(define current-docexpr @("Enables communication with the parsing @-reader") (make-parameter #f)) (define docexprs (make-parameter (make-stack))) (define-syntax thunk (lambda (expression rename compare) (let ((body (cdr expression)) (%lambda (rename 'lambda))) `(,%lambda () ,@body)))) (define-record-and-printer null-expression) (define null-expression (make-null-expression)) (define (prepend-@ symbol) (string->symbol (string-append "@" (symbol->string symbol)))) (set-read-syntax! #\@ (lambda (in) (let ((expression (read in))) (cond ((symbol? expression) (prepend-@ expression)) ((pair? expression) (current-docexpr expression) (stack-push! (docexprs) (make-docexpr (current-docexpr) null-expression)) (values)) (else expression))))) (define-record-and-printer docexpr @("Composite documentation and adherent expression" (doc "Documentation for the expression") (expr "Expression surrounding the documentation")) doc expr) (define (parse-noop . args) (lambda () void)) ;;; Because it's apparent that latex and wiki share a lot of code, ;;; these should actually do something. (define parse-directive (make-parameter parse-noop)) (define parse-procedure (make-parameter parse-noop)) (define parse-scalar (make-parameter parse-noop)) (define parse-parameter (make-parameter parse-noop)) (define parse-case-lambda (make-parameter parse-noop)) (define parse-syntax (make-parameter parse-noop)) (define parse-read (make-parameter parse-noop)) (define parse-record (make-parameter parse-noop)) (define parse-module (make-parameter parse-noop)) ;;; Somehow, we have to process these preamble-directives before we ;;; spit the document out; could it be that we have to keep the thing ;;; in memory before we spit it out? ;;; ;;; The document has some header fields and a list of docexprs: thus, ;;; we can process the docexprs in order, pushing to the section ;;; stack; &c. ;;; ;;; Should we say, more formally, that directives are things which ;;; work on the document; and have first-class support for things like ;;; sections? ;;; ;;; Sections, &c. could work, I suppose, by pushing something unto the ;;; docexprs stack. ;;; ;;; It's a shame, though, that the document-fields are fixed; and that ;;; directives don't have the ability to put arbitrary data in there. ;;; Why not add a hash-table called data? ;;; ;;; The idea is that the renderers check for some kind of field in the ;;; hash-table, supplying a reasonable default. ;;; ;;; It's a shame, though, that we have to special case so-called ;;; directives; can every parsed docexpr work on the document? ;;; ;;; Non-directive docexprs would have to push themselves on the ;;; docexpr-stack, though. ;;; ;;; Why not push every docexpr on the stack and convert the directives ;;; into no-ops? Bingo. ;;; ;;; docexprs are lambdas: at construction time, they take a document they ;;; can modify. At invocation time, they write something. ;;; ;;; If we were to support more than latex, though, how would they know ;;; to dispatch? Do we need an e.g. write-docexpr-as-{html,latex}, ;;; such that we need to maintain the types? ;;; ;;; If I go with the dispatch-on-type, though, I have to come up with ;;; types for e.g. headings and subheading; which is a pain in the ;;; ass. Oh, for pure lambdas! (define-record-and-printer document data docexprs) (define (parse-docexpr document docexpr) (let ((doc (docexpr-doc docexpr)) (expr (docexpr-expr docexpr)) (data (document-data document))) (match expr ((? null-expression?) ((parse-directive) doc expr data document)) ((or ('define (procedure . formals) . body) ('define procedure ('lambda formals . body))) ((parse-procedure) doc expr data procedure formals)) (('define procedure ('case-lambda (formals . body) ...)) ((parse-case-lambda) doc expr data procedure formals)) (('define parameter ('make-parameter init . converter)) ((parse-parameter) doc expr data parameter init)) (('define scalar . body) ((parse-scalar) doc expr data scalar)) (('define-syntax name . _) ((parse-syntax) doc expr data name)) ((or ('set-read-syntax! char-or-symbol proc) ('set-sharp-read-syntax! char-or-symbol proc) ('set-parameterized-read-syntax! char-or-symbol proc)) ((parse-read) doc expr data char-or-symbol)) ((or ('define-record-and-printer type . fields) ('define-record-type type . fields) ('define-record type . fields) ('defstruct type . fields)) ((parse-record) doc expr data type)) (('module module exports . body) ((parse-module) doc expr data module exports)) ;; Here's where we might make the thing extensible; or maybe ;; initially, to give