[[tags: allegro game]] == allegro This document pertains to configuration related methods found in the Allegro egg. Please see the main [allegro] wiki page for more information. [[toc:]] == Records === config config === config-entry config-entry === config-section config-section == Functions === Config Files (make-config*) Implements al_create_config. (make-config) Implements al_create_config, with (free-config!) declared as a finalizer. (free-config! config) Implements al_destroy_config. (config-section-add! config string) Implements al_add_config_section. (config-value-set! config (string section) (string key) (string value)) Implements al_set_config_value. (config-comment-add! config (string section) (string comment)) Implements al_add_config_comment. (config-value config (string section) (string key)) Implements al_get_config_value. (load-config* string) Implements al_load_config_file. (load-config string) Implements al_load_config_file, with (free-config!) decalred as a finalizer. (load-config-from-file* file) Implements al_load_config_file_f. (load-config-from-file file) Implements al_load_config_file_f, with (free-config!) declared as a finalizer. (config-save config string) Implements al_save_config_file. (config-save-to-file config file) Implements al_save_config_file_f. (config-merge! config config) Implements al_merge_config_into. (config-merge config config) Implements al_merge_config. (config-sections config) Creates an iterator that covers the sections of the given config. Returns values of the form (list config-section promise). (force) the promise to get the next section. Needs testing! (config-entries config config-section) Creates an iterator that covers the entries of the given config and config-section. Returns values of the form (list config-entry promise). (force) the promise to get the next entry. Needs testing!