;; $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2005/07/13 20:37:01 $ (use eggdoc) (include "eggdoc-zb.scm") (define doc `((eggdoc:begin (name "vector-lib") (description (p "Reference implementation of " (a (@ href "http://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-43") "SRFI-43: Vector library"))) (author (p "Taylor Campbell; port by " (a (@ (href ,zbigniew-homepage)) "Zbigniew"))) (history (version "1.1" "Final implementation port by Zbigniew") (version "1.0" "Draft implementation port by William S. Annis")) (usage) (download "vector-lib.scm") ;; download may also be a pair, in which case it's inserted verbatim (documentation (p "See the " (url "http://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-43/srfi-43.html" "SRFI-43 document") " for full documentation on the reference implementation.") (p "The reference implementation on srfi.schemers.org is buggy " "(as of 24 May 2005). This code is actually derived from Taylor Campbell's " (url "http://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-43/post-mail-archive/msg00001.html" "updated version") ".") (p "Also included are the following user-visible fixes:") (ul (li (url "http://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-43/post-mail-archive/msg00008.html" "vector-map fix") " from Will M. Farr") (li (tt "list->vector") " and " (tt "reverse-list->vector") " obey the " (tt "START") " offset, and disallow negative length")) (p "Additionally, " (tt "list->vector") " and " (tt "reverse-list->vector") " accept optional " (tt "START") " and " (tt "END") " arguments: ") (group (procedure "(list->vector LIST [START END])" (p "Produce a vector containing the elements in " (tt "LIST") ", which must be a proper list, between " (tt "START") ", whose default is 0, and " (tt "END") ", whose default is the length of " (tt "LIST") ". It is suggested that if the length of " (tt "LIST") " is known in advance, the " (tt "START") " and " (tt "END") " arguments be passed, so that " (tt "list->vector") " need not call " (tt "length") " itself.")) (procedure "(reverse-list->vector LIST [START END])" (p "Produces the same output as " (tt "list->vector") ", but in reverse order."))) (p "This brings them more in line with " (tt "vector->list") " and " (tt "reverse-vector->list") ", which also take " (tt "START") " and " (tt "END") " arguments.")) (license ,licenses:zbigniew-bsd)))) #| (with-output-to-file "~/scheme/html/eggdoc-sxslt/vector-lib.html" (lambda () (eggdoc->html doc))) |# (eggdoc->html doc)