library(debug) library(ggplot2) plot.voronoi <- function(voronoi, path.x, path.y, start.x, start.y, end.x, end.y, filename, title) { png(filename, width=1600, heigh=900) q <- qplot(voronoi$x1, voronoi$y1, xlab="", ylab="") + opts(legend.position='none', title=title, plot.title=theme_text(size=36)) + geom_point(aes(x=start.x, y=start.y, alpha=1.0), shape=1, size=5) + geom_text(aes(x=start.x, y=start.y, label='Start', alpha=1.0), size=7) + geom_point(aes(x=end.x, y=end.y, alpha=1.0), shape=1, size=5) + geom_text(aes(x=end.x, y=end.y, label='End', alpha=1.0), size=7) + geom_segment(aes(x=voronoi$x1, xend=voronoi$x2, y=voronoi$y1, yend=voronoi$y2, alpha=1.0)) + geom_text(aes(x=voronoi$x1 + (voronoi$x2 - voronoi$x1) / 2, y=voronoi$y1 + (voronoi$y2 - voronoi$y1) / 2, label=signif(sqrt((voronoi$x2 - voronoi$x1) ^ 2 + (voronoi$y2 - voronoi$y1) ^ 2), digits=2), alpha=1.0), size=5) + ## We have to do this in segments, if we want to be able to model ## bi-directional search. geom_path(aes(x=path.x, y=path.y, alpha=1.0), color='red', size=2.5) + geom_point(aes(x=voronoi$x1, y=voronoi$y1, alpha=1.0)) plot(q) }