== coq-au-vin === Description Coq au Vin is a lightweight blogging platform. [[toc:]] === Authors Matt Gushee === Requirements [[utf8]], [[uri-common]], [[sql-de-lite]], [[civet]], [[lowdown]], [[crypt]], [[random-bsd]] === Introduction {{Coq au Vin}} is a blogging engine designed to provide typical blog features (and a few atypical ones) in a straightforward, easily installed package. It is intended for users who have basic web development skills (i.e. HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and a hosting environment that permits installing arbitrary software (VPS or the like). It uses [[civet]] to generate dynamic pages, and has an abstract database layer that allows for different databases to be used. There is currently a SQLite3 backend included in this egg. Additional databases will be supported in separate eggs. The body text of articles should be written in Markdown syntax. Please note that the current release does not implement any form of HTTP request handling. However, there is an [[https://github.com/mgushee/coq-au-vin-examples|examples collection]], which includes several toy examples and one real web application. Also, general info, tutorials, and announcements will be posted at the [[http://coq-au-vin.sapparicms.org/|Coq au Vin blog]], which of course is powered by {{Coq au Vin}}. Expect bugs. === Scheme API ==== Initialization & Configuration (app-init #!key (site-path #f) (template-path #f)) Initialize the application. The SITE-PATH and TEMPLATE-PATH arguments are passed to [[civet]], and you must specify one of the two. If SITE-PATH is specified, {{civet}} will find templates in the '''templates''' subdirectory of that path. The value of either SITE-PATH or TEMPLATE-PATH should be an absolute pathname. (register-roles #!optional (roles (%default-roles%))) Since each user has a role, you must call this procedure before creating any users. The ROLES argument, if supplied, should be a list of strings; the default value is {{'("admin" "editor" "author" "member" "guest")}}. NOTE: as of version 0.1, these roles have no effect, but one or more roles must be defined in order to register users. (config-set! (KEY . VALUE) ...) Set multiple variables. Each argument must be a dotted pair where KEY is a symbol and VALUE is a string or a number. (config-get KEY ...) Retrieve multiple variables. Returns an alist. Any undefined variables are omitted from the result. (config KEY [VALUE]) Sets or retrieves one variable. (config*) Returns an alist of all defined variables. ==== Content API (get-article-page/html ID/ALIAS #!key (out (current-output-port)) (date-format #f)) Generate an HTML page that displays the full text of one article. ID/ALIAS may be either the article's node id or its alias, if defined. (get-article-list-page/html #!key (out (current-output-port)) (criterion 'all) (sort '(created desc)) (date-format #f) (limit 10) (offset 0) (show 'teaser)) Generate an HTML page displaying a list of articles. The list may be filtered using the CRITERION argument; currently supported values are {{'all}}, {{'(tag TAG)}}, {{'(author AUTHOR)}}, {{'(series SERIES-TITLE)}}, {{'(category CATEGORY)}}. As of version 0.1, the SHOW and SORT arguments are unimplemented. (get-meta-list-page/html SUBJECT #!optional (out (current-output-port))) Generate an HTML page listing all items of a particular type. SUBJECT must be one of {{'tags}}, {{'categories}}, {{'series}}, or {{'authors}}. (get-new-article-form/html #!optional (out (current-output-port))) Generate an HTML form for creating a new article. (get-article-edit-form/html ID/ALIAS #!optional (out (current-output-port))) Generate an HTML form for editing an existing article, specified by ID/ALIAS. (add-article FORM-DATA #!optional (out (current-output-port))) Given FORM-DATA (as an alist), this procedure adds a new article to the database. (update-article ID/ALIAS FORM-DATA #!optional (out (current-output-port))) Given an ID/ALIAS for an existing article and FORM-DATA (as an alist), this procedure updates the content and metadata of the specified article. ==== Authentication & Sessions (get-login-form/html #!optional (out (current-output-port))) Generate an HTML form for user login. (webform-login FORM-DATA IP #!optional (out (current-output-port))) Handler for user login via the HTML form. When the username and password are accepted, sets a session cookie in the browser. (unauthorized-message/html REFERER #!optional (out (current-output-port))) Generates a message informing the user that the action they attempted was unauthorized. ==== SQLite3 Backend This database layer uses a SQLite3 database only to store metadata. The body text of articles is stored in the filesystem. This reduces the load on the database and allows the content to be placed under version control (though this egg does not yet provide version control functionality). (setup-db DB-FILE #!optional (force #f)) Opens DB-FILE and sets up all tables for the application. (enable-sqlite DB-FILE CONTENT-PATH) Configures the database layer to use the procedures in this egg. DB-FILE is the Sqlite3 database file, which should be the same file as specified in {{setup-db}}. CONTENT-PATH is a directory where article content files will be stored. === In case of bugs If you have a GitHub account, please use the [[https://github.com/mgushee/coq-au-vin/issues|GitHub issue tracker]] -- likewise for any technical questions or suggestions you may have (other than how-to type questions). If you are unable to do this, the chicken-users mailing list will also work. === License Copyright (c) 2013, Matthew C. Gushee All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. === Repo [[https://github.com/mgushee/coq-au-vin]] === Version History ;0.2.3: Fixed bug that prevented series title from being updated. ;0.2.2: Removed a debugging command that caused errors. ;0.2.1: Added missing dependency. ;0.2: Added user login and session support. ;0.1.3: Switched password hashing to (crypt). ;0.1.2: Fixed formatting bug in article teasers. ;0.1.1: Added normalize-sxml procedure to work around bad href attributes in body text. ;0.1: Initial release.