(define debug? @("Should we print debugging information to stdout?") (make-parameter #t)) ;; Another case with merely a value? We're going to have to ;; macrologize this thing, then. (define debug-print @("Print key-value pairs if the parameter `debug?' is true." (key "The key to print") (value "The value to print") (out "The port to print to")) (case-lambda ((key value) (debug-print key value #t)) ((key value out) (if (debug?) (format out "~a: ~a~%" key value))))) (define random-seed @("`random-seed' is passed to `randomize!' during `simulate'.") (make-parameter #f)) (define randomize! @("`randomize!' is called before simulation and is seeded with `random-seed'.") (make-parameter randomize)) ;; Should we have first-class support for seeding the random-number ;; generator; or simply a generic initialization? Problem is that we ;; don't know which random-number library their using: we'd have to ;; pass in a thunk or at least a seed and a randomizer; in the ;; former case, however, we've gone to generic initialization. (define simulate @("Run an environment to completion; an environment is complete when it returns false." (environment "The environment to simulate") (randomize! "Function to seed the random-number generator for reproducible results") (random-seed "Seed to seed the random-number generator") (@to "#f")) (case-lambda ((environment) (simulate environment (randomize!) (random-seed))) ((environment randomize! random-seed) (if random-seed (randomize! random-seed)) (loop ((while (environment))))))) (define (compose-environments . environments) @("Compose environments into a single environment suitable for `simulate'. `compose-environments' effectively `ands' over its constituent environments every step." (environments "The environments to be composed") (@to "environment")) (lambda () (every identity (map (lambda (environment) (environment)) environments)))) (define (make-performance-measuring-environment measure-performance score-update!) @("Make an environment that updates a score according to a performance measure." (measure-performance "A nullary procedure which measures performance") (score-update! "A function which receives the performance measure and updates the score accordingly") (@to "environment")) (lambda () (score-update! (measure-performance)))) (define default-steps @("Default number of steps for the step-limited environment") (make-parameter 1000)) (define make-step-limited-environment @("Make an environment that stops simulation after a certain number of steps." (steps "The number of steps after which to stop simulating") (@to "environment")) (case-lambda (() (make-step-limited-environment (default-steps))) ((steps) (let ((current-step 0)) (lambda () (set! current-step (+ current-step 1)) (< current-step steps)))))) ;; Damn, we destroyed a nice abstraction that could have served for ;; e.g. animations by changing `print' to `make-printable-object'. (define-syntax make-debug-environment @("Make an environment that prints debugging information (according to `debug?')." (object "The object to debug") (make-printable-object "A function which optionally transforms the object before printing") (@to "environment")) (er-macro-transformer (lambda (expression rename compare) (let ((%print (rename 'debug-print))) (match expression ((_ object) `(lambda () (,%print ',object ,object))) ((_ object make-printable-object) `(lambda () (,%print ',object (,make-printable-object ,object)))))))))