;; $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2005/07/14 04:11:44 $ (use eggdoc) (include "eggdoc-zb.scm") (define doc `((eggdoc:begin (name "eggdoc") (description "An egg documentation tool") (author (url ,zbigniew-homepage "Zbigniew")) (history (version "1.2" (tt "eggdoc:make-defsig") "; subsub[sub]section tags; with-default-param tag") (version "1.1" "setup scripts adds documentation and version info [Thanks to Jim Miller]") (version "1.0" "Initial release")) (requires (url "sxml-transforms.html" "sxml-transforms") (url "doctype.html" "doctype")) (usage) (download "eggdoc.egg") (documentation (p "eggdoc is an SXML documentation tool which produces HTML pages for Chicken eggs. It uses the sxml-transforms extension to transform your SXML via a comprehensive XML stylesheet, simplifying the creation of egg documentation. It's also quite customizable.") (group (procedure "(eggdoc->html DOC [STYLESHEET])" (p "Transform the SXML document " (tt "DOC") " using the optional SXSLT stylesheet " (tt "STYLESHEET") ". If not specified, the built-in stylesheet will be used, which is also accessible with " (tt "(eggdoc:make-stylesheet)") ".")) (procedure "(eggdoc:make-stylesheet DOC)" (p "Returns the default SXSLT stylesheet. This is a procedure because the stylesheet is built dynamically using the contents of the SXML document " (tt "DOC") ". For example, the value of the (name) tag is retrieved at build time and inserted in the header and the usage information.") (p "You can append to or modify this stylesheet and then pass it to " (tt "eggdoc->html") ". This is done in doctype's eggdoc to provide a new tag, (strings), which makes the SXML much cleaner.")) (parameter "eggdoc:doctype" (p "The DOCTYPE for this document, typically as defined in the doctype extension. This defaults to doctype:xhtml-1.0-strict.")) (parameter "eggdoc:css" (p "CSS text inserted verbatim between the document's