(define-record node @("Data structure for graphs" (state "An indexable point") (predecessor "The node-predecessor") (action "Not used") (path-cost "Cost of the path up to this point")) state predecessor action path-cost) (define (make-initial-node state) (make-node state #f #f 0)) (define (predecessor-path node) @("List the predecessors of this node." (node "The node to predecess") (@to "list")) (let iter ((path (list node))) (let ((predecessor (node-predecessor (car path)))) (if predecessor (iter (cons predecessor path)) ;; Do we want to reverse? (reverse path))))) (define (search start successors step-cost goal? make-frontier frontier-add! frontier-delete! frontier-empty?) (let ((visited (make-hash-table)) (frontier (make-frontier))) (frontier-add! frontier (make-initial-node start)) (let search () (if (frontier-empty? frontier) (error "Search failed -- SEARCH") (let* ((predecessor (frontier-delete! frontier)) (successors (successors predecessor))) (hash-table-set! visited (node-state predecessor) #f) (if (goal? predecessor) (reverse (predecessor-path predecessor)) (let ((unvisited-successors (filter (lambda (successor) (hash-table-ref/default visited successor #t)) successors))) (for-each (lambda (successor) (let ((node (make-node successor predecessor #f (+ (node-path-cost predecessor) ;; Should this be ;; between two ;; nodes? (step-cost successor (node-state predecessor)))))) (frontier-add! frontier node))) unvisited-successors) (search)))))))) (define (search-depth-first start successors step-cost goal?) (search start successors step-cost goal? make-stack stack-push! stack-pop! stack-empty?)) (define (search-breadth-first start successors step-cost goal?) (search start successors step-cost goal? make-queue queue-add! queue-remove! queue-empty?)) (define (search-best-first start successors step-cost goal? f) (search start successors step-cost goal? make-min-heap (lambda (heap node) (let ((key (heap-key heap node)) (path-cost (f node))) (if key (if (< path-cost key) (heap-change-key! heap node path-cost)) (heap-insert! heap path-cost node)))) heap-extract-extremum! heap-empty?)) (define (search-uniform-cost start successors step-cost goal?) (search-best-first start successors step-cost goal? node-path-cost)) (define (search-greedy-best-first start successors step-cost goal? heuristic) (search-best-first start successors step-cost goal? heuristic)) (define (A* start successors step-cost goal? heuristic) (search-best-first start successors step-cost goal? (lambda (node) (+ (node-path-cost node) (heuristic node))))) (define (search-recursive-best-first start successors step-cost goal? heuristic) (define (search return predecessor f-limit) ;; (debug (node-state predecessor)) (if (goal? (node-state predecessor)) (return (predecessor-path predecessor)) (let ((successors (successors predecessor))) (if (null? successors) (values #f +inf.0) (let ((heap (make-min-heap))) (for-each (lambda (successor) (let ((successor (make-node successor predecessor #f (step-cost successor (node-state predecessor))))) (node-path-cost-set! successor (max (length (predecessor-path successor)) (node-path-cost predecessor))) (heap-insert! heap (node-path-cost successor) successor))) successors) (let iter () (let* ((best (heap-extremum heap)) (best-path-cost (node-path-cost best))) ;; (debug heap ;; (heap-size heap) ;; (node-state (heap-extremum heap))) (if (> best-path-cost f-limit) (values #f best-path-cost) (let ((alternative (if (= (heap-size heap) 1) +inf.0 (let ((first (heap-extract-extremum! heap)) (alternative (node-path-cost (heap-extremum heap)))) ;; (debug heap ;; (heap-size heap) ;; (node-state (heap-extremum heap)) ;; (node-path-cost first) ;; first ;; (node-state first) ;; 'iter ;; (heap-member? heap first)) (heap-delete! heap first) ;; (debug 'iter (heap-member? heap first)) (heap-insert! heap (node-path-cost first) first) alternative)))) (receive (predecessor best-path-cost) (search return best (min f-limit alternative)) (if predecessor (values predecessor best-path-cost) (iter)))))))))))) (call/cc (lambda (return) (search return (make-initial-node start) +inf.0)))) (define-record-and-printer point x y) (define (make-random-points n) (do ((points '() (cons (make-point (random-real) (random-real)) points)) (n n (- n 1))) ((zero? n) points))) (define (point-distance p1 p2) @("Calculate the distance between two points." (p1 "The first point") (p2 "The second point") (@to "distance")) (sqrt (+ (expt (- (point-x p1) (point-x p2)) 2) (expt (- (point-y p1) (point-y p2)) 2)))) (define (make-straight-line-distance-heuristic end) (lambda (node) (point-distance (node-state node) end)))