chicken-edn =========== An [EDN]( reader and writer for chicken scheme. Data type conversions --------------------- * DONE All kinds of numbers get converted to Scheme numbers, precision suffixes (N and M) get ignored. * DONE Keywords :keyword get converted to chicken scheme keywords keyword:. * DONE Maps get converted to a-lists (and vice versa). There'll be a global setting to use srfi-69 hashtables instead. * DONE Vectors are srfi-4 vectors. * DONE EDN Sets get converted to lists. * TODO The #inst tag requires [egg rfc3339]( You'll have to manually register a handler, but a convenience function is provided. * TODO #uuid is read as a String. API --- * (edn-read-file filename) Reads the contents of the file and returns a list where each entry is a top-level form of the .edn file. * (edn-read-string string) Reads a string containing one EDN-top-level-form and returns the scheme equivalent of it. Other tasks ----------- * Clean up code * Tag handling * Chicken egg * EDN writing Releases -------- * **0.2.1**: Can read EDN-files and -strings. EDN tags are not working yet. Roadmap ------- * **0.3**: EDN tags work. * **0.3.1**: Code cleanup with performance improvements. * **0.4**: Can write scheme data structures (lists,vectors,hashmaps) to EDN. * **0.4.1**: Code cleanup with performance improvements. * **0.5**: API to write lists and vectors as sets, alists as maps, and tags. * **0.5.1**: Code cleanup. About ----- Written by Daniel Ziltener. EDN written by Rick Hickey. The EDN specification is available at [](