;; $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2005/07/13 22:15:08 $ (use eggdoc) (define zbigniew-homepage "http://3e8.org/zb/") (define doc `((eggdoc:begin (name "sxml-transforms") (description (p "The " (a (@ (href "http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/ssax/SSAX")) "SXML transformations") " (to XML, SXML, and HTML) from the " (a (@ (href "http://ssax.sf.net")) "SSAX project"))) (author (p (url "http://okmij.org/ftp/" "Oleg Kiselyov") ". Port by " (url ,zbigniew-homepage "Zbigniew"))) (history (version "1.1" "Improve inline element whitespace handling; add '&' rule.") (version "1.0" "Initial release")) ;(usage) (download "sxml-transforms.egg") (documentation (p "This egg provides the SXML transforms available in the SSAX/SXML Sourceforge project. It incorporates one main extension, and an auxiliary one:") (group (definition (signature "extension" "(require-extension sxml-transforms)") (dl (dt "From SXML-tree-trans.scm:") (dd (tt "SRV:send-reply pre-post-order post-order foldts replace-range")) (dt "From SXML-to-HTML.scm:") (dd (tt "SXML->HTML entag enattr string->goodHTML")) (dt "From SXML-to-HTML-ext.scm:") (dd (tt "universal-conversion-rules universal-protected-rules alist-conv-rules")) (dt "From util.scm:") (dd (tt "make-char-quotator")) (dt "Chicken-specific modifications:") (dd (dl (dt (tt "entag-xhtml entag-html")) (dd (div (p "entag-xhtml closes XHTML tags properly in an HTML compatible way. entag is now an alias for entag-xhtml, so this behaviour is the default. entag-html is an alias for the original entag.") (p "Newlines before open tags in the rendered HTML output are omitted for inline elements, such as " (tt "tt") " and " (tt "strong") ". This prevents the introduction of extraneous whitespace.")))) (p "Also, the universal conversion rules have been augmented a bit:") (group (definition (signature "rule" "(& ENTITY-NAME ...)") (p "Quotes character references given by strings " (tt "ENTITY-NAME ...") ".") (p "Example: " (tt "(& \"ndash\" \"quot\") => \"–"\""))))))) (definition (signature "extension" "(require-extension sxml-to-sxml)") (p "Provides " (tt "pre-post-order-composable") ", a variant of " (tt "pre-post-order") " which always outputs strictly-conformant SXML. This comes from sxml-to-sxml.scm.")))) (examples (p (url "http://okmij.org/ftp/Scheme/xml.html" "Oleg's site") " is the main resource. Be sure to read his examples and the ones in the SSAX repository (also included in the egg). The following papers were of great help:") (ul (li (url "http://okmij.org/ftp/papers/SXs-talk.pdf")) (li (url "http://okmij.org/ftp/papers/SXs.pdf")) (li (url "http://okmij.org/ftp/papers/SXSLT-talk.pdf"))) (p "Also, the " (url "eggdoc.html" "eggdoc") " extension makes heavy use of sxml-transforms.") ) (license (p "The sxml-transforms code is in the public domain.")) ))) (eggdoc->html doc)