;; Cairo vector graphics bindings for Chicken Scheme ; ; Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Michael Bridgen , ; Tony Garnock-Jones ; ; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as ; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ; License, or (at your option) any later version. ; ; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ; Library General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public ; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free ; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 ; USA ; -------------------------------------------------- (module cairo * (import chicken scheme foreign) (use srfi-1) (use srfi-4) (use srfi-13) (use lolevel) (import-for-syntax srfi-1) (import-for-syntax srfi-13) (foreign-declare #<symbol str)) (psym (string->symbol (string-append "-" (symbol->string sym))))) `((,(r 'define-foreign-variable) ,psym unsigned-integer ,str) (,(r 'define) ,sym ,psym)))) strs))))) (define *cairo-egg-version* '(0 1 3 alpha)) (define cairo-pi (foreign-value "M_PI" float)) ;; Functions are mostly in the same order to ;; cairo.h ;; State manipulation ;; ----------------------------------------------- ;; cairo_t encapsulates the current state (define-foreign-type cairo_t (c-pointer "cairo_t") values (cut tag-pointer <> 'cairo)) ; formerly didn't take the surface argument (define cairo-create (foreign-lambda cairo_t "cairo_create" cairo_surface_t)) ; For reference counting? (define cairo-reference (foreign-lambda void "cairo_reference" cairo_t)) (define cairo-destroy (foreign-lambda void "cairo_destroy" cairo_t)) ; Save the state of this context (and keep it as the state) (define cairo-save (foreign-lambda void "cairo_save" cairo_t)) ; Restore the last saved state of this context (define cairo-restore (foreign-lambda void "cairo_restore" cairo_t)) ; cairo-copy deprecated ; ------------------------------------------------ ; Surfaces and backends ; ------------------------------------------------ ;; cairo_surface_t is a drawing surface abstraction (define-foreign-type cairo_surface_t (c-pointer "cairo_surface_t") values (cut tag-pointer <> 'cairo-surface)) (--cairo-flags "CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32" "CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24" "CAIRO_FORMAT_A8" "CAIRO_FORMAT_A1") ;; %%% TO DO Several surface creation procedures (define cairo-image-surface-create-for-data (foreign-lambda cairo_surface_t "cairo_image_surface_create_for_data" (c-pointer byte) integer int int int)) ; cairo-create-image deprecated ; cairo-set-target-image deprecated (--cairo-flags "CAIRO_OPERATOR_CLEAR" "CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE" "CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER" "CAIRO_OPERATOR_IN" "CAIRO_OPERATOR_OUT" "CAIRO_OPERATOR_ATOP" "CAIRO_OPERATOR_DEST" "CAIRO_OPERATOR_DEST_OVER" "CAIRO_OPERATOR_DEST_IN" "CAIRO_OPERATOR_DEST_OUT" "CAIRO_OPERATOR_DEST_ATOP" "CAIRO_OPERATOR_XOR" "CAIRO_OPERATOR_ADD" "CAIRO_OPERATOR_SATURATE") ; Set the composition operator -- ; see cairo docs or otherwise what they do. ; http://cairographics.org/samples/snippets.html has ; pictures of the results. (define cairo-set-operator (foreign-lambda void "cairo_set_operator" cairo_t integer)) ; formerly cairo-set-rgb-color (define cairo-set-source-rgb (foreign-lambda void "cairo_set_source_rgb" cairo_t double ;red double ;green double ;blue )) ;; Also see cairo-paint-with-alpha (define cairo-set-source-rgba (foreign-lambda void "cairo_set_source_rgba" cairo_t double ;red double ;green double ;blue double ;alpha )) (define cairo-set-source-surface (foreign-lambda void "cairo_set_source_surface" cairo_t cairo_surface_t