(cond-expand (chicken-4 (use test bencode)) (chicken-5 (import test bencode (chicken condition) (chicken port)))) (define-syntax decode-test (syntax-rules () ((_ description expected input) (test description expected (call-with-input-string input read-bencode))))) (define-syntax decode-error-test (syntax-rules () ((_ description expected input) (test description expected (handle-exceptions exn (get-condition-property exn 'exn 'message "no message supplied") (call-with-input-string input read-bencode)))))) (test-group "read-bencode: strings" (decode-test "basic string" "spam" "4:spam") (decode-test "empty string" "" "0:") (decode-test "string including ':' char" "foo:bar" "7:foo:bar") (decode-test "string including null char" (list->string '(#\f #\o #\o #\null)) (list->string '(#\4 #\: #\f #\o #\o #\null))) (decode-error-test "string too short" "unexpected end of input at char 6" "4:foo") (decode-error-test "non digit in length prefix" "unexpected character 'x' at char 2" "1x2:hello world!") (decode-error-test "negative prefix" "unexpected character '-' at char 1" "-12:hello world!")) (test-group "read-bencode: integers" (decode-test "integer" 42 "i42e") (decode-test "negative integer" -42 "i-42e") (decode-test "zero" 0 "i0e") (decode-error-test "empty integer" "unexpected character 'e' at char 2" "ie")) (test-group "read-bencode: lists" (decode-test "list with strings and integers" #("hello" 42) "l5:helloi42ee") (decode-test "empty list" #() "le") (decode-test "nested lists" #("hello" 42 #(-1 0 1 2 3 "four") "five") "l5:helloi42eli-1ei0ei1ei2ei3e4:foure4:fivee") (decode-test "multiple empty lists" #(#() #() #(#(#(#())))) "llelelllleeeee") (decode-error-test "unclosed list segment" "unexpected end of input at char 8" "lllleee")) (test-group "read-bencode: dictionaries" (decode-test "dictionary with strings and integers" '((age . 100) (name . "the dude")) "d3:agei100e4:name8:the dudee") (decode-test "nested dictionary" '((age . 100) (info . ((email . "dude@dude.com") (number . 2488081446))) (name . "the dude")) (string-append "d3:agei100e" "4:infod5:email13:dude@dude.com6:numberi2488081446ee" "4:name8:the dudee")) (decode-test "empty dictionary" '() "de") (decode-error-test "non-sorted dictionaries" "key \"aaa\" starting at char 12 is not in lexographical order" "d3:zzz3:bar3:aaai456ee") (decode-error-test "non-string keys should error" "expected bencoded string as key at char 12" "d3:aaa3:bari123ei456ee") (decode-error-test "unclosed dictionary segment" "unexpected end of input at char 21" "d3:aaad3:bbbd3:cccee")) (test-group "read-bencode: mixed data from current-port" (test "dictionaries, lists, integers and strings" '((extra . #(#(((favorites . #()))) 500)) (locations . #(((address . "484 street")) ((address . "828 street"))))) (with-input-from-string (string-append "d5:extralld9:favoritesleeei500ee" "9:locationsld7:address10:484 streeted" "7:address10:828 streeteee") read-bencode))) (define-syntax encode-test (syntax-rules () ((_ description expected input) (test description expected (call-with-output-string (cut write-bencode input <>)))))) (define-syntax encode-error-test (syntax-rules () ((_ description expected input) (test description expected (handle-exceptions exn (get-condition-property exn 'exn 'message "no message supplied") (call-with-output-string (cut write-bencode input <>))))))) (test-group "write-bencode: strings" (encode-test "basic string" "13:Hello, world!" "Hello, world!") (encode-test "empty string" "0:" "")) (test-group "write-bencode: integers" (encode-test "integer" "i42e" 42) (encode-test "negative integer" "i-42e" -42) (encode-test "zero" "i0e" 0)) (test-group "write-bencode: lists" (encode-test "list with strings and integers" "l5:helloi42ee" #("hello" 42)) (encode-test "empty list" "le" #()) (encode-test "nested lists" "l5:helloi42eli-1ei0ei1ei2ei3e4:foure4:fivee" #("hello" 42 #(-1 0 1 2 3 "four") "five")) (encode-test "multiple empty lists" "llelelllleeeee" #(#() #() #(#(#(#())))))) (test-group "write-bencode: dictionaries" (encode-test "dictionary with strings and integers" "d3:agei100e4:name8:the dudee" '((age . 100) (name . "the dude"))) (encode-test "nested dictionary" (string-append "d3:agei100e" "4:infod5:email13:dude@dude.com6:numberi2488081446ee" "4:name8:the dudee") '((age . 100) (info . ((email . "dude@dude.com") (number . 2488081446))) (name . "the dude"))) (encode-test "empty dictionary" "de" '()) (encode-test "sort dictionary keys" "d7:integeri12345e6:string13:Hello, world!e" '((string . "Hello, world!") (integer . 12345)))) (define-record testrecord x) (define-record-printer (testrecord r port) (fprintf "" (testrecord-x r))) (test-group "write-bencode: invalid types" (encode-error-test "non-alist list" "can only encode alist, vector, integer, or string" '(1 2 3 4)) (encode-error-test "non-integer number" "can only encode alist, vector, integer, or string" 123.456) (encode-error-test "record" "can only encode alist, vector, integer, or string" (make-testrecord "foo")) (encode-error-test "symbol" "can only encode alist, vector, integer, or string" 'asdf)) (test-group "working with strings" (test "string->bencode" #(1 2 "foo") (string->bencode "li1ei2e3:fooe")) (test "bencode->string" "li1ei2e3:fooe" (bencode->string #(1 2 "foo")))) (test-exit)