;;;; csv-xml-test.scm -*- Hen -*- (use csv-xml) ;;; ;Need to process `#lang' as well. So just "commented out" the "offending" ;sections in the source. #;(define-syntax require (syntax-rules () ((_ ?x0 ...) (begin)))) (use testeez) (include "test-csv.ss") ;;; (newline) (use test) ;; (test-begin "csv-xml in") (define +reader-spec-default+ '( (newline-type . lax) (separator-chars #\,) (quote-char . #\") (quote-doubling-escapes? . #t) (comment-chars) (whitespace-chars #\space) (strip-leading-whitespace? . #f) (strip-trailing-whitespace? . #f) (newlines-in-quotes? . #t) )) (test "reader-spec defaults" +reader-spec-default+ (reader-spec)) (define +reader-spec-default-2+ '( (newline-type . lax) (separator-chars #\,) (quote-char . #\") (quote-doubling-escapes? . #f) (comment-chars) (whitespace-chars #\space) (strip-leading-whitespace? . #f) (strip-trailing-whitespace? . #f) (newlines-in-quotes? . #t) )) (test "reader-spec overrides" +reader-spec-default-2+ (reader-spec #:quote-doubling-escapes? #f)) (test-end "csv-xml in") ;; (test-begin "csv-xml out") ; (define +writer-spec-default+ '( (newline-char . #t) (separator-char . #\,) (quote-char . #\") (comment-char . #\#) (quote-doubling-escapes? . #t) (quote-controls? . #t) )) (define +writer-spec-default-2+ '( (newline-char . #f) (separator-char . #\,) (quote-char . #\") (comment-char . #\#) (quote-doubling-escapes? . #t) (quote-controls? . #t) )) ; (test "writer-spec defaults" +writer-spec-default+ (writer-spec)) (test "writer-spec overrides" +writer-spec-default-2+ (writer-spec #:newline-char #f)) ; (define +list-in-1+ '((1 22 333) (11 2222 333333))) (define +list-in-2+ '((1 22 333) "a comment" (11 2222 333333))) #| (define +list->sxml-out-1+ '( *TOP* (scull (foo "1") (bar "22") (baz "333")) (scull (foo "11") (bar "2222") (baz "333333")) )) (define +list->sxml-out-2+ '( *TOP* (scull (foo "1") (bar "22") (baz "333")) (*COMMENT* "a comment") (scull (foo "11") (bar "2222") (baz "333333")) )) ; (test "sxml" +list->sxml-out-1+ (list->sxml +list-in-1+ 'scull '(foo bar baz))) (test "sxml & comment w/ comments" +list->sxml-out-2+ (list->sxml +list-in-2+ 'scull '(foo bar baz))) |# ; (use ports) (test "csv" "\"1\",\"22\",\"333\"\n\"11\",\"2222\",\"333333\"\n" (with-output-to-string (lambda () (list->csv +list-in-1+)))) (test "csv & comment w/ comments" "\"1\",\"22\",\"333\"\n#a comment\n\"11\",\"2222\",\"333333\"\n" (with-output-to-string (lambda () (let ((writer (make-csv-writer (current-output-port) (writer-spec #:comment-char #\#)))) ;(test-assert (procedure? writer)) (list->csv +list-in-2+ writer))))) (test "csv & comment w/o comments" "\"1\",\"22\",\"333\"\na comment\"11\",\"2222\",\"333333\"\n" (with-output-to-string (lambda () (let ((writer (make-csv-writer (current-output-port) (writer-spec #:comment-char #f)))) ;(test-assert (procedure? writer)) (list->csv +list-in-2+ writer))))) (test-end "csv-xml out") ;; (test-exit)