[[tags: allegro game]] == allegro This document pertains to color related methods found in the Allegro egg. Please see the main [allegro] wiki page for more information. [[toc:]] == Records === color color (make-color*) (make-color) (free-color! color) (color-red color) (color-green color) (color-blue color) (color-alpha color) == Functions === Color (color-addon-version) Implements al_get_allegro_color_version. (hsv->rgb (float h) (float s) (float v)) Returns a 3-element list consisting of the rgb elements. (rgb->hsl (float red) (float green) (float blue)) Returns a 3-element list consisting of the hsl elements. (hsl->rgb (float hue) (float saturation) (float lightness)) Returns a 3-element list consisting of the rgb elements. (name->rgb string) Returns a 3-element list consisting of the rgb elements. (rgb->name (float red) (float green) (float blue)) Returns a string representation of the rgb elements. (cmyk->rgb (float cyan) (float magenta) (float yellow) (float key)) Returns a 3-element list consisting of the rgb elements. (rgb->cmyk (float red) (float green) (float blue)) Returns a 4-element list consisting of the cmyk elements. (yuv->rgb (float y) (float u) (float v)) Returns a 3-element list consisting of the rgb elements. (rgb->yuv (float red) (float green) (float blue)) Returns a 3-element list consisting of the yuv elements. (rgb->html (float red) (float green) (float blue)) Returns a string consisting of the html representation. (html->rgb string) Returns a 3-element list consisting of the rgb elements. (make-color-rgb* (integer r) (integer g) (integer b)) Creates a color struct from rgb elements. (make-color-rgb (integer r) (integer g) (integer b)) Creates a color struct from rgb elements, with (free-color!) declared as a finalizer. (make-color-rgba*(integer r) (integer g) (integer b) (integer a)) Creates a color struct from rgba elements. (make-color-rgba (integer r) (integer g) (integer b) (integer a)) Creates a color struct from rgba elements, with (free-color!) declared as a finalizer. (make-color-yuv* (integer y) (integer u) (integer v)) Creates a color struct from yuv elements. (make-color-yuv (integer y) (integer u) (integer v)) Creates a color struct from yuv elements, with (free-color!) declared as a finalizer. (make-color-cmyk* (integer c) (integer m) (integer y) (integer k)) Creates a color struct from cmyk elements. (make-color-cmyk (integer c) (integer m) (integer y) (integer k)) Creates a color struct from cmyk elements, with (free-color!) declared as a finalizer. (make-color-hsl*(integer h) (integer s) (integer l)) Creates a color struct from hsl elements. (make-color-hsl (integer h) (integer s) (integer l)) Creates a color struct from hsl elements, with (free-color!) declared as a finalizer. (make-color-hsv*(integer h) (integer s) (integer v)) Creates a color struct from hsv elements. (make-color-hsv (integer h) (integer s) (integer v)) Creates a color struct from hsv elements, with (free-color!) declared as a finalizer. (make-color-name* string) Creates a color struct from a string name. (make-color-name string) Creates a color struct from a string name, with (free-color!) declared as a finalizer. (make-color-html* string) Creates a color struct from a html representation. (make-color-html string) Creates a color struct from a html representation, with (free-color!) declared as a finalizer. (color-yuv! color (float y) (float u) (float v)) Maps yuv elements to a color struct. (color-cmyk! color (float c) (float m) (float y) (float k)) Maps cmyk elements to a color struct. (color-hsl! color (float h) (float s) (float l)) Maps hsl elements to a color struct. (color-hsv! color (float h) (float s) (float v)) Maps hsv elements to a color struct. (color-name! color string) Maps a color name to a color struct. (color-html! color string) Maps a html representation to a color struct.