(module cjson * (import chicken scheme foreign) (use srfi-1) (foreign-declare "#include \"cJSON.c\"") (define-record-type cjson (%make-cjson pointer) %cjson? (pointer %cjson-pointer)) (define-foreign-type cjson (c-pointer (struct "cJSON")) %cjson-pointer (lambda (x) (and x (%make-cjson x)))) ;; memory-leaking version. must call free on returned object sometime. (define string->cjson* (foreign-lambda* cjson ((nonnull-c-string json_str)) "return(cJSON_Parse(json_str));")) (define (cjson-assert cjson) (if (%cjson-pointer cjson) cjson)) (define cjson-free (foreign-lambda* void ((cjson x)) "cJSON_Delete(x);")) ;; finelizers don't always work out too well if there are many of them ;; (according to docs). how many are too many? (define (string->cjson str) (set-finalizer! (let ((cjson (string->cjson* str))) (if cjson cjson (error "unparseable json" str))) cjson-free)) (define (cjson->string cjson #!optional (pp #t)) ((if pp (foreign-lambda* c-string* ((cjson json)) "return (cJSON_Print(json));") (foreign-lambda* c-string* ((cjson json)) "return (cJSON_PrintUnformatted(json));")) cjson)) (define cjson/false 0) (define cjson/true 1) (define cjson/null 2) (define cjson/number 3) (define cjson/string 4) (define cjson/array 5) (define cjson/object 6) ;; no error checking! (define cjson-type (foreign-lambda* int ((cjson x)) "return(x->type);")) (define cjson-int (foreign-lambda* int ((cjson x)) "return(x->valueint);")) (define cjson-double (foreign-lambda* double ((cjson x)) "return(x->valuedouble);")) (define cjson-string (foreign-lambda* c-string ((cjson x)) "return(x->valuestring);")) (define cjson-key (foreign-lambda* c-string ((cjson x)) "return(x->string);")) (define cjson-array-size (foreign-lambda int cJSON_GetArraySize cjson)) (define cjson-array-ref (foreign-lambda cjson cJSON_GetArrayItem cjson int)) (define cjson-obj-ref (foreign-lambda cjson cJSON_GetObjectItem cjson nonnull-c-string)) (define cjson-child (foreign-lambda* cjson ((cjson x)) "return(x->child);" )) (define cjson-next (foreign-lambda* cjson ((cjson x)) "return(x->next);" )) ;;cJSON *c=object->child; while (c && cJSON_strcasecmp(c->string,string)) c=c->next; return c; (define (cjson-obj-keys cjson) (let loop ((c (cjson-child cjson)) (res '())) (if (and c (%cjson-pointer c)) (loop (cjson-next c) (cons (cjson-key c) res)) res))) ;; number => number, string => string ;; nil => (void), true/false => #t/#f ;; array => vector ;; obj => alist (define (cjson-schemify cjson) (select (cjson-type cjson) ((cjson/false) #f) ((cjson/true) #t) ((cjson/null) (void)) ;; null ((cjson/number) (cjson-double cjson)) ;; cjson-number ((cjson/string) (cjson-string cjson)) ((cjson/array) (list->vector (map cjson-schemify (list-tabulate (cjson-array-size cjson) (lambda (i) (cjson-array-ref cjson i)))))) ((cjson/object) (map (lambda (key) (cons (string->symbol key) (cjson-schemify (cjson-obj-ref cjson key)))) (cjson-obj-keys cjson))) (else (error "unknown cjson type" (cjson-type cjson))))) ;; finalizers are expensive. this version avoids their use: (define (string->json str) (let* ((j (string->cjson* str)) (s (cjson-schemify j))) (cjson-free j) s)) (define-record-printer (cjson x out) (display "#string x #f) out) (display ">" out)) )