[[tags: allegro game]] == allegro This document pertains to font related methods found in the Allegro egg. Please see the main [allegro] wiki page for more information. [[toc:]] == Enums === font-align (font-align->int font-align) {{font-align}} may be one of the following symbols: * left * center * right (int->font-align integer) == Records === font font (font-data font) (font-height font) === utf-string utf-string == Functions === Fonts (register-font-loader (string extension) (function font (string integer integer))) Implements al_register_font_loader. (load-bitmap-font* string) Implements al_load_bitmap_font. (load-bitmap-font string) Implements al_load_bitmap_font, with (free-font!) declared as a finalizer. (load-font* string (integer size) (integer flags)) Implements al_load_font. (load-font string (integer size) (integer flags)) Implements al_load_font, with (free-font!) declared as a finalizer. (make-font-from-bitmap* bitmap (integer n) (s32vector ranges)) Implements al_grab_font_from_bitmap. (make-font-from-bitmap bitmap (integer n) (s32vector ranges)) Implements al_grab_font_from_bitmap, with (free-font!) declared as a finalizer. (free-font! font) Implements al_destroy_font. (font-draw-utf (font f) (color c) (float x) (float y) (font-align flags) (utf-string ustr)) Implements al_draw_ustr. (font-draw-string (font f) (color c) (float x) (float y) (font-align flags) (string text)) Implements al_draw_text. (font-draw-justified-string (font f) (color c) (float x1) (float x2) (float y) (float diff) (font-align flags) (c-string text)) Implements al_draw_justified_text. (font-draw-justified-utf-string (font f) (color c) (float x1) (float x2) (float y) (float diff) (font-align flags) (utf-string text)) Implements al_draw_justified_ustr. (font-width font string) Implements al_get_text_width. (font-utf-width font utf-string) Implements al_get_ustr_width. (font-line-height font) Implements al_get_font_line_height. (font-ascent font) Implements al_get_font_ascent. (font-descent font) Implements al_get_font_descent. (font-utf-dimensions (font f) (utf-string text)) Returns a 4-element list consisting of the bounding box elements: x, y, width and height. (font-dimensions (font f) (string text)) Returns a 4-element list consisting of the bounding box elements: x, y, width and height. (font-addon-install) Implements al_init_font_addon. (font-addon-uninstall) Implements al_shutdown_font_addon. (font-addon-version) Implements al_get_allegro_font_version. === True Type Font Support (load-ttf* (string filename) (integer size) (integer flags)) Implements al_load_ttf_font. (load-ttf (string filename) (integer size) (integer flags)) Implements al_load_ttf_font, with (free-font!) declared as a finalizer. (load-ttf-from-file* (file f) (string filename) (integer size) (integer flags)) Implements al_load_ttf_font_f. (load-ttf-from-file (file f) (string filename) (integer size) (integer flags)) Implements al_load_ttf_font_f, with (free-font!) declared as a finalizer. (ttf-addon-install) Implements al_init_ttf_addon. (ttf-addon-uninstall) Implements al_shutdown_ttf_addon. (ttf-addon-version) Implements al_get_allegro_ttf_version. === UTF Strings (make-utf-string* string) Implements al_ustr_new. (make-utf-string string) Implements al_ustr_new, with (free-utf-string!) declared as a finalizer. (make-utf-string-from-buffer* blob) Given a blob, produces a new utf-string. (make-utf-string-from-buffer blob) Given a blob, produces a new utf-string, with (free-utf-string!) declared as a finalizer. (free-utf-string! utf-string) Implements al_ustr_free. (utf->string utf-string) Implements al_cstr. (utf->buffer! utf-string blob) Implements al_ustr_to_buffer. (utf->string-copy utf-string) Implements al_cstr_dup. (utf-copy* utf-string) Implements al_ustr_dup. (utf-copy utf-string) Implements al_ustr_dup, with (free-utf-string!) declared as a finalizer. (utf-substring* utf-string (integer start) (integer end)) Implements al_ustr_dup_substr. (utf-substring utf-string (integer start) (integer end)) Implements al_ustr_dup_substr, with (free-utf-string!) declared as a finalizer. (utf-empty-string) Implements