[[tags: allegro game]] == allegro This document pertains to user input related methods found in the Allegro egg. Please see the main [allegro] wiki page for more information. [[toc:]] == Constants * joystick-max-axes * jostick-max-sticks * joystick-max-buttons * mouse-max-extra-axis == Enums === cursor-type (cursor-type->int cursor-type) {{cursor-type}} may be one of the following symbols: * none * default * arrow * busy * question * edit * move * resize-north * resize-west * resize-south * resize-east * resize-northwest * resize-southwest * resize-southeast * resize-northeast * progress * precision * link * alt-select * unavailable (int->cursor-type integer) === joystick-flag (joystick-flag->int joystick-flag) {{joystick-flag}} may be one of the following symbols: * digital * analog (int->joystick-flag integer) === key (key->int key) {{key}} may be one of the following symbols: * a * b * c * d * e * f * g * h * i * j * k * l * m * n * o * p * q * r * s * t * u * v * w * x * y * z * one * two * three * four * five * six * seven * eight * nine * zero * pad-one * pad-two * pad-three * pad-four * pad-five * pad-six * pad-seven * pad-eight * pad-nine * pad-zerp * f1 * f2 * f3 * f4 * f5 * f6 * f7 * f9 * f9 * f10 * f11 * f12 * escape * tilde * minus * equals * backspace * tab * openbrace * enter * semicolon * quote * backslash * backslash2 * comma * fullstop * slash * space * insert * delete * home * end * pgup * pgdn * left * right * up * down * pad-slash * pad-asterisk * pad-minus * pad-plus * pad-delete * pad-enter * printscreen * pause * abnt-c1 * yen * kana * convert * noconvert * at * circumflex * colon2 * kanji * pad-equals * backquote * semicolon2 * command * unknown * lshift * rshift * lctrl * rctrl * alt * altgr * lwin * rwin * menu * scrolllock * numlock * capslock (int->key integer) === keymod (keymod->int keymod) {{keymod}} may be one of the following symbols: * shift * ctrl * alt * lwin * rwin * menu * altgr * command * scrolllock * numlock * capslock * inaltseq * accent1 * accent2 * accent3 * accent4 (int->keymod integer) == Records === cursor cursor === joystick joystick === joystick-state joystick-state (make-joystick-state*) (make-joystick-state) (free-joystick-state! joystick-state) (joystick-state-button int) === keyboard keyboard === keyboard-state keyboard-state (make-keyboard-state*) (make-keyboard-state) (free-keyboard-state! keyboard-state) (keyboard-state-display) === mouse mouse === mouse-cursor mouse-cursor === mouse-state mouse-state (make-mouse-state) (make-mouse-state*) (free-mouse-state! mouse-state) (mouse-state-x mouse-state) (mouse-state-y mouse-state) (mouse-state-z mouse-state) (mouse-state-w mouse-state) (mouse-state-buttons mouse-state) (mouse-state-pressure mouse-state) (mouse-state-axis mouse-state integer) (mouse-state-display mouse-state) == Functions === Joystick (joystick-addon-install) Implements al_install_joystick. (joystick-addon-uninstall) Implements al_uninstall_joystick. (joystick-addon-installed?) Implements al_is_joystick_installed. (joystick-addon-reconfigure) Implements al_reconfigure_joysticks. (joystick-event-source) Implements al_get_joystick_event_source. (joystick-count) Implements al_get_num_joysticks. (joystick-ref integer) Implements al_get_joystick. (joystick-release joystick) Implements al_release_joystick. (joystick-active? joystick) Implements al_get_joystick_active. (joystick-name joystick) Implements al_get_joystick_name. (joystick-axes-count joystick (integer stick)) Implements al_get_joystick_num_axes. (joystick-button-count joystick) Implements al_get_joystick_num_buttons. (joystick-button-name joystick (integer button)) Implements al_get_joystick_button_name. (joystick-state-init! joystick-state joystick) Implements al_get_joystick_state. (joystick-state-axis joystick-state (integer stick) (integer axis)) Retrieves desired axis value for a particular stick; #f if either stick or axis is out of available bounds. === Keyboard (keyboard-addon-installed?) Implements al_is_keyboard_installed. (keyboard-addon-install) Implements al_install_keyboard. (keyboard-addon-uninstall) Implements al_uninstall_keyboard. (keycode->string key) Implements al_keycode_to_name. Not strictly necessary, since the enums are symbols which can easily be converted to strings. (keyboard-event-source) Implements al_get_keyboard_event_source. (keyboard-led-set! integer) Implements al_set_keyboard_leds. (keyboard-state-init! keyboard-state) Implements al_get_keyboard_state. (keyboard-state-key-down? keyboard-state key) Implements al_key_down. (keyboard-three-finger-flag?) Wraps _al_three_finger_flag. (keyboard-led-flag?) Wraps _al_key_led_flag. === Mouse (mouse-addon-installed?) Implements al_is_mouse_installed. (mouse-addon-install) Implements al_install_mouse. (mouse-addon-uninstall) Implements al_uninstall_mouse. (mouse-button-count) Implements al_get_mouse_num_buttons. (mouse-axes-count) Implements al_get_mouse_num_axes. (mouse-xy-set! display (integer x) (integer y)) Implements al_set_mouse_xy. (mouse-z-set! display integer) Implements al_set_mouse_z. (mouse-w-set! display integer) Implements al_set_mouse_w. (mouse-event-source) Implements al_get_mouse_event_source. (mouse-state-init! mouse-state)(mouse-state-button-down mouse-state (integer button)) Implements al_mouse_button_down. (mouse-state-axis mouse-state (integer axis)) Implements al_get_mouse_state_axis. (mouse-axis-set! (integer axis) (integer value)) Implements al_set_mouse_axis. (make-cursor* (bitmap sprite) (integer xfocus) (integer yfocus)) Implements al_create_mouse_cursor. (make-cursor (bitmap sprite) (integer xfocus) (integer yfocus)) Implements al_create_mouse_cursor, with (free-cursor!) declared as a finalizer. (free-cursor! cursor) Implements al_destroy_mouse_cursor. (mouse-cursor-position) Returns a 2-element list consisting of the x and y position of the mouse cursor. (mouse-ungrab) Implements al_ungrab_mouse. (display-grab-mouse! display) Implements al_grab_mouse. (display-cursor-set! display mouse-cursor) Implements al_set_mouse_cursor. (display-hide-cursor! display) Implements al_hide_mouse_cursor. (display-system-mouse-cursor-set! display cursor-type) Implements al_set_system_mouse_cursor.