@(heading "AIMA-Tessellation") (module aima-tessellation @("aima-tessellation has procedures for tessellating a plane into disjoint, convex polygons suitable for exercise 3.7; and then plotting that tessellation with a path.") (join-animations make-point make-node node-state node-state-set! node-parent node-parent-set! node-action node-action-set! node-path-cost node-path-cost-set! point-distance plot-tessellation plot-tessellation/animation point-x point-y predecessor-path tessellate tessellation-points tessellation-neighbors tessellation-start tessellation-end) (import chicken scheme) (use aima data-structures debug extras files format lolevel matchable numbers posix R shell srfi-1 srfi-69 utils vector-lib) (include "aima-tessellation-core.scm"))