@(title "Debug") @(description "A couple of Joe-Armstrong-style debugging macros") @(author "Peter Danenberg") @(username "klutometis") @(email "pcd@roxygen.org") @(heading "Abstract") @(text "According to [[http://books.google.com/books?id=nneBa6-mWfgC&lpg=PA227&ots=gEvyGdNW3u&dq=%22thou%20shalt%20put%20printf%22&pg=PA227#v=onepage&q=%22thou%20shalt%20put%20printf%22&f=false|Joe Armstrong]], \"The great gods of programming said, 'Thou shalt put {{printf}} statements in your program at the point where you think it’s gone wrong, recompile, and run it.'\"") @(heading "Documentation") (define debug? @("`debug?' turns on or off debugging output, depending on whether it is set to #t or #f; respectively.") (make-parameter #t)) (define-syntax trace @("Trace the input to and output from a function." (f "The function to be traced")) (er-macro-transformer (lambda (expression rename compare) (match-let (((_ f) expression)) (let ((%set! (rename 'set!)) (%lambda (rename 'lambda)) (%call-with-values (rename 'call-with-values)) (%apply (rename 'apply)) (%format (rename 'format)) (%values (rename 'values)) (%let (rename 'let)) (%f (rename 'f)) (%when (rename 'when)) (%debug? (rename 'debug?))) `(,%when (,%debug?) (,%let ((,%f ,f)) (,%set! ,f (,%lambda x (,%format (current-error-port) ";; Arguments to ~a: ~a~%" ',f x) (,%let ((return-values (,%call-with-values (,%lambda () (,%apply ,%f x)) (,%lambda x x)))) (,%format (current-error-port) ";; Values from ~a: ~a~%" ',f return-values) (,%apply ,%values return-values))))))))))) (define-syntax debug @("Debug the expressions to stderr by pretty-printing each expression and their evaluations." (expressions "The expressions to be debugged")) (syntax-rules () ((_ x ...) (with-output-to-port (current-error-port) (lambda () (when (debug?) (pp `((x ,(handle-exceptions exn (format "Error: ~a; arguments: ~a" ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn) (string-join (map ->string ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'arguments) exn)) ", ")) x)) ...)))))))) (define default-priority (make-parameter prio/debug)) (define make-syslog-port (case-lambda (() (make-syslog-port (default-priority))) ((priority) (let ((buffer "")) (make-output-port (lambda (scribendum) (set! buffer (string-append/shared buffer scribendum))) void (lambda () (syslog priority buffer))))))) (define-syntax debug/syslog @("Debug to syslog." (expressions "The expressions to debug (cf. `debug' supra)")) (er-macro-transformer (lambda (expression rename compare) `(let ((port (make-syslog-port))) (with-error-output-to-port port (lambda () (when (debug?) (debug ,@(cdr expression)) (flush-output port))))))))