@(title "R") @(description "R interface for Chicken Scheme") @(author "Peter Danenberg") @(email "pcd@roxygen.org") @(username "klutometis") @(heading "Overview") @(text "{{R}} provides a simple way to call R-functions, consisting of the following two forms: {{R}} and {{R*}}. {{R}} evaluates an R-expression, returning an opaque R-pointer that can be passed to other R-functions. Use this, for instance, when you don't need to modify the object in Scheme. ") @(text "{{R*}}, on the other hand, evaluates the expression and tries to translate it into Scheme; it understands {{NULL}}, lists, strings, reals, bools, complex numbers and symbols. Everything else is opaque.") @(heading "Documentation") (foreign-declare #< #include #include END ) (let ((r-home (or (get-environment-variable "R_HOME") (begin (warning "R_HOME not set: running `R RHOME'; better set R_HOME.") (string-trim-right (capture (R RHOME))))))) (call-with-environment-variables `(("R_HOME" . ,r-home)) (lambda () (foreign-code #<string keyword) argument named) unnamed) (iter rest #f named (cons argument unnamed)))))))) (define-foreign-type SEXP (c-pointer "SEXP") values ;; Can we cast here, too, so we don't have to keep doing `(SEXP)s' ;; all over the place? ;; ;; What if we tagged pointers like R-int, &c.? (lambda (sexp) ((foreign-lambda* void ((SEXP sexp)) "R_PreserveObject((SEXP) sexp);") sexp) (set-finalizer! (tag-pointer sexp 'sexp) (lambda (sexp) ((foreign-lambda* void ((SEXP sexp)) "R_ReleaseObject((SEXP) sexp);") sexp))))) (define-record-and-printer NA) (define NA (make-NA)) (define (R-NA? sexp) ((foreign-lambda* bool ((SEXP sexp)) "int error;" "C_return(Rf_asLogical(R_tryEval(lang2(install(\"is.na\"), (SEXP) sexp), R_GlobalEnv, &error)));") sexp)) (define (R-NaN? sexp) ((foreign-lambda* bool ((SEXP sexp)) "int error;" "C_return(Rf_asLogical(R_tryEval(lang2(install(\"is.nan\"), (SEXP) sexp), R_GlobalEnv, &error)));") sexp)) (define R-missing ;; @("R-constant for missing arguments") (foreign-value "R_MissingArg" SEXP)) (define R-null ;; @("NULL") (foreign-value "R_NilValue" SEXP)) (define R-NA ((foreign-lambda* SEXP () "C_return(ScalarLogical(NA_LOGICAL));"))) (define R-inf+ ((foreign-lambda* SEXP () "C_return(ScalarReal(R_PosInf));"))) (define R-inf- ((foreign-lambda* SEXP () "C_return(ScalarReal(R_NegInf));"))) (define R-NaN ((foreign-lambda* SEXP () "C_return(ScalarReal(R_NaN));"))) (define (R-symbol symbol) ((foreign-lambda* SEXP ((c-string symbol)) "C_return(Rf_install(symbol));") (symbol->string symbol))) (define (R-boolean boolean) ((foreign-lambda* SEXP ((bool bool)) "C_return(ScalarLogical(bool ? 1 : 0));") boolean)) (define (R-integer integer) (if (infinite? integer) (if (positive? integer) R-inf+ R-inf-) ((foreign-lambda* SEXP ((int integer)) "C_return(ScalarInteger(integer));") (inexact->exact integer)))) (define (R-real real) (if (nan? real) R-NaN ((foreign-lambda* SEXP ((double real)) "C_return(ScalarReal(real));") real))) (define (R-complex real imaginary) ((foreign-lambda* SEXP ((double real) (double imaginary)) "SEXP complex = allocVector(CPLXSXP, 1);" "COMPLEX(complex)[0].r = real;" "COMPLEX(complex)[0].i = imaginary;" "C_return(complex);") real imaginary)) (define (R-string string) ((foreign-lambda* SEXP ((c-string string)) "C_return(ScalarString(Rf_mkChar(string)));") string)) (define (R-vector vector) (R-eval `(c ,@(vector->list vector)))) (define (R-list list) (R-eval `(list ,@list))) (define (sexp-pointer? object) (tagged-pointer? object 'sexp)) (define (scheme->R value) (type-case* value (NA R-NA) (null R-null) (symbol (R-symbol it)) (boolean (R-boolean it)) ;; +inf.0 and -inf.0 are integers. (integer (R-integer it)) ;; +nan.0 and -nan.0 are reals. ((real rational) (R-real it)) (complex (R-complex (real-part it) (imag-part it))) (string (R-string it)) (vector (R-vector it)) (sexp-pointer it) (list (R-list it)) (else (error "Can't