civet ===== An XML-based templating system intended for use with the soon-to-be-released blogging library Coq au Vin. The name comes from CVT, an abbreviation for 'Coq au Vin Templates'. Basic Concepts -------------- All Civet templates must be well-formed XML. Each template consists of markup from the target document type (e.g., XHTML), which represents literal output, combined with markup from the Civet template vocabulary, which controls the structure of the output and inserts dynamic content. A **template set** consists of a **base template** and one or more **extension templates**. The base template determines the document type of the output and its overall structure. As of Version 0.1, the base template is the only one that should include content outside of **blocks**. Any content outside of blocks in an extension template will be ignored. Extension templates are used to specialize various aspects of the base template. They may also be chained so as to specialize other extension templates. Each extension template is associated with its **parent** (i.e., the template that it extends) by means of the `extends` attribute on the document element. XML namespaces are used to distinguish the template vocabulary from literal content. For best results, we suggest that the default namespace be that of the target document type, while template vocabulary markup should use a prefix. The namespace URI for the template vocabulary is For best results, please ensure that all templates in your installation use the same prefix for this namespace. Here at Coq au Vin World Headquarters, we use the prefix `cvt`. Scheme API ---------- ### PARAMETERS #### [parameter] \*site-path\* The root directory of your web site. The template path is automatically calculated from this path unless you set `*template-path*`. If the value of this parameter is `#f`, the processor assumes that the current working directory is the site path; likewise, if you set a relative path, that path is assumed to be relative to the current directory. Therefore it is a good idea to set this parameter to an absolute path. **Default:** `#f` #### [parameter] \*template-path\* The directory where templates are stored. If the parameter is set to `#f`, the processor will look for templates in a `templates` subdirectory of the site path. Storing templates in subdirectories of the template path is not currently supported. **Default:** `#f` #### [parameter] \*template-cache-path\* The directory where cached SXML templates are stored. If it is set to `#f`, cached templates will be searched for in a `.cache` subdirectory of the template path. **Default:** `#f` #### [parameter] \*enable-l10n\* Enable localization? Currently has no effect. **Default:** `#f` #### [parameter] \*civet-ns-prefix\* A symbol representing the prefix to be used for Civet vocabulary elements. Do not override this unless you are actually using a different prefix in your templates. **Default:** `'cvt` #### [parameter] \*civet-ns-uri\* The namespace URI for Civet vocabulary elements. Overriding this is not recommended. **Default:** `""` #### [parameter] \*default-nsmap\* The default namespace map to be used when loading XML templates. **Default:** `((#f . "") (,(*civet-ns-prefix*) . ,(*civet-ns-uri*))))) #### [parameter] \*sxpath-nsmap\* The default namespace map to be used for SXPath expressions and serialization. **Default:** `((*default* . "") (,(*civet-ns-prefix*) . ,(*civet-ns-uri*))) #### [parameter] \*sort-functions\* A mapping from data type symbols to sorting functions to be used in `for` loops. For each "built-in" data type there are two functions specified: the first is used for ascending sorts, the second for descending. **Default:** `((string . (,string?)) (char . (,char?)) (number . (,< ,>)) (boolean . (,(lambda (a b) (or (not a) b)) ,(lambda (a b) (or a (not b)))))) ### PROCEDURES #### [procedure] `(render TEMPLATE CONTEXT #!key (PORT #f) (FILE #f))` This is the main function used to transform a template to some form of useful output (such as an XHTML web page). The TEMPLATE argument should be the filename of a template, including the extension but not including the directory path. CONTEXT is a context object (see `make-context` below for a description). There are two keyword arguments to specify an output destination: PORT is an output port, and FILE is a filename. If both are given, PORT takes precedence; if neither is given, the output will be returned as a string. #### [procedure] `(process-template-set TEMPLATE CONTEXT)` This function is similar to `render`, but returns an SXML document rather than rendering to XML. #### [procedure] `(process-base-template TEMPLATE BLOCK-DATA CONTEXT)` This function takes an SXML template, TEMPLATE, and an alist containing SXML blocks (which generally will have been read from extension templates, but could potentially be created programmatically), and a CONTEXT object, and returns a transformed SXML document. The BLOCK-DATA alist consists of `'((NAME . BLOCK) ...), where NAME corresponds to the name of a block in the base template, and BLOCK is an SXML fragment consisting of a `cvt:block` element and its content. #### [procedure] `(load-template NAME #!optional (NSMAP '())` Loads a template from a file. NAME should be a filename including the extension but excluding the directory path. The optional NSMAP argument is an alist in the form `'((PREFIX . NAMESPACE-URI) ...)