;;; epeg.scm ; ; Version 2.2 ; ; Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Peter Bex (Peter.Bex@xs4all.nl) ; All rights reserved. ; ; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ; are met: ; 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ; 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ; documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ; 3. Neither the name of Peter Bex nor the names of any contributors may ; be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software ; without specific prior written permission. ; ; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY PETER BEX AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY ; EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED ; WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE ; DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE ; FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL ; DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR ; SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER ; CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT ; LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY ; OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ; SUCH DAMAGE. (module epeg (image? image-open image-close image-size image-size-set! image-bounds-set! image-colorspace image-colorspace-set! image-encode image-comment image-comment-set! image-thumbnail-info image-comment-enable image-comment-disable image-quality-set! image-file-output-set! image-trim colorspace-gray8 colorspace-yuv8 colorspace-rgb8 colorspace-bgr8 colorspace-rgba8 colorspace-bgra8 colorspace-argb32 colorspace-cmyk) (import chicken scheme foreign) (foreign-declare "#include ") (foreign-declare "#include ") (define-foreign-type image (pointer "Epeg_Image")) (define-record image ptr) (define (epeg-err loc msg . args) (abort (make-composite-condition (make-property-condition 'exn 'location loc 'message msg 'arguments args) (make-property-condition 'epeg)))) ;; Internal convenience macros (define (assert-image img loc . args) (when (not (image-ptr img)) (epeg-err loc "Invalid image parameter" args))) (define-syntax define/img (syntax-rules () ((define/img (?func ?img ?args ...) ?body ...) (define (?func ?img ?args ...) (assert-image ?img (quote ?func) ?args ...) ?body ...)))) (define (image-open filename) (let ((img ((foreign-lambda image epeg_file_open c-string) filename))) (if img (set-finalizer! (make-image img) gc-image) (epeg-err 'image-open "cannot open file" (list filename))))) (define (gc-image img) (let ((ptr (image-ptr img))) (if ptr ((foreign-lambda void epeg_close image) ptr)))) (define/img (image-close img) ((foreign-lambda void epeg_close image) (image-ptr img)) (image-ptr-set! img #f)) (define/img (image-size img) (let-location ([width int] [height int]) ((foreign-lambda void epeg_size_get image (pointer int) (pointer int)) (image-ptr img) (location width) (location height)) (values width height))) (define/img (image-size-set! img width height) ((foreign-lambda void epeg_decode_size_set image int int) (image-ptr img) width height)) (define/img (image-bounds-set! img x y width height) ((foreign-lambda void epeg_decode_bounds_set image int int int int) (image-ptr img) x y width height)) ; From the Chicken manual. Why isn't this extremely useful macro in ; Chicken by default? (define-syntax define-foreign-enum (syntax-rules () ((define-foreign-enum) (void)) ((define-foreign-enum (?name ?realname) ?rest ...) (begin (define-foreign-variable foo int ?realname) (define ?name foo) ;; Workaround - directly exporting foo doesn't work (define-foreign-enum ?rest ...))) ((define-foreign-enum ?name ?rest ...) (begin (define-foreign-variable ?name int) (define-foreign-enum ?rest ...))))) (define-foreign-type colorspace (enum "_Epeg_Colorspace")) (define-foreign-enum (colorspace-gray8 "EPEG_GRAY8") (colorspace-yuv8 "EPEG_YUV8") (colorspace-rgb8 "EPEG_RGB8") (colorspace-bgr8 "EPEG_BGR8") (colorspace-rgba8 "EPEG_RGBA8") (colorspace-bgra8 "EPEG_BGRA8") (colorspace-argb32 "EPEG_ARGB32") (colorspace-cmyk "EPEG_CMYK")) ;; ;; Actually, the integer argument is an (enum Epeg_Colorspace), but the ;; header doesn't list it(!) and the C file uses a raw int ptr. ;; It is in the Doxygen file, so we can assume it may be used nonetheless. ;; (define/img (image-colorspace img) (let-location ([space int]) ((foreign-lambda void epeg_colorspace_get image (pointer int)) (image-ptr img) (location space)) space)) (define/img (image-colorspace-set! img