(module define-structure (define-structure define-private-structure define-public-structure pp-record-without-newline pp-without-newline) (import chicken scheme extras ports lolevel) (require-extension nondeterminism) (begin-for-syntax (require-extension srfi-1 nondeterminism)) ;; disgusting and slow, will have to do for now as I don't know how to ;; stop chicken's pp from printing a newline all the time (define (pp-without-newline obj port) (let ((s (call-with-output-string (lambda (port) (pp obj port))))) (display (substring s 0 (- (string-length s) 1)) port))) (define (pp-record-without-newline obj port) (display "#," port) (pp-without-newline (vector->list (record->vector obj)) port)) (define-syntax define-structure-with-visibility (er-macro-transformer (lambda (exp rename compare) (unless (> (length exp) 2) (error "Bad define-structure, expects a type name and arguments" exp)) (let* ((type-name (caddr exp)) (fields (cdddr exp)) (field-names (map (lambda (f) (if (pair? f) (car f) f)) fields)) (make (string->symbol (conc "make-" type-name))) (make-keywords (string->symbol (conc "make-keywords-" type-name))) (copy (string->symbol (conc "update-" type-name))) (copyp (string->symbol (conc "updatep-" type-name))) (set (string->symbol (conc "set-" type-name "!"))) (setp (string->symbol (conc "setp-" type-name "!"))) (predicate (string->symbol (conc type-name "?"))) (to-alist (string->symbol (conc type-name "->alist"))) (from-alist (string->symbol (conc "alist->" type-name))) (%begin (rename 'begin)) (%define-record (rename 'define-record)) (%define-reader-ctor (rename 'define-reader-ctor)) (%define-record-printer (rename 'define-record-printer)) (%define (rename 'define)) (%lambda (rename 'lambda)) (%list (rename 'list)) (%cons (rename 'cons)) (%if (rename 'if)) (%not (rename 'not)) (%eq? (rename 'eq?)) (%let (rename 'let)) (%uninitialized (rename 'uninitialized)) (%case (rename 'case)) (%loop (rename 'loop)) (%obj (rename 'obj)) (%val (rename 'val)) (%lst (rename 'lst)) (%car (rename 'car)) (%cdr (rename 'cdr)) (%proc (rename 'proc)) (%upon-failure (rename 'upon-failure)) (%pp-record-without-newline (rename 'pp-record-without-newline)) (%export (rename 'export))) (receive (init-fields no-init-fields) (partition pair? fields) `(,%begin ,(if (cadr exp) `(,%export ;; define-record ,make ;; ours ,make-keywords ,set ,setp ,copy ,copyp ,to-alist ,from-alist ,predicate ,@(join (map (lambda (f) (list ;; define-record (string->symbol (conc type-name "-" f)) (string->symbol (conc type-name "-" f "-set!")) ;; ours (string->symbol (conc "set-" type-name "-" f "!")) (string->symbol (conc type-name "-" f "-setp!")) (string->symbol (conc "setp-" type-name "-" f "!")) (string->symbol (conc "local-set-" type-name "-" f "!")) (string->symbol (conc "local-setp-" type-name "-" f "!")) (string->symbol (conc "update-" type-name "-" f)) (string->symbol (conc "updatep-" type-name "-" f)))) field-names))) #f) (,%define-record ,type-name ,@no-init-fields ,@(map car init-fields)) (,%define ,make-keywords (,%lambda (#!key ,@fields) (,make ,@no-init-fields ,@(map car init-fields)))) (,%define ,set (,%let ((,%uninitialized (,%list 'uninitialized))) (,%lambda (,%obj #!key ,@(map (lambda (f) (list f %uninitialized)) field-names)) ,@(map (lambda (f) `(,%if (,%not (,%eq? ,f ,%uninitialized)) (,(string->symbol (conc type-name "-" f "-set!")) ,%obj ,f))) field-names) ,%obj))) (,%define ,setp (,%let ((,%uninitialized (,%list 'uninitialized))) (,%lambda (,%obj #!key ,@(map (lambda (f) (list f %uninitialized)) field-names)) ,@(map (lambda (f) `(,%if (,%not (,%eq? ,f ,%uninitialized)) (,(string->symbol (conc "setp-" type-name "-" f "!")) ,%obj ,f))) field-names) ,%obj))) (,%define ,copy (,%let ((,%uninitialized (,%list 'uninitialized))) (,%lambda (old #!key ,@(map (lambda (f) (list f %uninitialized)) field-names)) (let ((new (,make-keywords ,@(fold (lambda (f rest) (cons (string->keyword (symbol->string f)) (cons %uninitialized rest))) '() field-names)))) ,@(map (lambda (f) `(,%if (,%eq? ,f ,%uninitialized) (,(string->symbol (conc type-name "-" f "-set!")) new (,(string->symbol (conc type-name "-" f)) old)) (,(string->symbol (conc type-name "-" f "-set!")) new ,f))) field-names) new)))) (,%define ,copyp (,%let ((,%uninitialized (,%list 'uninitialized))) (,%lambda (old #!key ,@(map (lambda (f) (list f %uninitialized)) field-names)) (let ((new (,make-keywords ,@(fold (lambda (f rest) (cons (string->keyword (symbol->string f)) (cons %uninitialized rest))) '() field-names)))) ,@(map (lambda (f) `(,%if (,%eq? ,f ,%uninitialized) (,(string->symbol (conc type-name "-" f "-set!")) new (,(string->symbol (conc type-name "-" f)) old)) (,(string->symbol (conc "set-" type-name "-" f "!")) new (,f (,(string->symbol (conc type-name "-" f)) old))))) field-names) new)))) (,%define ,to-alist (,%lambda (,%obj) (,%list . ,(map (lambda (f) `(,%cons ',f (,(string->symbol (conc type-name "-" f)) ,%obj))) field-names)))) (,%define ,from-alist (,%lambda (alist) (,%let ,%loop ((,%lst alist) (,%obj (,make-keywords))) (,%if (,%eq? ,%lst '()) ,%obj (,%case (,%car (,%car ,%lst)) ,@(map (lambda (f) `((,f) (,(string->symbol (conc type-name "-" f "-set!")) ,%obj (,%cdr (,%car ,%lst))) (,%loop (,%cdr ,%lst) ,%obj))) field-names) ;; Unknown fields are ignored, like in the constructor (else (,%loop (,%cdr ,%lst) ,%obj))))))) ,@(map (lambda (f) `(,%define ,(string->symbol (conc "set-" type-name "-" f "!")) ,(string->symbol (conc type-name "-" f "-set!")))) field-names) ,@(map (lambda (f) `(,%define ,(string->symbol (conc type-name "-" f "-setp!")) (,%lambda (,%obj ,%proc) (,(string->symbol (conc "set-" type-name "-" f "!")) ,%obj (,%proc (,(string->symbol (conc type-name "-" f)) ,%obj)))))) field-names) ,@(map (lambda (f) `(,%define ,(string->symbol (conc "setp-" type-name "-" f "!")) ,(string->symbol (conc type-name "-" f "-setp!")))) field-names) ,@(map (lambda (f) `(,%define ,(string->symbol (conc "local-set-" type-name "-" f "!")) (,%lambda (,%obj ,%val) (let ((p (,(string->symbol (conc type-name "-" f)) ,%obj))) (,%upon-failure (,(string->symbol (conc "set-" type-name "-" f "!")) ,%obj p)) (,(string->symbol (conc "set-" type-name "-" f "!")) ,%obj ,%val))))) field-names) ,@(map (lambda (f) `(,%define ,(string->symbol (conc "local-setp-" type-name "-" f "!")) (,%lambda (,%obj ,%proc) (let ((p (,(string->symbol (conc type-name "-" f)) ,%obj))) (,%upon-failure (,(string->symbol (conc "set-" type-name "-" f "!")) ,%obj p)) (,(string->symbol (conc "setp-" type-name "-" f "!")) ,%obj ,%proc))))) field-names) ,@(map (lambda (f) `(,%define ,(string->symbol (conc "update-" type-name "-" f)) (,%lambda (,%obj ,%val) (,copy ,%obj ,(string->keyword (conc f)) ,%val)))) field-names) ,@(map (lambda (f) `(,%define ,(string->symbol (conc "updatep-" type-name "-" f)) (,%lambda (,%obj ,%proc) (,copyp ,%obj ,(string->keyword (conc f)) ,%proc)))) field-names) (,%define-reader-ctor ',type-name ,make) (,%define-record-printer (,type-name ,%obj ,%val) (,%pp-record-without-newline ,%obj ,%val)))))))) (define-syntax define-private-structure (syntax-rules () ((_ body ...) (define-structure-with-visibility #f body ...)))) (define-syntax define-public-structure (syntax-rules () ((_ body ...) (define-structure-with-visibility #t body ...)))) ;; structures are public by default (define-syntax define-structure (syntax-rules () ((_ body ...) (define-structure-with-visibility #t body ...)))) )