;;;; coops.scm ;; based on: ;;scmobj.scm ;;Object system for Scheme ;;(c) Dorai Sitaram ;;April 13, 1996 (import scheme chicken matchable) (import-for-syntax chicken matchable) (use srfi-1 data-structures extras) (import record-variants) (define-record-variant coops-instance (unsafe inline unchecked) class ; CLASS (instance) slots) ; #(SLOT-VALUE1 ...) (define-constant +standard-class-base-slots+ 4) (define-constant +standard-class-cpl-slot+ 0) (define-constant +standard-class-slotnames-slot+ 1) (define-constant +standard-class-classname-slot+ 2) (define-constant +standard-class-initthunks-slot+ 3) (define bootstrapping #t) (define-inline (check-instance x loc) (##sys#check-structure x 'coops-instance loc)) (define ;;all classes are instances of standard-class (make-coops-instance #f ; filled below '#(() ; #0: CPL (class-precedence-list slots classname initthunks) ; #1: slotnames ; #2: classname ()))) ; #3: initthunks (coops-instance-class-set! ) (define (fast-standard-class-slot c i) (let ((slots (coops-instance-slots c))) (##sys#slot slots (fx+ (fx- (##sys#size slots) +standard-class-base-slots+) i)))) (define (position x lst) (let loop ((lst lst) (i 0)) (cond ((null? lst) #f) ((eq? x (car lst)) i) (else (loop (cdr lst) (fx+ i 1)))))) (define-syntax (build-cache x r c) ;; (build-cache N CLASS SLOTNAME FAIL) (let* ((n (cadr x)) (n2 (* n 3)) (class (caddr x)) (slotname (cadddr x)) (fail (cadddr (cdr x))) (%cache (r 'cache)) (%index (r 'index)) (%class (r 'class)) (%slotname (r 'slotname)) (%let (r 'let)) (%let* (r 'let*)) (%if (r 'if)) (%fx+ (r 'fx+)) (%fxmod (r 'fxmod)) (%eq? (r 'eq?)) (%quote (r 'quote)) (%tmp (r 'tmp)) (%begin (r 'begin)) (%lambda (r 'lambda)) (cache (make-vector (add1 n2) #f))) (vector-set! cache n2 0) ; last slot: current index `(,%let* ((,%cache (,%quote ,cache)) (,%class ,class) (,%slotname ,slotname)) ,(let fold ((i 0)) (if (>= i n) ;; this should be thread-safe: a context-switch can only ;; happen before this code and in the call to FAIL. `(,%let ((,%tmp ,fail) (,%index (##sys#slot ,%cache ,n2))) (##sys#setslot ,%cache ,%index ,%class) (##sys#setslot ,%cache (,%fx+ ,%index 1) ,%slotname) (##sys#setslot ,%cache (,%fx+ ,%index 2) ,%tmp) (##sys#setislot ; bump index ,%cache ,n2 (cond-expand (chicken-4.5 (##core#inline "C_u_fixnum_modulo" (,%fx+ ,%index 3) ,n2)) (else (##core#inline "C_fixnum_modulo" (,%fx+ ,%index 3) ,n2)))) ,%tmp) `(,%if (and (,%eq? (##sys#slot ,%cache ,(* i 3)) ,%class) (,%eq? (##sys#slot ,%cache ,(add1 (* i 3))) ,%slotname)) (##sys#slot ,%cache ,(+ (* i 3) 2)) ,(fold (add1 i)))))))) (define (slot-lookup obj slotname loc) (let ((class (coops-instance-class (ensure coops-instance? obj loc "not an instance" obj)))) (build-cache 5 class slotname (position slotname (fast-standard-class-slot class +standard-class-slotnames-slot+))))) (define uninitialized (list 'uninitialized-slot)) (define (set-slot-value! obj f v) (let* ((obj (if (procedure? obj) (generic-procedure-instance obj) obj)) (i (slot-lookup obj f 'slot-value))) (if i (##sys#setslot (coops-instance-slots obj) i v) (error 'slot-value "slot not found" f obj)))) (define slot-value (getter-with-setter (lambda (obj f) (let* ((obj (if (procedure? obj) (generic-procedure-instance obj) obj)) (i (slot-lookup obj f 'slot-value))) (if i (let ((val (##sys#slot (coops-instance-slots obj) i))) (if (eq? val uninitialized) (error 'slot-value "reference to uninitialized slot" f obj) val)) (error 'slot-value "slot not found" f obj)))) set-slot-value!)) (define slot-ref slot-value) ; OBSOLETE (for instance-of foreign type in older chickens) (define (slot-initialized? obj slotname) (let ((i (slot-lookup obj slotname 'slot-initialized?))) (if i (not (eq? (##sys#slot (coops-instance-slots obj) i) uninitialized)) (error "slot not