;;; chicken-doc (include "chicken-doc-text.scm") ; local module (module chicken-doc ;; Used by chicken-doc command (verify-repository open-repository close-repository locate-repository current-repository repository-base describe-signatures search-only describe-contents describe doc-dwim ;; Used additionally by chicken-doc-admin. Somewhat internal, but exported. repository-information repository-root open-repository* repository-magic +repository-version+ repository-id-cache set-repository-id-cache! path->keys keys->pathname field-filename keys+field->pathname key->id make-id-cache id-cache-filename id-cache-table validate-id-cache! make-repository-placeholder repository-modification-time ;; Node API lookup-node match-nodes match-node-paths/re match-ids/prefix match-paths/prefix node-signature node-type node-sxml node-path node-id node-timestamp node-children node-child node-child-ids node-definition-ids ;experimental node-definition-id? ;experimental ;; Other API decompose-qualified-path ;; Parameters wrap-column ) (import scheme chicken) (use matchable regex srfi-13 posix data-structures srfi-69 extras files utils srfi-1) (import irregex) (import (only csi toplevel-command)) (import chicken-doc-text) ;;; Config (define wrap-column (make-parameter 76)) ; 0 or #f for no wrapping ;;; Lowlevel (define +rx:%escape+ (irregex "[%/,.*<>?!: ]")) (define +rx:%unescape+ (irregex "%([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])")) (define (id->key id) (define (escape str) (irregex-replace/all +rx:%escape+ str (lambda (m) (sprintf "%~x" (char->integer (string-ref (irregex-match-substring m 0) 0)))))) (let ((str (escape (->string id)))) (cond ((or (string=? str ".") (string=? str "..")) (warning "Identifier must not be . or .." str) ;; ? #f) (else str)))) (define (key->id key) (string->symbol (irregex-replace/all +rx:%unescape+ key (lambda (m) (string (integer->char (string->number (irregex-match-substring m 1) 16))))))) (define (path->keys path) (map id->key path)) (define (keys->pathname keys) (make-pathname (cons (repository-root (current-repository)) keys) #f)) (define (field-filename name) (string-append "," (->string name))) (define (pathname+field->pathname pathname field) (make-pathname pathname (field-filename field))) (define (keys+field->pathname keys field) ;; should this take a path instead of keys? (pathname+field->pathname (keys->pathname keys) field)) ;; Turn pathspec (a path list or path string) into a path or id. ;; Path lists pass through. Qualified path strings (contains #) become ;; path lists. Unqualified path strings become ids (symbols). An empty ;; path string becomes () -- i.e. toplevel. (define (decompose-pathspec pathspec) (if (pair? pathspec) pathspec (let ((p (decompose-qualified-path pathspec))) (cond ((null? p) p) ((null? (cdr p)) (string->symbol (car p))) (else p))))) ;; Split path STR at #. However, keep any #+ prefix in the first segment. ;; In other words, sys#foo#bar -> ("sys" "foo" "bar") ;; but ##sys#foo#bar -> ("##sys" "foo" "bar") ;; and #u8 -> ("#u8"). Allows # read syntax and internal namespaces. (define (decompose-qualified-path path) (let ((str (if (symbol? path) (symbol->string path) path))) (cond ((string=? str "") '()) ;; string-skip returns #f for "" ((string-skip str #\#) => (lambda (i) (if (= i 0) (string-split str "#") (let ((S (string-split (substring str i) "#"))) (cons (string-append (substring str 0 i) (car S)) (cdr S)))))) (else str) ;; all #s ))) ;;; Access (define-record-type chicken-doc-node (%make-node path id md pathname definfo) node? (path node-path) ; includes ID (id node-id) (md node-md) (pathname node-pathname) ; internal; cached node pathname (definfo %node-definfo) ; internal; node definitions record ) (define (node-definfo n) (force (%node-definfo n))) (define-record-type chicken-doc-node-definfo (make-node-definfo index