(require-library srfi-1 numbers modular-arithmetic matchable elliptic-curve-parameters) (module elliptic-curve-arithmetic (ec+ ec- ec* on-elliptic-curve? with-elliptic-curve) (import (except scheme + - * / = > < >= <= number->string string->number exp log sin cos tan asin acos atan expt sqrt quotient modulo remainder numerator denominator abs max min gcd lcm positive? negative? odd? even? zero? exact? inexact? floor ceiling truncate round inexact->exact exact->inexact number? complex? real? rational? integer? real-part imag-part magnitude) (rename (only scheme =) [= ==]) (except chicken add1 sub1 signum bitwise-and bitwise-ior bitwise-xor bitwise-not arithmetic-shift) srfi-1 numbers modular-arithmetic matchable elliptic-curve-parameters) (import-for-syntax scheme chicken matchable) ;; Elliptic curve point addition (define (ec+ parameters) (match-let ([($ ec-parameters p a b _ _ _ _) parameters]) (lambda Ps (fold (lambda (P A) (cond [(zero? A) P] [(zero? P) A] [(= P (conj A)) 0] [else (with-modulus p (let*-values ([(l x1 x2 y) (if (= A P) (match-let ([(and (== real-part x) (== imag-part y)) A]) (values (/ (+ (* 3 x x) a) 2 y) x x y)) (match-let ([(and (== real-part x1) (== imag-part y1)) A] [(and (== real-part x2) (== imag-part y2)) P]) (values (/ (- y2 y1) (- x2 x1)) x1 x2 y1)))] [(xR) (- (* l l) x1 x2)] [(yR) (- (* l (- x1 xR)) y)]) (make-rectangular xR yR)))])) 0 Ps)))) ;; Elliptic curve point subtraction (define (ec- parameters) (match-let ([+ (ec+ parameters)] [($ ec-parameters p a b _ _ _ _) parameters]) (case-lambda [(A) (conj A)] [(A . Ps) (apply + A (map conj Ps))]))) ;; Elliptic curve point scalar multiplication (define (ec* parameters) (let ([+ (ec+ parameters)]) (lambda (P n) (let loop ([A 0] [P (if (negative? n) (conj P) P)] [n (abs n)]) (if (positive? n) (loop (if (zero? (bitwise-and n 1)) A (+ A P)) (+ P P) (arithmetic-shift n -1)) A))))) ;; Check whether a given point lies on an elliptic curve (define (on-elliptic-curve? parameters P) (match-let ([($ ec-parameters p a b _ _ _ _) parameters] [(and (== real-part x) (== imag-part y)) P]) (with-modulus p (= (* y y) (+ (* x x x) (* a x) b))))) ;; Syntax to overload +, - and * with elliptic curve versions (define-syntax with-elliptic-curve (er-macro-transformer (lambda (stx rename id=) (match stx [(with-elliptic-curve parameters body ...) (let ([~let (rename 'let)] [~parameters (rename 'parameters)]) `(,~let ([,~parameters ,parameters]) (,~let ([+ (,(rename 'ec+) ,~parameters)] [- (,(rename 'ec-) ,~parameters)] [* (,(rename 'ec*) ,~parameters)]) ,@body)))])))) )