;; coloring-types.scm ;; A direct port of coloring-types.lisp ;; This version based on lisppaste CVS HEAD ** revision 1.35 ** ;; ;; Currently lisppaste is not actively maintained. When and if that changes, ;; please communicate changes and bugfixes here to lisppaste's maintainer ;; so we can mutually benefit from improvements and new colorizers. (define *symbol-characters* (make-parameter "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ*!%$&+-1234567890")) (define *non-constituent* (make-parameter '(#\space #\tab #\newline #\linefeed #\page #\return #\" #\' #\( #\) #\, #\; #\` #\[ #\]))) (define *special-forms* (make-parameter '("let" "load-time-value" "quote" "macrolet" "progn" "progv" "go" "flet" "the" "if" "throw" "eval-when" "multiple-value-prog1" "unwind-protect" "let*" "labels" "function" "symbol-macrolet" "block" "tagbody" "catch" "locally" "return-from" "setq" "multiple-value-call"))) (define *common-macros* (make-parameter '("loop" "cond" "lambda"))) (define *open-parens* (make-parameter '(#\())) (define *close-parens* (make-parameter '(#\)))) (define *css-background-class* (make-parameter "default")) (define-coloring-type :lisp "Basic Lisp" :default-mode :normal :transitions (((:normal :in-list) ((or (scan-any (*symbol-characters*)) (and (scan #\.) (scan-any (*symbol-characters*))) (and (scan #\\) (advance 1))) (set-mode :symbol :until (scan-any (*non-constituent*)) :advancing #f)) ((or (scan #\:) (scan "#:")) (set-mode :keyword :until (scan-any (*non-constituent*)) :advancing #f)) ((scan "#\\") (let ((count 0)) (set-mode :character :until (begin (set! count (add1 count)) (if (> count 1) (scan-any (*non-constituent*)))) :advancing #f))) ((scan #\") (set-mode :string :until (scan #\"))) ((scan #\;) (set-mode :comment :until (scan #\newline))) ((scan "#|") (set-mode :multiline :until (scan "|#"))) ((scan #\() (set-mode :in-list :until (scan #\))))) (:multiline ((scan "#|") (set-mode :multiline :until (scan "|#")))) ((:symbol :keyword :escaped-symbol :string) ((scan #\\) (let ((count 0)) (set-mode :single-escaped :until (begin (set! count (add1 count)) (if (< count 2) (advance 1)))))))) :formatter-variables ((paren-counter 0)) :formatter-after-hook (lambda () (string-concatenate (list-tabulate paren-counter (constantly "")))) :formatters (((:normal) (lambda (type s) s)) ((:in-list) (lambda (type s) (letrec ((color-parens (lambda (s) (let ((paren-pos (find identity (map (lambda (c) (string-index s c)) (append (*open-parens*) (*close-parens*)))))) (if paren-pos (let ((before-paren (substring s 0 paren-pos)) (after-paren (substring s (add1 paren-pos))) (paren (string-ref s paren-pos)) (open #f) (count 0)) (when (member paren (*open-parens*)) (set! count (modulo paren-counter 6)) (set! paren-counter (add1 paren-counter)) (set! open #t)) (when (member paren (*close-parens*)) (set! paren-counter (sub1 paren-counter))) (if open (format #f "~A~C~A" before-paren (add1 count) paren (*css-background-class*) (color-parens after-paren)) (format #f "~A~C~A" before-paren paren (color-parens after-paren)))) s))))) (color-parens s)))) ((:symbol :escaped-symbol) (lambda (type s) (let* ((colon (string-index-right s #\:)) (new-s (or (and colon (string-drop-right s (add1 colon))) s))) (cond ((or (member new-s (*common-macros*)) (member new-s (*special-forms*)) (any (lambda (e) (and (> (string-length new-s) (string-length e)) (string-ci=? e (substring new-s 0 (string-length e))))) '("WITH-" "DEF"))) (format #f "~A" s)) ((and (> (string-length new-s) 2) (char=? (string-ref new-s 0) #\*) (char=? (string-ref new-s (sub1 (string-length new-s))) #\*)) (format #f "~A" s)) (else s))))) (:keyword (lambda (type s) (format #f "~A" s))) ((:comment :multiline) (lambda (type s) (format #f "~A" s))) ((:character) (lambda (type s) (format #f "~A" s))) ((:string) (lambda (type s) (format #f "~A" s))) ((:single-escaped) (lambda (type s) (call-formatter (cdr type) s))) ((:syntax-error) (lambda (type s) (format #f "~A" s))))) (define-coloring-type :scheme "Scheme" :parent :lisp :transitions (((:normal :in-list) ((scan "...") (set-mode :symbol :until (scan-any (*non-constituent*)) :advancing #f)) ((scan #\[) (set-mode :in-list :until (scan #\]))))) :formatters (((:in-list) (lambda (type s) (parameterize ((*open-parens* (cons #\[ (*open-parens*))) (*close-parens* (cons #\] (*close-parens*)))) (call-parent-formatter)))) ((:symbol :escaped-symbol) (lambda (type s) (let ((result #f #;(if (find-package :r5rs-lookup) (funcall (symbol-function (intern "SYMBOL-LOOKUP" :r5rs-lookup)) s)))) (if result (format #f "~A" result (call-parent-formatter)) (call-parent-formatter))))))) (define-coloring-type :elisp "Emacs Lisp" :parent :lisp :formatters (((:symbol :escaped-symbol) (lambda (type s) (let ((result #f #;(if (find-package :elisp-lookup) (funcall (symbol-function (intern "SYMBOL-LOOKUP" :elisp-lookup)) s)))) (if result (format #f "~A" result (call-parent-formatter)) (call-parent-formatter))))))) (define-coloring-type :common-lisp "Common Lisp" :parent :lisp :transitions (((:normal :in-list) ((scan #\|) (set-mode :escaped-symbol :until (scan #\|))))) :formatters (((:symbol :escaped-symbol) (lambda (type s) (let* ((colon (string-index-right s #\:)) (to-lookup (if colon (substring s (add1 colon)) s)) (result #f #;(if (find-package :clhs-lookup) (funcall (symbol-function (intern "SYMBOL-LOOKUP" :clhs-lookup)) to-lookup)))) (if result (format #f "~A" result (call-parent-formatter)) (call-parent-formatter))))))) (define *c-open-parens* (make-parameter "([{")) (define *c-close-parens* (make-parameter ")]}")) (define *c-reserved-words* (make-parameter '("auto" "break" "case" "char" "const" "continue" "default" "do" "double" "else" "enum" "extern" "float" "for" "goto" "if" "int" "long" "register" "return" "short" "signed" "sizeof" "static" "struct" "switch" "typedef" "union" "unsigned" "void" "volatile" "while" "__restrict" "_Bool"))) (define *c-begin-word* (make-parameter "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_0123456789")) (define *c-terminators* (make-parameter '(#\space #\return #\tab #\newline #\. #\/ #\- #\* #\+ #\{ #\} #\( #\) #\' #\" #\[ #\] #\< #\> #\#))) (define-coloring-type :basic-c "Basic C" :default-mode :normal :abstract #t :transitions ((:normal ((scan-any (*c-begin-word*)) (set-mode :word-ish :until (scan-any (*c-terminators*)) :advancing #f)) ((scan "/*") (set-mode :comment :until (scan "*/"))) ((or (scan-any (*c-open-parens*)) (scan-any (*c-close-parens*))) (set-mode :paren-ish :until (advance 1) :advancing #f)) ((scan #\") (set-mode :string :until (scan #\"))) ((or (scan "'\\") (scan #\')) (set-mode :character :until (advance 2)))) (:string ((scan #\\) (set-mode :single-escape :until (advance 1))))) :formatter-variables ((paren-counter 0)) :formatter-after-hook (lambda () (string-concatenate (list-tabulate paren-counter (constantly "")))) :formatters ((:normal (lambda (type s) s)) (:comment (lambda (type s) (format #f "~A" s))) (:string (lambda (type s) (format #f "~A" s))) (:character (lambda (type s) (format #f "~A" s))) (:single-escape (lambda (type s) (call-formatter (cdr type) s))) (:paren-ish (lambda (type s) (let ((open #f) (count 0)) (if (= (string-length s) 1) (begin (when (member (string-ref s 0) (string->list (*c-open-parens*))) (set! open #t) (set! count (modulo paren-counter 6)) (set! paren-counter (add1 