start pathname) node-definfo? (index node-definfo-index) (start node-definfo-start) (pathname node-definfo-pathname)) (define (make-empty-node-definfo) (make-node-definfo #f 0 #f)) (define (node-definfo-keys D) (let ((I (node-definfo-index D))) (if I (hash-table-keys (node-definfo-index D)) '()))) (define (node-definfo-offset D id) (car (hash-table-ref/default (node-definfo-index D) id '(#f)))) (define (node-definfo-sxml D id) (cond ((node-definfo-offset D id) => (lambda (o) (let ((pos (+ o (node-definfo-start D)))) (call-with-input-file* (node-definfo-pathname D) (lambda (p) (set-file-position! p pos seek/set) (read p)))))) (else #f))) (define (make-node path id pathname) (%make-node path id (delay (read-path-metadata pathname)) pathname (delay (read-definfo pathname)))) ;; Return string list of child keys (directories) directly under PATH, or #f ;; if the PATH is invalid. FIXME: might return '() if PATH indicates a ;; definition node (or if that is otherwise indicated). (define (node-child-keys node) (let ((dir (node-pathname node))) (if (directory? dir) (filter (lambda (x) (not (eqv? (string-ref x 0) #\,))) ;; Contains hardcoded , (sort (directory dir) stringstring id))) (if (node-definition-id? node idstr) (make-definition-node node child-path idstr) (let ((child-pathname (make-pathname pathname (id->key id)))) ;; otherwise regular node (and (directory? child-pathname) (make-node child-path id child-pathname))))))) ;; Shortcut if you only need identifiers for node children. ;; Might be faster than node-children. (define (node-child-ids node) (append (map key->id (node-child-keys node)) (node-definition-ids node))) ;; (define (node-definition-ids node) ;; (let next-def ((defs (node-definitions node)) ;; (ids '())) ;; (if (null? defs) ;; ids ;; (let next-sig ((sigs (cdadr (car defs))) (sigids '())) ;; (if (null? sigs) ;; (next-def (cdr defs) ;; (append sigids ids)) ;; (let* ((x (car sigs)) (type (car x)) (sig (cadr x)) (alist (cddr x))) ;; (next-sig ;; (cdr sigs) ;; (cons ;; (cond ((assq 'id alist) => cadr) ;; Check for pre-parsed ID. ;; (else ;; (error 'node-definition-ids "preparsed ID unavailable"))) ;; sigids)))))))) (define (node-definition-ids node) (sort (node-definfo-keys (node-definfo node)) stringstring id)))) (define (make-definition-node parent path id) (define (find-sig def id) (let ((sigs (cdadr def))) (find (lambda (s) (cond ((assq 'id (cddr s)) => (lambda (idc) (equal? id (->string (cadr idc))))) (else #f))) sigs))) (define (get-definition-sxml parent id) (node-definfo-sxml (node-definfo parent) id)) (define (definition-sxml->metadata sxml parent id) (let ((s (find-sig sxml id))) (if s (let ((type (car s)) (signature (cadr s))) `((type ,type) (signature ,signature) (timestamp ,(node-timestamp parent)) (sxml ,sxml))) (error 'definition-sxml->metadata "no match for id in signature" id)))) (%make-node path id (definition-sxml->metadata (get-definition-sxml parent id) parent id) (pathname+field->pathname (node-pathname parent) 'defs) ;; tmp -- non-dir indicates def node (make-empty-node-definfo))) ;; Obtain metadata alist at node at PATHNAME. Valid node without metadata record ;; returns '(). Invalid node throws error. (define (read-path-metadata pathname) (let ((metafile (pathname+field->pathname pathname 'meta))) (cond ((file-exists? metafile) (call-with-input-file* metafile read-file)) ;; ensure binary read ((directory? pathname) ;; write-keys may create intermediate container directories ;; without metadata, so handle this specially. '()) (else (error "No such metadata pathname" metafile) ;; internal error )))) (define (call-with-input-file* file proc) (let ((p (open-input-file file #:binary))) (handle-exceptions exn (begin (close-input-port p) (signal exn)) (let ((rc (proc p))) (close-input-port p) rc)))) (define (read-definfo pathname) (let ((deffile (pathname+field->pathname