`, where PREFIX is a symbol (except in the case of a default namespace, in which case it should be `#f`. NSMAP overrides or extends the list of namespace bindings defined in `*default-nsmap*`. A value of #f for NSMAP will cause the template to be parsed with no namespace bindings. Note that when you load a template, a primitive form of caching is peformed behind the scenes. Specifically, whenever you load a new or modified template from XML, the resulting SXML document is saved to a file in the cache path (`/templates/.cache` by default). On subsequent invocations of this procedure, if the cached SXML file exists and is newer, it will be loaded in place of the XML file. At present it is not possible to override this behavior. #### [procedure] `(build-template-set NAME #!optional (NSMAP '())` Given the NAME of an template file and an optional NSMAP, this procedure loads that template and any ancestors it references, and returns two values, the base template and an alist (referred to elsewhere as BLOCK-DATA) of the blocks extracted from any extension templates in the set. #### [procedure] `(make-context KWARGS)` Returns a context object: a closure that is used to maintain state information during the processing run. The following keywords are supported: - **vars** alist, default = '() - **attrs** alist, default = '() - **nsmap** alist, default = (*default-nsmap*) - **locale** alist, default = '() - **blocks** alist, default = '() - **state** symbol, default = 'init Directly manipulating the context object is not recommended. In general you should use `context->context` (see below). However, should you need to get or set any values, the closure responds to the following messages: - `(set-var! SYMBOL VALUE)` - `(update-vars! ALIST)` - `(set-vars! ALIST)` - `(get-var SYMBOL)` - `(get-vars)` - `(get-field OBJ-NAME FIELD-NAME)` - `(pfx->uri NAMESPACE-PREFIX)` - `(uri->pfx NAMESPACE-URI)` - `(set-ns! PREFIX URI)` - `(update-nsmap! ALIST)` - `(set-nsmap! ALIST)` - `(get-nsmap)` - `(set-attrs! ALIST)` - `(set-attr! SYMBOL VALUE)` - `(get-attrs)` - `(delete-attrs!)` - `(set-block! SYMBOL SXML-FRAGMENT)` - `(get-block SYMBOL)` - `(get-blocks)` - `(set-locale! ALIST)` - `(set-lang! LANG-CODE)` - `(set-country! COUNTRY-CODE)` - `(set-encoding! ENCODING-NAME)` - `(set-date-format! DATE-FORMAT)` - `(get-locale)` - `(set-state! SYMBOL)` - `(get-state)` #### [procedure] `(context->context CONTEXT KWARGS)` Returns a new context object based on the existing one, with the same data as the original except as modified by the KWARGS. The following keyword arguments are supported. - **+vars** Updates or sets one or more variables. Takes an alist. - **+attrs** Updates or sets one or more attributes. Takes an alist. - **+nsmap** Updates or sets one or more namespace bindings. Takes an alist. - **+locale** Updates or sets one or more locale options. Takes an alist. - **+blocks** Updates or sets one or more template blocks. Takes an alist. - **-vars** Unsets one or more variables. Takes a list of symbols. - **-attrs** Unsets one or more attributes. Takes a list of symbols. - **-nsmap** Unsets one or more namespace bindings. Takes a list of symbols. - **-locale** Unsets one or more locale options. Takes a list of symbols. - **-blocks** Unsets one or more template blocks. Takes a list of symbols. - **state** Sets the state. Takes a symbol Template Vocabulary, version 0.1 -------------------------------- The following describes the complete vocabulary of elements and attributes represented by the `civet` namespace. At present there is no formal specification or schema for the language, and this document may be regarded as a normative reference. Please report any language in this document that you find ambiguous or insufficiently clear. Also, each element description includes a **Contents** subsection, describing what child nodes are required or allowed. However, for all elements, unless otherwise noted, markup from the target vocabulary is permitted within any element of the template vocabulary, and comments and processing instructions are unrestricted. Please note also, that while all elements described are handled by the processor and should not cause errors, some (e.g. locale) do not actually do anything. ### ELEMENTS #### template This is the document element for an extension template. As of Version 0.1, a `template` element may only contain `config`, `locale`, `defvar`, and `block` elements. Any other content will be discarded by the processor. A base template does **not** use `template`; rather, its document element should be the document element required by the target document type. ##### Context: Occurs only as the document element of an extension template. ##### Content: May contain, in the following order: - **head** [optional] - **block** [zero or more] May not contain text nodes or any markup from the target vocabulary. ##### Attributes: - **extends** [required] Contains a reference to the parent template, expressed as a system file path. