(use chickadee spiffy uri-common) (define uri uri-reference) (root-path "./root") (debug-log (current-error-port)) (server-port 8080) (access-log "access.log") ;; Note: if connections is small and AJAX parallel requests ;; are allowed, spiffy may take tens of seconds to respond, ;; occasionally. May be an issue with keepalives. ;; An even number of connections is desirable as user agents ;; usually open two (keep-alive) connections per hostname. (max-connections 8) (ajax-log "/tmp/ajax.log") (cdoc-uri (uri "/cdoc")) (chickadee-uri (uri "/chickadee")) (incremental-search-uri (uri "/cdoc/ajax/prefix")) (chickadee-css-files (list (uri "/cdoc/chickadee.css"))) (chickadee-js-files (list (uri "http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.4.2.min.js") (uri "/cdoc/jquery.metadata.2.1.min.js") (uri "/cdoc/chickadee-jquery.js") ; (uri "http://ie7-js.googlecode.com/svn/version/2.1%20(beta4)/IE9.js") ; (uri "http://ie7-js.googlecode.com/svn/version/2.1%20(beta4)/ie7-squish.js") )) (maximum-match-results 250) (maximum-match-signatures 100) (incremental-search 15) (incremental-search-delay 50) (cache-nodes-for 300) (cache-static-content-for 1800) (last-modified (current-seconds)) ;;; debugging (%chickadee:debug-incremental-search-latency 0) ;;; start (chickadee-start-server)