# Brunel network model This folder contains two implementations of the network model described in: Brunel, N (2000) Dynamics of Sparsely Connected Networks of Excitatory and Inhibitory Spiking Neurons. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 8(3):183--208. doi:10.1023/A:1008925309027. The implementation in brunel_network_alpha.scm uses current-based synapses with an alpha-function dynamics, and the implementation in brunel_network_delta.scm uses delta synapses as in the original paper. # Running simulations: The following command will generate and compile model code from the NineML description of one of the model variants: > 9ML-network -m crk3 brunel_network_alpha_... The `9ML-network` program will create an executable named `Sim_{model name}` which accepts the following arguments: * `-d, --duration=VALUE`: simulation duration in milliseconds * `--timestep=VALUE`: simulation timestep milliseconds * `-s, --spikerecord=POPULATION`: name of population for spike recording * `--statesample=VALUE`: sample size of neurons for state recording * `--extsample=VALUE`: sample size of neurons for external input recording * `-v, --verbose`: prints detailed information about the internal representation of the model during the code generation process For example, the following command will run a simulation for 1200.0 milliseconds with timestep 0.01 ms and will record spike times from the "All neurons" population set: > Sim_brunel_network_alpha_AI -d 1200.0 --timestep=0.01 -s "All neurons" # Generating model XML: The scripts brunel_network_alpha.scm and brunel_network_delta.scm generate NineML XML descriptions of the two Brunel model implementations with different parameters. These scripts are implemented in Chicken Scheme and can be run as follows: > csi -s brunel_network_alpha.scm where csi is the executable of the Chicken Scheme interpreter. When run, these scripts will generate files of the form: ``` brunel_network_alpha_AI.xml brunel_network_alpha_SI.xml brunel_network_alpha_SR.xml brunel_network_alpha_AR.xml ``` which are parameterizations of the model for each of the four regimes discussed in the paper. In addition, the script will generate files of the form: ``` brunel_network_alpha_g1.0_eta1.0.xml ... brunel_network_alpha_g8.0_eta8.0.xml ``` These are parameterizations of the model where the g (inhibitory synaptic weight) and eta (external stimulus rate) are varied in the range 1..8.