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #### head Contains elements that set variables and/or configure processing behavior. ##### Context: First child of the document element of a template. ##### Contents: May contain, in any order: - **locale** [optional] - **defvar** [zero or more] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #### locale May be used to determine locale options within a template. Currently has no effect. I'm not sure if this element should be supported or not. Certainly, locale options are useful at the application level, but not necessarily within a template, so this element will probably be discontinued if it does not prove useful in the near future. ##### Context: Within `head`. ##### Content: Empty. ##### Attributes: - **lang** - **country** - **encoding** - **date-format** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #### defvar Sets a variable's value within its local scope (i.e. for the template if contained in `head`, otherwise within the lexical scope of its parent element). ##### Context: Within a `head`, `block`, or `with`. ##### Content: Any element other than `template`, `head`, or `block` ##### Attributes: - **name** [required] The variable name to set. - **type** [optional, default=auto] The value may be any known datatype, where *known* includes the built-in types and any types defined in the processing application. A value of *auto* means that the type will be `node-set` if this element contains any markup from the target vocabulary, otherwise `string`. - **value** [optional] This attribute may be used instead of child nodes to specify the value, if the value consists of a single text node. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #### block A *block* is the basic unit of document structure, and may contain any type of content, or be empty. The order of blocks within the document (and of any interspersed content outside of blocks) is determined by the base template, and may not be altered by extension templates. Each block has a required `name` attribute. Following the usual practice, its value must be unique within any given document. Furthermore, any block ID used in an extension template must match one defined in the base template of the set. Nested blocks are not currently allowed, and will raise an error. Nesting may be supported in future versions if it is deemed a useful feature and can be implemented in a reasonable manner. The following rules govern the relationships of corresponding blocks (i.e., those whose IDs match) among different templates in a set. - *Defined with content in ancestor template, omitted in descendant:* Output includes the content defined in the ancestor template. - *Defined as empty in ancestor template, omitted in descendant template:* No output. - *Defined with content in ancestor template, defined as empty in descendant:* No output - *Defined with content in ancestor template, and with different content in descendant:* Content defined in the descendant template replaces that defined in the ancestor template. The `super` element may be used to include the content from the ancestor. ##### Attributes: - **name** [required] An arbitrary identifier that must be unique at document level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #### var A placeholder for inserting dynamic content. Variables are generally passed by the processor, but may also be defined within the template (see `defvar`). Assignment is not supported. ##### Attributes: - **name** [required] The identifier for the variable; in order to insert content, this value must be matched in the `vars` alist defined in the processing application, or by a variable defined within the template. If the name is a **qualified name**, indicated with dotted notation, the processor will retrieve the named field from the named object (i.e.: <object>.