;;; civet-impl.scm -- implementation code for the civet module. ;;; ;;; Copyright © 2013 by Matthew C. Gushee ;;; This program is open-source software, released under the ;;; BSD license. See the accompanying LICENSE file for details. (import ; (except scheme ; string-length string-ref string-set! make-string string substring ; string->list list->string string-fill! write-char read-char display) ; (except chicken ; reverse-list->string print print*) (except data-structures ->string conc string-chop string-split string-translate substring=? substring-ci=? substring-index substring-index-ci) (except extras read-string write-string read-token)) (import files) (import posix) (import utils) (import srfi-1) (import srfi-69) (import irregex) (use utf8) (use utf8-srfi-13) (use ssax) (use sxpath) (use sxml-serializer) ;;; IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ;;; ---- GLOBAL DEFINITIONS ---------------------------------------------- (define *site-path* (make-parameter #f)) (define *template-path* (make-parameter #f)) (define *template-cache-path* (make-parameter #f)) (define *enable-l10n* (make-parameter #f)) (define *template-vars* (make-parameter (make-hash-table))) (define *template-blocks* (make-parameter (make-hash-table))) (define *civet-ns-prefix* (make-parameter 'cvt)) (define *civet-ns-uri* (make-parameter "http://xmlns.therebetygers.net/civet/0.1")) (define *default-nsmap* (make-parameter `((#f . "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml") (,(*civet-ns-prefix*) . ,(*civet-ns-uri*))))) (define *sxpath-nsmap* (make-parameter (let ((default-map (*default-nsmap*))) (cons (cons '*default* (cdar default-map)) (cdr default-map))))) (define *sort-functions* (make-parameter `((string . (,string?)) (char . (,char?)) (number . (,< ,>)) (boolean . (,(lambda (a b) (or (not a) b)) ,(lambda (a b) (or a (not b)))))))) ;;; OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ;;; IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ;;; ---- UTILITY FUNCTIONS ----------------------------------------------- (define (eprintf fmt . args) (error (apply sprintf (cons fmt args)))) (define (template-path) (or (*template-path*) (make-pathname (*site-path*) "templates"))) (define (template-cache-path) (or (*template-cache-path*) (make-pathname (template-path) ".cache"))) (define (alist-merge alist1 alist2) (cond ((and (not alist1) (not alist2)) '()) ((not alist1) alist2) ((not alist2) alist1) (else (let ((merge (lambda (out-list in-list) (let loop ((out out-list) (in in-list)) (if (null? in) out (let ((k (caar in)) (v (cdar in))) (loop (alist-update k v out) (cdr in)))))))) (merge (merge '() alist1) alist2))))) (define (alist-except alist -keys) (cond ((not alist) '()) ((not -keys) alist) ((eqv? -keys 'all) '()) (else (let loop ((in alist) (out '())) (if (null? in) out (let ((elt (car in)) (rest (cdr in))) (if (memv (car elt) -keys) (loop rest out) (loop rest (cons elt out))))))))) (define (update-attrs attrs1 attrs2) (cond ((and (null? attrs1) (null? attrs2)) #f) ((null? attrs1) attrs2) ((null? attrs2) attrs1) (else (let ((delete-dups (lambda (keys lst) (filter (lambda (elt) (not (member (car elt) keys))) lst))) (keys (map (lambda (elt) (car elt)) attrs2))) (append (delete-dups keys attrs1) attrs2))))) ;; This is just for debugging purposes (define (describe-tree t) (newline) (display "[TREE]> ") (print (cond ((null? t) "") ((string? t) "") ((symbol? t) "") ((list? t) (let ((head (car t)) (tail (cdr t))) (string-append "(" (if (list? head) "" (sprintf "~A" head)) " " (cond ((null? tail) "") ((string? tail) "") ((symbol? tail) "") ((list? tail) "")) ")")))))) (define (symbol-depth obj #!optional (depth 0)) (cond ((or (not obj) (null? obj) (string? obj)) #f) ((symbol? obj) depth) (else (symbol-depth (car obj) (+ depth 1))))) (define (nest-depth obj #!optional (depth 0)) (if (and (list? obj) (not (null? obj))) (nest-depth (car obj) (+ depth 1)) depth)) (define (normalize-subtree st) (if (list? st) (filter (lambda (elt) (and elt (not (null? elt)))) (let ((nd (nest-depth st))) (cond ((and (> nd 3) (= (length st) 1)) (normalize-subtree (car st))) ((and (= nd 3) (= (length st) 1)) (car st)) ((= nd 3) (map join st)) ((and (= nd 2) (string? (caar st))) (car st)) ((<= nd 2) st) (else (eprintf "Failed to normalize subtree: ~A [nd=~A]" st nd))))) st)) ;;; OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ;;; IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ;;; ---- VARIABLE TYPES -------------------------------------------------- (define (string->bool s) (let ((s (string-downcase s))) (or (string=? s "t") (string=? s "true") (string=? s "1")))) (define (bool->string b #!optional (format 'tc)) (if b (case format ((ts) "True") ((us) "TRUE") ((ls) "true") ((uc) "T") ((lc) "t") ((no) "1") (else (eprintf "Unrecognized format symbol '~A" format))) (case format ((ts) "False") ((us) "FALSE") ((ls) "false") ((uc) "F") ((lc) "f") ((no) "0") (else (eprintf "Unrecognized format symbol '~A" format))))) ;;; OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ;;; IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ;;; ---- TEST EXPRESSION EVALUATOR --------------------------------------- ;;; A simple expression language for use in cvt:if tests ;;; ;;; The following types of expressions are supported: ;;; ;;; [unquoted]: Return #t if the variable is defined, #f otherwise ;;; = : Test equality with equal? . The value may be a quoted ;;; string, a number, or another variable name. ;;; != : Test inequality with equal? . The value may be a quoted ;;; string, a number, or another variable name. ;;; lt(, ): Less-than; return #t if variable is less than value, ;;; #f otherwise. ;;; gt(, ): Greater-than; return #t if variable is greater than ;;; value, #f otherwise. ;;; le(, ): Less-than-or-equal-to; return #t if variable is ;;; less than or equvalue, #f otherwise. ;;; ge(, ): Greater-than-or-equal-to; return #t if variable is ;;; greater than or equal to value, #f otherwise. (define testexp-re (irregex '(: bos (* space) (or (=> bare-var (: (or alpha #\_) (+ (or alphanum ("_-:."))))) (: (=> lhs-var (or alpha #\_) (+ (or alphanum ("_-:.")))) (* space) (or (=> eq #\=) (=> neq (: #\! #\=))) (* space) (or (=> rhs-var (: (or alpha #\_) (+ (or alphanum ("_-:."))))) (=> rhs-qstring (or (: #\' (=> qstring-val (* any)) #\') (: #\\ #\" (=> qstring-val (* any)) #\\ #\"))) (=> rhs-num (or (+ numeric) (: (* numeric) #\. (+ numeric)))))) (: (=> func (or "lt" "gt" "le" "ge")) (* space) #\( (* space) (=> arg1 (: (or alpha #\_) (+ (or alphanum ("_-:."))))) (* space) #\, (* space) (or (=> arg2-var (: (or alpha #\_) (+ (or alphanum ("_-:."))))) (=> arg2-num (or (+ numeric) (: (* numeric) #\. (+ numeric))))) (* space) #\))) (* space) eos))) (define (eval-test test-expr ctx) (let ((m (irregex-match testexp-re test-expr)) (ims irregex-match-substring) (get-var (lambda (var-name) (ctx 'get-var (string->symbol var-name))))) (if m (let ((bare-var (ims m 'bare-var)) (lhs-var (ims m 'lhs-var)) (func (ims m 'func))) (cond (bare-var (get-var bare-var)) (lhs-var (let* ((lhs-value (get-var lhs-var)) (rhs-var (ims m 'rhs-var)) (rhs-num (ims m 'rhs-num)) (rhs-qstring (ims m 'rhs-qstring)) (rhs-value (cond (rhs-var (get-var rhs-var)) (rhs-num (string->number rhs-num)) (rhs-qstring (ims m 'qstring-val)) (else (eprintf "BUG: rhs failed to match rhs-var, rhs-num, or rhs-qstring.\n")))) (test (let ((eq (ims m 'eq)) (neq (ims m 'neq))) (cond ((and eq (number? rhs-value)) =) (eq equal?) ((and neq (number? rhs-value)) (lambda (x y) (not (= x y)))) (neq (lambda (x y) (not (equal? x y)))) (else (eprintf "BUG: Relation is neither '=' nor '!='?!