(use augeas) (use test) (use files) (define-syntax expect-error ;; return #t on augeas error code, else throw error (syntax-rules () ((_ code e0 e1 ...) (condition-case (begin e0 e1 ...) ((exn augeas code) #t))))) (define-syntax begin0 ; multiple values discarded (syntax-rules () ((_ e0 e1 ...) (let ((tmp e0)) e1 ... tmp)))) (define (aug-match-pairs a path) (map (lambda (x) (cons x (aug-get a x))) (aug-match a path))) (define root "root") ;; (define root "tests/root") ;; if testing with system egg from main dir (define (pn fn) (make-pathname root fn)) (define (delete-files . files) (for-each (lambda (fn) (when (file-exists? fn) (delete-file fn))) files)) ;; get to known file state (define (known-file-state!) (file-copy (pn "etc/hosts.pristine") (pn "etc/hosts") #t) (delete-files (pn "etc/hosts.augsave") (pn "etc/hosts.augnew"))) (known-file-state!) (define a (aug-init root: root)) (test-group "exists" (test "existent" #t (aug-exists? a "/files/etc/hosts/1/ipaddr")) (test "existent node with no value" #t (aug-exists? a "/files/etc/hosts/1")) (test "non-existent" #f (aug-exists? a "/files/etc/hosts/1/ipadd"))) (test-group "get" (test "get hosts/ipaddr" "" (aug-get a "/files/etc/hosts/1/ipaddr")) (test "get missing node" #f (aug-get a "/files/etc/hosts/1/missing")) (test "get too many matches" #t (expect-error mmatch (aug-get a "/files/etc/hosts//alias"))) (test "get invalid path expression" #t (expect-error pathx (aug-get a "/files/etc/hosts/alias[")))) (test-group "match" (test "match count hosts/*/ipaddr" 2 (aug-match-count a "/files/etc/hosts/*/ipaddr")) ; hosts/1 and hosts/2 (test "match hosts/*/ipaddr" '("/files/etc/hosts/1/ipaddr" "/files/etc/hosts/2/ipaddr") (aug-match a "/files/etc/hosts/*/ipaddr")) (test "match hosts" ;; probably a redundant test '("/files/etc/hosts/#comment[1]" "/files/etc/hosts/#comment[2]" "/files/etc/hosts/1" "/files/etc/hosts/#comment[3]" "/files/etc/hosts/#comment[4]" "/files/etc/hosts/2") (aug-match a "/files/etc/hosts/*"))) (test-group "init" ;; Init DB and verify /augeas/save is set to proper flag. We'll test that ;; saving actually works later. (define (test-cfg label flags) (let ((a (aug-init flags: (append flags '(no-load no-module-autoload))))) (begin0 (aug-get a (string-append "/augeas/" label)) (aug-close a)))) (test "save default" "overwrite" (test-cfg "save" '())) (test "save overwrite" "overwrite" (test-cfg "save" '(save-overwrite))) (test "save noop" "noop" (test-cfg "save" '(save-noop))) (test "save newfile" "newfile" (test-cfg "save" '(save-newfile))) (test "save backup" "backup" (test-cfg "save" '(save-backup))) (test-assert "do not load files (no-load)" (let ((a (aug-init root: root flags: '(no-load)))) (begin0 (and (= 0 (aug-match-count a "/files//*")) (< 0 (aug-match-count a "/augeas/load//*"))) (aug-close a)))) (test-assert "do not load files or modules (no-load + no-module-autoload)" (let ((a (aug-init root: root flags: '(no-load no-module-autoload)))) (begin0 (and (= 0 (aug-match-count a "/files//*")) (= 0 (aug-match-count a "/augeas/load//*"))) (aug-close a)))) (test "span disabled by default" "disable" (test-cfg "span" '())) (test "span enabled" "enable" (test-cfg "span" '(enable-span))) ;; Untested: no-stdinc, type-check ) (test-group "set" ;; rm ipaddr node, or reload (test "assert