== combinatorics Combinatorics [[toc:]] === Abstract {{Combinatorics}} provides some mechanisms for iterating over, reducing and mapping permutations (ordered subsets) and combinations (unordered subsets) of lists. {{Combinatorics}} supports partial, i.e. ''k''-permutations and partial, i.e. ''k''-combinations. === Documentation ==== {{ordered-subset-for-each}} (ordered-subset-for-each f list) → unspecified (ordered-subset-for-each f list k) → unspecified Iterate over every ''k''-permutation (partial ordered subset) of {{list}}, calling {{f}} for its side effect. ; f : The function to call ; list : The list to permute ; k : ''k'' distinct elements (default: ''n'') (define ordered-subset-for-each (case-lambda ((f list) (ordered-subset-for-each f list (length list))) ((f list k) (let iter ((list list) (k k) (subset '())) (if (zero? k) (f subset) (for-each (lambda (element) (iter (delete element list) (sub1 k) (cons element subset))) list)))))) ==== {{ordered-subset-fold}} (ordered-subset-fold cons nil list) → object (ordered-subset-fold cons nil list k) → object Recombine every ''k''-permutation (partial ordered subset) of {{list}}, starting with a base-case {{nil}}, and calling {{cons}} with 1. a permutation and 2. the accumulated value. ; cons : The combining function ; nil : The base case ; list : The list to recombine ; k : ''k'' distinct elements (default: ''n'') (define ordered-subset-fold (case-lambda ((cons nil list) (ordered-subset-fold cons nil list (length list))) ((cons nil list k) (let ((nil (make-parameter nil))) (ordered-subset-for-each (lambda (subset) (nil (cons subset (nil)))) list k) (nil))))) ==== {{ordered-subset-map}} (ordered-subset-map f list) → list (ordered-subset-map f list k) → list Map every ''k''-permutation (partial ordered subset) of {{list}} using {{f}}. ; f : The mapping function ; list : The list to map ; k : ''k'' distinct elements (default: ''n'') (define ordered-subset-map (case-lambda ((f list) (ordered-subset-map f list (length list))) ((f list k) (ordered-subset-fold (lambda (v a) (cons (f v) a)) '() list k)))) ==== {{unordered-subset-for-each}} (unordered-subset-for-each f list) → unspecified (unordered-subset-for-each f list k) → unspecified Iterate over every ''k''-combination (partial unordered subset) of {{list}}, calling {{f}} for its side effect. ; f : The function to call ; list : The list to permute ; k : ''k'' distinct elements (default: ''n'') (define unordered-subset-for-each (case-lambda ((f list) (unordered-subset-for-each f list (length list))) ((f list k) (let ((subset (make-vector k)) (n (length list))) (let iter ((start 0) (p 0)) (if (= p k) (f (project subset list)) (do ((i start (+ i 1))) ((= i n)) (vector-set! subset p i) (iter (add1 i) (add1 p))))))))) ==== {{unordered-subset-fold}} (unordered-subset-fold cons nil list) → object (unordered-subset-fold cons nil list k) → object Recombine every ''k''-combination (partial unordered subset) of {{list}}, starting with a base-case {{nil}}, and calling {{cons}} with 1. a combination and 2. the accumulated value. ; cons : The combining function ; nil : The base case ; list : The list to recombine ; k : ''k'' distinct elements (default: ''n'') (define unordered-subset-fold (case-lambda ((cons nil list) (unordered-subset-fold cons nil list (length list))) ((cons nil list k) (let ((nil (make-parameter nil))) (unordered-subset-for-each (lambda (subset) (nil (cons subset (nil)))) list k) (nil))))) ==== {{unordered-subset-map}} (unordered-subset-map f list) → list (unordered-subset-map f list k) → list Map every ''k''-combination (partial unordered subset) of {{list}} using {{f}}. ; f : The mapping function ; list : The list to map ; k : ''k'' distinct elements (default: ''n'') (define unordered-subset-map (case-lambda ((f list) (unordered-subset-map f list (length list))) ((f list k) (unordered-subset-fold (lambda (v a) (cons (f v) a)) '() list k)))) ==== {{permutation-for-each}} permutation-for-each → ordered-subset-for-each Synonym for [[#ordered-subset-for-each]] (define permutation-for-each ordered-subset-for-each) ==== {{permutation-fold}} permutation-fold → ordered-subset-fold Synonym for [[#ordered-subset-fold]] (define permutation-fold ordered-subset-fold) ==== {{permutation-map}} permutation-map → ordered-subset-map Synonym for [[#ordered-subset-map]] (define permutation-map ordered-subset-map) ==== {{combination-for-each}} combination-for-each → unordered-subset-for-each Synonym for [[#unordered-subset-for-each]] (define combination-for-each unordered-subset-for-each) ==== {{combination-fold}} combination-fold → unordered-subset-fold Synonym for [[#unordered-subset-fold]] (define combination-fold unordered-subset-fold) ==== {{combination-map}} combination-map → unordered-subset-map Synonym for [[#unordered-subset-map]] (define combination-map unordered-subset-map) === About this egg ==== Author [[/users/klutometis|Peter Danenberg]] ==== Repository [[https://github.com/klutometis/combinatorics]] ==== License BSD ==== Dependencies * [[cock]] * [[setup-helper]] * [[vector-lib]] ==== Versions ; [[https://github.com/klutometis/combinatorics/releases/tag/0.1|0.1]] : Start with ordered-subset operations. ; [[https://github.com/klutometis/combinatorics/releases/tag/0.2|0.2]] : Add unordered subset operations. ; [[https://github.com/klutometis/combinatorics/releases/tag/0.3|0.3]] : Add documentation. ; [[https://github.com/klutometis/combinatorics/releases/tag/0.3.1|0.3.1]] : Add some tests. ; [[https://github.com/klutometis/combinatorics/releases/tag/0.3.2|0.3.2]] : Tests depend on `test'. ; [[https://github.com/klutometis/combinatorics/releases/tag/0.3.3|0.3.3]] : Actually map the values. ; [[https://github.com/klutometis/combinatorics/releases/tag/0.3.4|0.3.4]] : Add the combination- and permutation-synonyms. ==== Colophon Documented by [[/egg/cock|cock]].