\n")))))) (test lhs-value rhs-value))) (func (let ((test (case (string->symbol func) ((lt) <) ((gt) >) ((le) <=) ((ge) >=) (else (eprintf "Invalid function: '~A'\n" func)))) (arg1 (get-var (ims m 'arg1))) (arg2 (let ((arg2-var (ims m 'arg2-var)) (arg2-num (ims m 'arg2-num))) (cond (arg2-var (get-var arg2-var)) (arg2-num (string->number arg2-num)) (else (eprintf "Error: invalid argument to function '~A'\n" func)))))) (test arg1 arg2))))) (eprintf "Invalid test expression: '~A'\n" test-expr)))) ;;; OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ;;; IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ;;; ---- CONTEXT OBJECTS ------------------------------------------------- ;; A context object is a closure encapsulating several alists: ;; - vars: containing all in-scope template variables ;; - attrs: containing any attributes to be set on the current context node ;; - nsmap: containing the mapping of namespace prefixes to URIs ;; - locale: containing language, country, encoding, and other localization ;; parameters ;; - blocks: containing template blocks extracted from extension templates ;; --and the 'state' symbol, whose value is one of: ;; init template head block (define (make-context #!key (vars '()) (attrs '()) (nsmap (*default-nsmap*)) (locale '()) (blocks '()) (state 'init)) (lambda (cmd . args) (case cmd ((set-var!) (alist-update! (car args) (cadr args) vars)) ((update-vars!) (set! vars (alist-merge vars args))) ((set-vars!) (set! vars args)) ((get-var) (alist-ref (car args) vars)) ((get-vars) vars) ((get-field) (let ((obj (alist-ref (car args) vars))) (and obj (alist-ref (cadr args) obj)))) ((pfx->uri) (alist-ref (car args) nsmap)) ((uri->pfx) (let ((pair (rassoc (car args) nsmap equal?))) (if pair (car pair) #:UNDEFINED))) ((set-ns!) (alist-update! (car args) (cadr args) nsmap)) ((update-nsmap!) (set! nsmap (alist-merge nsmap args))) ((set-nsmap!) (set! nsmap args)) ((get-nsmap) nsmap) ((set-attrs!) (set! attrs args)) ((set-attr!) (alist-update! (car args) (cadr args) attrs)) ((get-attrs) attrs) ((delete-attrs!) (set! attrs '())) ((get-block) (alist-ref (car args) blocks)) ((set-block!) (alist-update! (car args) (cadr args) blocks)) ((get-blocks) blocks) ((set-locale!) (set! locale (car args))) ((set-lang!) (alist-update! 'lang (car args) locale)) ((set-country!) (alist-update! 'country (car args) locale)) ((set-encoding!) (alist-update! 'encoding (car args) locale)) ((set-date-format!) (alist-update! 'date-format (car args) locale)) ((get-locale) locale) ((set-state!) (set! state (car args))) ((get-state) state)))) (define (context->context ctx #!key (+vars #f) (-vars #f) (+attrs #f) (-attrs #f) (+nsmap #f) (-nsmap #f) (+locale #f) (-locale #f) (+blocks #f) (-blocks #f) (state #f)) (let ((prev-vars (ctx 'get-vars)) (prev-attrs (ctx 'get-attrs)) (prev-nsmap (ctx 'get-nsmap)) (prev-locale (ctx 'get-locale)) (prev-blocks (ctx 'get-blocks)) (prev-state (ctx 'get-state))) (make-context vars: (alist-merge (alist-except prev-vars -vars) +vars) attrs: (alist-merge (alist-except prev-attrs -attrs) +attrs) nsmap: (alist-merge (alist-except prev-nsmap -nsmap) +nsmap) locale: (alist-merge (alist-except prev-locale -locale) +locale) blocks: (alist-merge (alist-except prev-blocks -blocks) +blocks) state: (or state prev-state)))) ;;; OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ;;; IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ;;; ---- TEMPLATE SETS --------------------------------------------------- (define (update-cached-template? raw-path cached-path) (or (not (file-exists? raw-path)) (not (file-exists? cached-path)) (let ((raw-modtime (file-modification-time raw-path)) (cached-modtime (file-modification-time cached-path))) (< cached-modtime raw-modtime)))) (define (load-template name #!optional (nsmap '())) (let* ((nsmap* (if nsmap (alist-merge (*default-nsmap*) nsmap) '())) (raw-template (make-pathname (template-path) name)) (sxml-name (pathname-replace-extension name "sxml")) (cached-template (make-pathname (template-cache-path) sxml-name)) (update? (update-cached-template? raw-template cached-template)) (infile (if update? raw-template cached-template)) (input (open-input-file infile)) (sxml (if update? (ssax:xml->sxml input nsmap*) (read input)))) (close-input-port input) (when update? (when (not (file-exists? (template-cache-path))) (create-directory (template-cache-path) #t)) (with-output-to-file