(load-relative "../couchdb.scm") (use test http-client intarweb uri-common) (import couchdb) (define (simple-request method uri) (condition-case (with-input-from-request (make-request method: method uri: uri) values values) (exn (client-error) #f))) (define conn (make-connection server: (uri-reference "http://localhost:5984/") database: "chicken-test-couchdb")) ;; (Re)create the test database (define (reset-test-db) (simple-request 'DELETE (connection-uri conn)) (simple-request 'PUT (connection-uri conn))) (reset-test-db) (test-group "server API" (test-assert "reporting version" (json-ref 'version (get-server-info conn)))) (test-group "database API" (let ((conn (update-connection conn database: "chicken-test-couchdb-foo"))) (test-assert "creating" (begin (simple-request 'DELETE (connection-uri conn)) (create-database conn))) (test-assert "deleting" (begin (simple-request 'PUT (connection-uri conn)) (delete-database conn)))) (test "getting information about it" "chicken-test-couchdb" (json-ref 'db_name (get-database-info conn)))) (test-group "document API" (let ((body (alist->hash-table '((foo . "bar"))))) (test "accessing attributes" "bar" (document-attribute (make-document body: body) 'foo)) (test-assert "creating" (document-id (save-document conn (make-document body: body)))) (test "creating with given id" "foo" (document-id (save-document conn (make-document id: "foo")))) (test "retrieving" "bar" (let ([id (document-id (save-document conn (make-document body: body)))]) (document-attribute (get-document conn id) 'foo))) (test-assert "deleting" (let ((doc (save-document conn (make-document)))) (delete-document conn doc) (not (get-document conn (document-id doc))))) (test "updating" "baz!" (let* ((doc (save-document conn (make-document body: body))) (doc (save-document conn (update-document doc body: (alist->hash-table '((foo . "baz!"))))))) (document-attribute (get-document conn (document-id doc)) 'foo)))) (test-group "errors" (parameterize ((last-error #f)) (test-assert "retrieving non-existant document" (and (not (get-document conn "bogus")) (last-error)))) (parameterize ((last-error #f)) (test-assert "deleting non-existant document" (and (not (delete-document conn "something")) (last-error)))))) (reset-test-db) (test-group "view API" (let ((doc (save-document conn (make-document body: (alist->hash-table '((foo . "bar")))))) (result (get-all-documents conn))) (test "document should be included" (document-id doc) (car result)) (test "include-docs should include the body" "bar" (document-attribute (car (get-all-documents conn include-docs: #t)) 'foo)) ))