space) ((foreign-lambda void epeg_decode_colorspace_set image colorspace) (image-ptr img) space)) (define/img (image-encode img) (not ((foreign-lambda bool epeg_encode image) (image-ptr img)))) (define memerr? (foreign-lambda* bool () "return (errno == ENOMEM);")) ;; ;; This code doesn't work. We should really be able to calculate the bounds ;; of an image and check if they're correct. The implementation of an ;; Epeg_Image is hidden, so we can't access it ourselves. ;; #;(define sizeerr? (foreign-lambda* bool ([image im] [int x] [int y] [int w] [int h]) "if (im == NULL) return (0); if ((x + w) > im->out.w) w = im->out.w - x; if ((y + h) > im->out.h) h = im->out.h - y; if (x < 0) w += x; if (y < 0) h += y; return ((w < 1) || (h < 1));")) (define (sizeerr? . args) #f) ;; pixel query functions are unsafe. They return a const void * which ;; must be freed with epeg_pixels_free, BEFORE epeg_close is called on the ;; image. This freeing can be taken care of by attaching a list of pixel ;; info blocks to the 'image' structure which is freed upon close. ;; The real question is, how to deal with this data in a safe and ;; userfriendly way? #;(define (pixels-get-caller pixels-get-func loc im x y w h) (or (pixels-get-func im x y w h) (abort (make-composite-condition (cond ((memerr?) (make-property-condition 'exn 'memory 'location loc 'message "out of memory" 'arguments (list im x y w h))) ((sizeerr? im x y w h) (make-property-condition 'exn 'bounds 'location loc 'message "wrong image dimensions" 'arguments (list im x y w h))) (else (make-property-condition 'exn 'runtime 'location loc 'message "cannot decode image data" 'arguments (list im x y w h))) (make-property-condition 'epeg)))))) #;(define/img (image-pixels-get img x y width height) (pixels-get-caller (foreign-lambda* (const c-pointer) ([image im] [int x] [int y] [int w] [int h]) "errno = 0; return (epeg_pixels_get(im, x, y, w, h));") 'image-pixels-get (image-ptr img) x y width height)) #;(define/img (image-pixels-get-as-RGB8 img x y width height) (pixels-get-caller (foreign-lambda* (const c-pointer) ([image im] [int x] [int y] [int w] [int h]) "errno = 0; return (epeg_pixels_get_as_RGB8(im, x, y, w, h));") 'image-pixels-get-as-RGB8 (image-ptr img) x y width height)) #;(define/img (image-pixels-free img pixels) ((foreign-lambda void epeg_pixels_free image c-pointer) (image-ptr img) pixels)) ; Unused ;(define-foreign-type epeg-thumbnail-info (pointer "Epeg_Thumbnail_Info")) (define/img (image-thumbnail-info img) (let ([thc-get (foreign-lambda* void ([image im] [(pointer c-string) uri] [(pointer int) width] [(pointer int) height] [(pointer c-string) mimetype]) "Epeg_Thumbnail_Info nfo; epeg_thumbnail_comments_get(im, &nfo); *uri = nfo.uri; *width = nfo.w; *height = nfo.h; *mimetype = nfo.mimetype;")]) (let-location ([uri c-string] [width int] [height int] [mimetype c-string]) (thc-get (image-ptr img) (location uri) (location width) (location height) (location mimetype)) (values uri width height mimetype)))) (define/img (image-comment-enable img) ((foreign-lambda void epeg_thumbnail_comments_enable image bool) (image-ptr img) #t)) (define/img (image-comment-disable img) ((foreign-lambda void epeg_thumbnail_comments_enable image bool) (image-ptr img) #f)) (define/img (image-comment img) ((foreign-lambda c-string epeg_comment_get image) (image-ptr img))) (define/img (image-comment-set! img string) ((foreign-lambda void epeg_comment_set image c-string) (image-ptr img) string)) ; Integer values between 0 and 100 (define/img (image-quality-set! img qual) ((foreign-lambda void epeg_quality_set image int) (image-ptr img) qual)) (define/img (image-file-output-set! img file) ((foreign-lambda void epeg_file_output_set image c-string) (image-ptr img) file)) ; ; Not really useful and perhaps a bit dangerous in Scheme ; #;(define/img (image-memory-output-set! img ptr size) ((foreign-lambda void epeg_memory_output_set image (pointer byte-vector) (pointer int)) (image-ptr img) ptr size)) #;(define (image-memory-open data size) (let ((img ((foreign-lambda image epeg_memory_open byte-vector int) data size))) (if img (set-finalizer! (make-image img) gc-image) (abort (make-composite-condition (make-property-condition 'exn 'memory ; Is this ok? 'location 'epeg-memory-open 'message "cannot open image from memory" 'arguments (list data size)) (make-property-condition 'epeg)))))) ; ; Badly documented, no idea what it does. ; (define/img (image-trim img) (not ((foreign-lambda bool epeg_trim image) (image-ptr img)))) )