val base : slice -> tensor val shapes : slice -> index list val range : slice -> range val app : (elem -> unit) -> slice -> unit val map : (elem -> elem) -> slice -> tensor val map2 : (elem * elem -> elem) -> slice -> slice -> tensor val foldl : (elem * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> slice -> 'a end (* NUMBER - Signature - Guarantees a structure with a minimal number of mathematical operations so as to build an algebraic structure named Tensor. *) signature NUMBER = sig type t val zero : t val one : t val + : t * t -> t val - : t * t -> t val * : t * t -> t val *+ : t * t * t -> t val *- : t * t * t -> t val ** : t * int -> t val ~ : t -> t val abs : t -> t val signum : t -> t val == : t * t -> bool val != : t * t -> bool val toString : t -> string val fromInt : int -> t val scan : (char,'a) StringCvt.reader -> (t,'a) StringCvt.reader end signature INTEGRAL_NUMBER = sig include NUMBER val quot : t * t -> t val rem : t * t -> t val mod : t * t -> t val div : t * t -> t val compare : t * t -> order val < : t * t -> bool val > : t * t -> bool val <= : t * t -> bool val >= : t * t -> bool val max : t * t -> t val min : t * t -> t end signature FRACTIONAL_NUMBER = sig include NUMBER val pi : t val e : t val / : t * t -> t val recip : t -> t val ln : t -> t val pow : t * t -> t val exp : t -> t val sqrt : t -> t val cos : t -> t val sin : t -> t val tan : t -> t val sinh : t -> t val cosh : t -> t val tanh : t -> t val acos : t -> t val asin : t -> t val atan : t -> t val asinh : t -> t val acosh : t -> t val atanh : t -> t val atan2 : t * t -> t end signature REAL_NUMBER = sig include FRACTIONAL_NUMBER val compare : t * t -> order val < : t * t -> bool val > : t * t -> bool val <= : t * t -> bool val >= : t * t -> bool val max : t * t -> t val min : t * t -> t end signature COMPLEX_NUMBER = sig include FRACTIONAL_NUMBER structure Real : REAL_NUMBER type real = Real.t val make : real * real -> t val split : t -> real * real val realPart : t -> real val imagPart : t -> real val abs2 : t -> real end structure INumber : INTEGRAL_NUMBER = struct open Int type t = Int.int val zero = 0 val one = 1 infix ** fun i ** n = let fun loop 0 = 1 | loop 1 = i | loop n = let val x = loop (Int.div(n, 2)) val m = Int.mod(n, 2) in if m = 0 then x * x else x * x * i end in if n < 0 then raise Domain else loop n end fun signum i = case compare(i, 0) of GREATER => 1 | EQUAL => 0 | LESS => ~1 infix == infix != fun a == b = a = b fun a != b = (a <> b) fun *+(b,c,a) = b * c + a fun *-(b,c,a) = b * c - b fun scan getc = Int.scan StringCvt.DEC getc end structure RNumber : REAL_NUMBER = struct open Real open Real.Math type t = Real.real val zero = 0.0 val one = 1.0 fun signum x = case compare(x,0.0) of LESS => ~1.0 | GREATER => 1.0 | EQUAL => 0.0 fun recip x = 1.0 / x infix ** fun i ** n = let fun loop 0 = one | loop 1 = i | loop n = let val x = loop (Int.div(n, 2)) val m = Int.mod(n, 2) in if m = 0 then x * x else x * x * i end in if Int.<(n, 0) then raise Domain else loop n end fun max (a, b) = if a < b then b else a fun min (a, b) = if a < b then a else b fun asinh x = ln (x + sqrt(1.0 + x * x)) fun acosh x = ln (x + (x + 1.0) * sqrt((x - 1.0)/(x + 1.0))) fun atanh x = ln ((1.0 + x) / sqrt(1.0 - x * x)) fun toString (r) = (if r < zero then ("-" ^ Real.toString (abs r)) else Real.toString r) end (* Complex(R) - Functor - Provides support for complex numbers based on tuples. Should be highly efficient as most operations can be inlined. *) structure CNumber : COMPLEX_NUMBER = struct structure Real = RNumber type t = Real.t * Real.t type real = Real.t val zero = (0.0,0.0) val one = (1.0,0.0) val pi = (Real.pi, 0.0) val e = (Real.e, 0.0) fun make (r,i) = (r,i) : t fun split z = z fun realPart (r,_) = r fun imagPart (_,i) = i fun abs2 (r,i) = Real.+(Real.*(r,r),Real.*(i,i)) (* FIXME!!! *) fun arg (r,i) = Real.atan2(i,r) fun modulus z = Real.sqrt(abs2 z) fun abs z = (modulus z, 0.0) fun signum (z as (r,i)) = let val m = modulus z in (Real./(r,m), Real./(i,m)) end fun ~ (r1,i1) = (Real.~ r1, Real.~ i1) fun (r1,i1) + (r2,i2) = (Real.+(r1,r2), Real.+(i1,i2)) fun (r1,i1) - (r2,i2) = (Real.-(r1,r2), Real.-(i1,i1)) fun (r1,i1) * (r2,i2) = (Real.-(Real.*(r1,r2),Real.*(i1,i2)), Real.+(Real.*(r1,i2),Real.*(r2,i1))) fun (r1,i1) / (r2,i2) = let val modulus = abs2(r2,i2) val (nr,ni) = (r1,i1) * (r2,i2) in (Real./(nr,modulus), Real./(ni,modulus)) end fun *+((r1,i1),(r2,i2),(r0,i0)) = (Real.*+(Real.~ i1, i2, Real.*+(r1,r2,r0)), Real.*+(r2, i2, Real.*+(r1,i2,i0))) fun *-((r1,i1),(r2,i2),(r0,i0)) = (Real.*+(Real.~ i1, i2, Real.*-(r1,r2,r0)), Real.*+(r2, i2, Real.*-(r1,i2,i0))) infix ** fun i ** n = let fun loop 0 = one | loop 1 = i | loop n = let val x = loop (Int.div(n, 2)) val m = Int.mod(n, 2) in if m = 0 then x * x else x * x * i end in if Int.<(n, 0) then raise Domain else loop n end fun recip (r1, i1) = let val modulus = abs2(r1, i1) in (Real./(r1, modulus), Real./(Real.~ i1, modulus)) end fun ==(z, w) = Real.==(realPart z, realPart w) andalso Real.==(imagPart z, imagPart w) fun !=(z, w) = Real.!=(realPart z, realPart w) andalso Real.!=(imagPart z, imagPart w) fun fromInt i = (Real.fromInt i, 0.0) fun toString (r,i) = String.concat ["(",Real.toString r,",",Real.toString i,")"] fun exp (x, y) = let val expx = Real.exp x in (Real.*(x, (Real.cos y)), Real.*(x, (Real.sin y))) end local val half = Real.recip (Real.fromInt 2) in fun sqrt (z as (x,y)) = if Real.==(x, 0.0) andalso Real.==(y, 0.0) then zero else let val m = Real.+(modulus z, Real.abs x) val u' = Real.sqrt (Real.*(m, half)) val v' = Real./(Real.abs y , Real.+(u',u')) val (u,v) = if Real.<(x, 0.0) then (v',u') else (u',v') in (u, if Real.<(y, 0.0) then Real.~ v else v) end end fun ln z = (Real.ln (modulus z), arg z) fun pow (z, n) = let val l = ln z in exp (l * n) end fun sin (x, y) = (Real.*(Real.sin x, Real.cosh y), Real.*(Real.cos x, Real.sinh y)) fun cos (x, y) = (Real.*(Real.cos x, Real.cosh y), Real.