;;; civet.scm -- Implements a (somewhat) simple XML-based templating ;;; system for the Coq au Vin blogging library. ;;; ;;; Copyright © 2013 by Matthew C. Gushee ;;; This program is open-source software, released under the ;;; BSD license. See the accompanying LICENSE file for details. (module civet (*site-path* *template-path* *template-cache-path* *enable-l10n* *template-vars* *template-blocks* *civet-ns-prefix* *civet-ns-uri* *default-nsmap* *sxpath-nsmap* *sort-functions* make-context context->context update-cached-template? load-template build-template-set process-base-template process-template-set render) (import (except scheme string-length string-ref string-set! make-string string substring string->list list->string string-fill! write-char read-char display) (except chicken reverse-list->string print print*)) (include "civet-impl.scm") ) ; END MODULE