(module chicken-doc-html (chicken-doc-sxml->html tree->string quote-html) (import scheme chicken) (use (only sxml-transforms string->goodHTML SRV:send-reply)) ; temp (use (only uri-generic uri-encode-string)) ; grr (use matchable) (use (only data-structures conc ->string string-intersperse)) (use (only ports with-output-to-string)) (use (only chicken-doc-admin man-filename->path)) (use colorize) ;yeah! (define (sxml-walk doc ss) (let ((default-handler (cond ((assq '*default* ss) => cdr) (else (lambda (t b s) (error 'sxml-walk "No default binding for" t))))) (text-handler (cond ((assq '*text* ss) => cdr) (else #f)))) (let loop ((doc doc)) (cond ((null? doc) '()) ((pair? doc) (let ((tag (car doc)) (body (cdr doc))) (if (symbol? tag) (let ((handler-cell (assq tag ss))) (if handler-cell ((cdr handler-cell) tag body ss) (default-handler tag body ss))) (map loop doc)))) (else (if text-handler (text-handler '*text* doc ss) doc)))))) (define (tree->string doc) (with-output-to-string (lambda () (SRV:send-reply doc)))) (define (quote-html s) (string->goodHTML s)) (define (chicken-doc-sxml->html doc path->href ; for internal links; make parameter? ) (tree->string (let ((walk sxml-walk) (drop-tag (lambda (t b s) '())) (drop-tag-noisily (lambda (t b s) (warning "dropped" (cons t b)) '())) (quote-text `(*text* . ,(lambda (t b s) (string->goodHTML b)))) (link (lambda (href desc) `("" ,(quote-html desc) "")))) (letrec ((block (lambda (tag) (let ((open (conc "<" tag ">")) (close (conc ""))) (lambda (t b s) (list open (walk b s) close))))) (inline (lambda (tag) (let ((open (conc "<" tag ">")) (close (conc ""))) (lambda (t b s) (list open (walk b inline-ss) close))))) (inline-ss `( ,quote-text (*default* . ,drop-tag-noisily) ;; 500 error is annoying (b . ,(inline "b")) (i . ,(inline "i")) (tt . ,(inline "tt")) (sup . ,(inline "sup")) (sub . ,(inline "sub")) (small . ,(inline "small")) ;; questionable (big . ,(inline "big")) ;; questionable (img . ,drop-tag) (link . ,(lambda (t b s) (match b ((href desc) (link href desc)) ((href) (link href href))))) (int-link . ,(lambda (t b s) (let ((ilink (lambda (href desc) (let ((href ;; barely tolerable. perhaps we ;; should use the id cache (cond ((man-filename->path href) => path->href) ((char=? (string-ref href 0) #\#) href) ((char=? (string-ref href 0) #\/) (string-append ; ??? "http://chicken.wiki.br/" href)) (else (path->href (list href)) ; ! )))) `("" ,(quote-html desc) ""))))) (match b ((href desc) (ilink href desc)) ((href) (ilink href href)))))))) ) (walk doc `( (p . ,(inline "p")) (def . ,(lambda (t b def-ss) `("
" ,(match b ((('sig . sigs) . body) `(,(map (lambda (s) (match s ((type sig) `("
" "" ,(string->goodHTML sig) "" " " "" ,(string->goodHTML (->string type)) "" "
\n")))) sigs) "
" ,(walk body def-ss) "
\n"))) "
\n"))) (pre . ,(block "pre")) ; may need to quote contents (ul . ,(lambda (t b ul-ss) `("\n"))) (ol . ,(lambda (t b ol-ss) `("
    " ,(walk b `((li . ,(lambda (t b s) `("
  1. " ,(walk b ol-ss) "
  2. \n"))))) "
\n"))) (dl . ,(lambda (t b dl-ss) `("
" ,(walk b `((dt . ,(lambda (t b s) `("
" ,(walk b inline-ss) ;? "
\n"))) (dd . ,(lambda (t b s) `("
" ,(walk b dl-ss) "
"))))) "
\n"))) (tags . ,drop-tag) (toc . ,drop-tag) (section . ,(lambda (t b s) (match b ((level title . body) (let ((H (string-append "h" (number->string level) ">"))) (list "<" H (walk title inline-ss) "\n" ,(walk b `((tr . ,(lambda (t b s) `("" ,(walk b (let ((table-ss `((@ . ,drop-tag) . ,table-ss))) `((th . ,(lambda (t b s) `("" ,(walk b table-ss) ""))) (td . ,(lambda (t b s) `("" ,(walk b table-ss) ""))) (@ . ,drop-tag)))) "\n"))) (@ . ,drop-tag))) "\n"))) (highlight . ,(lambda (t b s) (match b ((lang . body) (list "
                                       (html-colorize lang
                                                      ;; html-colorize quotes HTML; don't walk
                                                      (tree->string body))
"))))) ;; script -- old name for highlight (script . ,(lambda (t b s) (match b ((lang . body) (list "
" (walk body s) "
"))))) ;; convert example contents to `(pre ...) and re-walk it ;; FIXME: The html-parser will erroneously parse html tags ;; inside tags. Right now we drop them, but we ;; should either not parse them in the first place or ;; convert them back here (less nice). Furthermore the parser ;; may unrecoverably screw up the structure of examples, for ;; example if it contains an

tag; therefore we drop unknown ;; tags to prevent a complete rendering error. (examples . ,(lambda (t b ex-ss) (walk b `((*default* . ,drop-tag-noisily) (example . ,(lambda (t b s) (walk `(pre ,(walk b `((init . ,(lambda (t b s) (list b "\n"))) (expr . ,(lambda (t b s) (walk b `((*default* . ,drop-tag-noisily))))) (result . ,(lambda (t b s) `("\n; Result: " ,b))) (*default* . ,drop-tag-noisily)))) ex-ss))))))) (blockquote . ,(block "blockquote")) (hr . ,(lambda (t b s) "
")) ,@inline-ss )))))) )