(define-record-type char-seq-cursor (make-char-seq-cursor buffer pos next) char-seq-cursor? (buffer csc-buffer) (pos csc-pos) (next csc-next)) (define end-of-char-seq-cursor (delay (make-char-seq-cursor #f 0 #f))) (define (read-chunk chunk-size in) (and (not (eof-object? (peek-char in))) (if chunk-size (let ((chunk (read-buffered in))) (if (string-null? chunk) (let ((chunk (read-string chunk-size in))) (and (not (string-null? chunk)) chunk)) chunk)) (read-string 1 in)))) (define (char-seq-cursor x chunk-size) (cond ((string? x) (make-char-seq-cursor x 0 end-of-char-seq-cursor)) ((input-port? x) (let loop () (make-char-seq-cursor (read-chunk chunk-size x) 0 (delay (loop))))) (else (error "Unable to convert object to char-seq-cursor" x)))) (define (char-seq-cursor-next csc) (force (csc-next csc))) (define (char-seq-cursor-next* csc) (let ((next (char-seq-cursor-next csc))) (and (csc-buffer next) next))) (define (char-seq-cursor-end? csc) (let ((buf (csc-buffer csc))) (or (not buf) (and (= (csc-pos csc) (string-length buf)) (not (csc-buffer (char-seq-cursor-next csc))))))) (define (char-seq-cursor-chunk csc) (and-let* ((buf (csc-buffer csc)) (pos (csc-pos csc))) (substring/shared buf pos))) (define (char-seq-cursor-skip csc n) (let loop ((csc csc) (n n)) (and-let* ((buf (csc-buffer csc)) (pos (csc-pos csc)) (len (- (string-length buf) pos))) (if (> len n) (make-char-seq-cursor buf (+ pos n) (csc-next csc)) (loop (char-seq-cursor-next csc) (- n len)))))) (define-record-printer (char-seq-cursor csc out) (display "# len max-len)) (end (if truncate? (+ pos max-len) len))) (display " " out) (write (substring/shared buf pos end) out) (when (or truncate? (csc-buffer (char-seq-cursor-next csc))) (display " ..." out))) (display "-end" out))) (display ">" out))