al_ustr_empty_string. (make-utf-null-string*) Makes an empty utf-string struct, where the string pointer is unset. (make-utf-null-string) Makes an empty utf-string struct, where the string pointer is unset, with (free-utf-string!) declared as a finalizer. (utf-reference-cstr* string) Implements al_ref_cstr. (utf-reference-cstr string) Implements al_ref_cstr, with (free-utf-string!) declared as a finalizer. (utf-reference-buffer* blob) Implements al_ref_buffer. (utf-reference-buffer blob) Implements al_ref_buffer, with (free-utf-string!) declared as a finalizer. (utf-reference-utf-string* utf-string (integer start) (integer end)) Implements al_ref_ustr. (utf-reference-utf-string utf-string (integer start) (integer end)) Implements al_ref_ustr, with (free-utf-string!) declared as a finalizer. (utf-size utf-string) Implements al_ustr_size. (utf-length utf-string) Implements al_ustr_length. (utf-offset utf-string integer) Implements al_ustr_offset. (utf-next utf-string integer) Implements al_ustr_next, modified to return #f at the end of the string. (utf-previous utf-string integer) Implements al_ustr_prev, modified to return #f at the end of the string. (utf-get utf-string integer) Implements al_ustr_get. (utf-get-next utf-string integer) Returns a 2-element list consisting of the next code and its position, or #f if at the end of the string. (utf-get-prev utf-string integer) Returns a 2-element list consisting of the previous code and its position, or #f if at the start of the string. (utf-remove-char! utf-string integer) Implements al_ustr_remove_chr. (utf-remove-range! utf-string (integer start) (integer end)) Implements al_ustr_remove_range. (utf-truncate! utf-string integer) Implements al_ustr_truncate. (utf-ltrim! utf-string) Implements al_ustr_ltrim_ws. (utf-rtrim! utf-string) Implements al_ustr_rtrim_ws. (utf-trim! utf-string) Implements al_ustr_trim_ws. (utf-assign! utf-string utf-string) Implements al_ustr_assign. (utf-assign-substring! utf-string utf-string (integer start) (integer end)) Implements al_ustr_assign_substr. (utf-assign-string! utf-string string) Implements al_ustr_assign_cstr. (utf-set-char! utf-string (integer pos) (integer char)) Implements al_ustr_set_chr. (utf-replace-range! utf-string (integer start) (integer end) utf-string) Implements al_ustr_replace_range. (utf-find utf-string (integer start) utf-string) Implements al_ustr_find_str. (utf-find-string utf-string (integer start) string) Implements al_ustr_find_cstr. (utf-find-char utf-string (integer start) (integer char)) Implements al_ustr_find_chr. (utf-find-set utf-string (integer start) utf-string) Implements al_ustr_find_set. (utf-find-set-string utf-string integer string) Implements al_ustr_find_set_cstr. (utf-find-cset utf-string integer utf-string) Implements al_ustr_find_cset. (utf-find-cset-string utf-string integer string) Implements al_ustr_find_set_cstr. (utf-rfind utf-string integer utf-string) Implements al_ustr_rfind_str. (utf-rfind-char utf-string integer (integer char)) Implements al_ustr_rfind_char. (utf-rfind-string utf-string integer string) Implements al_ustr_rfind_cstr. (utf-find&replace! utf-string integer utf-string utf-string) Implements al_ustr_find_replace. (utf-find&replace-string! utf-string integer string string) Implements al_ustr_find_replace_cstr. (utf-equal? utf-string utf-string) Implements al_ustr_equal. (utf-compare utf-string utf-string) Implements al_ustr_compare. (utf-ncompare utf-string utf-string integer) Implements al_ustr_ncompare. (utf-prefix? utf-string utf-string) Implements al_ustr_has_prefix. (utf-prefix-string? utf-string string) Implements al_ustr_has_prefix_cstr. (utf-suffix? utf-string utf-string) Implements al_ustr_has_prefix. (utf-suffix-string? utf-string string) Implements al_ustr_has_suffix_cstr. (utf8-width integer32) Implements al_utf8_width. (utf8-encode! blob integer32) Implements al_utf8_encode. (utf-string-utf16-size utf-string) Implements al_ustr_size_utf16. (utf-string-utf16-encode utf-string blob integer) Implements al_ustr_encode_utf16. (utf16-width integer) Implements al_utf16_width. (utf16-encode u16vector integer32) Implements al_utf16_encode.