;;;; box.scm ;;;; Kon Lovett, Oct '08 ;; Issues ;; ;; - All operations inlined & primitive due to high-performance nature. ;; ;; - Note that 'procedure-data' returns #f for anything other than an extended-procedure. ;;; Prelude (declare (usual-integrations) (disable-interrupts) (fixnum) (inline) (local) (no-procedure-checks) (disable-warning redef) ;##sys#procedure->string is redefined! (bound-to-procedure ##sys#signal-hook ##sys#procedure->string ) ) (include "chicken-primitive-object-inlines") ;; (define-inline (%->boolean obj) (and obj #t)) ;;; Box Structure Support (define-inline (%make-box tag init) (%make-structure tag init)) (define-inline (%box-structure-mutable? obj) (%structure-instance? obj 'box!)) (define-inline (%box-structure-immutable? obj) (%structure-instance? obj 'box)) (define-inline (%box-structure? obj) (and (or (%box-structure-mutable? obj) (%box-structure-immutable? obj)) (%fx= 2 (%structure-length obj)) ) ) (define-inline (%box-structure-tag obj) (and (%box-structure? obj) (%structure-tag obj))) (define-inline (%box-structure-ref box) (%structure-ref box 1)) (define-inline (%box-structure-set! box obj) (%structure-set! box 1 obj)) ;;; Box Procedure Support ;; Box Variable (define-inline (%box-variable-immutable-tag? obj) (%eq? 'boxvar obj)) (define-inline (%box-variable-mutable-tag? obj) (%eq? 'boxvar! obj)) (define-inline (%box-variable-tag? obj) (or (%box-variable-mutable-tag? obj) (%box-variable-immutable-tag? obj) ) ) (define-inline (%box-variable? obj) (and-let* ((dat (procedure-data obj))) (%box-variable-tag? dat) ) ) ;; Box Location (define-inline (%box-location-immutable-tag? obj) (%eq? 'boxloc obj)) (define-inline (%box-location-mutable-tag? obj) (%eq? 'boxloc! obj)) (define-inline (%box-location-tag? obj) (or (%box-location-mutable-tag? obj) (%box-location-immutable-tag? obj) ) ) (define-inline (%box-location? obj) (and-let* ((dat (procedure-data obj))) (%box-location-tag? dat) ) ) ;; Box Procedure (define-inline (%box-procedure-tag? obj) (or (%box-variable-tag? obj) (%box-location-tag? obj))) (define-inline (%box-procedure-tag obj) (and-let* ((dat (procedure-data obj)) ((%box-procedure-tag? dat))) dat ) ) (define-inline (%box-procedure? obj) (%->boolean (%box-procedure-tag obj))) (define-inline (%box-procedure-immutable? obj) (and-let* ((dat (procedure-data obj))) (or (%box-variable-immutable-tag? dat) (%box-location-immutable-tag? dat) ) ) ) (define-inline (%box-procedure-mutable? obj) (and-let* ((dat (procedure-data obj))) (or (%box-variable-mutable-tag? dat) (%box-location-mutable-tag? dat) ) ) ) ;; Box Procedure Operations (define-inline (%box-procedure-ref box) (box (lambda (ref set loc) (ref)))) (define-inline (%box-procedure-set! box obj) (box (lambda (ref set loc) (set obj)))) (define-inline (%box-procedure-location box) (box (lambda (ref set loc) (loc)))) ;; (define-inline (%box? obj) (or (%box-structure? obj) (%box-procedure? obj))) ;; Print (define-inline (%box-print box) (let ((val (cond ((%box-structure? box) (%box-structure-ref box)) ((%box-procedure? box) (%box-procedure-ref box)) (else (error-box-type 'box-print box))))) (display "#&") (write val))) ;;; Module box (require-library ports lolevel) (module box (;export make-box (make-box-variable $finvar) (make-box-location $finloc) box? box-variable? box-location? box-mutable? box-immutable? box-set! box-ref box-location box set-box! unbox ; *box-structure? *box-structure-ref *box-structure-set! *box-procedure? *box-procedure-ref *box-procedure-set!) (import scheme (only chicken optional ;due to #!optional implementation let-optionals ;due to #!optional implementation define-reader-ctor define-record-printer let-location and-let* getter-with-setter void set-sharp-read-syntax! ##sys#signal-hook ##sys#procedure->string) (only ports with-output-to-port with-output-to-string) (only lolevel extend-procedure procedure-data make-weak-locative make-locative)) ;;; Internals ;; Errors (define (error-box-immutable loc box . args) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not a mutable box" box args)) (define (error-box-type loc obj . args) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not a box" obj args)) ;; Finishers (define ($finvar tag ref set) (extend-procedure (lambda (proc) (proc ref set (lambda () (location (ref))))) tag)) (define ($finloc tag ref set loc) (extend-procedure (lambda (proc) (proc ref set loc)) tag)) ;;; Box ;; Direct calls ;; For use by high-performance routines (such as core routine replacements) (define (*box-structure? obj) (%box-structure? obj)) (define (*box-structure-ref box) (%box-structure-ref box)) (define (*box-structure-set! box val) (%box-structure-set! box val)) (define (*box-procedure? obj) (%box-procedure? obj)) (define (*box-procedure-ref box) (%box-procedure-ref box)) (define (*box-procedure-set! box val) (%box-procedure-set! box val)) ;; Constructers (define-syntax make-box-variable (syntax-rules () ((_ ?var) (make-box-variable ?var #f)) ((_ ?var ?immutable?) #;(identifier? ?var) ($finvar (if ?immutable? 'boxvar 'boxvar!) (lambda () ?var) (if ?immutable? (void) (lambda (val) (set! ?var val))))))) (define-syntax make-box-location (syntax-rules () ((_ ?typ ?val) (make-box-location ?typ ?val #f)) ((_ ?typ ?val ?immutable?) #;(identifier? ?typ) (let-location ((var ?typ ?val)) ($finloc (if ?immutable? 'boxloc 'boxloc!) (lambda () var) (if ?immutable? (void) (lambda (val) (set! var val))) (lambda () (location var))))))) (define (make-box #!optional init immutable?) (%make-box (if immutable? 'box 'box!) init)) ;; Predicates (define (box? obj) (%box? obj)) (define (box-variable? obj) (%box-variable? obj)) (define (box-location? obj) (%box-location? obj)) (define (box-immutable? obj) (or (%box-structure-immutable? obj) (%box-procedure-immutable? obj))) (define (box-mutable? obj) (or (%box-structure-mutable? obj) (%box-procedure-mutable? obj))) ;; Mutators (define (box-set! box val) (cond ((%box-structure-tag box) => (lambda (tag) (case tag ((box!) (%box-structure-set! box val)) ((box) (error-box-immutable 'box-set! box val))))) ((%box-procedure-tag box) => (lambda (tag) (case tag ((boxvar! boxloc!) (%box-procedure-set! box val)) ((boxvar boxloc) (error-box-immutable 'box-set! box val))))) (else (error-box-type 'box-set! box val)))) ;; Assessors (define box-ref (getter-with-setter (lambda (box) (cond ((%box-structure? box) (%box-structure-ref box)) ((%box-procedure? box) (%box-procedure-ref box)) (else (error-box-type 'box-ref box)))) box-set!)) (define (box-location box #!optional (weak? #f)) (cond ((%box-structure? box) ((if weak? make-weak-locative make-locative) box 1)) ((%box-procedure? box) (box (lambda (ref set loc) (loc)))) (else (error-box-type 'box-location box)))) ;;; MZ Scheme Style (define-syntax box (syntax-rules () ((_ ?arg0 ...) (make-box ?arg0 ...)))) (define-syntax unbox (syntax-rules () ((_ ?box) (box-ref ?box)))) (define-syntax set-box! (syntax-rules () ((_ ?box ?val) (box-set! ?box ?val)))) ;;; Read/Print Syntax (set-sharp-read-syntax! #\& (lambda (p) (make-box (read p)))) (define-reader-ctor 'box make-box) (define-record-printer (box x p) (with-output-to-port p (lambda () (%box-print x)))) (define-record-printer (box-immutable x p) (with-output-to-port p (lambda () (%box-print x)))) (set! ##sys#procedure->string (let ((##sys#procedure->string ##sys#procedure->string)) (lambda (x) (if (%box? x) (with-output-to-string (lambda () (%box-print x))) (##sys#procedure->string x))))) ) ;module box