translate value -- scheme->R" value)))) ;; (trace scheme->R) (define-foreign-variable R-null-type int "NILSXP") (define-foreign-variable R-symbol-type int "SYMSXP") (define-foreign-variable R-boolean-type int "LGLSXP") (define-foreign-variable R-integer-type int "INTSXP") (define-foreign-variable R-real-type int "REALSXP") (define-foreign-variable R-complex-type int "CPLXSXP") (define-foreign-variable R-string-type int "STRSXP") (define-foreign-variable R-list-type int "VECSXP") (define (R-type value) ((foreign-lambda int "TYPEOF" c-pointer) value)) (define (R-type? value type) (= (R-type value) type)) (define R-null? (cut R-type? <> R-null-type)) (define R-symbol? (cut R-type? <> R-symbol-type)) (define R-boolean? (cut R-type? <> R-boolean-type)) (define R-integer? (cut R-type? <> R-integer-type)) (define R-real? (cut R-type? <> R-real-type)) (define R-complex? (cut R-type? <> R-complex-type)) (define R-string? (cut R-type? <> R-string-type)) (define R-list? (cut R-type? <> R-list-type)) (define (R-length value) ((foreign-lambda* int ((SEXP value)) "C_return(Rf_length((SEXP) value));") value)) (define (R-boolean-NA? bool) ((foreign-lambda* bool ((bool bool)) "C_return(bool == NA_LOGICAL);") bool)) (define (R-boolean-ref vector i) (let ((bool ((foreign-lambda* bool ((SEXP vector) (int i)) "C_return(LOGICAL((SEXP) vector)[i]);") vector i))) (if (R-boolean-NA? bool) NA bool))) (define (R-integer-NA? i) ((foreign-lambda* bool ((int i)) "C_return(i == NA_INTEGER);") i)) (define (R-integer-ref vector i) (let ((int ((foreign-lambda* int ((SEXP vector) (int i)) "C_return(INTEGER((SEXP) vector)[i]);") vector i))) (if (R-integer-NA? int) NA int))) (define (R-vector-ref vector i) (let ((ref ((foreign-lambda* SEXP ((SEXP vector) (int i)) "C_return(VECTOR_ELT((SEXP) vector, i));") vector i))) (if (R-NA? ref) NA ref))) (define (R-string-NA? string i) ((foreign-lambda* bool ((SEXP string) (int i)) "C_return(STRING_ELT((SEXP) string, i) == NA_STRING);") string i)) (define (R-string-ref vector i) (if (R-string-NA? vector i) NA ((foreign-lambda* c-string ((SEXP vector) (int i)) "if (STRING_ELT((SEXP) vector, i) == NA_STRING)" " C_return(NA_STRING);" "else" " C_return(CHAR(STRING_ELT((SEXP) vector, i)));") vector i))) (define (R-real-NA? real) ((foreign-lambda* bool ((double real)) "C_return(ISNA(real));") real)) (define (R-real-ref vector i) (let ((real ((foreign-lambda* double ((SEXP vector) (int i)) "C_return(REAL((SEXP) vector)[i]);") vector i))) (if (R-real-NA? real) NA real))) (define (R-complex-NA? complex i) ((foreign-lambda* bool ((SEXP complex) (int i)) "C_return(ISNA(COMPLEX((SEXP) complex)[i].r) ||" " ISNA(COMPLEX((SEXP) complex)[i].i));") complex i)) (define (R-complex-ref vector i) (if (R-complex-NA? vector i) NA (receive (real imaginary) ((foreign-primitive void ((SEXP vector) (int i)) "Rcomplex complex = COMPLEX((SEXP) vector)[i];" "C_word *real = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_FLONUM);" "C_word *imag = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_FLONUM);" "C_values(4, C_SCHEME_UNDEFINED, C_k, C_flonum(&real, complex.r), C_flonum(&imag, complex.i));") vector i) (make-rectangular real imaginary)))) (define (scheme-symbol symbol) (string->symbol ((foreign-lambda* c-string ((SEXP symbol)) "C_return(CHAR(PRINTNAME((SEXP) symbol)));") symbol))) (define scheme-vector (case-lambda ((value ref) (scheme-vector value ref (R-length value))) ((value ref length) (do ((vector (make-vector length)) (i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i length) vector) (vector-set! vector i (ref value i)))))) (define (scheme-list value ref) (vector->list (scheme-vector value ref))) (define (scheme-vector-or-scalar value ref) (let ((length (R-length value))) (if (= length 1) (ref value 0) (scheme-vector value ref length)))) (define (R->scheme value) (type-case* value (R-NA NA) (R-null (void)) (R-integer (scheme-vector-or-scalar it R-integer-ref)) (R-list (scheme-list it (compose R->scheme R-vector-ref))) (R-string (scheme-vector-or-scalar it R-string-ref)) (R-real (scheme-vector-or-scalar it R-real-ref)) (R-boolean (scheme-vector-or-scalar it R-boolean-ref)) (R-complex (scheme-vector-or-scalar it R-complex-ref)) (R-symbol (scheme-symbol it)) (else value))) (define (R-unbound? variable) ((foreign-lambda* bool ((SEXP variable)) "C_return((SEXP) variable == R_UnboundValue);") variable)) (define (R-function name) (let ((function ((foreign-lambda* SEXP ((symbol name)) "SEXP f;" "PROTECT(f = Rf_findVar(Rf_install(name), R_GlobalEnv));" "if (TYPEOF(f) == PROMSXP) {" " PROTECT(f);" " f = eval(f, R_GlobalEnv);" " UNPROTECT(1);" "}" "switch (TYPEOF(f)) {" "case CLOSXP:" "case BUILTINSXP:" "case SPECIALSXP:" " UNPROTECT(1);" " C_return(f);" "default:" " UNPROTECT(1);" " C_return(R_UnboundValue);" "}") name))) (if (R-unbound? function) (error "Unbound R-function" name) function))) (define (R-variable name) (let ((variable ((foreign-lambda* SEXP ((symbol name)) "C_return(Rf_findVar(Rf_install(name), R_GlobalEnv));") name))) (if (R-unbound? variable) ;; (error "Unbound R-variable" name) (R-symbol name) variable) )) (define (R-apply f args) ;; @("Apply the list of arguments to a function." ;; (f "Function as a string to apply") ;; (args "List of arguments to apply to f") ;; (@to "R-pointer")) (receive (named-args unnamed-args) (named×unnamed args) (let ((named-args (map (match-lambda ((name . arg) (cons name arg))) named-args))) (receive (value err) ((foreign-primitive void ((SEXP f) (scheme-object tag) (scheme-object named) (scheme-object unnamed)) "int nargs = C_unfix(C_fixnum_plus(C_i_length(named), C_i_length(unnamed)));" "SEXP expression, ei;" "expression = allocVector(LANGSXP, nargs + 1);" "SETCAR(expression, (SEXP) f);" "PROTECT(ei = CDR(expression));" "while (!C_truep(C_i_nullp(unnamed))) {" " SETCAR(ei, (SEXP) C_c_pointer_or_null(C_i_car(unnamed)));" " unnamed = C_i_cdr(unnamed);" " ei = CDR(ei);" "}" "while (!C_truep(C_i_nullp(named))) {" " SEXP arg;" " PROTECT(arg = (SEXP) C_c_pointer_or_null(C_i_cdar(named)));" ;; Why the fuck do we have to null-terminate the string here? ;; Should we do a copy instead? " char *name = C_c_string(C_i_caar(named));" " name[C_unfix(C_i_string_length(C_i_caar(named)))] = '\\0';" " SET_TAG(ei, install(name));" " SETCAR(ei, arg);" " named = C_i_cdr(named);" " ei = CDR(ei);" " UNPROTECT(1);" "}" "UNPROTECT(1);" "int error = 0;" "SEXP val = R_tryEval(expression, R_GlobalEnv, &error);" "C_word *pointer = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_TAGGED_POINTER);" "C_values(4, C_SCHEME_UNDEFINED, C_k, C_taggedmpointer(&pointer, tag, val), C_fix(error));") f 'sexp named-args unnamed-args) (if (zero? err) value (error "R-error (vide supra) -- R-apply")))))) (define (quotation? expression) (or (eq? (car expression) 'quote) (eq? (car expression) 'quasiquote))) (define (R-eval expression) ;; @("Evaluate the R-expression." ;; (expression "The expression to evaluate") ;; (@to "R-object")) (cond ((pair? expression) (if (quotation? expression) (scheme->R (cdr expression)) (R-apply (R-function (car expression)) (map R-eval (cdr expression))))) ((keyword? expression) expression) ((symbol? expression) (R-variable expression)) (else (scheme->R expression)))) (define-syntax R @("Evaluate an R-expression; for instance, {{(R (rnorm 2)) => #}}." (expression "The expression to evaluate") (@to "R-object")) (lambda (expression rename compare) (list 'apply 'R-eval (list 'quasiquote (cdr expression))))) (define-syntax R* @("Evaluate an R-expression and translate it into Scheme; for instance, {{(R* (rnorm 2)) => #(-0.0740060993626383 -1.77269881184448)}}." (expression "The expression to evaluate") (@to "Scheme-object")) (lambda (expression rename compare) `(R->scheme (R ,@(cdr expression)))))