(module awful-static-pages (generate-static-pages! index-file request-pages) (import chicken scheme) (use files irregex posix srfi-1 srfi-13 srfi-69) (use awful) (define index-file (make-parameter "index.html")) (define request-pages (make-parameter '())) (define (write-static-file! outdir path producer) (let* ((static-dir (normalize-pathname (make-pathname outdir path))) (static-file (make-pathname static-dir (index-file)))) (create-directory static-dir 'with-parents) (print "Writing " static-file) (with-output-to-file static-file (lambda () (print (producer)))))) (define (write-static-page/string! path handler outdir) (write-static-file! outdir path handler)) (define (write-static-page/regex! path handler outdir) (let loop ((reqs (request-pages))) (unless (null? reqs) (let ((req (car reqs))) (let ((match (irregex-match path req))) (if match (begin (write-static-file! outdir req (lambda () (handler (irregex-match-substring match)))) (loop (cdr reqs))) (loop (cdr reqs)))))))) (define (write-static-page/procedure! path handler outdir) (let loop ((reqs (request-pages))) (unless (null? reqs) (let ((req (car reqs))) (let ((match (path req))) (when (list? match) (parameterize ((%path-procedure-result match)) (write-static-file! outdir req (lambda () (apply handler match))))) (loop (cdr reqs))))))) (define (generate-static-pages! outdir #!key resources) (create-directory outdir 'with-parents) (for-each (lambda (res) (let ((path (caar res)) (method (caddar res)) (handler (let ((maybe-handler (cdr res))) ;; awful 0.42.0 changed the resources table ;; format: the hash table value is now a pair ;; ( . ) (if (pair? maybe-handler) (car maybe-handler) maybe-handler)))) (when (eq? method 'GET) (cond ((string? path) (write-static-page/string! path handler outdir)) ((irregex? path) (write-static-page/regex! path handler outdir)) ((procedure? path) (write-static-page/procedure! path handler outdir)))))) (or resources (hash-table->alist (awful-resources-table))))) ) ;; end module