[[tags: egg data]] [[toc:]] This page is maintained in the package's [[https://github.com/abarbu/csp|github repository]]. == CSP This is a Chicken Scheme egg which solves constraint satisfaction problems. A CSP is composed of a number of ''domain-variable''s that have a domain, a set of bindings they can assume, along with a number of constraints. This egg supports 5 kinds of constraints: ''efd'' (early failure detection), ''fc'' (forward checking), ''vp'' (value propagation), ''gfc'' (generalized forward checking) and ''ac'' (arc consistency). ==== High-level (csp-solution domain-variables select) Given a list of domain variables and a function to select which one to try to bind next, one can simply pass in ''first'', this produces a solution to the CSP. (create-domain-variable domain) Create a domain variable whose domain is ''domain''. (assert-constraint! constraint domain-variables) Assert a constraint, a function that returns a boolean, between a number of domain variables. The kind of constraint is determined by inspecting ''*strategy*''. Valid types are: ''efd'' (early failure detection), ''fc'' (forward checking), ''vp'' (value propagation), ''gfc'' (generalized forward checking) and ''ac'' (arc consistency). The default is ''ac''. For constraints of low arity, a small number of domain variables, it will use an optimized version of the constraint propagation code. (bound? domain-variable) (binding domain-variable) Determine if the domain variable is bound and what its binding is. ==== Constraints (assert-unary-constraint-efd! constraint x) (assert-binary-constraint-efd! constraint x y) (assert-ternary-constraint-efd! constraint x y z) (assert-unary-constraint-fc! constraint x) (assert-binary-constraint-fc! constraint x y) (assert-ternary-constraint-fc! constraint x y z) (assert-unary-constraint-vp! constraint x) (assert-binary-constraint-vp! constraint x y) (assert-ternary-constraint-vp! constraint x y z) (assert-unary-constraint-gfc! constraint x) (assert-binary-constraint-gfc! constraint x y) (assert-ternary-constraint-gfc! constraint x y z) (assert-unary-constraint-ac! constraint x) (assert-binary-constraint-ac! constraint x y) (assert-ternary-constraint-ac! constraint x y z) Assert each of the 5 kinds of constraints between domain-variables ''x'', ''y'' and ''z''. You can always use ''assert-constraint!'' instead and it will default to these functions if your constraint is of low arity. (assert-constraint-efd! constraint ds) (assert-constraint-fc! constraint ds) (assert-constraint-vp! constraint ds) (assert-constraint-gfc! constraint ds) (assert-constraint-ac! constraint ds) Assert each of the 5 kinds of constraints between the list of domain-variables ds. You can always use ''assert-constraint!'' instead as it will pick an optimized version for each of the above if the arity of the constraint is low. ==== Low-level (attach-before-demon! demon x) (attach-after-demon! demon x) (restrict-domain! x domain) Only of interest to implementers. === Examples This solves [[http://projecteuler.net/problem=43|Project Euler problem 43]]. (use traversal nondeterminism csp) (let* ((ds (map-n (lambda _ (create-domain-variable (map-n identity 10))) 10)) (d3 (lambda (ns) (+ (* (first ns) 100) (* (second ns) 10) (third ns)))) (div (lambda (n) (lambda ns (= (modulo (d3 ns) n) 0)))) (nthd (lambda (a b) (sublist ds (- a 1) b)))) (assert-constraint! (div 17) (nthd 8 10)) (assert-constraint! (div 13) (nthd 7 9)) (assert-constraint! (div 11) (nthd 6 8)) (assert-constraint! (div 7) (nthd 5 7)) (assert-constraint! (div 5) (nthd 4 6)) (assert-constraint! (div 3) (nthd 3 5)) (assert-constraint! (div 2) (nthd 2 4)) (map-all-pairs (lambda l (assert-constraint! (lambda (a b) (not (= a b))) l)) ds) (foldl + 0 (map (lambda (l) (foldl (lambda (a b) (+ (* a 10) b)) 0 l)) (all-values (csp-solution ds last))))) === License Copyright 1993-1995 University of Toronto. All rights reserved. Copyright 1996 Technion. All rights reserved. Copyright 1996 and 1997 University of Vermont. All rights reserved. Copyright 1997-2001 NEC Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright 2002-2013 Purdue University. All rights reserved. Contact Andrei Barbu, andrei@0xab.com. Originally written by Jeff Siskind. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses.