;; chickadee chicken-doc server ;; Copyright (c) 2010 Jim Ursetto. All Rights Reserved. ;; License: BSD. (module chickadee (chickadee-start-server cdoc-uri chickadee-uri incremental-search-uri chickadee-css-files chickadee-early-js-files chickadee-js-files maximum-match-results maximum-match-signatures incremental-search incremental-search-delay cache-nodes-for cache-static-content-for last-modified ajax-log %chickadee:debug-incremental-search-latency ) (import scheme) (cond-expand (chicken-4 (import chicken) (import tcp data-structures srfi-1) (use spiffy-request-vars chicken-doc) (use spiffy) (use matchable) (use (only uri-generic uri-encode-string)) (use uri-common) (use intarweb) ;(load "chicken-doc-html.scm") (use chicken-doc-html) (use (only chicken-doc-admin man-filename->path)) (use regex) (import irregex) (use (only srfi-13 string-index string-concatenate)) (use (only posix seconds->string seconds->utc-time utc-time->seconds)) (use srfi-18) (use (only sxml-transforms pre-post-order* universal-conversion-rules* SRV:send-reply)) (use (only ports with-output-to-port with-output-to-string)) ) (else (import (chicken base) (chicken condition) (chicken irregex) (chicken port) (chicken string) (chicken time) (chicken time posix) (chicken tcp) chicken-doc chicken-doc-html (only chicken-doc-admin man-filename->path) intarweb matchable regex ;; FIXME remove -- replace string-substitute spiffy spiffy-request-vars srfi-1 (only srfi-13 string-index string-concatenate) srfi-18 sxml-transforms uri-common (only uri-generic uri-encode-string) ) )) ;;; HTML (define (sxml->html doc #!optional port) (let* ((rules `((lit *preorder* . ,(lambda (t b) b)) . ,universal-conversion-rules*)) (reply (lambda () (SRV:send-reply (pre-post-order* doc rules))))) (if port (with-output-to-port port reply) (with-output-to-string reply)))) (define (maybe pred x) (if pred x '())) (define (charset c) (maybe c `(meta (@ (http-equiv "content-type") (content "text/html; charset=" ,c))))) (define (javascript u) (if (uri-reference? u) `(script (@ (type "text/javascript") (src ,(uri->string (relative-uri u))))) `(script (@ (type "text/javascript")) (lit ,u)))) (define (css-link u) `(link (@ (rel stylesheet) (href ,(uri->string (relative-uri u))) (type "text/css")))) ;;; Pages (define (->json x) ;; q&d JSON generator since we don't need a parser. (define (quoted-string x) `("\"" ,(string-substitute (irregex '(: #\")) "\\\"" x) "\"")) (define (alist->json a) (map (lambda (e) (list (quoted-string (symbol->string (car e))) ":" (to-json (cdr e)))) a)) (define (to-json x) (cond ((number? x) (number->string x)) ((pair? x) (list "{" (intersperse (alist->json x) ",") "}")) ((string? x) (quoted-string x)) ((symbol? x) (quoted-string x)) ((vector? x) (list "[" (intersperse (map ->json (vector->list x)) ",") "]")) (else (error 'json "conversion unsupported" x)))) (tree->string (to-json x))) (define (search-form) `(form (@ (class "lookup") (action ,(uri->string (relative-uri (uri-reference (cdoc-page-path))))) (method get)) (input (@ (id "searchbox") (class "text incsearch") (data-opts ,(->json `((url . ,(uri->string (relative-uri (incremental-search-uri)))) (delay . ,(incremental-search-delay))))) (type text) (name q) (autocomplete off) ;; apparently readonly in DOM (autocorrect off) (autocapitalize off)) ;; iphone/ipad ) (div (@ (class "buttons")) (input (@ (class "button") (type submit) (id "query-name") (name "query-name") (value "Look up"))) (input (@ (class "button") (type submit) (id "query-regex") (name "query-regex") (value "Regexp")))))) (define (format-id x) (match (match-nodes x (maximum-match-results)) ((n1) (redirect-to (path->href (node-path n1)))) (() ;; Should we return 404 here? This is not a real resource (node-page '() '() `(p "No node found matching identifier " (tt ,x)) page-title: "node not found")) (nodes (match-page nodes x)))) (define (format-re x) (match-page (match-nodes (irregex x) (maximum-match-results)) x)) (define (format-path-re x) (match-page (match-node-paths/re (irregex x) (maximum-match-results)) x)) (define (match-page nodes match-text) (let ((max-results (maximum-match-results)) (result-length (length nodes))) (cache-for (cache-nodes-for) ;? (lambda () (last-modified-at (max (repository-modification-time (current-repository)) (last-modified)) (lambda () (node-page `("query " ,match-text " (" ;; Exceeding