paren-counter))) (when (member (string-ref s 0) (string->list (*c-close-parens*))) (set! open #f) (set! paren-counter (sub1 paren-counter)) (set! count (modulo paren-counter 6))) (if open (format #f "~A" (add1 count) s (*css-background-class*)) (format #f "~A" s))) s)))) (:word-ish (lambda (type s) (if (member s (*c-reserved-words*)) (format #f "~A" s) s))) )) (define-coloring-type :c "C" :parent :basic-c :transitions ((:normal ((scan #\#) (set-mode :preprocessor :until (scan-any '(#\return #\newline)))) ((scan "//") (set-mode :comment :until (scan-any '(#\return #\newline)))))) :formatters ((:preprocessor (lambda (type s) (format #f "~A" s))))) (define *c++-reserved-words* (make-parameter '("asm" "auto" "bool" "break" "case" "catch" "char" "class" "const" "const_cast" "continue" "default" "delete" "do" "double" "dynamic_cast" "else" "enum" "explicit" "export" "extern" "false" "float" "for" "friend" "goto" "if" "inline" "int" "long" "mutable" "namespace" "new" "operator" "private" "protected" "public" "register" "reinterpret_cast" "return" "short" "signed" "sizeof" "static" "static_cast" "struct" "switch" "template" "this" "throw" "true" "try" "typedef" "typeid" "typename" "union" "unsigned" "using" "virtual" "void" "volatile" "wchar_t" "while"))) (define-coloring-type :c++ "C++" :parent :c :transitions () :formatters ((:word-ish (lambda (type s) (if (member s (*c++-reserved-words*)) (format #f "~A" s) s))))) (define *java-reserved-words* (make-parameter '("abstract" "boolean" "break" "byte" "case" "catch" "char" "class" "const" "continue" "default" "do" "double" "else" "extends" "final" "finally" "float" "for" "goto" "if" "implements" "import" "instanceof" "int" "interface" "long" "native" "new" "package" "private" "protected" "public" "return" "short" "static" "strictfp" "super" "switch" "synchronized" "this" "throw" "throws" "transient" "try" "void" "volatile" "while"))) (define-coloring-type :java "Java" :parent :c++ :formatters ((:word-ish (lambda (type s) (if (member s (*java-reserved-words*)) (format #f "~A" s) s))))) (let ((terminate-next #f)) ;; TODO: Shouldn't this be a formatter-var? (define-coloring-type :objective-c "Objective C" :transitions ((:normal ((scan #\[) (set-mode :begin-message-send :until (advance 1) :advancing #f)) ((scan #\]) (set-mode :end-message-send :until (advance 1) :advancing #f)) ((scan-any (*c-begin-word*)) (set-mode :word-ish :until (or (and (peek-any '(#\:)) (set! terminate-next #t)) (and terminate-next (begin (set! terminate-next #f) (advance 1))) (scan-any (*c-terminators*))) :advancing #f))) (:word-ish)) ; ?? :parent :c++ :formatter-variables ((is-keyword #f) (in-message-send #f)) :formatters ((:begin-message-send (lambda (type s) (set! is-keyword #f) (set! in-message-send #t) (call-formatter (cons :paren-ish type) s))) (:end-message-send (lambda (type s) (set! is-keyword #f) (set! in-message-send #f) (call-formatter (cons :paren-ish type) s))) (:word-ish (lambda (type s) (let* ((result #f #;(if (find-package :cocoa-lookup) (funcall (symbol-function (intern "SYMBOL-LOOKUP" :cocoa-lookup)) s))) (html (if result (format #f "~A" result s) (if (member s (*c-reserved-words*)) (format #f "~A" s) (if in-message-send (if is-keyword (format #f "~A" s) s) s))))) (set! is-keyword (not is-keyword)) html)))))) (define *erlang-open-parens* (make-parameter "([{")) (define *erlang-close-parens* (make-parameter ")]}")) (define *erlang-reserved-words* (make-parameter '("after" "andalso" "begin" "catch" "case" "end" "fun" "if" "of" "orelse" "receive" "try" "when" "query" "is_atom" "is_binary" "is_constant" "is_float" "is_function" "is_integer" "is_list" "is_number" "is_pid" "is_port" "is_reference" "is_tuple" "is_record" "abs" "element" "float" "hd" "tl" "length" "node" "round" "self" "size" "trunc" "alive" "apply" "atom_to_list" "binary_to_list" "binary_to_term" "concat_binary" "date" "disconnect_node" "erase" "exit" "float_to_list" "garbage_collect" "get" "get_keys" "group_leader" "halt" "integer_to_list" "internal_bif" "link" "list_to_atom" "list_to_binary" "list_to_float" "list_to_integer" "make_ref" "node_link" "node_unlink" "notalive" "open_port" "pid_to_list" "process_flag" "process_info" "processes" "put" "register" "registered" "setelement" "spawn" "spawn_link" "split_binary" "statistics" "term_to_binary" "time" "throw" "trace" "trunc" "tuple_to_list" "unlink" "unregister" "whereis"))) (define *erlang-begin-word* (make-parameter "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_0123456789")) (define *erlang-begin-fun* (make-parameter "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")) (define *erlang-begin-var* (make-parameter "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_")) (define *erlang-terminators* (make-parameter '(#\space #\return #\tab #\newline #\. #\; #\, #\/ #\- #\* #\+ #\( #\) #\' #\" #\[ #\] #\< #\> #\{ #\}))) (define-coloring-type :erlang "Erlang" :default-mode :first-char-on-line :transitions (((:normal :paren-ish) ((scan "%") (set-mode :comment :until (scan #\newline))) ((scan-any (*erlang-begin-var*)) (set-mode :variable :until (scan-any (*erlang-terminators*)) :advancing #f)) ((scan-any (*erlang-begin-word*)) (set-mode :word-ish :until (scan-any (*erlang-terminators*)) :advancing #f)) ((or (scan-any (*erlang-open-parens*)) (scan-any (*erlang-close-parens*))) (set-mode :paren-ish :until (advance 1) :advancing #f)) ((scan #\") (set-mode :string :until (scan #\"))) ((scan #\') (set-mode :atom :until (scan #\'))) ((scan #\?) (set-mode :macro :until (scan-any (*erlang-terminators*)))) ((scan #\$) (set-mode :char :until (scan-any (*erlang-terminators*)))) ((scan #\newline) (set-mode :first-char-on-line))) ((:function :attribute) ((or (scan-any (*erlang-open-parens*)) (scan-any (*erlang-close-parens*))) (set-mode :paren-ish :until (advance 1) :advancing #f)) ((scan-any (*erlang-terminators*)) (set-mode :normal :until (scan #\newline)))) (:first-char-on-line ((scan "%") (set-mode :comment :until (scan #\newline))) ((scan-any (*erlang-begin-fun*)) (set-mode :function :until (scan #\newline) :advancing #f)) ((scan "-") (set-mode :attribute :until (scan #\newline) :advancing #f)) ((scan #\newline) (set-mode :first-char-on-line)) ; Stay in this mode ((advance 1) (set-mode :normal :until (scan #\newline)))) (:string ((scan #\\) (set-mode :single-escape :until (advance 1))))) :formatter-variables ((paren-counter 0)) :formatter-after-hook (lambda () (string-concatenate (list-tabulate paren-counter (constantly "")))) :formatters (((:normal :first-char-on-line) (lambda (type s) s)) (:comment (lambda (type s) (format #f "~A" s))) (:string (lambda (type s) (format #f "~A" s))) (:variable (lambda (type s) (format #f "~A" s))) (:function (lambda (type s) (format #f "~A" s))) (:attribute (lambda (type s) (format #f "~A" s))) (:macro (lambda (type s) (format #f "~A" s))) (:atom (lambda (type s) (format #f "~A" s))) (:char (lambda (type s) (format #f "~A" s))) (:single-escape (lambda (type s) (call-formatter (cdr type) s))) (:paren-ish (lambda (type s) (let ((open #f) (count 0)) (if (= (string-length s) 1) (begin (when (member (string-ref s 0) (string->list (*erlang-open-parens*))) (set! open #t) (set! count (modulo paren-counter 6)) (set! paren-counter (add1 paren-counter))) (when (member (string-ref s 0) (string->list (*erlang-close-parens*))) (set! open #f) (set! paren-counter (sub1 paren-counter)) (set! count (modulo paren-counter 6))) (if open (format #f "~A" (add1 count) s (*css-background-class*)) (format #f "~A" s))) s)))) (:word-ish (lambda (type s) (if (member s (*erlang-reserved-words*)) (format #f "~A" s) s))) )) (define *python-reserved-words* (make-parameter '("and" "assert" "break" "class" "continue" "def" "del" "elif" "else" "except" "exec" "finally" "for" "from" "global" "if" "import" "in" "is" "lambda" "not" "or" "pass" "print" "raise" "return" "try" "while" "yield"))) (define-coloring-type :python "Python" :default-mode :normal :transitions ((:normal ((or (scan-any (*c-open-parens*)) (scan-any (*c-close-parens*))) (set-mode :paren-ish :until (advance 1) :advancing #f)) ((scan #\#) (set-mode :comment :until (scan-any '(#\return #\newline)))) ((scan #\") (set-mode :string :until (scan #\"))) ((scan "\"\"\"") (set-mode :string :until (scan "\"\"\""))) ((scan "'''") (set-mode :string :until (scan "'''"))) ((scan #\') (set-mode :string :until (scan #\'))) ((scan "@") (set-mode :decorator :until (scan-any (*non-constituent*)) :advancing #f)) ((scan "def") (set-mode :def :until (scan-any '(#\: #\()) :advancing #f)) ((scan "class") (set-mode :def :until (scan-any '(#\: #\()) :advancing #f)) ((scan-any (*c-begin-word*)) (set-mode :word-ish :until (scan-any (*c-terminators*)) :advancing #f))) (:string ((scan #\\) (set-mode :single-escape :until (advance 1))))) :formatter-variables ((paren-counter 0)) :formatters ((:normal (lambda (type s) s)) (:comment (lambda (type s) (format #f "~A" s))) (:string (lambda (type s) (format #f "~A" s))) (:character (lambda (type s) (format #f "~A" s))) (:single-escape (lambda (type s) (call-formatter (cdr type) s))) (:paren-ish (lambda (type s) (let ((open #f) (count 0)) (if (= (string-length s) 1) (begin (when (member (string-ref s 0) (string->list (*c-open-parens*))) (set! open #t) (set! count (modulo paren-counter 6)) (set! paren-counter (add1 paren-counter))) (when (member (string-ref s 0) (string->list (*c-close-parens*))) (set! open #f) (set! paren-counter (sub1 paren-counter)) (set! count (modulo paren-counter 6))) (if open (format #f "~A" (add1 count) s (*css-background-class*)) (format #f "~A" s))) s)))) (:def (lambda (type s) (format #f "~A~A" (substring/shared s 0 (string-index s #\space)) (substring/shared s (string-index s #\space))))) (:decorator (lambda (type s) (format #f "~A" s))) (:word-ish (lambda (type s) (if (member s (*python-reserved-words*)) (format #f "~A" s) s))))) (define *ruby-reserved-words* (make-parameter '("BEGIN" "class" "ensure" "nil" "self" "when" "END" "def" "false" "not" "super" "while" "alias" "defined" "for" "or" "then" "yield" "and" "do" "if" "redo" "true" "begin" "else" "in" "rescue" "undef" "break" "elsif" "module" "retry" "unless" "case" "end" "next" "return" "until"))) (define *ruby-special-procs* (make-parameter '("include" "require" "lambda" "proc" "raise"))) (define-coloring-type :ruby "Ruby" :default-mode :normal :transitions (((:normal :in-list) ((scan #\() (set-mode :in-list :until (scan #\)))) ((scan #\[) (set-mode :in-list :until (scan #\]))) ((scan #\{) (set-mode :in-list :until (scan #\}))) ((scan #\#) (set-mode :comment :until (scan-any '(#\return #\newline)))) ((scan ":\"") (set-mode :quasiquoted-symbol :until (scan #\"))) ((scan ":\'") (set-mode :quoted-symbol :until (scan #\'))) ((and (not (peek "::")) (scan #\: :not-preceded-by #\:)) (set-mode :symbol :until (scan-any (*non-constituent*)) :advancing #f)) ((scan #\") (set-mode :quasi-string ; For lack of a better term :) :until (scan #\"))) ((scan #\') (set-mode :string :until (scan #\'))) ((scan "=begin") (set-mode :comment :until (scan "=end"))) ((scan "@") (set-mode :instance-var :until (scan-any (*non-constituent*)) :advancing #f)) ((scan-any (*c-begin-word*)) (set-mode :word-ish :until (scan-any (*c-terminators*)) :advancing #f))) ;; TODO: Add support for regexes. How to distinguish regex from division? ((:quasi-string :quasiquoted-symbol) ((scan "#{") ;; TODO: Find a way to let CSS know the "normal" within is interpolated (set-mode :normal :until (scan #\})))) ((:string :quasi-string :quoted-symbol :quasiquoted-symbol) ((scan #\\) (set-mode :single-escape :until (advance 1))))) :formatter-variables ((paren-counter 0)) :formatters ((:normal (lambda (type s) s)) (:comment (lambda (type s) (format #f "~A" s))) ((:string :quasi-string) (lambda (type s) (format #f "~A" s))) (:single-escape (lambda (type s) (call-formatter (cdr type) s))) ((:in-list) (lambda (type s) (letrec ((color-parens (lambda (s) (let ((paren-pos (find identity (map (lambda (c) (string-index s c)) (append (string->list (*c-open-parens*)) (string->list (*c-close-parens*))))))) (if paren-pos (let ((before-paren (substring s 0 paren-pos)) (after-paren (substring s (add1 paren-pos))) (paren (string-ref s paren-pos)) (open #f) (count 0)) (when (member paren (string->list (*c-open-parens*))) (set! count (modulo paren-counter 6)) (set! paren-counter (add1 paren-counter)) (set! open #t)) (when (member paren (string->list (*c-close-parens*))) (set! paren-counter (sub1 paren-counter))) (if open (format #f "~A~C~A" before-paren (add1 count) paren (*css-background-class*) (color-parens after-paren)) (format #f "~A~C~A" before-paren paren (color-parens after-paren)))) s))))) (color-parens s)))) (:instance-var (lambda (type s) (format #f "~A" s))) ((:symbol :quasiquoted-symbol :quoted-symbol) (lambda (type s) (format #f "~A" s))) (:word-ish (lambda (type s) (if (or (member s (*ruby-reserved-words*)) (member s (*ruby-special-procs*))) (format #f "~A" s) s))))) (define *haskell-open-parens* (make-parameter "([{")) (define *haskell-close-parens* (make-parameter ")]}")) (define *haskell-in-word* (make-parameter "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_0123456789")) (define *haskell-begin-id* (make-parameter "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")) (define *haskell-begin-cons* (make-parameter "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")) (define *haskell-in-symbol* (make-parameter "!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~:")) (define *haskell-reserved-symbols* (make-parameter '(".." "::" "@" "~" "=" "->" "<-" "|" "\\"))) (define *haskell-reserved-words* (make-parameter '("case" "class" "data" "default" "deriving" "do" "else" "if" "import" "in" "infix" "infixl" "infixr" "instance" "let" "module" "newtype" "of" "then" "type" "where"))) (define *haskell-non-constituent* (make-parameter '(#\space #\return #\tab #\newline #\{ #\} #\( #\) #\" #\[ #\]))) (define-coloring-type :haskell "Haskell" :default-mode :normal :transitions (((:normal) ((scan-any (*haskell-in-word*)) (set-mode :identifier :until (or (scan-any (*haskell-non-constituent*)) (scan-any (*haskell-in-symbol*))) :advancing #f)) ((scan "--") (set-mode :comment :until (scan-any '(#\return #\newline)) :advancing #f)) ((scan "{-") (set-mode :multi-comment :until (scan "-}"))) ((scan #\") (set-mode :string :until (scan #\"))) ((scan #\`) (set-mode :backquote :until (scan #\`))) ((scan "'") (set-mode :char :until (scan #\'))) ((scan-any (*haskell-in-symbol*)) (set-mode :symbol :until (or (scan-any (*haskell-non-constituent*)) (scan-any (*haskell-in-word*)) (scan #\')) :advancing #f)) ((or (scan-any (*haskell-open-parens*)) (scan-any (*haskell-close-parens*))) (set-mode :parenlike :until (advance 1) :advancing #f)) ((scan #\newline) (set-mode :newline :until (advance 1) :advancing #f))) ((:string) ((scan #\\) (set-mode :single-escape :until (advance 1)))) ((:char) ((scan #\\) (set-mode :single-escape :until (advance 1))))) :formatter-variables ((paren-counter 0) (beginning-of-line #t)) :formatter-after-hook (lambda () (string-concatenate (list-tabulate paren-counter (constantly "")))) :formatters (((:normal) (lambda (type s) (cond (beginning-of-line (set! beginning-of-line #f) (if (and (> (string-length s) 0) (char=? (string-ref s 0) #\space)) (string-append " " (substring/shared s 1)) s)) (else s)))) ((:newline) (lambda (type s) (set! beginning-of-line #t) s)) ((:backquote) (lambda (type s) (set! beginning-of-line #f) (if (string-index (*haskell-begin-cons*) (string-ref s 1)) (format #f "~A" s) (format #f "~A" s)))) ((:comment :multi-comment) (lambda (type s) (set! beginning-of-line #f) (format #f "~A" s))) ((:string) (lambda (type s) (set! beginning-of-line #f) (format #f "~A" s))) ((:char) (lambda (type s) (set! beginning-of-line #f) (format #f "~A" s))) ((:identifier) (lambda (type s) (let ((output (cond ((string-index (*haskell-begin-cons*) (string-ref s 0)) (format #f "~A" s)) ((member s (*haskell-reserved-words*)) (format #f "~A" s)) (beginning-of-line (format #f "~A" s)) (else s)))) (set! beginning-of-line #f) output))) ((:symbol) (lambda (type s) (set! beginning-of-line #f) (cond ((member s (*haskell-reserved-symbols*)) (format #f "~A" s)) ((char=? (string-ref s 0) #\:) (format #f "~A" s)) (else (format #f "~A" s))))) ((:single-escape) (lambda (type s) (call-formatter (cdr type) s))) ((:parenlike) (lambda (type s) (set! beginning-of-line #f) (let ((open #f) (count 0)) (if (= (string-length s) 1) (begin (when (member (string-ref s 0) (string->list (*haskell-open-parens*))) (set! open #t) (set! count (modulo paren-counter 6)) (set! paren-counter (add1 paren-counter))) (when (member (string-ref s 0) (string->list (*haskell-close-parens*))) (set! open #f) (set! paren-counter (sub1 paren-counter)) (set! count (modulo paren-counter 6))) (if open (format #f "~A" (add1 count) s (*css-background-class*)) (format #f "~A" s))) s)))))) (define-coloring-type :diff "Unified Context Diff" :default-mode :first-char-on-line :transitions (((:first-char-on-line :normal :index :index-file :git-index :git-index-file :git-diff) ((scan #\newline) (set-mode :first-char-on-line))) ((:first-char-on-line) ((scan "@@") (set-mode :range-information :until (scan "@@"))) ((scan "===") (set-mode :separator :until (scan #\newline))) ((scan "--- ") (set-mode :file-from :until (scan #\newline))) ((scan "+++ ") (set-mode :file-to :until (scan #\newline))) ((scan "diff --git ") (set-mode :git-diff :until (scan #\newline))) ((scan "index ") (set-mode :git-index)) ((scan "Index: ") (set-mode :index)) ((scan #\-) (set-mode :diff-deleted :until (scan #\newline))) ((scan #\+) (set-mode :diff-added :until (scan #\newline))) ((advance 1) (set-mode :normal))) ((:git-diff) ((scan "a/") (set-mode :git-index-file)) ((scan "b/") (set-mode :git-index-file))) ((:git-index-file) ((scan #\space) (set-mode :git-diff))) ((:index) ((advance 1) (set-mode :index-file)))) :formatters (((:normal :first-char-on-line) (lambda (type s) (format #f "~A" s))) ((:separator :file-from :file-to) (lambda (type s) (format #f "~A" s))) ((:range-information) (lambda (type s) (format #f "~A" s))) ((:diff-added) (lambda (type s) (format #f "~A" s))) ((:diff-deleted) (lambda (type s) (format #f "~A" s))) ((:index :git-index :git-diff) (lambda (type s) (format #f "~A" s))) ((:index-file :git-index-file) (lambda (type s) (format #f "~A" s)))))