#!/usr/bin/env csi4 -script (require-library chicken-doc-admin) (import chicken-doc-admin) (require-library chicken-doc) (import (only chicken-doc repository-base verify-repository)) (use ports) (define (usage) (with-output-to-port (current-error-port) (lambda () (print "usage: " (program-name) " COMMAND") (print " -l list repository information") (print " -i initialize repository non-destructively") (print " -e dir process egg directory DIR") (print " -E file [path] process egg file FILE [and store to node PATH]") (print " -m dir process manual directory DIR") (print " -M file [path] process manual file FILE [and store to node PATH]") (print " -t type document type (valid with -e -E -m -M)") (print " types: eggdoc, svnwiki (default: svnwiki)") (print " -r regenerate indices (required after -E or -M)") (print " -d path delete node PATH recursively (EMPTY PATH DELETES ENTIRE REPO)") (print " -D destroy entire repository") (exit 1)))) (let loop ((type 'svnwiki) (args (command-line-arguments))) (when (null? args) (usage)) (let ((o (car args)) (r (cdr args))) (cond ((string=? o "-i") (create-repository!)) ((string=? o "-D") (destroy-repository!)) (else (unless (verify-repository) (fprintf (current-error-port) "No repository found at ~a\nUse -i to initialize\n" (repository-base)) (exit 1)) (cond ((string=? o "-r") (print "Rebuilding ID cache...") (refresh-id-cache)) ((string=? o "-l") (describe-repository)) ((string=? o "-d") (delete-key (map string->symbol r))) ((string=? o "-t") (unless (pair? r) (usage)) ;; adhoc arg parsing getting out of hand (loop (string->symbol (car r)) (cddr args))) ((string=? o "-e") (unless (pair? r) (usage)) (parse-egg-directory (car r) type)) ((string=? o "-m") (unless (pair? r) (usage)) (parse-man-directory (car r) type)) ((string=? o "-E") (unless (pair? r) (usage)) (unless (parse-individual-egg (car r) type ;; path override (and (pair? (cdr r)) (cdr r))) (error "Unable to parse egg file" (car r)))) ((string=? o "-M") (unless (pair? r) (usage)) (unless (parse-individual-man (car r) type (and (pair? (cdr r)) (cdr r))) ;; Might return #f when path required but not provided ;; (so message is misleading). (error "Unable to parse man file" (car r)))) (else (usage)))))))