~ (Real.*(Real.sin x, Real.sinh y))) fun tan (x, y) = let val (sx, cx) = (Real.sin x, Real.cos x) val (shy, chy) = (Real.sinh y, Real.cosh y) val a = (Real.*(sx, chy), Real.*(cx, shy)) val b = (Real.*(cx, chy), Real.*(Real.~ sx, shy)) in a / b end fun sinh (x, y) = (Real.*(Real.cos y, Real.sinh x), Real.*(Real.sin y, Real.cosh x)) fun cosh (x, y) = (Real.*(Real.cos y, Real.cosh x), Real.*(Real.sin y, Real.sinh x)) fun tanh (x, y) = let val (sy, cy) = (Real.sin y, Real.cos y) val (shx, chx) = (Real.sinh x, Real.cosh x) val a = (Real.*(cy, shx), Real.*(sy, chx)) val b = (Real.*(cy, chx), Real.*(sy, shx)) in a / b end fun asin (z as (x,y)) = let val w = sqrt (one - z * z) val (x',y') = ln ((Real.~ y, x) + w) in (y', Real.~ x') end fun acos (z as (x,y)) = let val (x', y') = sqrt (one + z * z) val (x'', y'') = ln (z + (Real.~ y', x')) in (y'', Real.~ x'') end fun atan (z as (x,y)) = let val w = sqrt (one + z*z) val (x',y') = ln ((Real.-(1.0, y), x) / w) in (y', Real.~ x') end fun atan2 (y, x) = atan(y / x) fun asinh x = ln (x + sqrt(one + x * x)) fun acosh x = ln (x + (x + one) * sqrt((x - one)/(x + one))) fun atanh x = ln ((one + x) / sqrt(one - x * x)) fun scan getc = let val scanner = Real.scan getc in fn stream => case scanner stream of NONE => NONE | SOME (a, rest) => case scanner rest of NONE => NONE | SOME (b, rest) => SOME (make(a,b), rest) end end (* ComplexNumber *) structure INumberArray = struct open Array type array = INumber.t array type vector = INumber.t vector type elem = INumber.t structure Vector = struct open Vector type vector = INumber.t Vector.vector type elem = INumber.t end fun map f a = tabulate(length a, fn x => (f (sub(a,x)))) fun mapi f a = tabulate(length a, fn x => (f (x,sub(a,x)))) fun map2 f a b = tabulate(length a, fn x => (f(sub(a,x),sub(b,x)))) end structure RNumberArray = struct open Real64Array val sub = Unsafe.Real64Array.sub val update = Unsafe.Real64Array.update fun map f a = tabulate(length a, fn x => (f (sub(a,x)))) fun mapi f a = tabulate(length a, fn x => (f (x,sub(a,x)))) fun map2 f a b = tabulate(length a, fn x => (f(sub(a,x),sub(b,x)))) end structure INumberArray = struct open Array type array = INumber.t array type vector = INumber.t vector type elem = INumber.t structure Vector = struct open Vector type vector = INumber.t Vector.vector type elem = INumber.t end fun map f a = tabulate(length a, fn x => (f (sub(a,x)))) fun mapi f a = tabulate(length a, fn x => (f (x,sub(a,x)))) fun map2 f a b = tabulate(length a, fn x => (f(sub(a,x),sub(b,x)))) end structure RNumberArray = struct open Real64Array val sub = Unsafe.Real64Array.sub val update = Unsafe.Real64Array.update fun map f a = tabulate(length a, fn x => (f (sub(a,x)))) fun mapi f a = tabulate(length a, fn x => (f (x,sub(a,x)))) fun map2 f a b = tabulate(length a, fn x => (f(sub(a,x),sub(b,x)))) end (*--------------------- COMPLEX ARRAY -------------------------*) structure BasicCNumberArray = struct structure Complex : COMPLEX_NUMBER = CNumber structure Array : MONO_ARRAY = RNumberArray type elem = Complex.t type array = Array.array * Array.array val maxLen = Array.maxLen fun length (a,b) = Array.length a fun sub ((a,b),index) = Complex.make(Array.sub(a,index),Array.sub(b,index)) fun update ((a,b),index,z) = let val (re,im) = Complex.split z in Array.update(a, index, re); Array.update(b, index, im) end local fun makeRange (a, start, NONE) = makeRange(a, start, SOME (length a - 1)) | makeRange (a, start, SOME last) = let val len = length a val diff = last - start in if (start >= len) orelse (last >= len) then raise Subscript else if diff < 0 then (a, start, 0) else (a, start, diff + 1) end in fun array (size,z:elem) = let val realsize = size * 2 val r = Complex.realPart z val i = Complex.imagPart z in (Array.array(size,r), Array.array(size,i)) end fun zeroarray size = (Array.array(size,Complex.Real.zero), Array.array(size,Complex.Real.zero)) fun tabulate (size,f) = let val a = array(size, Complex.zero) fun loop i = case i = size of true => a | false => (update(a, i, f i); loop (i+1)) in loop 0 end fun fromList list = let val length = List.length list val a = zeroarray length fun loop (_, []) = a | loop (i, z::rest) = (update(a, i, z); loop (i+1, rest)) in loop(0,list) end fun extract range = let val (a, start, len) = makeRange range fun copy i = sub(a, i + start) in tabulate(len, copy) end fun concat array_list = let val total_length = foldl (op +) 0 (map length array_list) val a = array(total_length, Complex.zero) fun copy (_, []) = a | copy (pos, v::rest) = let fun loop i = case i = 0 of true => () | false => (update(a, i+pos, sub(v, i)); loop (i-1)) in (loop (length v - 1); copy(length v + pos, rest)) end in copy(0, array_list) end fun copy {src : array, si : int, len : int option, dst : array, di : int } = let val (a, ia, la) = makeRange (src, si, len) val (b, ib, lb) = makeRange (dst, di, len) fun copy i = case i < 0 of true => () | false => (update(b, i+ib, sub(a, i+ia)); copy (i-1)) in copy (la - 1) end val copyVec = copy fun modifyi f range = let val (a, start, len) = makeRange range val last = start + len fun loop i = case i >= last of true => () | false => (update(a, i, f(i, sub(a,i))); loop (i+1)) in loop start end fun modify f a = let val last = length a fun loop i = case i >= last of true => () | false => (update(a, i, f(sub(a,i))); loop (i+1)) in loop 0 end fun app f a = let val size = length a fun loop i = case i = size of true => () | false => (f(sub(a,i)); loop (i+1)) in loop 0 end fun appi f range = let val (a, start, len) = makeRange range val last = start + len fun loop i = case i >= last of true => () | false => (f(i, sub(a,i)); loop (i+1)) in loop start end fun map f a = let val len = length a val c = zeroarray len fun loop ~1 = c | loop i = (update(a, i, f(sub(a,i))); loop (i-1)) in loop (len-1) end fun map2 f a b = let val len = length a val c = zeroarray len fun loop ~1 = c | loop i = (update(c, i, f(sub(a,i),sub(b,i))); loop (i-1)) in loop (len-1) end fun mapi f range = let val (a, start, len) = makeRange range fun rule i = f (i+start, sub(a, i+start)) in tabulate(len, rule) end fun foldli f init range = let val (a, start, len) = makeRange range val last = start + len - 1 fun loop (i, accum) = case i > last of true => accum | false => loop (i+1, f(i, sub(a,i), accum)) in loop (start, init) end fun foldri f init range = let val (a, start, len) = makeRange range val last = start + len - 1 fun loop (i, accum) = case i < start of true => accum | false => loop (i-1, f(i, sub(a,i), accum)) in loop (last, init) end fun foldl f init a = foldli (fn (_, a, x) => f(a,x)) init (a,0,NONE) fun foldr f init a = foldri (fn (_, x, a) => f(x,a)) init (a,0,NONE) end end (* BasicCNumberArray *) structure CNumberArray = struct structure Vector = struct open BasicCNumberArray type vector = array end : MONO_VECTOR type vector = Vector.vector open BasicCNumberArray end (* CNumberArray *) structure ITensor = struct structure Number = INumber structure Array = INumberArray structure MonoTensor = struct (* PARAMETERS structure Array = Array *) structure Index = Index type elem = Array.elem type index = Index.t type tensor = {shape : index, indexer : Index.indexer, data : Array.array} type t = tensor exception Shape exception Match exception Index local (*----- LOCALS -----*) fun make' (shape, data) = {shape = shape, indexer = Index.indexer shape, data = data} fun toInt {shape, indexer, data} index = indexer index fun splitList (l as (a::rest), place) = let fun loop (left,here,right) 0 = (List.rev left,here,right) | loop (_,_,[]) place = raise Index | loop (left,here,a::right) place = loop (here::left,a,right) (place-1) in if place <= 0 then loop ([],a,rest) (List.length rest - place) else loop ([],a,rest) (place - 1) end | splitList ([], _) = ([],0,[]) in (*----- STRUCTURAL OPERATIONS & QUERIES ------*) fun new (shape, init) = if not (Index.validShape shape) then raise Shape else let val length = Index.length shape in {shape = shape, indexer = Index.indexer shape, data = Array.array(length,init)} end fun toArray {shape, indexer, data} = data fun length {shape, indexer, data} = Array.length data fun shape {shape, indexer, data} = shape fun rank t = List.length (shape t) fun reshape new_shape tensor = if Index.validShape new_shape then case (Index.length new_shape) = length tensor of true => make'(new_shape, toArray tensor) | false => raise Match else raise Shape fun fromArray (s, a) = case Index.validShape s andalso ((Index.length s) = (Array.length a)) of true => make'(s, a) | false => raise Shape fun fromList (s, a) = fromArray (s, Array.fromList a) fun tabulate (shape,f) = if Index.validShape shape then let val last = Index.last shape val length = Index.length shape val c = Array.array(length, f last) fun dotable (c, indices, i) = (Array.update(c, i, f indices); if i <= 1 then c else dotable(c, Index.prev' shape indices, i-1)) in make'(shape,dotable(c, Index.prev' shape last, length-2)) end else raise Shape fun cat (x: tensor, y: tensor, dim) = (let val xshape = (#shape x) val yshape = (#shape y) val xdata = (#data x) val ydata = (#data y) in if not (rank x = rank y) then raise Shape else let val (_,newshape) = ListPair.foldr (fn (x,y,(i,ax)) => if (dim = i) then (i-1,(x+y) :: ax) else if not (x=y) then raise Shape else (i-1,x :: ax)) ((rank x)-1,[]) (xshape, yshape) val newlength = Index.length newshape val newdata = Array.array(newlength,Array.sub(xdata,0)) in Array.copy {src=xdata,dst=newdata,di=0}; Array.copy {src=ydata,dst=newdata,di=(Index.length xshape)}; {shape = newshape, indexer = Index.indexer newshape, data = newdata} end end) fun prepad (x: tensor, len, c, dim) = (let val xshape = (#shape x) val xdata = (#data x) in if (rank x) <= dim then raise Shape else let val (_,newshape) = List.foldr (fn (x,(i,ax)) => if (dim = i) then (i-1,len :: ax) else (i-1,x :: ax)) ((rank x)-1,[]) xshape in cat (new (newshape, c), x, dim) end end) fun postpad (x: tensor, len, c, dim) = (let val xshape = (#shape x) val xdata = (#data x) in if (rank x) <= dim then raise Shape else let val (_,newshape) = List.foldr (fn (x,(i,ax)) => if (dim = i) then (i-1,len :: ax) else (i-1,x :: ax)) ((rank x)-1,[]) xshape in cat (x, new (newshape, c), dim) end end) (*----- ELEMENTWISE OPERATIONS -----*) fun sub (t, index) = Array.sub(#data t, toInt t index) fun update (t, index, value) = Array.update(toArray t, toInt t index, value) fun map f {shape, indexer, data} = {shape = shape, indexer = indexer, data = Array.map f data} fun map2 f t1 t2= let val {shape=shape1, indexer=indexer1, data=data1} = t1 val {shape=shape2, indexer=indexer2, data=data2} = t2 in if Index.eq(shape1,shape2) then {shape = shape1, indexer = indexer1, data = Array.map2 f data1 data2} else raise Match end fun appi f tensor = let val shape = shape tensor val next = Index.next shape in (Array.foldl (fn (v,i) => (f (i,v); valOf (next i))) (Index.first shape) (toArray tensor); ()) end fun app f tensor = Array.app f (toArray tensor) fun all f tensor = let val a = toArray tensor in Loop.all(0, length tensor - 1, fn i => f (Array.sub(a, i))) end fun any f tensor = let val a = toArray tensor in Loop.any(0, length tensor - 1, fn i => f (Array.sub(a, i))) end fun foldl f init tensor = Array.foldl f init (toArray tensor) fun foldln f init {shape, indexer, data=a} index = let val (head,lk,tail) = splitList(shape, index) val li = Index.length head val lj = Index.length tail val c = Array.array(li * lj,init) fun loopi (0, _, _) = () | loopi (i, ia, ic) = (Array.update(c, ic, f(Array.sub(c,ic), Array.sub(a,ia))); loopi (i-1, ia+1, ic+1)) fun loopk (0, ia, _) = ia | loopk (k, ia, ic) = (loopi (li, ia, ic); loopk (k-1, ia+li, ic)) fun loopj (0, _, _) = () | loopj (j, ia, ic) = loopj (j-1, loopk(lk,ia,ic), ic+li) in loopj (lj, 0, 0); make'(head @ tail, c) end (* --- POLYMORPHIC ELEMENTWISE OPERATIONS --- *) fun