pathname 'defs))) (cond ((file-exists? deffile) (call-with-input-file* deffile (lambda (p) (let ((index (read p))) (unless (and (pair? index) (eq? (car index) 'index)) (error "Invalid file format in definition index")) (make-node-definfo (alist->hash-table (cdr index) string=?) (+ (file-position p) 1) deffile))))) (else (make-empty-node-definfo))))) (define (node-metadata-field node field) (cond ((assq field (node-metadata node)) => cadr) (else #f))) (define (node-metadata node) (force (node-md node))) ; load metadata as needed (define (node-definitions node) (force (node-metadata-field node 'defs))) ;; Return node record at PATH or throw error if the record does ;; not exist. It would be acceptable to return #f on failure, ;; like node-child does; the only reason we don't is to ;; signal to the caller which part of the path lookup failed, ;; which is perhaps not that useful. (define (lookup-node path) (define (make-root-node) (make-node '() "" (keys->pathname '()))) (let loop ((node (make-root-node)) (P path)) (if (null? P) node (loop (or (node-child node (car P)) (error 'lookup-node "node path not found" `(,@(node-path node) ,(car P)))) (cdr P))))) ;; Return string representing signature of PATH. If no signature, return "". (define (node-signature node) (or (node-metadata-field node 'signature) "")) ;; Return symbol representing type of PATH, or 'unknown. (define (node-type node) (let ((key (node-metadata-field node 'type))) (if key (if (string? key) (string->symbol key) key) 'unknown))) ;; Return SXML document for node. If small enough, it may be packed ;; into the metadata; otherwise read it from the filesystem. (define (node-sxml node) (or (node-metadata-field node 'sxml) ;; FIXME? Returns #f on (sxml #f) (let* ((file (pathname+field->pathname (node-pathname node) 'sxml))) (and (file-exists? file) (with-input-from-file file read))))) #| (define (node-modification-time node) ;; hypothetical function returning the last update time of a node. ;; The most accurate result is probably obtained by returning the ;; mtime of the ,meta file. Clients may also want to know when ;; children have been updated (or at least when the child IDs change). ;; It may be sufficient to check the parent directory mtime or ;; the max of that and ,meta since rename, add and delete of child ;; directories will change parent mtime. Parent mtime is usually ;; not affected when ,meta or ,sxml file is overwritten, though. ) |# ;; Return timestamp of a node in seconds since UNIX epoch, ;; or #f if no timestamp was available. (Should we return 0 in that case?) (define (node-timestamp node) (node-metadata-field node 'timestamp)) ;;; Describe ;; Utility procedure (dropped in Chicken >= 4.3.2) (define (for-each-line proc #!optional (port (current-input-port))) (do ((line (read-line port) (read-line port))) ((eof-object? line)) (proc line))) ;; Display file to stdout (define (cat file) (with-input-from-file file (lambda () (for-each-line (lambda (x) (display x) (newline)))))) ;; Display the "text" field of NODE to current-output-port. Even if ;; NODE is a valid node, that doesn't mean it has text contents. (define (describe node) (cond ((node-sxml node) => (lambda (doc) (write-sxml-as-text doc (wrap-column)))) (else (error "No such identifier" (sprintf "~a" (node-path node)))))) ;; Display the signature of all child keys of PATH, to stdout. (define (maximum-string-length strs) (reduce max 0 (map string-length strs))) (define (padding len s) (make-string (max 0 (- len (string-length s))) #\space)) (define (describe-contents node) (let ((kids (node-children node))) (let* ((strids (map ->string (map node-id kids))) (len (maximum-string-length strids))) (for-each (lambda (n s) (print s (padding len s) " " (node-signature n))) kids strids)))) (define (describe-signatures nodes) (let* ((strpaths (map ->string (map