double ;x double ;y )) ; ? (define cairo-set-tolerance (foreign-lambda void "cairo_set_tolerance" cairo_t double)) ;; ----------------------------------------------- ;; ;; Antialias and fill ;; ----------------------------------------------- (--cairo-flags "CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT" "CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_NONE" "CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_GRAY" "CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_SUBPIXEL") (define cairo-set-antialias (foreign-lambda void "cairo_set_antialias" cairo_t integer)) (--cairo-flags "CAIRO_FILL_RULE_WINDING" "CAIRO_FILL_RULE_EVEN_ODD") ; Set the fill rule: ; 'winding' is like a union (anything inside a path) ; 'even-odd' is like xor (anything inside an odd number of paths) (define cairo-set-fill-rule (foreign-lambda void "cairo_set_fill_rule" cairo_t integer)) ; ------------------------------------------------ ; Lines, joins, and caps ; ------------------------------------------------ (define cairo-set-line-width (foreign-lambda void "cairo_set_line_width" cairo_t double)) (--cairo-flags "CAIRO_LINE_CAP_BUTT" "CAIRO_LINE_CAP_ROUND" "CAIRO_LINE_CAP_SQUARE") (define cairo-set-line-cap (foreign-lambda void "cairo_set_line_cap" cairo_t integer)) (--cairo-flags "CAIRO_LINE_JOIN_MITER" "CAIRO_LINE_JOIN_ROUND" "CAIRO_LINE_JOIN_BEVEL") (define cairo-set-line-join (foreign-lambda void "cairo_set_line_join" cairo_t integer)) (define cairo-set-dash (foreign-lambda void "cairo_set_dash" cairo_t f64vector integer double)) (define cairo-set-miter-limit (foreign-lambda void "cairo_set_miter_limit" cairo_t double)) ; ------------------------------------------------ ; Context transform operations ; ------------------------------------------------ ;; These following operate on the current transform of ;; the context -- there are also operations on arbitrary ;; transforms further on (but perhaps not yet) (define cairo-translate (foreign-lambda void "cairo_translate" cairo_t double double)) (define cairo-scale (foreign-lambda void "cairo_scale" cairo_t double double)) (define cairo-rotate (foreign-lambda void "cairo_rotate" cairo_t double)) (define cairo-transform (foreign-lambda void "cairo_transform" cairo_t cairo_matrix_t)) (define cairo-set-matrix (foreign-lambda void "cairo_set_matrix" cairo_t cairo_matrix_t)) (define cairo-identity-matrix (foreign-lambda void "cairo_identity_matrix" cairo_t)) ;; Matrix operations (define-foreign-type cairo_matrix_t (c-pointer "cairo_matrix_t") values (cut tag-pointer <> 'cairo-matrix)) ; accessors for each element might be nice, but probably not ; immediately necessary ; cairo-concat-matrix replaced by cairo-transform ; cairo-matrix-set replaced by cairo-set-matrix ; was cairo-transform-point (define cairo-user-to-device (foreign-lambda void "cairo_user_to_device" cairo_t f64vector f64vector)) ; was cairo-transform-distance (define cairo-user-to-device-distance (foreign-lambda void "cairo_user_to_device" cairo_t f64vector f64vector)) ; was cairo-inverse-transform-point (define cairo-device-to-user (foreign-lambda void "cairo_device_to_user" cairo_t f64vector f64vector)) ; was cairo-inverse-transform-distance (define cairo-device-to-user-distance (foreign-lambda void "cairo_device_to_user_distance" cairo_t f64vector f64vector)) ; ------------------------------------------------ ; Path creation ; ------------------------------------------------ ;; Note that actually drawing paths is destructive; ;; it will erase the current path. Use cairo_save ;; and cairo_restore if you want to use a path for ;; more than one drawing operation. Clipping is ;; _not_ destructive. (define