found" slotname obj)))) (define (class-of o) (if (coops-instance? o) (coops-instance-class o) (primitive-class-hook o))) (define-inline (fast-class-of o) (if (##sys#structure? o 'coops-instance) (##sys#slot o 1) (primitive-class-hook o))) (define make (lambda (c . svsv) (check-instance c 'make) (let* ((slotnames (fast-standard-class-slot c +standard-class-slotnames-slot+)) (sv (make-vector (length slotnames) uninitialized)) (i (make-coops-instance c sv))) (define (slot-index name) (or (position name slotnames) (error "no such slot in instances of given class" name c))) (let loop ((svsv svsv)) (cond ((null? svsv) (unless bootstrapping (initialize-instance i)) i) ((null? (cdr svsv)) (error 'make "missing slot value" (car svsv) i)) (else (##sys#setslot sv (slot-index (car svsv)) (cadr svsv)) (loop (cddr svsv)))))))) (define-syntax make-class (syntax-rules () ((make-class superclasses) (make-class superclasses ())) ((make-class (superclass ...) slots) (make-class #f (superclass ...) slots)) ((make-class name (superclass ...) slots) (make-class name (superclass ...) slots )) ((make-class name (superclass ...) (slot ...) metaclass) (let ((%superclasses (list superclass ...))) (make metaclass 'class-precedence-list (delete-duplicates (append-map (lambda (s) (cons s (append (slot-value s 'class-precedence-list) '()))) %superclasses)) 'slots (delete-duplicates (append (list 'slot ...) (append-map (lambda (s) (append (slot-value s 'slots) '())) %superclasses))) 'classname 'name))))) (define (make-class () ())) (define (make-class () ())) (define (make-class () (generic-procedure add-new-primary-method add-new-before-method add-new-after-method add-new-around-method))) (define more-specific-method (lambda (m1 m2 cc) (let loop ((cc1 (car m1)) (cc2 (car m2)) (cc cc)) (if (null? cc) (error "more-specific-method") (let ((c1 (car cc1)) (c2 (car cc2))) (cond ((eq? c1 c2) (loop (cdr cc1) (cdr cc2) (cdr cc))) ((subclass? c1 c2) #t) ((subclass? c2 c1) #f) (else (let ((c (car cc))) (let ((cpl (if (eq? c #t) '() (slot-value c 'class-precedence-list)))) (let ((i1 (position c1 cpl)) (i2 (position c2 cpl))) (if (and i1 i2) (< i1 i2) (error "more-specific-method" m1 m2)))))))))))) (define compute-applicable-methods (lambda (list-of-classes method-table) (let loop ((methods method-table) (the-applicable-methods '())) (if (null? methods) (map cdr (sort! the-applicable-methods (lambda (m1 m2) (more-specific-method m1 m2 list-of-classes)))) (loop (cdr methods) (let ((method (car methods))) (if (every subclass? list-of-classes (car method)) (cons method the-applicable-methods) the-applicable-methods))))))) (cond-expand (compiling (import foreign) (foreign-declare #< 'generic-procedure (lambda %args (let ((%arg-classes (let loop ((sargs specialized-args) (args %args)) (cond ((null? sargs) '()) ((null? args) (error name "missing specialized argument in generic procedure call" (strip-syntax (car sargs)))) (else (cons (fast-class-of (car args)) (loop (cdr sargs) (cdr args)))))))) (define (make-effective-method) (let ((%applicable-primary-methods (compute-applicable-methods %arg-classes %primary-method-table)) (%applicable-before-methods (compute-applicable-methods %arg-classes %before-method-table)) (%applicable-after-methods (reverse (compute-applicable-methods %arg-classes %after-method-table))) (%applicable-around-methods (compute-applicable-methods %arg-classes %around-method-table))) (lambda (%args) (let ((%primary-method-called #f) (%applicable-primary-methods %applicable-primary-methods) (%applicable-around-methods %applicable-around-methods)) (letrec ((%next-method? (lambda () (if %primary-method-called (not (null? %applicable-primary-methods)) (or (not (null? %applicable-around-methods)) (not (null? %applicable-primary-methods)))))) (%call-next-method (lambda () (cond (%primary-method-called (apply (let ((m (car %applicable-primary-methods))) (set! %applicable-primary-methods (cdr %applicable-primary-methods)) m) %next-method? %call-next-method %args)) ((not (null? %applicable-around-methods)) (apply (let ((m (car %applicable-around-methods))) (set! %applicable-around-methods (cdr %applicable-around-methods)) m) %next-method? %call-next-method %args)) ((null? %applicable-primary-methods) (error name "no method defined for given argument classes" %arg-classes)) (else (set! %primary-method-called #t) (for-each (lambda (%before-method) (apply %before-method %args)) %applicable-before-methods) (let ((%res (apply (let ((m (car %applicable-primary-methods))) (set! %applicable-primary-methods (cdr %applicable-primary-methods)) m) %next-method? %call-next-method %args))) (for-each (lambda (%after-method) (apply %after-method %args)) %applicable-after-methods) %res)))))) (%call-next-method)))))) (cond-expand (no-cache ((make-effective-method) %args)) (else ((fast-cache-check %cache %arg-classes make-effective-method) %args))))) 'add-new-primary-method (lambda (specializer-classes m) (unless (method-defined? specializer-classes m %primary-method-table) (set! %primary-method-table (cons (cons specializer-classes m) %primary-method-table)) (vector-set! %cache 0 #f)) #t) 'add-new-before-method (lambda (specializer-classes m) (unless (method-defined? specializer-classes m %before-method-table) (set! %before-method-table (cons (cons specializer-classes m) %before-method-table)) (vector-set! %cache 0 #f)) #t) 'add-new-after-method (lambda (specializer-classes m) (unless (method-defined? specializer-classes m %after-method-table) (set! %after-method-table (cons (cons specializer-classes m) %after-method-table)) (vector-set! %cache 0 #f)) #t) 'add-new-around-method (lambda (specializer-classes m) (unless (method-defined? specializer-classes m %around-method-table) (set! %around-method-table (cons (cons specializer-classes m) %around-method-table)) (vector-set! %cache 0 #f)) #t)))) (define (method-defined? specializer-classes m mtable) (any (lambda (c) (and (every eq? specializer-classes (car c)) (begin (set-cdr! c m) #t))) mtable)) (define subclass? (lambda (c1 c2) (cond ((eq? c1 c2) #t) ((eq? c1 #t) #f) ((eq? c2 #t) #t) ((memq c2 (slot-value c1 'class-precedence-list)) #t) (else #f)))) (define (primitive-class-hook x) (if (procedure? x) #t)) (define (register-primitive-class pred class) (set! primitive-class-hook (let ((old primitive-class-hook)) (lambda (x) (if (pred x) class (old x)))))) (define-syntax define-primitive-class (syntax-rules () ((_ name pred) (define-primitive-class name () pred)) ((_ name supers pred) (begin (define-class name supers) (register-primitive-class pred name))))) (define (class-name class) (slot-value class 'classname) ) (define (generic-procedure? x) (and (procedure? x) (##sys#lambda-decoration x generic-procedure-instance-slot?))) (define (generic-procedure-instance-slot? x) (and (pair? x) (eq? '##coops#generic (car x)))) (define (funcallable-generic-procedure proc obj) (##sys#decorate-lambda proc generic-procedure-instance-slot? (lambda (p i) (##sys#setslot p i (cons '##coops#generic obj)) p))) (define (generic-procedure-instance proc) (let ((dec (##sys#lambda-decoration proc generic-procedure-instance-slot?))) (if dec (cdr dec) (error "procedure is not generic" proc)))) (define-syntax make-generic-procedure (syntax-rules () ((_ x ...) (let* ((%gp (create-generic-procedure #f (list 'x ...))) (%gproc (funcallable-generic-procedure (slot-value %gp 'generic-procedure) %gp))) %gproc)))) (define-syntax make-generic-procedure/name (syntax-rules () ((_ name x ...) (let* ((%gp (create-generic-procedure 'name (list 'x ...))) (%gproc (funcallable-generic-procedure (slot-value %gp 'generic-procedure) %gp))) %gproc)))) (define-syntax (call-next-method-lambda x r c) (let ((llist (cadr x)) (body (cddr x))) `(,(r 'lambda) (next-method? call-next-method . ,llist) ,@body))) (define-syntax define-method (syntax-rules (primary: before: after: around: #!optional #!rest #!key) ((define-method 1 gp qlfr args . body) (define-method 2 gp qlfr args () ;;specialising args () ;;non-specialising args . body)) ((define-method 2 gp qlfr ((x c) . args) (sa ...) () . body) (define-method 2 gp qlfr args (sa ... (x c)) () . body)) ((define-method 2 gp qlfr (x . args) sargs (nsa ...) . body) (define-method 2 gp qlfr args sargs (nsa ... x) . body)) ((define-method 2 gp qlfr () sargs nsargs . body) (define-method 3 gp qlfr sargs nsargs . body)) ((define-method 2 gp qlfr (#!optional . r) sargs (nsa ...) . body) (define-method 3 gp qlfr sargs (nsa ... #!optional . r) body)) ((define-method 2 gp qlfr (#!rest . r) sargs (nsa ...) . body) (define-method 3 gp qlfr sargs (nsa ... #!rest . r) body)) ((define-method 2 gp qlfr (#!key . r) sargs (nsa ...) . body) (define-method 3 gp qlfr sargs (nsa ... #!key . r) body)) ((define-method 2 gp qlfr r sargs (nsa ...) . body) (define-method 3 gp qlfr sargs (nsa ... . r) . body)) ((define-method 3 gp primary: ((x c) ...) nsargs . body) (begin (ensure-generic-procedure (x ...) gp) ((slot-value gp 'add-new-primary-method) (list c ...) (call-next-method-lambda (x ... . nsargs) . body)))) ((define-method 3 gp before: ((x c) ...) nsargs . body) (begin (ensure-generic-procedure (x ...) gp) ((slot-value gp 'add-new-before-method) (list c ...) (lambda (x ... . nsargs) . body)))) ((define-method 3 gp after: ((x c) ...) nsargs . body) (begin (ensure-generic-procedure (x ...) gp) ((slot-value gp 'add-new-after-method) (list c ...) (lambda (x ... . nsargs) . body)))) ((define-method 3 gp around: ((x c) ...) nsargs . body) (begin (ensure-generic-procedure (x ...) gp) ((slot-value gp 'add-new-around-method) (list c ...) (call-next-method-lambda (x ... . nsargs) . body)))) ((define-method (gp primary: . args) . body) (define-method 1 gp primary: args . body)) ((define-method (gp before: . args) . body) (define-method 1 gp before: args . body)) ((define-method (gp after: . args) . body) (define-method 1 gp after: args . body)) ((define-method (gp around: . args) . body) (define-method 1 gp around: args . body)) ((define-method (gp . args) . body) (define-method 1 gp primary: args . body)))) (define-syntax define-generic (syntax-rules (setter) ((_ ((setter name) . args)) (begin (ensure-generic-procedure args name) (set! (setter name) (make-generic-procedure/name (setter name) . args)))) ((_ (name . args)) (begin (register-generic-procedure name) (define name (getter-with-setter (make-generic-procedure/name name . args) (make-generic-procedure/name (setter name) . args))))))) (define-syntax (ensure-generic-procedure x r c) (let* ((args (cadr x)) (name (caddr x)) (rname (if (and (pair? name) (= (length name) 2) (c 'setter (car name))) (cadr name) name)) (m (##sys#current-module)) (exists (and (symbol? rname) (or (and-let* ((a (assq rname (##sys#current-environment)))) (symbol? (cdr a))) ; value binding? (eq? (get rname '##coops#generic) (or m #t)))))) (cond (exists (r '(void))) (else (##sys#notice "implicitly defining generic-procedure" name) `(,(r 'define-generic) (,rname ,@args)))))) (define-syntax (register-generic-procedure x r c) (let ((name (cadr x))) (when (symbol? name) (put! name '##coops#generic (or (##sys#current-module) #t))) (r '(void)))) (define-generic (print-object obj)) (define (default-print-method obj #!optional (out (current-output-port))) (let ((class (class-of obj))) (if (eq? class #t) (display obj out) (fprintf out "#" (class-name class))))) (define-method (print-object (obj #t) #!optional (out (current-output-port))) (default-print-method obj out)) (define-method (print-object (class ) #!optional (out (current-output-port))) (fprintf out "#" (class-name class))) (define-record-printer (coops-instance obj out) (handle-exceptions ex (begin (display "#" out)) (print-object obj out) ) ) (define (make-class () ())) (define-generic (initialize-instance obj)) (define-method (initialize-instance (obj #t)) (initialize-slots! obj)) (define (initialize-slots! obj) (let ((class (class-of obj))) (when (slot-initialized? class 'initthunks) (for-each (lambda (init) (let ((slot (car init)) (proc (cdr init))) (when (not (slot-initialized? obj slot)) (set-slot-value! obj slot (proc))))) (slot-value class 'initthunks))))) (define (add-initthunks class inits) (set-slot-value! class 'initthunks (append inits (let walk ((cpl (slot-value class 'class-precedence-list))) (if (null? cpl) '() (let ((class (car cpl))) (if (slot-initialized? class 'initthunks) (append (slot-value class 'initthunks) (walk (cdr cpl))) (walk (cdr cpl))))))))) (define-syntax (define-class x r c) (let ((slotnames '()) (initforms '()) (meta '()) (%begin (r 'begin)) (%define (r 'define)) (%make-class (r 'make-class)) (%void (r 'void)) (%cons (r 'cons)) (%quote (r 'quote)) (%lambda (r 'lambda)) (%list (r 'list)) (%define-method (r 'define-method)) (%set! (r 'set!)) (%add-initthunks (r 'add-initthunks)) (%setter (r 'setter)) (% (r ')) (%slot-value (r 'slot-value)) (%set-slot-value! (r 'set-slot-value!))) (define (genclass name supers slotnames meta) `(,%define ,name (,%make-class ,name ,supers ,slotnames ,@meta))) (define (genaccessors name slots) (let loop ((slots slots)) (if (null? slots) `(,%void) (let ((slot (car slots))) `(,%begin ,(genaccessors1 name slot) ,(loop (cdr slots))))))) (define (genaccessors1 classname slot) (match slot ((name init) (genaccessors1 classname `(,name initform: ,init))) ((name options ...) (set! slotnames (cons name slotnames)) (genaccessors2 classname name options)) ((? symbol?) (genaccessors1 classname (list slot))) (_ (syntax-error 'define-class "invalid slot specification" slot)))) (define (genaccessors2 classname slotname options) (let loop ((options options)) (match options (() `(,%void)) (('reader: name . more) `(,%begin (,%define-method (,name (x ,classname)) (,%slot-value x ',slotname)) ,(loop more))) (('writer: name . more) `(,%begin (,%define-method (,name (x ,classname) y) (,%set-slot-value! x ',slotname y)) ,(loop more))) (('accessor: name . more) `(,%begin (,%define-method (,name (x ,classname)) (,%slot-value x ',slotname)) (,%define-method ((,%setter ,name) (x ,classname) y) (,%set-slot-value! x ',slotname y)) ,(loop more))) (('initform: form . more) (set! initforms (alist-cons slotname form initforms)) (loop more)) ((opt . _) (syntax-error 'define-class "unknown slot option" opt classname))))) (define (process-options opts) (match opts (('metaclass: mc . more) (set! meta (list mc)) (process-options more)) ((opt _) (syntax-error 'define-class "unknown class option" opt classname)) ((opt) (syntax-error 'define-class "slot-option without value" opt classname)) (() #f))) (let loop ((x (cdr x))) (match x ((name () slots options ...) (loop `(,name (,%) ,slots ,@options))) ((name supers slots options ...) (let ((acc (genaccessors name slots))) (process-options options) `(,%begin ,(genclass name supers (reverse slotnames) meta) (,%add-initthunks ,name (,%list ,@(map (lambda (iform) `(,%cons (,%quote ,(car iform)) (,%lambda () ,(cdr iform)))) initforms))) ,acc))) ((name supers) (loop `(,name ,supers ()))) ((name) (loop `(,name () ()))) (_ (syntax-error 'define-class "invalid class definition" `(define-class ,@x))))))) (set! bootstrapping #f)