node-path nodes))) (len (maximum-string-length strpaths))) (for-each (lambda (n s) (print s (padding len s) " " (node-signature n))) nodes strpaths))) (define (describe-matches nodes) (print "Found " (length nodes) " matches:") (describe-signatures nodes)) ;;; ID search cache ;; Cache is unique to repository but is shared between ;; threads holding the same repository object. (define-record-type id-cache (%make-id-cache table mtime filename ids ; id string vector paths ; path string vector ) id-cache? (table id-cache-table) (mtime id-cache-mtime) (filename id-cache-filename) (ids %id-cache-ids) (paths %id-cache-paths)) ;; Delayed construction of id string list and paths is legal ;; because cache updates are disallowed. Note that any ;; change to the id cache on disk will result in revalidation ;; and full recomputation of the delayed constructors. (define (make-id-cache table mtime filename) (%make-id-cache table mtime filename (delay (list->vector (sort (map ->string (hash-table-keys table)) ;; ->string not symbol->string to workaround WRITE bug for integer symbols stringvector (sort (flatten (hash-table-fold table (lambda (k v s) (cons (map (lambda (x) (string-intersperse (map ->string (append x (list k))) " ")) v) s)) '())) stringhash-table (read in) eq?) (file-modification-time (port->fileno in)) fn))))) (set-repository-id-cache! r (read-id-cache c))) ;; We don't currently lock id-cache validations with a mutex. ;; All that (should) happen is that when the cache is (rarely) ;; updated, if two threads validate at the same time both will ;; read the entire cache in. (let* ((c (repository-id-cache r))) (when (< (id-cache-mtime c) (file-modification-time (id-cache-filename c))) (read-id-cache! r c)))) ;; Not currently needed. Also not tested and not thread-safe ;; (define (invalidate-id-cache!) ;; (set-repository-id-cache! (current-repository) (make-invalid-id-cache))) ;; Return a list of sorted IDs as strings, suitable for regex node matching. ;; Construction is lazy because it is not that cheap. (define (id-cache-ids c) (force (%id-cache-ids c))) ;; This one's pretty expensive (time and space wise). (define (id-cache-paths c) (force (%id-cache-paths c))) ;;; ID search ;; Returns list of nodes matching identifier ID. ;; ID may be a symbol or string. (define (match-nodes/id id) (define (lookup id) (id-cache-ref (current-id-cache) id)) (validate-id-cache! (current-repository)) (let ((id (if (string? id) (string->symbol id) id))) (map (lambda (x) (lookup-node (append x (list id)))) (lookup id)))) (define (vector-filter-map f v) ;; filter-map vector V to list. this is here because ;; we converted the id-cache-ids to a vector. (let ((len (vector-length v))) (let lp ((i 0) (L '())) (if (fx>= i len) (reverse L) (lp (fx+ i 1) (cond ((f i (vector-ref v i)) => (lambda (x) (cons x L))) (else L))))))) (define (vector-copy v #!optional (start 0) (end (vector-length v)) (fill (void))) ;; SRFI-43 vector-copy. Why is vector-lib's implementation so verbose? (let ((len (vector-length v))) (when (> start end) (error 'vector-copy "start > end" start end)) (when (< start 0) (error 'vector-copy "start < 0" start)) (when (> start len) (error 'copy-vec "start > len" start len)) (let ((c (make-vector (- end start)))) (let ((end (min end len))) (let loop ((vi start) (ci 0)) (cond ((< vi end) (vector-set! c ci (vector-ref v vi)) (loop (+ vi 1) (+ ci 1))) (else c))))))) ;; Returns list of nodes whose identifiers ;; match regex RE. (define (match-nodes/re re) (let ((rx (irregex re))) (validate-id-cache! (current-repository)) (append-map (lambda (id) (match-nodes id)) (vector-filter-map (lambda (i k) ; was filter-map (and (string-search rx k) k)) (id-cache-ids (current-id-cache)))))) ;; Match against full node paths with RE. (define (match-node-paths/re re) (let ((rx (irregex re))) (validate-id-cache! (current-repository)) (map (lambda (path) (lookup-node (string-split path))) ; stupid resplit (vector-filter-map (lambda (i k) (and (string-search rx k) k)) (id-cache-paths (current-id-cache)))))) ;; Search for "nearest" VAL in vector V at start or end of a range. ;; START? is a boolean indicating whether this is the start or end of ;; the range. INCLUSIVE? is a boolean indicating whether VAL itself ;; should be included in the results. CMP is a procedure of two ;; arguments x y which returns < 0 if x < y, 0 if x = y, or > 0 if x > ;; y. Returns a vector index of the nearest value; in "start" mode ;; this is inclusive, in "end" mode it is exclusive. (define (binary-search-nearest v val cmp start? inclusive?) (let ((len (vector-length v))) (let lp ((L 0) (R len)) (let ((M (fx/ (fx+ R L) 2))) (let ((item (vector-ref v M))) ;;(printf "item: ~a L: ~a M: ~a R: ~a\n" item L M R) (let ((dir (cmp val item))) (cond ((fx= dir 0) (if inclusive? (if start? M (fx+ M 1)) (if start? (fx+ M 1) M))) ((fx< dir 0) (if (fx> M L) (lp L M) M)) ; not sure this can happen (else (if (fx< M (- R 1)) (lp M R) (fx+ M 1)))))))))) ;; Return a vector (??) of identifier name strings or full path ;; strings which match the prefix STR. (define match-ids/prefix) ; probably not the best name (define match-paths/prefix) (let () (define (strcmp x y) (cond ((stringchar (+ 1 (char->integer (string-ref str (- len 1)))))) new)) (define (match-vector v str limit) (if (= 0 (string-length str)) '#() (match (binary-search-range v str (next-string str)) ((start . end) (if limit (vector-copy v start (min (+ start limit) end)) (vector-copy v start end)))))) (set! match-ids/prefix (lambda (str #!optional (limit #f)) (validate-id-cache! (current-repository)) (match-vector (id-cache-ids (current-id-cache)) str limit))) (set! match-paths/prefix (lambda (str #!optional (limit #f)) (validate-id-cache! (current-repository)) (match-vector (id-cache-paths (current-id-cache)) str limit)))) ;; ,t (validate-id-cache!) ;; 0.123 seconds elapsed ;; 0.024 seconds in (major) GC ;; 47942 mutations ;; 3 minor GCs ;; 5 major GCs ;; after id cache loaded, disk cache warm ;; ,t (match-nodes (irregex "posix")) ;; 0.065 seconds elapsed (0.06 - 0.10 sec) ;; 0 seconds in (major) GC ;; 68054 mutations ;; 832 minor GCs ;; 0 major GCs ;; after id-cache-ids cache ;; ,t (match-nodes (irregex "posix")) ;; 0.036 seconds elapsed ;; 0 seconds in (major) GC ;; 9642 mutations ;; 83 minor GCs ;; 0 major GCs ;; ,t (match-nodes (irregex ".")) ;; 1.978 seconds elapsed ; actually about 10-15 seconds on disk ;; 0.057 seconds in (major) GC ;; 147205 mutations ;; 404 minor GCs ;; 4 major GCs ;; time chicken-doc -m . >/dev/null ; presuming totally warm disk cache ;; real 0m0.960s ;; ,t (match-nodes (irregex ".")) ;; 0.321 seconds ; if metadata read is delayed, but dir checked ;; 0.133 seconds ; if metadata read delayed and dir not checked ;; 0.250 seconds ; if metadata read delayed and dir not checked, but path->pathname still computed ;; Return list of nodes whose identifiers match ;; symbol, string or re. (define (match-nodes idre) (if (or (irregex? idre) (regexp? idre)) (match-nodes/re idre) (match-nodes/id idre))) (define (search-and-describe id) (let ((nodes (match-nodes id))) (cond ((null? nodes) (error "No such identifier" id)) ((null? (cdr nodes)) (print "path: " (node-path (car nodes))) (describe (car nodes))) (else (describe-matches nodes))))) (define (search-only id) (let ((nodes (match-nodes id))) (describe-signatures nodes))) (define (search-and-describe-contents id) (let ((nodes (match-nodes id))) (cond ((null? nodes) (void)) ((null? (cdr nodes)) (print "path: " (car nodes)) (describe-contents (car nodes))) (else (describe-matches nodes))))) (define (doc-dwim pathspec) (let ((p (decompose-pathspec pathspec))) (if (or (pair? p) (null? p)) (describe (lookup-node p)) (search-and-describe