array_map' f a = let fun apply index = f(Array.sub(a,index)) in Tensor.Array.tabulate(Array.length a, apply) end fun map' f t = Tensor.fromArray(shape t, array_map' f (toArray t)) fun map2' f t1 t2 = let val d1 = toArray t1 val d2 = toArray t2 fun apply i = f (Array.sub(d1,i), Array.sub(d2,i)) val len = Array.length d1 in if Index.eq(shape t1, shape t2) then Tensor.fromArray(shape t1, Tensor.Array.tabulate(len,apply)) else raise Match end fun foldl' f init {shape, indexer, data=a} index = let val (head,lk,tail) = splitList(shape, index) val li = Index.length head val lj = Index.length tail val c = Tensor.Array.array(li * lj,init) fun loopi (0, _, _) = () | loopi (i, ia, ic) = (Tensor.Array.update(c,ic,f(Tensor.Array.sub(c,ic),Array.sub(a,ia))); loopi (i-1, ia+1, ic+1)) fun loopk (0, ia, _) = ia | loopk (k, ia, ic) = (loopi (li, ia, ic); loopk (k-1, ia+li, ic)) fun loopj (0, _, _) = () | loopj (j, ia, ic) = loopj (j-1, loopk(lk,ia,ic), ic+li) in loopj (lj, 0, 0); make'(head @ tail, c) end end end (* MonoTensor *) open MonoTensor local (* LEFT INDEX CONTRACTION: a = a(i1,i2,...,in) b = b(j1,j2,...,jn) c = c(i2,...,in,j2,...,jn) = sum(a(k,i2,...,jn)*b(k,j2,...jn)) forall k MEANINGFUL VARIABLES: lk = i1 = j1 li = i2*...*in lj = j2*...*jn *) fun do_fold_first a b c lk lj li = let fun loopk (0, _, _, accum) = accum | loopk (k, ia, ib, accum) = let val delta = Number.*(Array.sub(a,ia),Array.sub(b,ib)) in loopk (k-1, ia+1, ib+1, Number.+(delta,accum)) end fun loopj (0, ib, ic) = c | loopj (j, ib, ic) = let fun loopi (0, ia, ic) = ic | loopi (i, ia, ic) = (Array.update(c, ic, loopk(lk, ia, ib, Number.zero)); loopi(i-1, ia+lk, ic+1)) in loopj(j-1, ib+lk, loopi(li, 0, ic)) end in loopj(lj, 0, 0) end in fun +* ta tb = let val (rank_a,a) = (rank ta, toArray ta) val (rank_b,b) = (rank tb, toArray tb) in case (shape ta, shape tb) of (lk::rest_a,lk2::rest_b) => (if not(lk = lk2) then raise Match else let val li = Index.length rest_a val lj = Index.length rest_b val c = Array.array(li*lj,Number.zero) in fromArray(rest_a @ rest_b, do_fold_first a b c lk li lj) end) | _ => raise Match end end local (* LAST INDEX CONTRACTION: a = a(i1,i2,...,in) b = b(j1,j2,...,jn) c = c(i2,...,in,j2,...,jn) = sum(mult(a(i1,i2,...,k),b(j1,j2,...,k))) forall k MEANINGFUL VARIABLES: lk = in = jn li = i1*...*i(n-1) lj = j1*...*j(n-1) *) fun do_fold_last a b c lk lj li = let fun loopi (0, ia, ic, fac) = () | loopi (i, ia, ic, fac) = let val old = Array.sub(c,ic) val inc = Number.*(Array.sub(a,ia),fac) in Array.update(c,ic,Number.+(old,inc)); loopi(i-1, ia+1, ic+1, fac) end fun loopj (j, ib, ic) = let fun loopk (0, ia, ib) = () | loopk (k, ia, ib) = (loopi(li, ia, ic, Array.sub(b,ib)); loopk(k-1, ia+li, ib+lj)) in case j of 0 => c | _ => (loopk(lk, 0, ib); loopj(j-1, ib+1, ic+li)) end (* loopj *) in loopj(lj, 0, 0) end in fun *+ ta tb = let val (rank_a,shape_a,a) = (rank ta, shape ta, toArray ta) val (rank_b,shape_b,b) = (rank tb, shape tb, toArray tb) in case (List.rev (shape_a), List.rev (shape_b)) of (lk::rest_a,lk2::rest_b) => (if not(lk = lk2) then raise Match else let val li = Index.length rest_a val lj = Index.length rest_b val c = Array.array(li*lj,Number.zero) in fromArray(List.rev rest_a @ List.rev rest_b, do_fold_last a b c lk li lj) end) | _ => raise Match end end (* ALGEBRAIC OPERATIONS *) infix ** infix == infix != fun a + b = map2 Number.+ a b fun a - b = map2 Number.- a b fun a * b = map2 Number.* a b fun a ** i = map (fn x => (Number.**(x,i))) a fun ~ a = map Number.~ a fun abs a = map Number.abs a fun signum a = map Number.signum a fun a == b = map2' Number.== a b fun a != b = map2' Number.!= a b fun toString a = raise Domain fun fromInt a = new([1], Number.fromInt a) (* TENSOR SPECIFIC OPERATIONS *) fun *> n = map (fn x => Number.*(n,x)) fun normInf a = let fun accum (y,x) = Number.max(x,Number.abs y) in foldl accum Number.zero a end end (* NumberTensor *) structure RTensor = struct structure Number = RNumber structure Array = RNumberArray structure ArraySlice = Real64ArraySlice structure MonoTensor = struct (* PARAMETERS structure Array = Array *) structure Index = Index type elem = Array.elem type index = Index.t type tensor = {shape : index, indexer : Index.indexer, data : Array.array} type t = tensor exception Shape exception Match exception Index local (*----- LOCALS -----*) fun make' (shape, data) = {shape = shape, indexer = Index.indexer shape, data = data} fun toInt {shape, indexer, data} index = indexer index fun splitList (l as (a::rest), place) = let fun loop (left,here,right) 0 = (List.rev left,here,right) | loop (_,_,[]) place = raise Index | loop (left,here,a::right) place = loop (here::left,a,right) (place-1) in if place <= 0 then loop ([],a,rest) (List.length rest - place) else loop ([],a,rest) (place - 1) end | splitList ([], _) = ([],0,[]) in (*----- STRUCTURAL OPERATIONS & QUERIES ------*) fun new (shape, init) = if not (Index.validShape shape) then raise Shape else let val length = Index.length shape in {shape = shape, indexer = Index.indexer shape, data = Array.array(length,init)} end fun toArray {shape, indexer, data} = data fun length {shape, indexer, data} = Array.length data fun shape {shape, indexer, data} = shape fun rank t = List.length (shape t) fun reshape new_shape tensor = if Index.validShape new_shape then case (Index.length new_shape) = length tensor of true => make'(new_shape, toArray tensor) | false => raise Match else raise Shape fun fromArray (s, a) = case Index.validShape s andalso ((Index.length s) = (Array.length a)) of true => make'(s, a) | false => raise Shape fun fromList (s, a) = fromArray (s, Array.fromList a) fun tabulate (shape,f) = if Index.validShape shape then let val last = Index.last shape val length = Index.length shape val c = Array.array(length, f last) fun dotable (c, indices, i) = (Array.update(c, i, f indices); if i <= 1 then c else dotable(c, Index.prev' shape indices, i-1)) in make'(shape,dotable(c, Index.prev' shape last, length-2)) end else raise Shape fun insert (x: tensor, y: tensor, i) = let val xshape = (#shape x) val yshape = (#shape y) val xdata = (#data x) val ydata = (#data y) in if not (rank x = rank y) then raise Shape else (let val yr = Range.fromto yshape (Index.first yshape, Index.last yshape) val xr = Range.fromto xshape (i, Index.