people the opportunity to override the ;; above? ;; ;; Don't know what the fuck this is: let's treat it like a ;; directive, for the time being. (_ ((parse-directive) doc null-expression data document))))) (define substitute-template (case-lambda ((template key substitution) (substitute-template template `((,key . ,substitution)))) ((template substitutions) (string-substitute* template (map (match-lambda ((key . value) (cons (format "@~a@" (string-upcase (symbol->string key))) (->string value)))) substitutions) #f)))) (define (write-template . keys-or-substitutions) (display (apply substitute-template keys-or-substitutions))) (define special-parameters (list (string->symbol "@example") (string->symbol "@example-no-eval") (string->symbol "@internal") (string->symbol "@no-source") (string->symbol "@to"))) (define (special-parameter? parameter) (memq parameter special-parameters)) (define normal-parameter? (complement special-parameter?)) (define (doc-descriptions doc) (filter string? doc)) (define (doc-normal-and-special-parameters doc) (let ((parameters (filter pair? doc))) (let ((normal-parameters (filter (compose normal-parameter? car) parameters)) (special-parameters (filter (compose special-parameter? car) parameters))) (values normal-parameters special-parameters)))) ;;; Generalize this. (define (procedure-to special-parameters) (alist-ref/default special-parameters (string->symbol "@to") '("unspecified"))) (define example-description car) (define example-expressions cdr) (define (examples special-parameters) (map cdr (filter (lambda (parameter) (eq? (car parameter) (string->symbol "@example"))) special-parameters))) (define (examples-no-eval special-parameters) (map cdr (filter (lambda (parameter) (eq? (car parameter) (string->symbol "@example-no-eval"))) special-parameters))) (define (internal? special-parameters) (any (lambda (parameter) (eq? (car parameter) (string->symbol "@internal"))) special-parameters)) (define (no-source? special-parameters) (any (lambda (parameter) (eq? (car parameter) (string->symbol "@no-source"))) special-parameters)) (define (scalar-procedure? normal-parameters special-parameters) (or (not (null? normal-parameters)) (alist-ref/default special-parameters (string->symbol "@to") #f))) (define (formals parameters) (map car parameters)) (define write-source? (make-parameter #t)) ;;; Shouldn't we let the caller pass in its own docexprs? (define (parse-files . files) @("Parse files into docexprs." (files "Cock-documented files to be parsed") (@to "Resultant docexprs")) (parameterize ((docexprs (make-stack))) (for-each (lambda (file) (with-input-from-file file (lambda () (let read-next ((expression (read))) (if (not (eof-object? expression)) (begin (if (current-docexpr) (docexpr-expr-set! (stack-peek (docexprs)) expression)) (current-docexpr #f) (read-next (read)))))))) files) (docexprs))) (define default-author (make-parameter '("Anonymous"))) (define default-category (make-parameter '("uncategorized"))) (define default-email (make-parameter '("anonymous@example.com"))) (define default-synopsis (make-parameter '("Egg synopsis"))) (define default-title (make-parameter #f)) (define default-user (make-parameter '("anonymous"))) (define (find-metafile) (let ((metafiles (glob "*.meta"))) (and metafiles (car metafiles)))) (define (repo-metadata repo) (let ((metadata (make-hash-table))) (handle-exceptions exn metadata (let* ((repo (if repo (repository-open repo) (repository-open))) (tags (tags repo))) (hash-table-set! metadata 'versions (sort (map (lambda (tag) (cons (tag-name tag) (tag-message tag))) tags) string egg-name (* any)) ".meta") metafile)) (egg-name (irregex-match-substring egg-match 'egg-name))) (hash-table-set! metadata 'egg egg-name) (let ((egg-data (with-input-from-file metafile read))) (for-each (match-lambda ((key . rest) ;; If it's a one-member list that contains a ;; string, let's call it a string. ;; This doesn't work for e.g. category. (if (and (= (length rest) 1) (or (eq? key 'category) (string? (car rest)))) (hash-table-set! metadata key (car rest)) (hash-table-set! metadata key rest)))) egg-data)))) metadata)))) (define (with-working-directory directory thunk) @("Change to the {{directory}}, execute {{thunk}}, change back; returns the value of executing {{thunk}}." (directory "The directory to switch to") (thunk "The thunk to execute") (@to "object")) (let ((original-directory (current-directory))) (dynamic-wind (lambda () (current-directory directory)) thunk (lambda () (current-directory original-directory)))))