match-results can't happen because we cap the ;; result length now, but we keep the logic in place anyway ,(maybe (> result-length max-results) `(,max-results " of ")) ,result-length " matches)") '() ;contents (if (= result-length 0) '() `(table (@ (class "match-results")) (tr (th "path") (th "signature")) ,(let loop ((sigs (maximum-match-signatures)) (results max-results) (nodes nodes) (acc '())) (if (or (null? nodes) (<= results 0)) (reverse acc) (let ((n (car nodes))) (loop (- sigs 1) (- results 1) (cdr nodes) (cons `(tr (td (@ (class "match-path")) ,(title-path n)) (td (@ (class "match-sig")) ,(path-link (node-path n) (if (<= sigs 0) "-" `(tt ,(node-signature n)))))) acc))))))) page-title: "query results"))))))) (define (contents-list n) (let ((ids (node-child-ids n))) (if (null? ids) '() `((h2 (@ (class "contents-list")) "Contents " (& "raquo")) (ul (@ (class "contents-list")) ,(map (let ((child->href (make-child->href n))) (lambda (id) `(li (a (@ (href ,(child->href id))) ,id)))) (map ->string ids))))))) (define (format-path p) (let ((n (handle-exceptions e #f (lookup-node (string-split p))))) (if n (cache-for ;; NB We send cache-control even with 304s. (cache-nodes-for) (lambda () (last-modified-at ;; Node modification time may also be more fine-grained, ;; but some generated HTML may depend on the entire repository ;; anyway--and we usually update the whole repo at once. (max (repository-modification-time (current-repository)) (last-modified)) (lambda () (if (null? (node-path n)) (node-page '() (contents-list n) (root-page)) (node-page (title-path n) (contents-list n) `(lit . ,(chicken-doc-sxml->html (node-sxml n) path->href (make-def->href n) man-filename->path)) page-title: (last (node-path n)))))))) (node-not-found p `(p "No node found at path " (i ,p)))))) ;; careful: redirect-to uses the output of this. Make sure it can handle ;; relative URIs, or make relative conversion optional. (define (path->href p) ; FIXME: use uri-relative-to, etc (define (path->uri-string p) (string-append (chickadee-page-path) "/" (string-intersperse (map (lambda (x) (uri-encode-string (->string x))) p) "/"))) ;; We generate a relative path from the current request uri. This ;; won't be available if generating pages statically, but here we have ;; multiple ways to generate the same page (/doc/foo, /cdoc?q=foo), ;; match pages, &c. so it is hard to guess the entry URI. (let ((u (relative-uri (uri-reference (path->uri-string p))))) ;; (print "curreq: " (request-uri (current-request))) ;; (print "to: " u1 " from: " u2) (uri->string u))) ;; All invocations of relative-uri subsequently call uri->string, so ;; we could just add that here. (define (relative-uri uri) (let ((current-uri (update-uri (uri-reference "") ; strip all but path from request URI path: (uri-path (request-uri (current-request)))))) (uri-relative-from uri current-uri))) ;; Given a node N, return a procedure that will produce ;; an href for any child node ID of N. Although simple now, ;; this could be extended to use relative paths when the current ;; URI permits it, saving some bandwidth. (define (make-child->href n) (let ((path (node-path n))) (lambda (id) (if (node-definition-id? n id) (string-append "#" (quote-identifier (definition->identifier id))) (path->href (append path (list id))))))) ;; FIXME??? chg "identifier" to html-id (or maybe, fragment to html-id) ;; Given a node N, return a procedure that will produce a definition href ;; for ID suitable for placement in a defsig in N. That is, it will refer ;; to the actual child node when N is an egg (etc.) and it will refer to ;; an anchor id in the parent when N is itself a defsig. ;; Returns #f if the ID is not a definition inside N. This is useful when ;; conditionally lighting up plaintext IDs as definition links. But when N ;; is a defsig, it does not check the parent. (define (make-def->href n) (let ((doc (node-sxml n)) (path (node-path n))) (if (eq? (car doc) 'def) (let* ((path (butlast path)) (href (path->href path))) (lambda (id) (and (or (string=? (->string id) (->string (node-id n))) ; Make sure to recognize ourselves! (node-definition-id? n id)) ; Note: Does not look in parent. Possible fixme. (string-append href "#" (quote-identifier (definition->identifier id)))))) (lambda (id) (and (node-definition-id? n id) (path->href (append path (list id)))))))) (define (title-path n) (define (links n) (let loop ((p (node-path n)) (f '()) (r '())) (if (null? p) (reverse r) (let* ((id (->string (car p))) (f (append f (list id))) (n (lookup-node f))) (loop (cdr p) f (cons (path-link f id) r)))))) (intersperse (links n) '(" " (& "raquo") " "))) ;; literal " » " would be nicer (define (query p) (let ((q (string-split p))) (cond ((null? q) (redirect-to (cdoc-page-path))) ((null? (cdr q)) (format-id p)) (else (redirect-to (path->href q)) ;; (format-path p) )))) ; API defect (define (incremental-search-handler _) (with-request-vars* $ (q) ;; FIXME: doesn't skip 0 or #f incremental-search (let ((M (vector->list ((if (string-index q #\space) match-paths/prefix match-ids/prefix) q (incremental-search))))) (let ((body (if (null? M) "" (let ((plen (string-length q))) (tree->string `("")))))) ;; Latency pause for debugging (let ((pause (%chickadee:debug-incremental-search-latency))) (if (> pause 0) (thread-sleep! (/ pause 1000)))) ;; Send last-modified headers? May not be worth it. (cache-privately-for ; `private` has no effect on nginx proxy cache (cache-nodes-for) (lambda () (parameterize ((access-log (ajax-log))) ; Logging is extremely slow (send-response body: body)))))))) ;; Re matching, it might be more useful to match against each identifier level ;; with a separate regex. (define (root-page) `((h3 "Search Chicken documentation") (p "Enter a node name or path in the search box below:") ,(search-form) (ul (li "A node name is an identifier, egg, module or unit name, such as " (i "open/rdonly") ", " (i "awful") ", " (i "scheme") " or " (i "eval") ".") (li "A node path is a sequence of node names, such as " (i "eval load") " or " (i "foreign types") ".") (li (i "Look up") " finds an exact match, and " (i "Regexp") " matches a regular expression.") (li "Regular expression matching is usually done against node names," " but if a space is present, the full node path will be considered.")) (h4 "Quick links") (ul (li ,(path-link '(chicken) "Chicken manual")) (li ,(path-link '(chicken language) "Supported language")) (li ,(path-link '(foreign) "FFI"))) (h4 "About") (p ,(path-link '(chickadee)) " is an interface to the " ,(path-link '(chicken-doc)) " documentation system for " (a (@ (href "http://call-cc.org")) (span (@ (style "font-variant: small-caps")) "Chicken") " Scheme") "."))) ;; Conditionally add Internet Explorer classes to a la HTML5 Boilerplate. ;; Also add 'no-js' (which we will change to 'js' if JS is enabled). ;; NOTE: you must supposedly add ;; or send that header to avoid Compatibility View in IE -- can't reproduce and ;; the solution is dubious, so not using this until can conduct more tests. (define (conditional-html x) `((lit " " ) ,x (lit ""))) ;; Warning: TITLE, CONTENTS and BODY are expected to be HTML-quoted. ;; Internal fxn for node-page / not-found (define (%node-page-body title contents body #!key (page-title #f)) (sxml->html `((lit "") (html (@ (class "no-js")) (head ,(charset "utf-8") ,(map css-link (chickadee-css-files)) ,(map javascript (chickadee-early-js-files)) ;; Remove "no-js" class and add "js" class to when JS enabled a la Modernizr, ;; assuming Modernizr isn't already loaded. (script "if(!window.Modernizr){" "this.document.documentElement.className=" "this.document.documentElement.className.replace(/\\bno-js\\b/,'js')" "}") (title ,(if page-title `(,page-title " | chickadee") "chickadee server")) (meta (@ (name "viewport") (content "initial-scale=1")))) (body ;; Removed navskip because #contents are now at bottom. However, a TOC skip might be nice, ;; although you can click the next section instead. Also, maybe provide a link to skip ;; to the #contents. ;; (p (@ (id "navskip")) ;; (a (@ (href "#body")) "Skip navigation.")) (div (@ (id "hdr")) (h1 ,(path-link '() "chickadee") ,(if (null? title) `(;; (" | " ,(path-link '(chicken-doc)) " " "server" ) `((lit " » ") ,title))) (h5 (label (@ (for "hdr-searchbox")) "Identifier search")) (form (@ (id "hdr-lookup") (class "hdr-lookup") (action ,(uri->string (relative-uri (uri-reference (cdoc-page-path))))) (method "get")) (input (@ (id "hdr-searchbox") (name "q") (class "text incsearch") (data-opts ,(->json `((url . ,(uri->string (relative-uri (incremental-search-uri)))) (delay . ,(incremental-search-delay))))) (type "text") (accesskey "f") (title "chickadee search (Ctrl-F)") (autocomplete "off") (autocorrect "off") (autocapitalize "off") (tabindex "1"))) (button (@ (id "hdr-submit") (name "query-name") (title "Search chicken-doc for this identifier") (class "button") (type "submit")) (& "nbsp")))) (div (@ (id "body")) (div (@ (id "main")) ,body)) ,(maybe (not (null? contents)) `(div (@ (id "contents")) ,contents)) ,(map javascript (chickadee-js-files))))))) (define (node-page title contents body #!key (page-title #f)) (send-response body: (%node-page-body title contents body page-title: page-title) headers: `((content-type #(text/html ((charset . "utf-8")))) ))) (define (node-not-found title body) ;; Should create a dedicated not-found page instead; ;; but right now I don't want to duplicate main page code (send-response code: 404 reason: "Not found" body: (%node-page-body title '() body page-title: "node not found"))) (define cdoc-page-path (make-parameter #f)) ;; a string, not a URI -- redirect-to expects string (define cdoc-uri (make-parameter (uri-reference "/cdoc") (lambda (x) (cdoc-page-path ;; not relative--can't rely on current request being set (and x (uri->string x))) x))) (define incremental-search-uri (make-parameter (uri-reference "/cdoc/ajax/prefix"))) (define incremental-search-delay ; time in MS to delay incremental search requests (make-parameter 50)) (define chickadee-page-path (make-parameter #f)) ; cached -- probably not necessary (define chickadee-uri (make-parameter (uri-reference "/chickadee") (lambda (x) (chickadee-page-path ;auto update (mostly for debugging) (and x (uri->string x))) x))) (define chickadee-css-files (make-parameter (list (uri-reference "/cdoc/chickadee.css")))) (define chickadee-js-files (make-parameter (list (uri-reference "/cdoc/chickadee.js")))) (define chickadee-early-js-files (make-parameter '())) (define maximum-match-results (make-parameter 250)) (define maximum-match-signatures (make-parameter 100)) (define cache-nodes-for (make-parameter 300)) (define cache-static-content-for (make-parameter 3600)) ;; Base time used for last-modified calculations, in seconds. ;; Set to (current)-seconds to invalidate pages when server is started. (define last-modified (make-parameter 0)) ;; Number of incremental search results to display; 0 or #f to disable. (define incremental-search (make-parameter 0)) (define ajax-log (make-parameter #f)) ;; AJAX access log. #f to disable. ;; debugging: incremental search latency, in ms (define %chickadee:debug-incremental-search-latency (make-parameter 0)) ;;; Helper functions ;; Inefficient way to functionally update an alist. (define (alist-update k v x . test) (apply alist-update! k v (alist-copy x) test)) (define (update-param param val uri-query) (alist-update param val uri-query)) (define (update-request-uri r u) (make-request uri: u ;; No easy way to update request URI. port: (request-port r) method: (request-method r) major: (request-major r) minor: (request-minor r) headers: (request-headers r))) (define (match-path pattern path) ; just a prefix match on list; returns remainder (let loop ((pattern pattern) (path path)) (cond ((null? path) (and (null? pattern) path)) ((null? pattern) path) ((equal? (car pattern) (car path)) ; allow re match? (loop (cdr pattern) (cdr path))) (else #f)))) ;; calls rewriter with the current uri; restarts request with the returned uri (define (rewrite-uri rewriter) (let* ((r (current-request)) (u (request-uri r))) (restart-request (update-request-uri r (rewriter u))))) (define (link href desc) `(a (@ (href ,href)) ,desc)) (define (path-link path #!optional desc) (link (path->href path) (or desc (string-intersperse (map ->string path) " ")))) (define ($ var #!optional converter/default) ; from awful ((http-request-variables) var converter/default)) (define http-request-variables (make-parameter #f)) ;; note: missing full node path should maybe generate 404 (define (redirect-to path #!key (code 302) (reason "Found") (headers '())) (send-response code: code reason: reason headers: `((location ,(uri-relative-to (uri-reference path) (request-uri (current-request)) ;; spiffy 4.8 ))))) ;; Return 304 Not Modified. If ACTUAL-MTIME is an integer, it is ;; returned to the client as the actual modification time of the resource. ;; You should also resend any associated Cache-control: directive (separately). (define (not-modified actual-mtime) (let ((headers (if (integer? actual-mtime) ; error? `((last-modified #(,(seconds->utc-time actual-mtime) ()))) '()))) (send-response code: 304 reason: "Not modified" headers: headers))) ;; Compare mtime with If-Modified-Since: header in client request. ;; If newer, client's copy of resource is outdated and we execute thunk. ;; Otherwise, return 304 Not Modified. (define (last-modified-at mtime thunk) (let ((header-mtime-vec (header-value 'if-modified-since (request-headers (current-request))))) (if (or (not header-mtime-vec) (> mtime (utc-time->seconds header-mtime-vec))) (with-headers `((last-modified #(,(seconds->utc-time mtime) ()))) thunk) (not-modified mtime)))) ;; SECONDS: number of seconds to cache for; or #t to set a far-future ;; expiration date (1 year as per RFC); or #f to force no caching. (define (cache-for seconds thunk) (if (not seconds) (with-headers `((cache-control (max-age . 0) ; use "no-cache" ? (must-revalidate . #t))) thunk) (let ((seconds (if (integer? seconds) (min seconds 31536000) 31536000))) (with-headers `((cache-control (max-age . ,seconds))) thunk)))) (define (cache-privately-for seconds thunk) (if (not seconds) (with-headers `((x-accel-expires 0) ; nginx hack (cache-control (max-age . 0) (must-revalidate . #t) (private . #t)))) (let ((seconds (if (integer? seconds) (min seconds 31536000) 31536000))) (with-headers `((x-accel-expires 0) ; nginx hack (cache-control (private . #t) (max-age . ,seconds))) thunk)))) ;; (define (uri-path->string p) ; (/ "foo" "bar") -> "/foo/bar" ;; (uri->string (update-uri (uri-reference "") ;; path: p))) (define (proxy-logger) ;; access logger with X-Forwarded-For: header ;; Copied verbatim from spiffy's handle-access-logging (let ((h (request-headers (current-request)))) (log-to (access-log) "~A ~A [~A] \"~A ~A HTTP/~A.~A\" ~A \"~A\" \"~A\"" (header-value 'x-forwarded-for h "-") (remote-address) (seconds->string (current-seconds)) (request-method (current-request)) (uri->string (request-uri (current-request))) (request-major (current-request)) (request-minor (current-request)) (response-code (current-response)) (uri->string (header-value 'referer h (uri-reference "-"))) (let ((product (header-contents 'user-agent h))) (if product (product-unparser product) ; undocumented intarweb proc "**Unknown product**"))))) ;;; (define (chickadee-handler p) (let ((path (string-intersperse p " "))) (format-path path))) ;; 'id' variable is never used externally nor is it generated in internal links. ;; 'q' and 'id' are identical, as long as there is no space present, and query-regex is not set. (define (cdoc-handler p) p ;ignore (with-request-vars* $ (id path q) (cond (path => format-path) (id => format-id) (q => (lambda (p) (with-request-vars* $ (query-regex query-name) (if query-regex (if (string-index p #\space) ; hmm (format-path-re p) (format-re p)) (query p))))) (else (format-path ""))))) ;;; handlers ;; vhost-map can be used to take control of requests as ;; they come in, before any handlers are invoked. (define +vhost-map+ `((".*" . ,(lambda (continue) (let ((p (uri-path (request-uri (current-request))))) (parameterize ((http-request-variables (request-vars))) ; for $ (cond ((equal? (uri-path (cdoc-uri)) p) => cdoc-handler) ((match-path (uri-path (chickadee-uri)) p) => chickadee-handler) ((and (incremental-search-uri) (equal? (uri-path (incremental-search-uri)) p)) => incremental-search-handler) ;; Last resort redirect of root path to main page. ((equal? p '(/ "")) (redirect-to (path->href '()))) (else (continue))))))))) (define +not-found-handler+ (let ((old-handler (handle-not-found))) ; hmm (lambda (path) ; useless (old-handler path)))) (define +static-file-handler+ (let ((old-handler (handle-file))) (lambda (path) (cache-for (cache-static-content-for) (lambda () (old-handler path)))))) ;;; start server (define (chickadee-start-server) (verify-repository) ;; using parameterize, we cannot override in REPL (parameterize ((vhost-map +vhost-map+) (handle-not-found +not-found-handler+) (handle-file +static-file-handler+) (handle-access-logging proxy-logger) (tcp-buffer-size 1024) (mime-type-map `(("js" . application/x-javascript) ;; spiffy has subpar mime-type . ,(mime-type-map)))) (start-server)))) ;; time echo "GET /cdoc?q=p&query-regex=Regex HTTP/1.0" | nc localhost 8080 >/dev/null ;; (1374 matches) real 0m1.382s (warm cache) ;; real 0m1.098s (turn signatures off)