+ (i, Index.last yshape)) in Range.iteri2_range (fn ((xi,xi'),(yi,yi')) => let val yn0 = Index.toInt yshape yi val yn1 = Index.toInt yshape yi' val len = yn1-yn0+1 val ysl = ArraySlice.slice (ydata, yn0, SOME len) in (ArraySlice.copy {src=ysl,dst=xdata,di=(Index.toInt xshape xi)}; true) end) (xr,yr) end) end fun cat (x: tensor, y: tensor, dim) = (let val xshape = (#shape x) val yshape = (#shape y) val xdata = (#data x) val ydata = (#data y) in if not (rank x = rank y) then raise Shape else let val (_,newshape) = ListPair.foldr (fn (x,y,(i,ax)) => if (dim = i) then (i-1,(x+y) :: ax) else if not (x=y) then raise Shape else (i-1,x :: ax)) ((rank x)-1,[]) (xshape, yshape) val newlength = Index.length newshape val newdata = Array.array(newlength,Array.sub(xdata,0)) in Array.copy {src=xdata,dst=newdata,di=0}; Array.copy {src=ydata,dst=newdata,di=(Index.length xshape)}; {shape = newshape, indexer = Index.indexer newshape, data = newdata} end end) fun prepad (x: tensor, len, c, dim) = (let val xshape = (#shape x) val xdata = (#data x) in if (rank x) <= dim then raise Shape else let val (_,newshape) = List.foldr (fn (x,(i,ax)) => if (dim = i) then (i-1,len :: ax) else (i-1,x :: ax)) ((rank x)-1,[]) xshape in cat (new (newshape, c), x, dim) end end) fun postpad (x: tensor, len, c, dim) = (let val xshape = (#shape x) val xdata = (#data x) in if (rank x) <= dim then raise Shape else let val (_,newshape) = List.foldr (fn (x,(i,ax)) => if (dim = i) then (i-1,len :: ax) else (i-1,x :: ax)) ((rank x)-1,[]) xshape in cat (x, new (newshape, c), dim) end end) (*----- ELEMENTWISE OPERATIONS -----*) fun sub (t, index) = Array.sub(#data t, toInt t index) fun update (t, index, value) = Array.update(toArray t, toInt t index, value) fun map f {shape, indexer, data} = {shape = shape, indexer = indexer, data = Array.map f data} fun map2 f t1 t2= let val {shape=shape1, indexer=indexer1, data=data1} = t1 val {shape=shape2, indexer=indexer2, data=data2} = t2 in if Index.eq(shape1,shape2) then {shape = shape1, indexer = indexer1, data = Array.map2 f data1 data2} else raise Match end fun appi f tensor = let val shape = shape tensor val next = Index.next shape in (Array.foldl (fn (v,SOME i) => (f (i,v); next i) | (_,NONE) => raise Option) (SOME (Index.first shape)) (toArray tensor); ()) end fun app f tensor = Array.app f (toArray tensor) fun all f tensor = let val a = toArray tensor in Loop.all(0, length tensor - 1, fn i => f (Array.sub(a, i))) end fun any f tensor = let val a = toArray tensor in Loop.any(0, length tensor - 1, fn i => f (Array.sub(a, i))) end fun foldl f init tensor = Array.foldl f init (toArray tensor) fun foldln f init {shape, indexer, data=a} index = let val (head,lk,tail) = splitList(shape, index) val li = Index.length head val lj = Index.length tail val c = Array.array(li * lj,init) fun loopi (0, _, _) = () | loopi (i, ia, ic) = (Array.update(c, ic, f(Array.sub(c,ic), Array.sub(a,ia))); loopi (i-1, ia+1, ic+1)) fun loopk (0, ia, _) = ia | loopk (k, ia, ic) = (loopi (li, ia, ic); loopk (k-1, ia+li, ic)) fun loopj (0, _, _) = () | loopj (j, ia, ic) = loopj (j-1, loopk(lk,ia,ic), ic+li) in loopj (lj, 0, 0); make'(head @ tail, c) end (* --- POLYMORPHIC ELEMENTWISE OPERATIONS --- *) fun array_map' f a = let fun apply index = f(Array.sub(a,index)) in Tensor.Array.tabulate(Array.length a, apply) end fun map' f t = Tensor.fromArray(shape t, array_map' f (toArray t)) fun map2' f t1 t2 = let val d1 = toArray t1 val d2 = toArray t2 fun apply i = f (Array.sub(d1,i), Array.sub(d2,i)) val len = Array.length d1 in if Index.eq(shape t1, shape t2) then Tensor.fromArray(shape t1, Tensor.Array.tabulate(len,apply)) else raise Match end fun foldl' f init {shape, indexer, data=a} index = let val (head,lk,tail) = splitList(shape, index) val li = Index.length head val lj = Index.length tail val c = Tensor.Array.array(li * lj,init) fun loopi (0, _, _) = () | loopi (i, ia, ic) = (Tensor.Array.update(c,ic,f(Tensor.Array.sub(c,ic),Array.sub(a,ia))); loopi (i-1, ia+1, ic+1)) fun loopk (0, ia, _) = ia | loopk (k, ia, ic) = (loopi (li, ia, ic); loopk (k-1, ia+li, ic)) fun loopj (0, _, _) = () | loopj (j, ia, ic) = loopj (j-1, loopk(lk,ia,ic), ic+li) in loopj (lj, 0, 0); make'(head @ tail, c) end end end (* MonoTensor *) open MonoTensor local (* LEFT INDEX CONTRACTION: a = a(i1,i2,...,in) b = b(j1,j2,...,jn) c = c(i2,...,in,j2,...,jn) = sum(a(k,i2,...,jn)*b(k,j2,...jn)) forall k MEANINGFUL VARIABLES: lk = i1 = j1 li = i2*...*in lj = j2*...*jn *) fun do_fold_first a b c lk lj li = let fun loopk (0, _, _, accum) = accum | loopk (k, ia, ib, accum) = let val delta = Number.*(Array.sub(a,ia),Array.sub(b,ib)) in loopk (k-1, ia+1, ib+1, Number.+(delta,accum)) end fun loopj (0, ib, ic) = c | loopj (j, ib, ic) = let fun loopi (0, ia, ic) = ic | loopi (i, ia, ic) = (Array.update(c, ic, loopk(lk, ia, ib, Number.zero)); loopi(i-1, ia+lk, ic+1)) in loopj(j-1, ib+lk, loopi(li, 0, ic)) end in loopj(lj, 0, 0) end in fun +* ta tb = let val (rank_a,a) = (rank ta, toArray ta) val (rank_b,b) = (rank tb, toArray tb) in case (shape ta, shape tb) of (lk::rest_a,lk2::rest_b) => (if not(lk = lk2) then raise Match else let val li = Index.length rest_a val lj = Index.length rest_b val c = Array.array(li*lj,Number.zero) in fromArray(rest_a @ rest_b, do_fold_first a b c lk li lj) end) | _ => raise Match end end local (* LAST INDEX CONTRACTION: a = a(i1,i2,...,in) b = b(j1,j2,...,jn) c = c(i2,...,in,j2,...,jn) = sum(mult(a(i1,i2,...,k),b(j1,j2,...,k))) forall k MEANINGFUL VARIABLES: lk = in = jn li = i1*...*i(n-1) lj = j1*...