[[tags: allegro game]] == allegro This document pertains to memory related methods found in the Allegro egg. Please see the main [allegro] wiki page for more information. [[toc:]] == Records === memory-interface memory-interface (make-memory-interface*) (make-memory-interface) (free-memory-interface! memory-interface) (memory-interface-malloc memory-interface) (memory-interface-malloc-set! memory-interface (function c-pointer (integer32 integer (const c-string) (const c-string)))) (memory-interface-realloc memory-interface) (memory-interface-realloc-set! memory-interface (function void (c-pointer integer (const c-string) (const c-string)))) (memory-interface-calloc memory-interface) (memory-interface-calloc-set! memory-interface (function c-pointer (c-pointer integer32 integer (const c-string) (const c-string)))) (memory-interface-free memory-interface) (memory-interface-free-set! memory-interface (function c-pointer (integer32 integer32 integer (const c-string) (const c-string)))) == Functions === Memory (memory-interface-set! memory-interface) Implements al_set_memory_interface. (malloc* integer) Implements al_malloc. (malloc integer) Implements al_malloc, with (free!) declared as a finalizer. (free! ptr) Implements al_free. (realloc* ptr integer) Implements al_realloc. (realloc ptr integer) Implements al_realloc, with (free!) declared as a finalizer. (calloc* integer integer) Implements al_calloc. (calloc integer integer) Implements al_calloc, with (free!) declared as a finalizer. (malloc/context* (int size) (int line) (string file) (string function)) Implements al_malloc_with_context. (malloc/context (int size) (int line) (string file) (string function)) Implements al_malloc_with_context, with (free/context!) declared as a finalizer. (free/context! ptr (int line) (string file) (string function)) Implements al_free_with_context. (realloc/context* ptr (int size) (int line) (string file) (string function)) Implements al_realloc_with_context. (realloc/context ptr (int size) (int line) (string file) (string function)) Implements al_realloc_with_context, with (free/context!) declared as a finalizer. (calloc/context* (int count) (int size) (int line) (string file) (string function)) Implements al_calloc_with_context. (calloc/context (int count) (int size) (int line) (string file) (string function)) Implements al_calloc_with_context, with (free/context!) declared as a finalizer. === Memory Files (open-memfile* (c-pointer mem) (unsigned-integer size) (string mode)) Implements al_open_memfile. (open-memfile (c-pointer mem) (unsigned-integer size) (string mode)) Implements al_open_memfile, with (free&close-file!) declared as a finalizer. (memfile-version) Implements al_get_allegro_memfile_version. === Miscellaneous (combine-flags converter flags) For combining enum flags together, ie: (combine-flags display-flag->int '(windowed opengl resizable generate-expose-events)) (make-id a b c d) Implements AL_ID. (run-main argc argv (function integer (integer (c-pointer c-string)))) Implements al_run_main. (init-everything) Initializes all sub-systems. (init-symbol s) Initializes sub-systems by symbol-name. Valid symbols are: allegro, audio, font, image, joystick, keyboard, mouse, primitives, and ttf. (init-this arg) Initializes sub-systems either by a single symbol or by a list of symbols. Ie: (init-this (list 'allegro 'audio 'font 'image 'joystick 'keyboard 'mouse 'primitives 'ttf)) (uninstall-everything) Attempts to uninitialize all loaded sub-systems. (uninstall-this arg) Attempts to uninitialize sub-systems by either a single symbol or by a list of symbols. Ie: (uninstall-this (list 'system 'audio 'font 'image 'joystick 'keyboard 'mouse 'primitives 'ttf))