cached-template (lambda () (write sxml)))) sxml)) (define (extension? template) (let ((sp (sxpath '(cvt:template) (*sxpath-nsmap*)))) (not (null? (sp template))))) ; (let ((result (not (null? (sp template))))) ; (printf "\nEXTENSION? ~A\n" result) ; result))) (define (get-parent-name template) (let ((sp (sxpath '(cvt:template @ extends *text*) (*sxpath-nsmap*)))) (sp template))) (define (get-template-locale template) (let* ((sp (sxpath '(cvt:template cvt:head cvt:locale @ *) (*sxpath-nsmap*))) (locale-data (sp template))) (map (lambda (elt) (cons (car elt) (cadr elt))) locale-data))) (define (get-template-vars template ctx) (let ((sp1 (sxpath '(cvt:template cvt:head cvt:defvar) (*sxpath-nsmap*))) (name-exp (sxpath '(@ name *text*))) (val-exp (sxpath '(@ value *text*))) (kids-exp (sxpath '(*any*)))) (filter identity (map (lambda (def) (let* ((name* (name-exp def)) (name (string->symbol (car name*))) (value* (val-exp def)) (kids (kids-exp def)) (value (cond ((not (null? value*)) (car value*)) ((not (null? kids)) (let ((kids-result (process-tree kids ctx))) (if (every string? kids-result) (apply string-append kids-result) kids-result))) (else #f)))) (if value (cons name value) #f))) (sp1 template))))) (define (build-template-set name ctx) (let ((sp1 (sxpath '(cvt:template *))) (sp2 (sxpath '(@ name *text*))) (nsmap (ctx 'get-nsmap))) (let loop ((template (load-template name nsmap)) (blocks '())) (if (extension? template) (let* ((parent* (get-parent-name template)) (parent (and (not (null? parent*)) (car parent*)))) (when (not parent) (eprintf "Parent template '~A' not found.\n" parent)) (let ((locale (get-template-locale template)) (vars (get-template-vars template ctx)) (kids (sp1 template))) (loop (load-template parent nsmap) (foldl (lambda (blox k) (if (eqv? (car k) 'cvt:block) (let* ((name* (sp2 k)) (name (string->symbol (car name*)))) (if (alist-ref name blox) blox (cons (cons name (list locale vars k)) blox))) blox)) blocks kids)))) (values template blocks))))) ;;; OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ;;; IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ;;; ---- XML PROCESSING -------------------------------------------------- (define (get-attrs element) (let* ((se (sxpath '(@))) (result (se element))) (and (not (null? result)) (car result)))) ; input is the entire attributes node: '(@ ((name value) ...))` (define (get-attval attlist name #!optional (default #f)) (let* ((se (sxpath `(,name *text*))) (result (se attlist))) (or (and (not (null? result)) (car result)) default))) (define (get-kids node #!optional (nsmap #f)) (let* ((default-nsmap (*sxpath-nsmap*)) (nsmap (if nsmap (alist-merge default-nsmap nsmap) default-nsmap)) (xp (sxpath '(*any*) nsmap))) (xp node))) (define (except-attlist node #!optional (nsmap #f)) (let ((kids (get-kids node nsmap))) (filter (lambda (node) (or (not (list? node)) (not (eqv? (car node) '@)))) kids))) ;; When encountering a new block, we need to: ;; 1. Check whether a block with the same name is present ;; in the context, in which case that block will override ;; this one. (define (%cvt:block node ctx) (let* ((attrs (get-attrs node)) (content (get-kids node)) (block-name (string->symbol (get-attval attrs "name"))) (override (ctx 'get-block block-name))) (cond ((null? content) #f) (override (let ((block-locale (car override)) (block-vars (cadr override)) (block (caddr override))) (%cvt:block block (context->context ctx -blocks: (list block-name) +locale: block-locale +vars: block-vars)))) (else (process-tree content (context->context ctx state: 'block)))))) (define (%cvt:var elt ctx) (let* ((attrs (get-attrs elt)) (var-name (get-attval attrs 'name)) (obj+field (string-split var-name ".")) (value (if (= (length obj+field) 2) (ctx 'get-field (string->symbol (car obj+field)) (string->symbol (cadr obj+field))) (ctx 'get-var (string->symbol var-name)))) (var-type (get-attval attrs 'type "string")) (req-str (get-attval attrs 'required)) (required (or (not req-str) (string->bool req-str)))) (cond ((and required (not value)) (eprintf "No value provided for required variable '~A'\n." var-name)) (value value) (else #f)))) (define (%cvt:if node ctx) (let* ((attrs (get-attrs node)) (content (get-kids node)) (test-expr (get-attval attrs 'test)) (test-result (eval-test test-expr ctx)) (else-node (let ((se (sxpath '(cvt:else) (*sxpath-nsmap*)))) (se node)))) (cond (test-result (normalize-subtree (process-tree content (context->context ctx test: #t))) ) ((and (not test-result) else-node) (%cvt:else (car else-node) ctx)) (else #f)))) (define (%cvt:else node ctx) (process-tree (cdr node) ctx)) (define (register-sort-fun type asc desc) (*sort-functions* (alist-update type (list asc desc) (*sort-functions*)))) (define (sort-fun type order) (let ((type-funs (alist-ref type (*sort-functions*)))) (cond ((not type-funs) (eprintf "No sort function for data type '~A'.\n" type)) ((eqv? order 'asc) (car type-funs)) (else (cadr type-funs))))) (define (%cvt:for node ctx) (let* ((attrs (get-attrs node)) (content (get-kids node)) (var-name (get-attval attrs "in")) (value (ctx 'get-var (string->symbol var-name)))) (if value (let* ((local-key (string->symbol (get-attval attrs "each"))) (type (string->symbol (get-attval attrs "type" "string"))) (sort-type (string->symbol (get-attval attrs "sort" "auto"))) (sort-field* (get-attval attrs "sort-field")) (sort-field (and sort-field* (string->symbol sort-field*))) (order (string->symbol (get-attval attrs "order" "asc"))) (base-sortfun (case sort-type ((alpha) (if (eqv? order 'asc) string?)) ((numeric) (if (eqv? order 'asc) < >)) ((none) #f) ((auto) (sort-fun type order)))) (sortfun (and base-sortfun (if sort-field (lambda (ox oy) (let ((fx (alist-ref sort-field ox)) (fy (alist-ref sort-field oy))) (base-sortfun fx fy))) base-sortfun))) (sorted (if sortfun (sort value sortfun) value))) (join (map (lambda (elt) (process-tree content (context->context ctx +vars: (list (cons local-key elt))))) sorted)))))) (define (%cvt:with node ctx) (let* ((attrs (get-attrs node)) (content (get-kids node)) (se (sxpath '(defvar) (*sxpath-nsmap*))) (nodes* (se content))) (let loop ((nodes nodes*) (local-vars '())) (if (null? nodes) (process-tree content (context->context ctx +vars: local-vars)) (let* ((defnode (car nodes)) (var-name (get-attval defnode "name")) (value (or (get-attval defnode "value") (get-kids defnode)))) (loop (cdr nodes) (cons (cons (string->symbol var-name) value) local-vars))))))) (define (%cvt:defvar node ctx) #f) (define (%cvt:locale node ctx) #f) ;; FIXME: seems like there should be a more efficient way to ;; get the value of a child element (define (%cvt:attr elt ctx) (let* ((name-exp (sxpath '(@ name *text*) (*sxpath-nsmap*))) (val-exp (sxpath '(@ value *text*) (*sxpath-nsmap*))) (type-exp (sxpath '(@ type *text*) (*sxpath-nsmap*))) (fmt-exp (sxpath '(@ format *text*) (*sxpath-nsmap*))) (if-exp (sxpath '(cvt:if) (*sxpath-nsmap*))) (var-exp (sxpath '(cvt:var) (*sxpath-nsmap*))) (txt-exp (sxpath '(*text*) (*sxpath-nsmap*))) (name (name-exp elt)) (if-child (if-exp elt)) (var-child (var-exp elt)) (txt-child (txt-exp elt)) (child-value (cond ;; I believe (pair? x) is equivalent to (not (null? x)) for this purpose ((pair? if-child) (%cvt:if if-child ctx)) ((pair? var-child) (%cvt:var var-child ctx)) ((pair? txt-child) txt-child) (else #f))) (value (or child-value (car (val-exp elt))))) ;; FIXME: This simply uses the raw string value of the attribute, ;; no accounting for type or format (list (string->symbol (car name)) value))) ;; Apparently there are no unknown cvt: elements, but I'll keep this ;; for the time being, just in case. ; (define (%cvt:* attrs content ctx) #f) (define (%element element ctx) (let* ((tag (car element)) (kids (cdr element)) (al-exp (sxpath '(@ *) (*sxpath-nsmap*))) (att-list* (al-exp element)) (att-list (map (lambda (attr) (%attribute attr ctx)) att-list*)) (ta-exp (sxpath '(cvt:attr) (*sxpath-nsmap*))) (template-attrs (ta-exp element)) (template-attvals (map (lambda (att-elt) (%cvt:attr