cairo-new-path (foreign-lambda void "cairo_new_path" cairo_t)) (define cairo-move-to (foreign-lambda void "cairo_move_to" cairo_t double double)) (define cairo-line-to (foreign-lambda void "cairo_line_to" cairo_t double double)) (define cairo-curve-to (foreign-lambda void "cairo_curve_to" cairo_t double double double double double double)) (define cairo-arc (foreign-lambda void "cairo_arc" cairo_t double double double double double)) (define cairo-arc-negative (foreign-lambda void "cairo_arc_negative" cairo_t double double double double double)) ;; there's some relative move_to etc. things here .. mneh (define cairo-rectangle (foreign-lambda void "cairo_rectangle" cairo_t double double double double)) ;; Finish the current shape so you can draw another disjoint one (define cairo-close-path (foreign-lambda void "cairo_close_path" cairo_t)) ; ------------------------------------------------ ; Drawing operations ; ------------------------------------------------ (define cairo-stroke (foreign-lambda void "cairo_stroke" cairo_t)) (define cairo-fill (foreign-lambda void "cairo_fill" cairo_t)) ; ------------------------------------------------ ; Insideness testing ... mneh ; ------------------------------------------------ (define-foreign-variable sizeof-cairo-text-extents int "sizeof(cairo_text_extents_t)") ;; We want a garbage-collectable type here; wrap a record type around a byte vector buffer, and make ;; chicken type-pun the buffer to the C struct. We only ever construct these to hand to a function ;; for filling in, so no initialisation needed aside from the buffer. (define-record cairo-text-extents-type buffer) (let ((maker make-cairo-text-extents-type)) (set! make-cairo-text-extents-type (lambda () (maker (make-blob sizeof-cairo-text-extents))))) (define-record-printer (cairo-text-extents-type te out) (for-each (lambda (x) (display x out) (list "#")))) (define-foreign-type cairo_text_extents_t scheme-pointer) (define cairo-text-extents-x-bearing (foreign-lambda* double ((cairo_text_extents_t te)) "return(((cairo_text_extents_t*)te)->x_bearing);")) (define cairo-text-extents-y-bearing (foreign-lambda* double ((cairo_text_extents_t te)) "return(((cairo_text_extents_t*)te)->y_bearing);")) (define cairo-text-extents-width (foreign-lambda* double ((cairo_text_extents_t te)) "return(((cairo_text_extents_t*)te)->width);")) (define cairo-text-extents-height (foreign-lambda* double ((cairo_text_extents_t te)) "return(((cairo_text_extents_t*)te)->height);")) (define cairo-text-extents-x-advance (foreign-lambda* double ((cairo_text_extents_t te)) "return(((cairo_text_extents_t*)te)->x_advance);")) (define cairo-text-extents-y-advance (foreign-lambda* double ((cairo_text_extents_t te)) "return(((cairo_text_extents_t*)te)->y_advance);")) (define cairo-text-extents-x-bearing-set! (foreign-lambda* double ((cairo_text_extents_t te) (double v)) "((cairo_text_extents_t*)te)->x_bearing = v;")) (define cairo-text-extents-y-bearing-set! (foreign-lambda* double ((cairo_text_extents_t te) (double v)) "((cairo_text_extents_t*)te)->y_bearing = v;")) (define cairo-text-extents-width-set! (foreign-lambda* double ((cairo_text_extents_t te) (double v)) "((cairo_text_extents_t*)te)->width = v;")) (define cairo-text-extents-height-set! (foreign-lambda* double ((cairo_text_extents_t te) (double v)) "((cairo_text_extents_t*)te)->height = v;")) (define cairo-text-extents-x-advance-set! (foreign-lambda* double ((cairo_text_extents_t te) (double v)) "((cairo_text_extents_t*)te)->x_advance = v;")) (define cairo-text-extents-y-advance-set! (foreign-lambda* double ((cairo_text_extents_t te) (double v)) "((cairo_text_extents_t*)te)->y_advance = v;")) (define-foreign-variable