<field>) - **required** [optional, default: true] Whether the variable is required to be defined. Any required variable that is undefined is an error. - **type** [optional, default: string] A builtin or user-defined datatype. The builtin types are: + string + boolean + char + number + integer + float + list:<type> + object + node-list - **format** [optional] The name of a formatting function defined in the civet library or in your application. This function is usually associated with a specific data type. Future versions of the library may support locale-dependent formatters, as for dates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #### if The basic conditional structure. If the test specified by the `test` attribute returns true, all content of the `if` element is written to the output; otherwise it is ommitted. May contain an optional `else` element. NOTE: The effects of nested `if` elements have not been tested. ##### Context: May be contained within any element, but see above note on nesting. ##### Contents: Any element except `template` and `block`. ##### Attributes: - **test** [required] A boolean expression. See `Expression Language` below. ##### Expression Language: The `test` attribute uses a simple expression language, including the following expressions: <var-name> Returns #t if the variable is defined in the current context, false otherwise. <var-name> = <expr> Returns #t if the variable value is equal (using equal?) to the right-side expression. The right-side expression may be a (quoted) string or numeric literal, or another variable name. <var-name> != <expr> Returns #t if the variable value is unequal to the right-side expression. <function>(<var-name>, <expr>) Performs a numeric comparison between the named variable and the right-side expression. Four functions are supported: - **lt** Less than - **gt** Greater than - **le** Less than or equal to - **ge** Greater than or equal to Whitespace is allowed but not required at the beginning and end of an expression, and between any two tokens. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #### else The content of this element is output if the `if` test fails. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #### for Iterate over a list variable. ##### Attributes: - **each** [required] Defines the local variable name for each iteration. - **in** [required] Equivalent to the name attribute for `var` and `block`. - **sort** [optional, default=auto] The sorting method to use. May be 'alpha', 'numeric', 'auto', or the name of a user-defined procedure. 'Auto' means that civet will select a sorting method based on the datatype of the variable. This may degrade performance and produce unexpected results, so it is best to specify the sorting method whenever possible. - **sort-field** [optional] If the variable refers to a list of objects, this attribute specifies the field that should be used to sort the list. - **order** [optional, default=asc] Possible values are 'asc' and 'desc'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #### with A container for variable definitions. ##### Context: Anywhere in a base template, or anywhere within a block in an extension template. ##### Content: Should contain one or more <defvar> elements [otherwise the `with` element serves no purpose], followed by any other elements (except `block` and `template`). ##### Attributes: None. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #### attr Sets an attribute on its parent element. If the literal attribute is already defined on the parent, the value specified by this element overrides it. Otherwise, it adds a new attribute to the parent. ##### Context: Any element from the target vocabulary. ##### Content: A string, or an expression that evaluates to a string (such as a `var` element with a string value). ##### Attributes: - **name** [required] - **type** [optional, default: string] - **var** [optional] Either this attribute or a `var` child element must be present. ### ATTRIBUTES In addition to the attributes defined above for template vocabulary elements, any uprefixed attribute from the target vocabulary may have the `civet` namespace prefix applied to it. This indicates to the processor that the attribute's value is a variable reference; when encountering such an attribute, the processor will substitute the variable's value for the reference and remove the prefix. Note that this method permits only the substitution of a primitive data type with an obvious string representation. If you require any more complex manipulations, such as converting lists or objects to strings, or conditional processing, you must use the `attr` element. If an element has an attribute prefixed in this manner, and an `attr` element child, the `attr` element overrides the prefixed attribute. Template Processors ------------------- A civet processor must fulfill the following requirements: - It must support the entire template vocabulary as described in this document. - If any templates in the input set are ill-formed or fail to conform to the requirements of this document, processing must end with an error. - If template processing successfully completes, the output will be well-formed XML, with all markup from the template vocabulary removed. Any failure with respect to meeting these requirements is a bug, and may be reported as such. Please note, however, that since the template language deliberately allows templates to include arbitrary fragments composed of markup from non-civet vocabularies, it is impossible to guarantee the validity of the output document.