[[tags: allegro game]] == allegro This document pertains to math related methods found in the Allegro egg. Please see the main [allegro] wiki page for more information. [[toc:]] == Functions === Fixed Math (fix-to-rad integer) Implements al_fixtorad_r. (rad-to-fix integer) Implements al_radtofix_r. (fixed-sqrt integer) Implements al_fixsqrt. (fixed-hypot integer) Implements al_fixhypot. (fixed-atan integer) Implements al_fixatan. (fixed-atan2 integer) Implements al_fixatan2. (fixed-cos integer) Wraps _al_fix_cos_tbl. (fixed-tan integer) Wraps _al_fix_tan_tbl. (fixed-acos integer) Wraps _al_fix_acos_tbl.