sizeof-cairo-font-extents int "sizeof(cairo_font_extents_t)") (define-record cairo-font-extents-type buffer) (let ((maker make-cairo-font-extents-type)) (set! make-cairo-font-extents-type (lambda () (maker (make-blob sizeof-cairo-font-extents))))) (define-record-printer (cairo-font-extents-type e out) (for-each (lambda (x) (display x out) (list "#")))) (define-foreign-type cairo_font_extents_t scheme-pointer) (define cairo-font-extents-ascent (foreign-lambda* double ((cairo_font_extents_t e)) "return(((cairo_font_extents_t*)e)->ascent);")) (define cairo-font-extents-descent (foreign-lambda* double ((cairo_font_extents_t e)) "return(((cairo_font_extents_t*)e)->descent);")) (define cairo-font-extents-height (foreign-lambda* double ((cairo_font_extents_t e)) "return(((cairo_font_extents_t*)e)->height);")) (define cairo-font-extents-max-x-advance (foreign-lambda* double ((cairo_font_extents_t e)) "return(((cairo_font_extents_t*)e)->max_x_advance);")) (define cairo-font-extents-max-y-advance (foreign-lambda* double ((cairo_font_extents_t e)) "return(((cairo_font_extents_t*)e)->max_y_advance);")) (define cairo-font-extents-ascent-set! (foreign-lambda* double ((cairo_font_extents_t e) (double v)) "((cairo_font_extents_t*)e)->ascent = v;")) (define cairo-font-extents-descent-set! (foreign-lambda* double ((cairo_font_extents_t e) (double v)) "((cairo_font_extents_t*)e)->descent = v;")) (define cairo-font-extents-height-set! (foreign-lambda* double ((cairo_font_extents_t e) (double v)) "((cairo_font_extents_t*)e)->height = v;")) (define cairo-font-extents-max-x-advance-set! (foreign-lambda* double ((cairo_font_extents_t e) (double v)) "((cairo_font_extents_t*)e)->max_x_advance = v;")) (define cairo-font-extents-max-y-advance-set! (foreign-lambda* double ((cairo_font_extents_t e) (double v)) "((cairo_font_extents_t*)e)->max_y_advance = v;")) (define cairo-text-extents (foreign-lambda void "cairo_text_extents" cairo_t c-string cairo_text_extents_t)) ; was cairo-current-font-extents (define cairo-font-extents (foreign-lambda void "cairo_font_extents" cairo_t cairo_font_extents_t)) ; Clipping ; ------------------------------------------------ ;; Clipping does reset the path, unless you use the ;; -preserve functions ; was cairo-init-clip (define cairo-reset-clip (foreign-lambda void "cairo_reset_clip" cairo_t)) ;; Intersect the current path with the clipping region ;; for the new clipping region (define cairo-clip (foreign-lambda void "cairo_clip" cairo_t)) ; ------------------------------------------------ ; ; Fonts and text ; ------------------------------------------------ (--cairo-flags ; font weight "CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL" "CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD" ; and slant "CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL" "CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_ITALIC" "CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_OBLIQUE") ; An easy-osy function for choosing a font to use ; (as usual, affects the context) ; was cairo-select-font (define cairo-select-font-face (foreign-lambda void "cairo_select_font_face" cairo_t c-string integer ; slant integer ; weight )) ;; NB regarding font transforms: ;; cairo_gstate.c has notes regarding font co-ordinate ;; systems. I should read them ;-) ; was cairo-scale-font (define cairo-set-font-size (foreign-lambda void "cairo_set_font_size" cairo_t double)) ; was cairo-transform-font (define cairo-set-font-matrix (foreign-lambda void "cairo_set_font_matrix" cairo_t cairo_matrix_t)) (define cairo-show-text (foreign-lambda void "cairo_show_text" cairo_t c-string)) ;; There's also cairo_show_glyphs(), which