banterpixra is a tool to generate syntax diagrams from BNF-esque grammars. It's written in Chicken Scheme, and outputs the diagrams in SVG. As it is distributed as a Chicken egg, just type `chicken-install` within the source directory to install it, or (without a source directory) type `chicken-install banterpixra` to install the latest stable release. The grammar language is simple, as is the command-line syntax. See [the banterpixra grammar]( for a sample of the grammar (that also happens to document the grammar format itself, and the banterpixra command-line arguments). The resulting diagram is: The name "banterpixra" is [Lojban]( for "language artist", and is pronounce something like "ban-tare-pihra". The name was chosen due to my intention to use banterpixra to produce syntax diagrams for the Lojban langauge. By Lojban contention, banterpixra should never be written with a capital first letter.