nonexistent" #f (aug-get a "/files/etc/hosts/01/ipaddr")) (test "set!" (void) (aug-set! a "/files/etc/hosts/01/ipaddr" "")) (test "get" "" (aug-get a "/files/etc/hosts/01/ipaddr")) (test "set! > 1 match" #t (expect-error mmatch (aug-set! a "/files/etc/hosts//ipaddr" "")))) (test-group "rm" (let ((p "/files/etc/hosts/01/ipaddr") (v "")) (test "set!" (void) (aug-set! a p v)) (test "assert get" v (aug-get a p)) (test "rm" 1 (aug-remove! a "/files/etc/hosts/01/ipaddr")) (test "assert get missing" #f (aug-get a p)))) (test-group "load" (test "verify initial state" '(("/files/etc/hosts/1/ipaddr" . "") ("/files/etc/hosts/2/ipaddr" . "")) (aug-match-pairs a "/files/etc/hosts/*/ipaddr")) (test "update ip addresses" #t (begin (aug-set! a "/files/etc/hosts/1/ipaddr" "") (aug-set! a "/files/etc/hosts/2/ipaddr" "") #t)) ;; We do the above instead of set-multiple! so we can do this before testing set-multiple! ;; (test "set multiple" 2 ;; (aug-set-multiple! a "/files/etc/hosts/*/ipaddr" #f "")) (test "verify updated state" '(("/files/etc/hosts/1/ipaddr" . "") ("/files/etc/hosts/2/ipaddr" . "")) (aug-match-pairs a "/files/etc/hosts/*/ipaddr")) (test-assert "load" (aug-load! a)) (test "verify reverted state" ;; well, part of it, anyway '(("/files/etc/hosts/1/ipaddr" . "") ("/files/etc/hosts/2/ipaddr" . "")) (aug-match-pairs a "/files/etc/hosts/*/ipaddr"))) ;; FIXME: match would be better here (test-group "set multiple, rm multiple" (test "set multiple" 2 (aug-set-multiple! a "/files/etc/hosts/*[label() != '#comment']" "test" "foo")) (test "verify existence" '("/files/etc/hosts/1/test" "/files/etc/hosts/2/test") (aug-match a "/files/etc/hosts/*/test")) (test "rm multiple" 2 (aug-remove! a "/files/etc/hosts/*/test")) (test "verify non-existence" '() (aug-match a "/files/etc/hosts/*/test"))) (test-group "insert" (test "verify initial state" '(("/files/etc/hosts/1/alias[1]" . "localhost") ("/files/etc/hosts/1/alias[2]" . "galia.watzmann.net") ("/files/etc/hosts/1/alias[3]" . "galia")) (aug-match-pairs a "/files/etc/hosts/1/alias")) (test-assert "insert before" (aug-insert! a "/files/etc/hosts/1/alias[2]" "alias" #t)) (test-assert "insert after" (aug-insert! a "/files/etc/hosts/1/alias[3]" "alias")) (test "verify inserted state" '(("/files/etc/hosts/1/alias[1]" . "localhost") ("/files/etc/hosts/1/alias[2]" . #f) ("/files/etc/hosts/1/alias[3]" . "galia.watzmann.net") ("/files/etc/hosts/1/alias[4]" . #f) ("/files/etc/hosts/1/alias[5]" . "galia")) (aug-match-pairs a "/files/etc/hosts/1/alias")) ;; (aug-load! a) ;; ;; or, instead of load!, we can do: (aug-remove! a "/files/etc/hosts/1/alias[4]") (aug-remove! a "/files/etc/hosts/1/alias[2]") (test "verify state after removal" '(("/files/etc/hosts/1/alias[1]" . "localhost") ("/files/etc/hosts/1/alias[2]" . "galia.watzmann.net") ("/files/etc/hosts/1/alias[3]" . "galia")) (aug-match-pairs a "/files/etc/hosts/1/alias") )) (test-group "move" (test-assert "set /a/b" (aug-set! a "/a/b" "foo")) (test-assert "move /a/b /x/y" (aug-move! a "/a/b" "/x/y")) (test "verify dest exists" "foo" (aug-get a "/x/y")) (test "verify src does not exist" #f (aug-exists? a "/a/b")) (test-assert "delete dest" (aug-remove! a "/x/y"))) (test-group "defvar" (test "$hosts is undefined" #t (expect-error pathx (aug-get a "$hosts/1/ipaddr"))) (test "defvar $hosts" 1 (aug-defvar a "hosts" "/files/etc/hosts")) (test "get $hosts/1/ipaddr" "" (aug-get a "$hosts/1/ipaddr")) (test "un-defvar $hosts" 0 (aug-defvar a "hosts" #f)) (test "$hosts is undefined again" #t (expect-error pathx (aug-get a "$hosts/1/ipaddr"))) (test "defvar $ipaddrs" 2 ;; confirm nodeset works (aug-defvar a "ipaddrs" "/files/etc/hosts//ipaddr")) (test "undefvar $ipaddrs" 0 (aug-defvar a "ipaddrs" #f)) ;; we do not test definition error (bad path, probably) ) (test-group "defnode" (test "defnode $myalias, appending new node with last()+1" '(1 #t) (receive (aug-defnode a "myalias" "/files/etc/hosts/1/alias[last()+1]" "crichton.xorinia.dim"))) ;; does not set here, as node exists. only sets if creates (test "defnode $myalias1 as same node as $myalias, using last()" '(1 #f) (receive (aug-defnode a "myalias1" "/files/etc/hosts/1/alias[last()]" "crichton2.xorinia.dim"))) (test "get $myalias (original value, defnode does not modify existing nodes)" "crichton.xorinia.dim" (aug-get a "$myalias")) (test "get $myalias1 (same as $myalias)" "crichton.xorinia.dim" (aug-get a "$myalias1")) (test "remove $myalias" 1 (aug-remove! a "$myalias")) (test "verify $myalias removed" #f (aug-get a "$myalias")) (test "verify $myalias1 removed" #f (aug-get a "$myalias1")) (test "undefine node vars" 0 (+ (aug-defvar a "myalias" #f) (aug-defvar a "myalias1" #f)))) ;; Unfortunately we can't output to string, only stream, so we have to ;; write and read a file to check the output. (test-group "print" (test "print host node to a file and verify output" ;; note that EOF heredoc eats the final newline #<string (or mode 'default)) (known-file-state!) ;; pristine, angel! (test "baseline: verify current and sullied files differ" #f ;; overkill but hey (file-compare (pn "etc/hosts") (pn "etc/hosts.sullied"))) (test "baseline: verify current and pristine files identical" #t (file-compare (pn "etc/hosts") (pn "etc/hosts.pristine"))) (test-assert "load" (begin ;; trick augeas into reloading externally modified file (aug-set! a "/augeas/files/etc/hosts/mtime" #f) ;; "0" works too (aug-load! a))) (test "verify original file ipaddr" "" (aug-get a "/files/etc/hosts/1/ipaddr")) (test-assert "set new ipaddr" (aug-set! a "/files/etc/hosts/1/ipaddr" "")) (test-assert "update file" (if mode (aug-save! a mode) (aug-save! a))) ;; explicitly test default, even though #f allowed (test-assert "verify current and sullied files now identical" (file-compare (pn new-file-name) (pn "etc/hosts.sullied"))) (when backup-file-name (test-assert "verify backup and pristine files still identical" (file-compare (pn backup-file-name) (pn "etc/hosts.pristine")))) )) (test-save-mode 'overwrite "etc/hosts") (test-save-mode 'backup "etc/hosts" "etc/hosts.augsave") (test-save-mode 'newfile "etc/hosts.augnew" "etc/hosts") (test-save-mode #f "etc/hosts") (known-file-state!)) ;; Must come at end of tests; closes handle (test-group "close" (test "verify handle is open" #t (aug-exists? a "/files/etc/hosts/1/ipaddr")) (test-assert "close handle" ;; return val unspecified, in practice void (aug-close a)) (test-assert "duplicate close ignored" ;; return val unspecified, in practice void (aug-close a)) (test-error "error: operation on closed handle" (aug-exists? a "/files/etc/hosts/1/ipaddr")))