;; Apache CouchDB client library ;; ;; Copyright (C) 2009 Moritz Heidkamp ;; ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License ;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of ;; the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You can find a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License at ;; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ (module couchdb (last-error make-connection connection-uri update-connection connection-database make-document document-id document-rev document-body update-document document-attribute document-attribute? json-ref get-all-documents get-server-info get-document save-document delete-document create-database delete-database get-database-info) (import chicken scheme) (require-library intarweb) (import (rename intarweb (headers alist->headers))) (use http-client json uri-common extras ports srfi-1 data-structures defstruct srfi-69) ;; Whenever errors occur, a descriptive message can be accessed through last-error (define last-error (make-parameter #f)) ;; Internal mapping for couchdb error keys (define errors '(("illegal_database_name" . "Illegal database name"))) ;; Convenience method for setting and signalling an error (i.e. returning #f) (define (last-error! e) (last-error e) #f) ;; Signals a couchdb exception (define (couchdb-error location message) (signal (make-composite-condition (make-property-condition 'exn 'message message 'location location) (make-property-condition 'couchdb)))) ;; Retrieves a field from a JSON object vector or hash-table (define (json-ref name object) (let* ([object (if (vector? object) (vector->list object) (hash-table->alist object))] [pair (assoc (->string name) object)]) (and pair (cdr pair)))) ;; Parses a condition property as JSON (define (condition-property->json e type property) (with-input-from-string (condition-property e type property) json-read)) ;; Convenience function for accessing condition properties (define (condition-property e type property) ((condition-property-accessor type property) e)) ;; Appends path to the path of uri and returns the resulting uri (define (uri-path-append uri . path) (let* ((old-path (uri-path uri)) (old-path (if (string=? "" (cadr old-path)) '(/) old-path))) (update-uri uri path: (append old-path (filter string? path))))) ;; Syntax for handling http-client client-errors by HTTP status code (define-syntax handling-client-errors (syntax-rules () ((_ exn statement handler1 handler2 ...) (condition-case statement (exn (client-error) (case (response-code (condition-property exn 'client-error 'response)) handler1 handler2 ... (else (abort exn)))))))) ;; Returns only the body of a http response since that is all we care about most of the time (define-syntax returning-body (syntax-rules () ((_ e) (receive (b u r) e b)))) (defstruct document id rev (body '#())) (define (avector->document avector) (let* ([body (alist->hash-table (map (lambda (p) (cons (string->symbol (car p)) (if (vector? (cdr p)) (avector->hash-table (cdr p)) (cdr p)))) (vector->list avector)))] [id (hash-table-ref body '_id)] [rev (hash-table-ref body '_rev)]) (hash-table-delete! body '_id) (hash-table-delete! body '_rev) (make-document id: id rev: rev body: body))) (define (avector->hash-table av) (alist->hash-table (map (lambda (p) (cons (string->symbol (car p)) (if (vector? (cdr p)) (avector->hash-table (cdr p)) (cdr p)))) (vector->list av)))) (define (document-attribute doc name) (hash-table-ref (document-body doc) name)) (define (document-attribute? doc name) (hash-table-exists? (document-body doc) name)) (defstruct connection database (server (uri-reference "http://localhost:5984/"))) (define (connection-uri conn) (uri-path-append (connection-server conn) (connection-database conn))) (define (assert-connection-database conn source) (unless (connection-database conn) (couchdb-error source "No database given"))) ;; General request method with some couchdb specific error handling (define (send-request request #!optional (input #f)) (let* ((request (if (request? request) request (make-request uri: request))) (request (update-request request minor: 0))) (condition-case (returning-body (with-input-from-request request input json-read)) (exn (server-error) (let* ([body (condition-property->json exn 'server-error 'body)] [error-key (and body (json-ref 'reason body))] [error (assoc error-key errors)]) (if error (last-error! (cdr error)) (signal exn))))))) ;; Fetches general information about the server (define (get-server-info conn) (send-request (connection-server conn))) ;; Request method for the document API (define (send-document-request conn #!key doc id rev send-body method (headers (alist->headers '()))) (assert-connection-database conn 'send-document-request) (let* ([body (and send-body (with-output-to-string (cute json-write (document-body doc))))] [rev (or rev (and (document? doc) (document-rev doc)))] [id (or id (document-id doc))] [headers (alist->headers '((content-type . (application/json))) headers)] [headers (if body (alist->headers `((content-length . ,(list (string-length body)))) headers) headers)] [headers (if rev (alist->headers `((if-match . ,(list rev))) headers) headers)]) (handling-client-errors exn (send-request (make-request uri: (uri-path-append (connection-uri conn) id) method: method headers: headers) body) ((404) (last-error! (format "Document ~A doesn't exist in ~A" id (uri->string (connection-uri conn)))))))) ;; GETs the document with the given id (define (get-document conn id) (let ((response (send-document-request conn id: id method: 'GET))) (and response (avector->document response)))) ;; DELETEs the document with the given id and revision (define (delete-document conn doc) (let ((id (and (not (document? doc)) doc))) (send-document-request conn doc: doc id: id method: 'DELETE))) ;; Saves the given document and returns it with updated id and revision (define (save-document conn doc) (let ((response (send-document-request conn send-body: #t method: (if (document-id doc) 'PUT 'POST) doc: doc))) (and response (update-document doc id: (json-ref 'id response) rev: (json-ref 'rev response))))) ;; Request method for the view API (define (send-view-request conn view method #!key (query '())) (assert-connection-database conn 'send-view-request) (let ((uri (apply uri-path-append (cons (connection-uri conn) view)))) (handling-client-errors exn (send-request (make-request method: method uri: (update-uri uri query: query))) ((404) (last-error! (format "View ~A doesn't exist on ~A" (uri->string (update-uri (uri-reference "") path: (cddr (uri-path uri)))) (uri->string (connection-uri conn)))))))) (define (get-all-documents conn #!key (include-docs #f)) (let ((result (send-view-request conn '("_all_docs") 'GET query: `((include_docs . ,(if include-docs "true" "false")))))) (and result (map (lambda (doc) (if include-docs (avector->document (json-ref 'doc doc)) (json-ref 'id doc))) (json-ref 'rows result))))) ;; Request method for the database API (define (send-database-request conn method) (assert-connection-database conn 'send-database-request) (handling-client-errors exn (send-request (make-request uri: (connection-uri conn) method: method)) ((404) (last-error! (format "Database ~A doesn't exist on ~A" (connection-database conn) (uri->string (connection-server conn))))))) ;; Creates a new database of the given name (define (create-database conn) (handling-client-errors exn (json-ref 'ok (send-database-request conn 'PUT)) ((412) (last-error! (format "Database ~A already exists on ~A" (connection-database conn) (uri->string (connection-server conn))))))) ;; Deletes database of given name (define (delete-database conn) (let ((result (send-database-request conn 'DELETE))) (and result (json-ref 'ok result)))) ;; Retrieves information about the given database (define (get-database-info conn) (send-database-request conn 'GET)) )