might be useful ;; if it's worthwhile caching glyphs (I'll look at the cairo ;; source -- it may well convert text to glyphs every time) (define-foreign-type cairo_font_t (c-pointer "cairo_font_t") values (cut tag-pointer <> 'cairo-font)) ;; Here would be the text extent stuff, certainly useful ;; .. and here, converting fonts to paths ;; .. and some functions for transforming fonts directly ; ------------------------------------------------ ; ; Context status and query ; ------------------------------------------------ ; All these used to be -current-, now -get- (define cairo-get-target (foreign-lambda cairo_surface_t "cairo_get_target" cairo_t)) (define cairo-get-operator (foreign-lambda integer "cairo_get_operator" cairo_t)) ; cairo-current-rgb-color deprecated ; cairo-current-alpha deprecated (define cairo-get-matrix (foreign-lambda void "cairo_get_matrix" cairo_t cairo_matrix_t)) ;; and some more skipped ;; cairo_status_t (--cairo-flags "CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS" "CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY" "CAIRO_STATUS_INVALID_RESTORE" "CAIRO_STATUS_INVALID_POP_GROUP" "CAIRO_STATUS_NO_CURRENT_POINT" "CAIRO_STATUS_INVALID_MATRIX" "CAIRO_STATUS_INVALID_STATUS" "CAIRO_STATUS_NULL_POINTER" "CAIRO_STATUS_INVALID_STRING" "CAIRO_STATUS_INVALID_PATH_DATA" "CAIRO_STATUS_READ_ERROR" "CAIRO_STATUS_WRITE_ERROR" "CAIRO_STATUS_SURFACE_FINISHED" "CAIRO_STATUS_SURFACE_TYPE_MISMATCH" "CAIRO_STATUS_PATTERN_TYPE_MISMATCH" "CAIRO_STATUS_INVALID_CONTENT" "CAIRO_STATUS_INVALID_FORMAT" "CAIRO_STATUS_INVALID_VISUAL" "CAIRO_STATUS_FILE_NOT_FOUND" "CAIRO_STATUS_INVALID_DASH") ; ------------------------------------------------ ; Matrix operations ; ------------------------------------------------ ; (cairo_matrix_t defined earlier) ; NB: These may be renamed to cairo_transform_* in future ; versions of Cairo. (define cairo-matrix-init-identity (foreign-lambda void "cairo_matrix_init_identity" cairo_matrix_t)) (define cairo-matrix-init (foreign-lambda void "cairo_matrix_init" cairo_matrix_t double double ;; a, b double double ;; c, d double double ;; tx, ty )) (define cairo-matrix-translate (foreign-lambda void "cairo_matrix_translate" cairo_matrix_t double double ;; x, y )) (define cairo-matrix-scale (foreign-lambda void "cairo_matrix_scale" cairo_matrix_t double double ;; x, y )) (define cairo-matrix-rotate (foreign-lambda void "cairo_matrix_rotate" cairo_matrix_t double ;; radians )) (define cairo-matrix-invert (foreign-lambda integer ;; cairo_status_t "cairo_matrix_invert" cairo_matrix_t)) (define cairo-matrix-multiply (foreign-lambda void "cairo_matrix_multiply" cairo_matrix_t ;; dest cairo_matrix_t cairo_matrix_t)) (define cairo-matrix-transform-distance (foreign-lambda void "cairo_matrix_transform_distance" cairo_matrix_t f64vector f64vector)) (define cairo-matrix-transform-point (foreign-lambda void "cairo_matrix_transform_point" cairo_matrix_t f64vector f64vector)) ; PNG Support (define cairo-image-surface-create-from-png (foreign-lambda cairo_surface_t "cairo_image_surface_create_from_png" c-string )) (define cairo-surface-write-to-png (foreign-lambda integer "cairo_surface_write_to_png" cairo_surface_t c-string )) ; Auxiliary (define cairo-image-surface-create (foreign-lambda cairo_surface_t "cairo_image_surface_create" integer integer integer )) (define cairo-paint (foreign-lambda void "cairo_paint" cairo_t )) (define cairo-paint-with-alpha (foreign-lambda void "cairo_paint_with_alpha" cairo_t double )) (define cairo-surface-destroy (foreign-lambda void "cairo_surface_destroy" cairo_surface_t )) (define cairo-surface-flush (foreign-lambda void "cairo_surface_flush" cairo_surface_t )) )