att-elt ctx)) template-attrs)) (final-attvals (update-attrs att-list template-attvals)) (final-kids (normalize-subtree (process-tree kids ctx)))) (if final-attvals (cons tag (cons (cons '@ final-attvals) final-kids)) (cons tag final-kids)))) (define (%attribute attr ctx) (let* ((name* (car attr)) (value* (cadr attr)) (localname (cvt-name? name* ctx)) (value (if localname (ctx 'get-var (string->symbol value*)) value*)) (name (or (and localname (string->symbol localname)) name*))) (list name value))) (define (cvt-name? qname ctx) (and qname (let ((parts (string-split (symbol->string qname) ":"))) (and (= (length parts) 2) (or (string=? (car parts) (*civet-ns-uri*)) (equal? (ctx 'pfx->uri (string->symbol (car parts))) (*civet-ns-uri*))) (cadr parts))))) ;; This is the generic dispatch function (define (process-tree tree ctx) (let ((state (ctx 'get-state))) (if (or (string? tree) (symbol? tree) (null? tree)) tree (let* ((head (car tree)) (tail (cdr tree))) (cond ((null? head) (process-tree tail ctx)) ((string? head) (cons head (process-tree tail ctx))) ((list? head) (filter identity (map (lambda (node) (process-tree node ctx)) tree))) (else (let ((cvt-localname (cvt-name? head ctx))) (if cvt-localname ;; cvt:template should have been handled already by build-template-set (case (string->symbol cvt-localname) ((template) (eprintf "The element cannot occur in a base template")) ((block) (%cvt:block tree ctx)) ;; cvt:head should already have been handled in build-template-set or ;; by the handler for the document element ; ((head) '()) ((head) #f) ((locale) (%cvt:locale tree ctx)) ((defvar) (%cvt:defvar tree ctx)) ((var) (%cvt:var tree ctx)) ;; cvt:attr should be handled in the handler for its parent element ; ((attr) '()) ((attr) #f) ((with) (%cvt:with tree ctx)) ((if) (%cvt:if tree ctx)) ;; cvt:else should already be handled by the %cvt:if handler ; ((else) '()) ((else) #f) ((for) (%cvt:for tree ctx))) ;; attributes are handled by the handler for their element (cond ((eqv? head '@) #f) ; ((eqv? head '*PI*) tree) ((or (eqv? head '*TOP*) (eqv? head '*PI*) (eqv? head '*NAMESPACES*)) (cons head (process-tree tail ctx))) ((symbol? head) (%element tree ctx)) ((and (not head) (eqv? state 'top)) ; This is probably a default NS annotation (cons head (process-tree tail ctx))) (else (eprintf "Node not handled: ~A\n" head))))))))))) (define (process-base-template template block-data context) ;; template = entire base template SXML ;; block-data = alist of blocks ;; context = as provided by app ;; ;; 1. push state 'template ;; 2. process head (delegate this?) ;; 3. process content, including blocks & free elements ;; 4. pop state ;; 5. return complete tree ;; ;; Probably best to use SXPath to extract first head, then rest of body. (let ((head (car template)) (tail (cdr template))) (cond ((list? head) (map (lambda (node) (process-base-template node block-data context)) template)) ((eqv? head '*TOP*) (cons head (process-base-template tail block-data (context->context context state: 'top)))) ((or (eqv? head '*PI*) (eqv? head '*NAMESPACES*) (eqv? head '*COMMENT*) ; I'm not sure whether this is ever used, but it doesn't hurt to include it (eqv? head '@)) (assert (eqv? (context 'get-state) 'top)) ; (cons head (process-tree tail context))) template) ((cvt-name? head context) (eprintf "The document element of the base template is '~A', which is invalid." head)) (else (assert (eqv? (context 'get-state) 'top)) (let ((child-ctx (context->context context state: 'template +blocks: block-data))) (%element template child-ctx)))))) (define (process-template-set name context) (let-values (((template block-data) (build-template-set name context))) (process-base-template template block-data context))) (define (render template-name context #!key (port #f) (file #f)) (let ((final-tree (process-template-set template-name context))) (serialize-sxml final-tree output: (or port file) ns-prefixes: (*sxpath-nsmap*)))) ;;; OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO