;; Doodle - Drawing and gaming made easy ;; ;; Copyright (c) 2012, Christian Kellermann ;; All rights reserved. ;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ;; are met: ;; Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;; ;; Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above ;; copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following ;; disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided ;; with the distribution. ;; ;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ;; "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ;; LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS ;; FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ;; COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, ;; INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ;; (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR ;; SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ;; HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, ;; STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ;; ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED ;; OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. (module doodle (*sprites* add-sprite! check-for-collisions circle clear-screen current-background draw-line filled-circle filled-rectangle font-color font-size make-sprite new-doodle rectangle remove-sprite! run-event-loop save-screenshot set-font! show! solid-black solid-white text update-sprite! world-changes world-inits world-ends) (import chicken scheme) (use (srfi 1 4 18) cairo data-structures extras sdl miscmacros) (define font-color (make-parameter (list 0 0 0 1))) (define font-size (make-parameter 12)) (define current-background (make-parameter (list 0 0 0 1))) (define solid-black (list 0 0 0 1)) (define solid-white (list 1 1 1 1)) (define *c* #f) (define *c-surface* #f) (define *s* #f) (define (expect-procedure p) (unless (procedure? p) (error "This parameter can be set to procedures only, you gave it " p)) p) (define world-ends (make-parameter void expect-procedure)) (define world-changes (make-parameter void expect-procedure)) (define world-inits (make-parameter void expect-procedure)) (define-syntax set-color (syntax-rules () ((_ color) (apply cairo-set-source-rgba `(,*c* ,@color))))) (define (set-font! font size color) (font-color color) (font-size size) (cairo-select-font-face *c* font CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL) (cairo-set-font-size *c* (font-size))) (define (text-width text) (define ex (make-cairo-text-extents-type)) (cairo-set-font-size *c* (font-size)) (cairo-text-extents *c* text ex) (values (cairo-text-extents-width ex) (cairo-text-extents-height ex))) (define (circle x y diameter color) (set-color color) (doto *c* (cairo-arc x y (/ diameter 2) 0 (* 2 cairo-pi)))) (define (filled-circle x y diameter color) (set-color color) (doto *c* (cairo-arc x y (/ diameter 2) 0 (* 2 cairo-pi)) (cairo-fill))) (define (filled-rectangle x1 y1 width height color) (set-color color) (doto *c* (cairo-new-path) (cairo-set-dash (make-f64vector 0) 0 0) (cairo-rectangle x1 y1 width height) (cairo-fill) (cairo-close-path))) (define (rectangle x1 y1 width height color) (set-color color) (doto *c* (cairo-new-path) (cairo-set-dash (make-f64vector 0) 0 0) (cairo-rectangle x1 y1 width height) (cairo-stroke) (cairo-close-path))) (define (draw-line x1 y1 x2 y2 #!key (color solid-white) (style #:solid)) (doto *c* (cairo-new-path) (cairo-move-to x1 y1)) (set-color color) (case style ((#:solid) (cairo-set-dash *c* (make-f64vector 0) 0 0)) ((#:dashed) (cairo-set-dash *c* (make-f64vector 1 5) 1 0)) (else (error "unknown line style " style))) (doto *c* (cairo-line-to x2 y2) (cairo-stroke))) (define (text x y text #!key (align #:left)) (define (overall-height text) (let ((l (if (list? text) text (list text)))) (fold (lambda (t s) (let-values (((w h) (text-width t))) (+ s (* 1.5 h)))) 0 l))) (define (draw-text x y text align) (let-values (((w h) (text-width text))) (let ((fx (case align ((#:center) (- x (/ w 2))) ((#:left) x) ((#:right (- x w))) (else x))) (fy y)) (apply cairo-set-source-rgba `(,*c* ,@(font-color))) (doto *c* (cairo-move-to fx fy) (cairo-set-font-size (font-size)) (cairo-show-text text)) h))) (if (list? text) (for-each (let ((y (if (eq? align #:center) (- y (/ (overall-height text) 4)) y))) (lambda (t) (set! y (+ y (* 1.5 (draw-text x y t align)))))) text) (draw-text x y text align))) (define (save-screenshot filename) (cairo-surface-write-to-png *c-surface* filename)) (define (new-doodle #!key (width 680) (height 460) (title "Doodle") (background solid-black) (fullscreen #f)) (sdl-init SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING) (set! *s* (sdl-set-video-mode width height 32 (+ SDL_HWSURFACE SDL_HWPALETTE SDL_DOUBLEBUF (if fullscreen SDL_FULLSCREEN 0)))) (set! *c-surface* (cairo-image-surface-create-for-data (sdl-surface-pixels *s*) CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24 width height (sdl-surface-pitch *s*))) (set! *c* (cairo-create *c-surface*)) (sdl-wm-set-caption title "Pretty Pics Inc.") (current-background background) (apply cairo-set-source-rgba `(,*c* ,@background)) (doto *c* (cairo-rectangle 0 0 width height) (cairo-fill) (cairo-stroke)) (sdl-flip *s*)) (define (clear-screen #!optional (color (current-background))) (let ((width (cairo-image-surface-get-width *c-surface*)) (height (cairo-image-surface-get-height *c-surface*))) (apply cairo-set-source-rgba `(,*c* ,@color)) (doto *c* (cairo-rectangle 0 0 width height) (cairo-fill) (cairo-stroke)))) (define (show!) (cairo-surface-flush *c-surface*) (sdl-flip *s*)) ;; Collision detection ;; sprites are very crude rectangles atm consisting of a name, x, y, ;; width and height in pixels (define-record sprite name x y width height) (define *sprites* '()) (define-record-printer (sprite s p) (fprintf p "#,(sprite ~s ~s ~s ~s ~s)" (sprite-name s) (sprite-x s) (sprite-y s) (sprite-width s) (sprite-height s))) (define (collides? s ss) (define (inside? x y s) (and (< (sprite-x s) x (+ (sprite-x s) (sprite-width s))) (< (sprite-y s) y (+ (sprite-y s) (sprite-height s))))) (define (sprite->points s) `((,(sprite-x s) ,(sprite-y s)) (,(+ (sprite-x s) (sprite-width s)) ,(sprite-y s)) (,(sprite-x s) ,(+ (sprite-height s) (sprite-y s))) (,(+ (sprite-x s) (sprite-width s)) ,(+ (sprite-y s) (sprite-height s))))) (define (overlap s1 s2) (or (any (lambda (xy) (inside? (first xy) (second xy) s1)) (sprite->points s2)) (any (lambda (xy) (inside? (first xy) (second xy) s2)) (sprite->points s1)))) (let ((cs (map (cut sprite-name <>) (filter (lambda (s2) (overlap s s2)) ss)))) (and (not (null? cs)) cs))) (define (check-for-collisions) (let loop ((s (map cdr *sprites*)) (cols '())) (cond ((null? s) cols) ((collides? (car s) (remove (cut equal? (car s) <>) (map cdr *sprites*))) => (lambda (o) (loop (cdr s) (cons (list (sprite-name (car s)) o) cols)))) (else (loop (cdr s) cols))))) (define (remove-sprite! s-name) (alist-delete! s-name *sprites* equal?)) (define (update-sprite! s) (set! *sprites* (alist-update! (sprite-name s) s *sprites*))) (define add-sprite! update-sprite!) ;; Event stuff (define (translate-key-event type event) (let ((k (sdl-event-sym event))) (list (if (equal? type SDL_KEYUP) 'released 'pressed) (cond ((equal? k SDLK_UP) 'up) ((equal? k SDLK_DOWN) 'down) ((equal? k SDLK_LEFT) 'left) ((equal? k SDLK_RIGHT) 'right) ((integer->char k) => identity) (else 'unknown))))) (define (translate-events event escape) (if (not event) #f (let ((t (sdl-event-type event))) (cond ((equal? t SDL_QUIT) (escape 'quit)) ((or (equal? t SDL_KEYDOWN) (equal? t SDL_KEYUP)) (translate-key-event t event)) (else (list 'unknown event)))))) (define (event-handler #!optional minimum-wait) (lambda () (let ((event (make-sdl-event)) (last (current-milliseconds))) (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (escape) (let loop () (let* ((now (current-milliseconds)) (dt (min (/ 1 30) (/ (- now last) 1000)))) (sdl-pump-events) ((world-changes) (translate-events (if (sdl-poll-event! event) event #f) escape) dt escape) (show!) (set! last now) (when (and minimum-wait (< dt minimum-wait)) (thread-sleep! (- minimum-wait dt))) (loop))))) ((world-ends)) (sdl-quit)))) (define (run-event-loop #!key (run-in-background #f) (minimum-wait 0)) ((world-inits)) (sdl-flip *s*) (if run-in-background (thread-start! (make-thread (event-handler minimum-wait) "doodle-event-loop")) (thread-join! (thread-start! (make-thread (event-handler minimum-wait) "doodle-event-loop"))))))