*j(n-1) *) fun do_fold_last a b c lk lj li = let fun loopi (0, ia, ic, fac) = () | loopi (i, ia, ic, fac) = let val old = Array.sub(c,ic) val inc = Number.*(Array.sub(a,ia),fac) in Array.update(c,ic,Number.+(old,inc)); loopi(i-1, ia+1, ic+1, fac) end fun loopj (j, ib, ic) = let fun loopk (0, ia, ib) = () | loopk (k, ia, ib) = (loopi(li, ia, ic, Array.sub(b,ib)); loopk(k-1, ia+li, ib+lj)) in case j of 0 => c | _ => (loopk(lk, 0, ib); loopj(j-1, ib+1, ic+li)) end (* loopj *) in loopj(lj, 0, 0) end in fun *+ ta tb = let val (rank_a,shape_a,a) = (rank ta, shape ta, toArray ta) val (rank_b,shape_b,b) = (rank tb, shape tb, toArray tb) in case (List.rev (shape_a), List.rev (shape_b)) of (lk::rest_a,lk2::rest_b) => (if not(lk = lk2) then raise Match else let val li = Index.length rest_a val lj = Index.length rest_b val c = Array.array(li*lj,Number.zero) in fromArray(List.rev rest_a @ List.rev rest_b, do_fold_last a b c lk li lj) end) | _ => raise Match end end (* ALGEBRAIC OPERATIONS *) infix ** infix == infix != fun a + b = map2 Number.+ a b fun a - b = map2 Number.- a b fun a * b = map2 Number.* a b fun a ** i = map (fn x => (Number.**(x,i))) a fun ~ a = map Number.~ a fun abs a = map Number.abs a fun signum a = map Number.signum a fun a == b = map2' Number.== a b fun a != b = map2' Number.!= a b fun toString a = raise Domain fun fromInt a = new([1], Number.fromInt a) (* TENSOR SPECIFIC OPERATIONS *) fun *> n = map (fn x => Number.*(n,x)) fun a / b = map2 Number./ a b fun recip a = map Number.recip a fun ln a = map Number.ln a fun pow (a, b) = map (fn x => (Number.pow(x,b))) a fun exp a = map Number.exp a fun sqrt a = map Number.sqrt a fun cos a = map Number.cos a fun sin a = map Number.sin a fun tan a = map Number.tan a fun sinh a = map Number.sinh a fun cosh a = map Number.cosh a fun tanh a = map Number.tanh a fun asin a = map Number.asin a fun acos a = map Number.acos a fun atan a = map Number.atan a fun asinh a = map Number.asinh a fun acosh a = map Number.acosh a fun atanh a = map Number.atanh a fun atan2 (a,b) = map2 Number.atan2 a b fun normInf a = let fun accum (y,x) = Number.max(x,Number.abs y) in foldl accum Number.zero a end fun norm1 a = let fun accum (y,x) = Number.+(x,Number.abs y) in foldl accum Number.zero a end fun norm2 a = let fun accum (y,x) = Number.+(x, Number.*(y,y)) in Number.sqrt(foldl accum Number.zero a) end end (* RTensor *) structure CTensor = struct structure Number = CNumber structure Array = CNumberArray structure MonoTensor = struct (* PARAMETERS structure Array = Array *) structure Index = Index type elem = Array.elem type index = Index.t type tensor = {shape : index, indexer : Index.indexer, data : Array.array} type t = tensor exception Shape exception Match exception Index local (*----- LOCALS -----*) fun make' (shape, data) = {shape = shape, indexer = Index.indexer shape, data = data} fun toInt {shape, indexer, data} index = indexer index fun splitList (l as (a::rest), place) = let fun loop (left,here,right) 0 = (List.rev left,here,right) | loop (_,_,[]) place = raise Index | loop (left,here,a::right) place = loop (here::left,a,right) (place-1) in if place <= 0 then loop ([],a,rest) (List.length rest - place) else loop ([],a,rest) (place - 1) end | splitList ([], _) = ([],0,[]) in (*----- STRUCTURAL OPERATIONS & QUERIES ------*) fun new (shape, init) = if not (Index.validShape shape) then raise Shape else let val length = Index.length shape in {shape = shape, indexer = Index.indexer shape, data = Array.array(length,init)} end fun toArray {shape, indexer, data} = data fun length {shape, indexer, data} = Array.length data fun shape {shape, indexer, data} = shape fun rank t = List.length (shape t) fun reshape new_shape tensor = if Index.validShape new_shape then case (Index.length new_shape) = length tensor of true => make'(new_shape, toArray tensor) | false => raise Match else raise Shape fun fromArray (s, a) = case Index.validShape s andalso ((Index.length s) = (Array.length a)) of true => make'(s, a) | false => raise Shape fun fromList (s, a) = fromArray (s, Array.fromList a) fun tabulate (shape,f) = if Index.validShape shape then let val last = Index.last shape val length = Index.length shape val c = Array.array(length, f last) fun dotable (c, indices, i) = (Array.update(c, i, f indices); if i <= 1 then c else dotable(c, Index.prev' shape indices, i-1)) in make'(shape,dotable(c, Index.prev' shape last, length-2)) end else raise Shape (*----- ELEMENTWISE OPERATIONS -----*) fun sub (t, index) = Array.sub(#data t, toInt t index) fun update (t, index, value) = Array.update(toArray t, toInt t index, value) fun map f {shape, indexer, data} = {shape = shape, indexer = indexer, data = Array.map f data} fun map2 f t1 t2= let val {shape=shape1, indexer=indexer1, data=data1} = t1 val {shape=shape2, indexer=indexer2, data=data2} = t2 in if Index.eq(shape1,shape2) then {shape = shape1, indexer = indexer1, data = Array.map2 f data1 data2} else raise Match end fun appi f tensor = let val shape = shape tensor val next = Index.next shape in (Array.foldl (fn (v,i) => (f (i,v); valOf (next i))) (Index.first shape) (toArray tensor); ()) end fun app f tensor = Array.app f (toArray tensor) fun all f tensor = let val a = toArray tensor in Loop.all(0, length tensor - 1, fn i => f (Array.sub(a, i))) end fun any f tensor = let val a = toArray tensor in Loop.any(0, length tensor - 1, fn i => f (Array.sub(a, i))) end fun foldl f init tensor = Array.foldl f init (toArray tensor) fun foldln f init {shape, indexer, data=a} index = let val (head,lk,tail) = splitList(shape, index) val li = Index.length head val lj = Index.length tail val c = Array.array(li * lj,init) fun loopi (0, _, _) = () | loopi (i, ia, ic) = (Array.update(c, ic, f(Array.sub(c,ic), Array.sub(a,ia))); loopi (i-1, ia+1, ic+1)) fun loopk (0, ia, _) = ia | loopk (k, ia, ic) = (loopi (li, ia, ic); loopk (k-1, ia+li, ic)) fun loopj (0, _, _) = () | loopj (j, ia, ic) = loopj (j-1, loopk(lk,ia,ic), ic+li) in loopj (lj, 0, 0); make'(head @ tail, c) end (* --- POLYMORPHIC ELEMENTWISE OPERATIONS --- *) fun array_map' f a = let fun apply index = f(Array.sub(a,index)) in Tensor.Array.tabulate(Array.length a, apply) end fun map' f t = Tensor.fromArray(shape t, array_map' f (toArray t)) fun map2' f t1 t2 = let val d1 = toArray t1 val d2 = toArray t2 fun apply i = f (Array.sub(d1,i), Array.sub(d2,i)) val len = Array.length d1 in if Index.eq(shape t1, shape t2) then Tensor.fromArray(shape t1, Tensor.Array.tabulate(len,apply)) else raise Match end fun foldl' f init {shape, indexer, data=a} index = let val (head,lk,tail) = splitList(shape, index) val li = Index.length head val lj = Index.length tail val c = Tensor.Array.array(li * lj,init) fun loopi (0, _, _) = () | loopi (i, ia, ic) = (Tensor.Array.update(c,ic,f(Tensor.Array.sub(c,ic),Array.sub(a,ia))); loopi (i-1, ia+1, ic+1)) fun loopk (0, ia, _) = ia | loopk (k, ia, ic) = (loopi (li, ia, ic); loopk (k-1, ia+li, ic)) fun loopj (0, _, _) = () | loopj (j, ia, ic) = loopj (j-1, loopk(lk,ia,ic), ic+li) in loopj (lj, 0, 0); make'(head @ tail, c) end end end (* MonoTensor *) open MonoTensor local (* LEFT INDEX CONTRACTION: a = a(i1,i2,...,in) b = b(j1,j2,...,jn) c = c(i2,...,in,j2,...,jn) = sum(a(k,i2,...,jn)*b(k,j2,...jn)) forall k MEANINGFUL VARIABLES: lk = i1 = j1 li = i2*...*in lj = j2*...*jn *) fun do_fold_first a b c lk lj li = let fun loopk (0, _, _, r, i) = Number.make(r,i) | loopk (k, ia, ib, r, i) = let val (ar, ai) = Array.sub(a,ia) val (br, bi) = Array.sub(b,ib) val dr = ar * br - ai * bi val di = ar * bi + ai * br in loopk (k-1, ia+1, ib+1, r+dr, i+di) end fun loopj (0, ib, ic) = c | loopj (j, ib, ic) = let fun loopi (0, ia, ic) = ic | loopi (i, ia, ic) = (Array.update(c, ic, loopk(lk, ia, ib, RNumber.zero, RNumber.zero)); loopi(i-1, ia+lk, ic+1)) in loopj(j-1, ib+lk, loopi(li, 0, ic)) end in loopj(lj, 0, 0) end in fun +* ta tb = let val (rank_a,a) = (rank ta, toArray ta) val (rank_b,b) = (rank tb, toArray tb) in case (shape ta, shape tb) of (lk::rest_a,lk2::rest_b) => (if not(lk = lk2) then raise Match else let val li = Index.length rest_a val lj = Index.length rest_b val c = Array.array(li*lj,Number.zero) in fromArray(rest_a @ rest_b, do_fold_first a b c lk li lj) end) | _ => raise Match end end local (* LAST INDEX CONTRACTION: a = a(i1,i2,...,in) b = b(j1,j2,...,jn) c = c(i2,...,in,j2,...,jn) = sum(mult(a(i1,i2,...,k),b(j1,j2,...,k))) forall k MEANINGFUL VARIABLES: lk = in = jn li = i1*...*i(n-1) lj = j1*...*j(n-1) *) fun do_fold_last a b c lk lj li = let fun loopi(0, _, _, _, _) = () | loopi(i, ia, ic, br, bi) = let val (cr,ci) = Array.sub(c,ic) val (ar,ai) = Array.sub(a,ia) val dr = (ar * br - ai * bi) val di = (ar * bi + ai * br) in Array.update(c,ic,Number.make(cr+dr,ci+di)); loopi(i-1, ia+1, ic+1, br, bi) end fun loopj(j, ib, ic) = let fun loopk(0, _, _) = () | loopk(k, ia, ib) = let val (br, bi) = Array.sub(b,ib) in loopi(li, ia, ic, br, bi); loopk(k-1, ia+li, ib+lj) end in case j of 0 => c | _ => (loopk(lk, 0, ib); loopj(j-1, ib+1, ic+li)) end (* loopj *) in loopj(lj, 0, 0) end in fun *+ ta tb = let val (rank_a,shape_a,a) = (rank ta, shape ta, toArray ta) val (rank_b,shape_b,b) = (rank tb, shape tb, toArray tb) in case (List.rev (shape_a), List.rev (shape_b)) of (lk::rest_a,lk2::rest_b) => (if not(lk = lk2) then raise Match else let val li = Index.length rest_a val lj = Index.length rest_b val c = Array.array(li*lj,Number.zero) in fromArray(List.rev rest_a @ List.rev rest_b, do_fold_last a b c lk li lj) end) | _ => raise Match end end (* ALGEBRAIC OPERATIONS *) infix ** infix == infix != fun a + b = map2 Number.+ a b fun a - b = map2 Number.- a b fun a * b = map2 Number.* a b fun a ** i = map (fn x => (Number.**(x,i))) a fun ~ a = map Number.~ a fun abs a = map Number.abs a fun signum a = map Number.signum a fun a == b = map2' Number.== a b fun a != b = map2' Number.!= a b fun toString a = raise Domain fun fromInt a = new([1], Number.fromInt a) (* TENSOR SPECIFIC OPERATIONS *) fun *> n = map (fn x => Number.*(n,x)) fun a / b = map2 Number./ a b fun recip a = map Number.recip a fun ln a = map Number.ln a fun pow (a, b) = map (fn x => (Number.pow(x,b))) a fun exp a = map Number.exp a fun sqrt a = map Number.sqrt a fun cos a = map Number.cos a fun sin a = map Number.sin a fun tan a = map Number.tan a fun sinh a = map Number.sinh a fun cosh a = map Number.cosh a fun tanh a = map Number.tanh a fun asin a = map Number.asin a fun acos a = map Number.acos a fun atan a = map Number.atan a fun asinh a = map Number.asinh a fun acosh a = map Number.acosh a fun atanh a = map Number.atanh a fun atan2 (a,b) = map2 Number.atan2 a b fun normInf a = let fun accum (y,x) = RNumber.max(x, Number.realPart(Number.abs y)) in foldl accum RNumber.zero a end fun norm1 a = let fun accum (y,x) = RNumber.+(x, Number.realPart(Number.abs y)) in foldl accum RNumber.zero a end fun norm2 a = let fun accum (y,x) = RNumber.+(x, Number.abs2 y) in RNumber.sqrt(foldl accum RNumber.zero a) end end (* CTensor *) structure RTensorSlice = struct structure Tensor = RTensor structure Index = Tensor.Index structure Array = Tensor.Array structure Range = Range type elem = Array.elem type index = Tensor.Index.t type range = Range.t type tensor = RTensor.tensor type slice = {range : range, shapes: index list, tensor : tensor} exception EmptySliceRange fun fromto (lo,up,tensor) = let val r = Range.fromto (Tensor.shape tensor) (lo,up) in if (Range.length r) = 0 then raise EmptySliceRange else {range=r, shapes=(Range.shapes r), tensor=tensor} end fun fromto' (lo,up,tensor) = let val r = Range.fromto' (Tensor.shape tensor) (lo,up) in if (Range.length r) = 0 then raise EmptySliceRange else {range=r, shapes=(Range.shapes r), tensor=tensor} end fun slice (rs,tensor) = let val r = (Range.ranges (Tensor.shape tensor) rs) in {range=r, shapes=(Range.shapes r), tensor=tensor} end fun length ({range, shapes, tensor}) = Range.length range fun base ({range, shapes, tensor}) = tensor fun shapes ({range, shapes, tensor}) = shapes fun range ({range, shapes, tensor}) = range fun map f slice = let val te = base slice val ra = range slice val fndx = Range.first ra val len = length (slice) val arr = Array.array(len, f (Tensor.sub(te,fndx))) val i = ref 0 in Range.iteri (fn (ndx) => let val v = f (Tensor.sub (te,ndx)) in (Array.update (arr, !i, v); i := (!i + 1); true) end) ra; RTensor.fromArray ([1,len], arr) end fun app f (slice: slice) = let val te = base slice val ra = range slice val fndx = Range.first ra in Range.iteri (fn (ndx) => (f (Tensor.sub (te,ndx)); true)) ra; () end fun map2 f (sl1: slice) (sl2: slice) = let val _ = if not ((shapes sl1) = (shapes sl2)) then raise Index.Shape else () val te1 = base sl1 val te2 = base sl2 val ra1 = range sl1 val ra2 = range sl2 val len = length sl1 val fndx1 = Range.first ra1 val fndx2 = Range.first ra2 val arr = Array.array (length(sl1), f (Tensor.sub(te1,fndx1), Tensor.sub(te2,fndx2))) val i = ref 0 in Range.iteri2 (fn (ndx,ndx') => let val v = f (Tensor.sub (te1,ndx),Tensor.sub (te2,ndx')) in (Array.update (arr, !i, v); i := (!i + 1); true) end) (ra1,ra2); RTensor.fromArray ([1,len], arr) end fun foldl f init (slice: slice) = let val te = base slice val sh = Tensor.shape te val arr = Tensor.toArray te val ra = range slice in Range.foldi_range (fn ((i,j),ax) => (Loop.foldi (Index.toInt sh i, (Index.toInt sh j)+1, fn (n,ax) => f (Array.sub (arr,n),ax), ax))) init ra end end structure TensorFile = struct type file = TextIO.instream exception Data fun assert NONE = raise Data | assert (SOME a) = a (* ------------------ INPUT --------------------- *) fun intRead file = assert(TextIO.scanStream INumber.scan file) fun realRead file = assert(TextIO.scanStream RNumber.scan file) fun complexRead file = assert(TextIO.scanStream CNumber.scan file) fun listRead eltScan file = let val length = intRead file fun eltRead file = assert(TextIO.scanStream eltScan file) fun loop (0,accum) = accum | loop (i,accum) = loop(i-1, eltRead file :: accum) in if length < 0 then raise Data else List.rev(loop(length,[])) end fun intListRead file = listRead INumber.scan file fun realListRead file = listRead RNumber.scan file fun complexListRead file = listRead CNumber.scan file fun intTensorRead file = let val shape = intListRead file val length = Index.length shape val first = intRead file val a = ITensor.Array.array(length, first) fun loop 0 = ITensor.fromArray(shape, a) | loop j = (ITensor.Array.update(a, length-j, intRead file); loop (j-1)) in loop (length - 1) end fun realTensorRead file = let val shape = intListRead file val length = Index.length shape val first = realRead file val a = RTensor.Array.array(length, first) fun loop 0 = RTensor.fromArray(shape, a) | loop j = (RTensor.Array.update(a, length-j, realRead file); loop (j-1)) in loop (length - 1) end fun complexTensorRead file = let val shape = intListRead file val length = Index.length shape val first = complexRead file val a = CTensor.Array.array(length, first) fun loop j = if j = length then CTensor.fromArray(shape, a) else (CTensor.Array.update(a, j, complexRead file); loop (j+1)) in loop 1 end (* ------------------ OUTPUT -------------------- *) fun putStrLn (file, str) = (TextIO.output (file, str); TextIO.output (file, "\n")) fun putStr (file, str) = (TextIO.output (file, str)) fun intWrite file x = putStrLn(file, INumber.toString x) fun realWrite file x = putStrLn(file, RNumber.toString x) fun complexWrite file x = let val (r,i) = CNumber.split x in putStrLn(file, concat [RNumber.toString r, " ", RNumber.toString i]) end fun listWrite converter file x = (intWrite file (length x); List.app (fn x => (putStrLn(file, converter x))) x) fun listLineWrite converter file x = (List.app (fn x => (TextIO.output(file, " "^(converter x)))) x) fun intListLineWrite file x = (listLineWrite INumber.toString file x; TextIO.output(file, "\n")) fun realListLineWrite file x = (listLineWrite RNumber.toString file x; TextIO.output(file, "\n")) fun complexListLineWrite file x = (listLineWrite CNumber.toString file x; TextIO.output(file, "\n")) fun intListWrite file x = listWrite INumber.toString file x fun realListWrite file x = listWrite RNumber.toString file x fun complexListWrite file x = listWrite CNumber.toString file x fun intArrayWrite file x = (IntArray.app (fn x => (intWrite file x)) x) fun intTensorWrite file x = (intListWrite file (ITensor.shape x); ITensor.app (fn x => (intWrite file x)) x) fun realTensorWrite file x = (intListWrite file (RTensor.shape x); RTensor.app (fn x => (realWrite file x)) x) fun complexTensorWrite file x = (intListWrite file (CTensor.shape x); CTensor.app (fn x => (complexWrite file x)) x) fun intTensorLineWrite file x = (TextIO.output (file, "["); listLineWrite INumber.toString file (ITensor.shape x); TextIO.output (file, " ]"); ITensor.app (fn x => (TextIO.output (file, (" " ^ (INumber.toString x))))) x; putStrLn (TextIO.stdOut, "")) fun realTensorLineWrite file x = (TextIO.output (file, "["); listLineWrite INumber.toString file (RTensor.shape x); TextIO.output (file, " ]"); RTensor.app (fn x => (TextIO.output (file, (" " ^ (RNumber.toString x))))) x; putStrLn (TextIO.stdOut, "")) fun complexTensorLineWrite file x = (TextIO.output (file, "["); listLineWrite INumber.toString file (CTensor.shape x); TextIO.output (file, " ]"); CTensor.app (fn x => (TextIO.output (file, (" " ^ (CNumber.toString x))))) x) fun realTensorSliceWrite file x = (List.app (fn (l) => intListWrite file l) (RTensorSlice.shapes x); RTensorSlice.app (fn x => (realWrite file x)) x) fun realTensorSliceLineWrite file x = (List.app (fn (l) => (TextIO.output (file, "["); listLineWrite INumber.toString file l; TextIO.output (file, " ]"))) (RTensorSlice.shapes x); RTensorSlice.app (fn x => (TextIO.output (file, (" " ^ (RNumber.toString x))))) x; putStrLn (TextIO.stdOut, "")) end