p)))) ;;; Repository (define +repository-version+ 3) ;; The repository object is a new concept (formerly all fields ;; were global parameters) so our API does not expect a ;; repository object to be passed in. Therefore, we make ;; current-repository a global parameter. (define-record-type chicken-doc-repository (make-repository base root magic info id-cache) repository? (base repository-base) (root repository-root) (magic repository-magic) (info repository-information) (id-cache repository-id-cache set-repository-id-cache!)) ;; Current repository for node lookup API. (define current-repository (make-parameter #f)) ;; Return standard location of repository. Does not ;; guarantee it exists. (define (locate-repository) (or (get-environment-variable "CHICKEN_DOC_REPOSITORY") (make-pathname (chicken-home) "chicken-doc"))) ;; Open the repository found in the standard location ;; and set the current repository for the thread. (define (verify-repository) ; legacy name; should be changed (current-repository (open-repository (locate-repository)))) ;; Internal; make a fake repository object containing ;; all the fields a valid object would have. (define (make-repository-placeholder base) (make-repository base (make-pathname base "root") (make-pathname base ".chicken-doc-repo") `((version . ,+repository-version+)) (make-invalid-id-cache base))) ;; Open repository and return new repository object or ;; throw error if nonexistent or unknown format. May accept ;; some old repository formats, so this repo MUST only be ;; passed to procedures which explicitly handle old formats. ;; Currently, that is only destroy-repository!. (define (open-repository* base) (let ((rp (make-repository-placeholder base))) (let ((magic (repository-magic rp))) (if (file-exists? magic) (let ((info (with-input-from-file magic read))) (let ((r (make-repository (repository-base rp) (repository-root rp) magic info (repository-id-cache rp)))) (set-finalizer! r close-repository) r)) (error "No chicken-doc repository found at" base))))) ;; Open repository like open-repository*, but only permit the ;; current repository format. Unless otherwise stated, procedures can only ;; handle the current format, and rely on the check happening at open time. (define (open-repository base) (let ((r (open-repository* base))) (let ((version (or (alist-ref 'version (repository-information r)) 0))) (cond ((= version +repository-version+) r) (else (error (sprintf "Invalid repository version number ~a, expected ~a\n" version +repository-version+))))))) (define (close-repository r) (void)) ;; Last modification time of entire repository. We just use the mtime ;; of the id cache, as update operations do not modify any global timestamp. ;; This means stale data may be returned until the cache is refreshed. (define (repository-modification-time r) (validate-id-cache! r) ;; may be wasteful, but we need the current mtime (id-cache-mtime (repository-id-cache r))) ;;; REPL (define repl-doc-dwim doc-dwim) (define repl-toc-dwim ;; FIXME: ignore # paths for now (lambda (pathspec) (let ((p (decompose-pathspec pathspec))) (cond ((or (null? p) (pair? p)) (describe-contents (lookup-node p))) (else (search-and-describe-contents p)))))) (define repl-wtf (lambda (re) (search-only (irregex re)))) (when (feature? 'csi) ;; Warning -- will execute if called from a script. ;; We really only want this to execute at the REPL. (verify-repository) (toplevel-command 'wtf (lambda () (repl-wtf (string-trim-both (read-line)))) ",wtf RE Regex search with chicken-doc (\"where to find\")") (toplevel-command 'toc (lambda () (repl-toc-dwim (read))) ;; TOC should look up if this is a relative path ",toc PATHSPEC List contents of path with chicken-doc") (toplevel-command 'doc (lambda () (repl-doc-dwim (read))) ",doc PATHSPEC Describe identifier or path with chicken-doc")) ) ;; end module