;; todo ;; Check if log is writable. Spiffy will error out (but not until first log attempt). (module chickadee-cmd (main) (import scheme) (cond-expand (chicken-4 (import chicken) (import files) (use chickadee spiffy uri-common posix) (use matchable)) (else (import (chicken base)) (import (chicken format)) (import (chicken pathname)) (import (chicken platform)) (import (chicken process-context)) (import chickadee) (import matchable) (import spiffy) (import uri-common) )) (define args (command-line-arguments)) (define +basedir+ (make-pathname (chicken-home) "chickadee")) (define +conf-file+ (make-pathname +basedir+ "config.scm")) (define (usage type) (define (usage-serve) (fprintf (current-error-port) " usage: ~A serve [options] [conf-file] Start a chicken-doc web server using the configuration file [conf-file] or the default configuration file, ~A. If provided, [options] override settings in [conf-file]. options: -p --port NUM Port number -A --access-log FILE Access log file -E --error-log FILE Error log file -D --debug-log FILE Debug log file -J --ajax-log FILE AJAX access log FILE is a filename relative to the directory holding [conf-file]. It may be \"-\" to log to the console or \"\" to suppress logging. " (program-name) +conf-file+)) (define (usage-help) (fprintf (current-error-port) "chickadee, the chicken-doc server usage: ~A command args... commands: serve Start a chicken-doc webserver location Show location of datafiles help Get help on command " (program-name))) (define (usage-location) (fprintf (current-error-port) " usage: ~A location Prints information about the location of important chickadee data files, such as the base directory and config file. " (program-name))) (cond ((equal? type "serve") (usage-serve)) ((equal? type "help") (usage-help)) ((equal? type "location") (usage-location)) (else (usage "help"))) ;(exit 1) ) (define (main) (match args (("serve" . args) (let collect ((alog #f) (elog #f) (dlog #f) (jlog #f) (port #f) (file +conf-file+) (args args)) (cond ((pair? args) (let ((a (car args))) (cond ((or (equal? a "--access-log") (equal? a "-A")) (collect (cadr args) elog dlog jlog port file (cddr args))) ((or (equal? a "--error-log") (equal? a "-E")) (collect alog (cadr args) dlog jlog port file (cddr args))) ((or (equal? a "--debug-log") (equal? a "-D")) (collect alog elog (cadr args) jlog port file (cddr args))) ((or (equal? a "--ajax-log") (equal? a "-J")) (collect alog elog dlog (cadr args) port file (cddr args))) ((or (equal? a "--port") (equal? a "-p")) (collect alog elog dlog jlog (string->number (cadr args)) file (cddr args))) (else (if (null? (cdr args)) (collect alog elog dlog jlog port a (cdr args)) (usage "serve")))))) (else (cond ((pathname-directory file) => change-directory)) (load file) (when port (server-port port)) (when alog (access-log (cond ((equal? alog "-") (current-output-port)) ((equal? alog "") #f) (else alog)))) (when jlog (ajax-log (cond ((equal? jlog "-") (current-output-port)) ((equal? jlog "") #f) (else jlog)))) (when elog (error-log (cond ((equal? elog "-") (current-error-port)) ((equal? elog "") #f) (else elog)))) (when dlog (debug-log (cond ((equal? dlog "-") (current-error-port)) ((equal? dlog "") #f) (else dlog)))) (fprintf (current-error-port) "chickadee server listening on :~a\n" (server-port)) (chickadee-start-server))) )) (("location") ;; accept conf file? (print "conf: " +conf-file+) (print "base: " +basedir+)) (("help" cmd) (usage cmd)) (else (usage "help")))) ) (import chickadee-cmd) (main)